Ross Lynch Turned into a NOTH...

By QueenEmma666

360 50 255

Welp, I'm 50% positive that I included all the cliches possible in the last book, so I figured that I should... More

Introducing...ROSS LYNCH
Jenna and the Giant Blabbermouth
My Wonderful Life Story feat. Mr. and Mr. Stubby-Arms
An Amazing Wedding
The Two Erins
Abby's Life in Prison: a Kybby Fanfiction
The Woes of the Poor UPS Guy
18762443.3 Suspicions About Justine
The Two Erins and a Leech: SQEUAL
Hey Remember This?

The Ross Lynch Opera

25 5 48
By QueenEmma666

Hello my wonderful fans and one unhappy customer! Now about the unhappy customer. As writer of this Fanfiction world, I want to make YOU and your characters happy with each other. BUT, some people seem unhappy with their portrayals and that makes the Smol cake sad :(

So, if you are unhappy, tell me how to fix your character! But all I ask is that you abide to these rules:
1. Don't complain about "oh noi". Everyone says "noi"; it's the best word in the English language and therefore you're going to say it. Deal with it.

2. Don't complain about sounding like the antagonist because you and I both know that it explicitly states in your contract that you're the "teen protagonist"

3. Don't complain about being portrayed as angry, self-centred, spoiled, blah-like, any negative trait, etc. because aren't we all?

4. Don't complain about not being equally as ashmazing as other characters because they are probably wondering why they are not as ashmazing as you!

5. Don't complain about your personality or I'll swap it out for über cliche. Aka long cascading blonde hair and green orbs surveying herself in the mirror that type of stuff.

Follow the rules or Kodzi will lock your character in a box and they'll never come out.

Great. Now that everyone is happy we can continue!

Once upon a music class, there lived a woman named Mrs. Shannager. She wanted nothing more than to teach her students opera since it was her absolute favorite topic in music. However, all the eighth graders who came into her class were extreme sinners and wanted nothing more than to chew gum and talk.

One day, Mrs Shannannanannannananaahannahanhanahannahger decided to punish the class by making them write a full length libretto for an opera due tomorrow. Our teen protagonist was muy scared. Her name was JUSTINE and she always waited until the last minute to do everything. Finally, she completed her opera at 4:21 AM the next morning. It was an absolute masterpiece and when Mrs Shananananananananahanger looked at it, her eyes bulged out of her head.

She quickly picked up the phone and called Juilliard.

"Hello Juilliard" she said.

"Yes," Juilliard answered because colleges have personalities.

"Come here QUICKLY we need you to perform this wonderful opera,"

On the way to CMS, Juilliard picked up a stray Ross Lynch who was begging Juilliard to accept him into the school for the billionth time this second.

"Go away leech" the college with a personality said "you're untalented,"

However, Juilliard was a music school, not a school school and was too lazy to realize that Ross lynch could fly and do some multiplication.

After multiplying for 3 days and 5 nights, leech finally figured out where Juilliard was headed to. He flew to CMS, and at that very moment, Juilliard in school form fell straight on top of CMS, squashing Mrs shannager flat.

"Ah" the school smirked/screamed.

It failed to notice that leech had followed it the whole way

"Now," Mrs shanny smirked "the most talented people from Juilliard will perform this wonderful opera. We have the janitor who only cleans one music stand in room -136, the bag that a random student named Askaskskslamanata carries only on Tuesdays at 2:14 PM, and for our main character...."

The school named Juilliard smirked sf the script. Ross lynch was the main character.

"Omgz"leech screamed "it's ME omgz o gotta play myself,"

"Fine," Juilliard said. "If you play yourself and do well, my long distance caveman relative named Disney Channel will accept you,"

"Yay" leech smirked "I do very well I sweer!!"

The three wonderful actors got their scrips and performed the play. It was 10099999998736372 pages long but somehow every character had only 1 line, except for leech who had two.

The opera was an enormous success and it was played on Broadway every single Thursday since. However, leech wasn't on Broadway because he bad. Instead, he was on Disney and Justine got no credit for the opera. Only 4 days later did she decide to be an actor with phelps because she decided that opera is for sneaky people like Pan.



Ross Lynch-played by Ross Lynch
Magical Pixie Horse-played by the janitor
The Sink-played by the bag

Setting: normal earth

Sink: Welcome and welcome! To our magical show! It's a tragedy about Roooooss Lynchhh and life. Mostly...sadness.

Ross Lynch: My name is Rooooss Lynchh and I am very cool it's so great being me because I'm the best I'm the best I'm the best!! I think I'm so great!

(Seven eagles fly across the stage. Penguins are released. Trumpets have to blast. TRUMPWT players you have to play like you're real TRUMPWTs. Piccolos are broken in half and thrown at the audience. The floor is covered in yellow paint.)

Magical Pixie Horse: (doing the can can) oooooooooooaaaaahhhhhhhh youuuuu resemble someone that I know, some people that I know, one is a blah and the other should beeeeee! YOU! BE-LONG with the blahs you belong in the water with all your leech brothers and sisters! You are not a human; you're a bad leech and nobody likeeeessss YOU!

(Ross lynch is drenched in water. The world floods and alien spoons rain from the sky, a meteor hits the sink and it cracks in half)

Ross Lynch: It's oooooonnneee likkkkeeesss mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

(Ross lynch recedes into the water and the new world symphony starts playing. Cardboard cut outs of Columbus appear. When leech is gone, super happy music plays and sink and horse dance for the next 100000999 pages)


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