Caught in a Moment

By xxOneDirectionxx

2.7K 50 16

"In a perfect world when he's with her, he would be wishing he was with me; when he looked at her, he would b... More

Caught In A Moment// 1x01
Caught In A Moment// 1x02 (Re-Written)
Caught In A Moment // 1x03
Caught in a Moment // 1x04

Caught In A Moment // 1x05

249 12 3
By xxOneDirectionxx

'Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes'

-Billy Joel 'Say Good bye to Hollywood' 


The word Monday made Selena flinch. It wasn't the people, no, definitely not the people, why the hell would it be the people? It was the work, the pressure and most of all, judgements. Okay so maybe it was kind of about the people. 

'What to wear...' Selena mumbled to herself, her eyes flickered to the digital alarm clock sitting on her bedside table, 7:00 A.m, it read. Tucking a strand of her just-straightened hair neatly behind her ear, she fumbled through her very large closet, it was a sunny day so she could wear a dress or denim shorts to show off her long, slim, tanned legs- which she spent hours at the beach, laying down on a soft towel tanning or she could wear boring skinnies. That was one of the few problems of going to a mufti school- It took forever to decide on what to wear for school. 

She finally settled down with white, draped satin top with a green flippy skirt, securing a thin black belt, tightining the skirt around her thin waist. She then put on her black biker jacket, giving her out fit a bit of edge. Slipping her feet into her pointed red ballet flats and finishing her outfit with a red crystal heart necklace which Harry had given her a couple weeks before he left because he 'felt the need to give her something.' 

Looking at the person standing inside the mirror, she frowned. Something didn't feel right. Her long brown hair gently touched the lower part of her back, grabbing the nearest hair-tie she tied it up into a top knot. Finally pleased with her outfit she hurried down the stairs, with 5 minutes to spare she debated whether to eat breakfast or not. The 'I'll-leave-breakfast-since-I'll-become-a-big-fat-hippo-and-then-die-alone-with-123456789 Cats' side won. Hearing a soft knock on her front door she rushed out, grabbing a black leather tote bag with her books inside she opened the door revealing a curly haired boy, whom for once seemed to have his hair combed and not the usual crazy curls everywhere. His green eyes sparkled when he saw the girl in front of him. 

'Lena!, it's school y'know, not some...event or cat-walk show or something!' Harry joked, he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked, her long, toned legs really did catch his eyes. Sexy. Harry bit his tongue immediately, did he just call his best friend since forever, 'sexy' ?! 

'Erm, thanks, I guess? And trust me, you don't know what this school is like Haz, everyone judges you by the way you look and-'

'Well you should never worry because you look stunning Lena' Harry told her, cutting her off with his thick British accent.

'Wow, I'm not going to get used to that new accent of yours now am I? And thanks' Selean replied, her cheeksturned to a shade of light pink. 'Well shall we get going?' 

'We shall' This time his accent was more posh than British causing both of them to break into a fit of giggles/laughter's. They arrived in school about twenty minutes later, they had to walk seeing Harry forgot to bring his car thinking that it was close but the walk to school let the two old friends catch up. 

'..So let me get this right, your in a band now? Or was?' Selena asked for the third time. She didn't know Harry could sing. At all.

'Yes. I was. There was also another four people in our band- One Direction, may I just say that Icame up with the name' Harry told her, taking the credit for the name.

'So there's four other British guys? Ohmygod.' Selena muttered under her breath. Just talking about British guys made her heart skip a beat.

'No, there's actually only 3 British guys, not counting me, Lou, Liam and Zayn. Niall is from Ireland so he has a-'

'Ohmygod seriously? He's got an Irish accent? hdueirfhrefhiuh holy sh-chool?' 

'Sh-chool?' Harry started laughing, turning Selena's frown upside down.

'Shut up' Blushing, Selena playfully punched Harry on the arm. 'Well here we are, the best high school in the world!' Selena exclaimed with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, before she could add on an excited shriek cut of her off.

'SELENAAAA! SELLY BELLY! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL LAST NIGHT?' The excited shriek belonged toDemi- a pretty girl with long hair extensions and a creepy big smile.

'DEMIIIII!' Selena mocked, with fake enthusiasm in her voice. 

'Oh my, who's this cutey pie here?' Demi asked, putting exaggeration on the 'c' in 'cutey' 

' 'Ello, I'm Harry' Harry smiled, humor dancing on his lips, his green eyes twinkled with play-fullness, winking at the poor girl who have seemed to fall in love with him in under one minute. Harry always did have a strong affect on girls, all he needed was to smile that movie star smile and he'd have girls queuing for him. However Demi couldn't exactly queue, she was feeling quite weak in the knees. 

 'Erm...I-I'll catch you later Selly I-I have to um, g-go' She stuttered, her cheeks blushed tomato-red, if not even more red. 'Bye H-Harry' She attempted to flirt but failing, she quickly walked away, letting out shrieks of excitement as she walked away.

'Well...she's something alright' Harry said chuckling after Demi.

'Ugh, she's so...clingy' Selena shuddered at the thought of Demi, Demi followed Selenaeverywhere from bathrooms to cafeterias. As long as Demi could go, she'd be next to Selena. 

'Oh really? She seems un...clingy' Harry added sarcastically. 

 'Sel' Selena's neck jerked towards the voice, it wasn't the usual bright tone that made her smile, today it was more..dull.

'Logan! Hey!' Exclaimed Selena, the dullness of his voice surprised her and caught her off guard.

'Henry' Logan gave a small nod towards him, acknowledging his existence for a couple more seconds, examining why on earth Selena would ditch him for this guy. His hair looks like a poodle - and not a well groomed one either.

'It's Harry' Corrected Harry, slightly annoyed with this 'Logan' guy's attitude towards him, what washis problem? 

'Oh. That's nice' Logan said, rolling his eyes, before Selena could say something, 'You know what? I'm gonna go now, bye Selena' Somehow Selena felt that, that word, 'Goodbye' meant more than just see you later it meant more like nice knowing you, have a nice life. Frowning at the thought she stared after Logan's shrinking body in the distance until it finally disappeared. 

Logan's POV

 I stormed off. Just like that. I felt eyes stare at me, probably Selena's . It felt like her eyes were burning my back, I wanted to run back and hug her and yell, 'JOKES!' or something but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I was feeling mad, angry, hurt and somehow betrayed. She practicallyditched me. I'm her best friend, not Henry! Me! I couldn't help but release my anger on to a locker beside me. WHAM! R.i.p Locker. I quickly walked away, rushing to class, praying thatHenry wouldn't be in my class. I didn't really like him. At all. 

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