What hurts the most... (ON HO...

By dangerouslovexx

54.1K 930 202

When Rose get's rejected by her mate everything comes crashing down on her. She doesn't know what to think an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Three

3.8K 77 14
By dangerouslovexx

Chapter Three..

The party was now up in full blast. I lost kait a while ago. I was still in a bad mood. The party didn't do anything to it. I felt a little thristy so I walked into the kitchen. On the counter was a girl having a boys toung stuck down her throut. I felt like throughing up. Then I realized the the boy and girl were. Stacey and seth. 

So this is how it was. I can't belieive I agreed to come to this stupid party anyways. I ran to the bathroom not wanting to show anybody I was crying. Not like they would notice. They were probably all out of it.

The bahtroom was full with people puking so I went and searched for another bathroom. I went into a room it was dark and nobody was in it. I saw it had a bathroom in it.

I walked over to it and washed my face. I heard a noice and went outside. The rooms light was on and there was a boy standing there. He didn't look to drunk. I suddenly got this bad feeling in my stomach.

I watched as he stepped closer to me. With every step forward I steped back until I hit the bed. He was right infront of me now. 

I was about to run when he grabbed my waist.

"I've been waiting all night to do this. Since the moment you walked through this door I've wanted to fuck you." He said.

I stared at him in shock. I tried to get out of his hold but he was stronger than me and just held on tighter. He picked me up by my wait and laid me down on the bed. Still having his grip on my waist.

He climbbed ontop of me and roughly brung his lips to mine. I tried to put away. I kept on strugglingtrying to get out of his grip. Whenever I had the chance I would screm hoping sombody would hear me from the loud music.

He kissed down my neck. I punched him but he just took my hands in one of his and put them over my head. With his other hand on the bottom of my top. I screamed.

"Help! Somebody. Stop Get off of me. Ahhhhh!" I screamed but All That I heard was his chuckle. He pulled my shirt over my head threw it on the ground.

"Stop Please! You don't have to do this. Just let me go! SETH!" I screamed.

Seth where did that come from.

"Ahhh please NO!" i Yelled.

He brung his face down to my stomach and began kissing up and up and up edging towards my bra. He kissed inbetween my boobs and brung on hand to open it from my back.

"Ahhhhhh STOP! please. Just stop." I cried.

Sunnanly he was thrown across the room. I couldn't see anything because the tears were covering my eyes. I whipped at my eyes with the back of my hand and saw seth.

He punched him in the stomach and then in the face.

"If you ever touch her ever again I will kill you." He threatened and punched him one more time in the face he fell back and blacked out. Seth came and picked me up in his arms.

I was to scared to protest. I moved my bbody closer against him.

His warm body covering my cold one. H elooked down at me with soft eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded. I remembered tha I didn't have a shirt on. I tried to get out of seth's arms but he wouldn't let me go.

"I-i'm okay now." I stuttered.

He let me go and I almost fell but cought myself and picked my shrit off the ground and put it on. Seth grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"What did he do to you?" He asked his eyes growing dark with anger.

"He...he..." I didn't know what to say.

"Tell me." His voice a bit louder.

"Why should I?" I asked him.

"Why should I tell you anything. You don't care about me. You only care about yourself. Why don't you go back to Stacey? I'm sure she'll fit your needs." I told him and got up and ran out of the house not caring that my brother doesn't know where I am.

I walked down the sidewalk. I'm sure I looked like a reck. People would stare at me every once in a while but I just ignored them. I was walked when suddenly I hit something. Or someone. 

"Watch where your going." Somebody said I looked up and met two beautiful green eye's. It was a boy. He had blond hair and a good looking body that girls probably drooled over. When he saw my face he looked sorry.

"Oh are you okay?" He asked. 

"Y-yes. I'm fine." I told him and started to walk away. He came and walked next to me.

"So what's your name?" He asked. 

"Rose. Um.. what's yous?" I asked.

"Rose, Like a flower?" He asked.

"Yeah." I told him.

"I'm Liam." He told me. I looked at him. It suited him. 

"So what pack are you from?" He asked.

I froze. How did he know I'm a werewolf. How come I didn't smell his sent. "How did you know?" I asked him.

"Your sent." He said.

"But how can I not...?" I trailed off but he seemed to understand me.

"My pack and I made something for us to have no sent." He explained.

I nodded. "That's cool." I told him.

"What happened to you. You loook like something just blew up." He told me.

"Aww thanks you really now how to flatter a girl." I told him.

He chuckled "No really what happened?" He asked.

"I was at a party saw my mate. He regected me the day before and had his toung stuck up some bitches throut. I cried and went to the bathroom to wash my face. The bathroom was in another room. When I got out of the bathroom somebody was there he dragged me and tried to 'do it' with me. My ex mate came and got him off of me then demanded to know what he did to me. I told him why should you care? And ran out and started walking down this street until I bumped into you." I told him.

"Wow." He said.

"I know. And the thing is I've been waiting since I was like twelve to get a mate. I just thought it would be great. The one thats supposed to love you no matter what. Look how that ended up." I told him.

"Come on one bad thing. You could learn from it and start over." He told me.

"Now your begining to sound like my mom." I told him.

He laughed. "Well it's very late. Why arn't you in bed." He said trying to sound like a mom. I laughed at him.

"One thing you never should do again is use that voice." I told him.

"Why?" He asked and faked to pout.

"Because it's cute." Ops did I just say that out loud. Judging from the smirk Yes I did.

"I didn't...You know...ughh. Stupid mouth!" I screamed.

He chuckled. Come on I'll bring you home in my car.


Pic on side of Liam! So hot and yummy!  ---------->>

I know I suck for not uploading in like FOREVER! I wanted to say that I'm sorry. It's just I have school and soccer. And I help out my dad at work. So I have a very busy schedual. So sorry again. I hope I'm forgiven. I would also like TO THANKS EVERYBODY FOR VOTING AND COMMENTING! Your the ones who make me love to write.

Please read maymay621 book  Your next. It's also a werewolf romance.

And read  dymondsareforever book  A 16 year old sex addict and her teacher.

Also if you would like me to do the same for you I would be happy to. Just message me. Thanks. Love you all!

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