No Longer a Bastard

By lady_forlorn

19.7K 433 28

Eddard Stark made her believe that she and her twin brother Jon were his bastards. But what will happen if sh... More



1.9K 53 2
By lady_forlorn

Lyanna haven't recovered from the surprise that Jaime Lannister's kiss brought on her. She stood in front of the door like an idiot until Robb went inside. She quickly shook her head from the state of stupor and locked the door when her brother sat on the stool she abandoned when Jaime came. Meraxes was comfortably lying on the hearth.

"What is Jaime Lannister doing here?" Robb then asked, breaking the silence. Lyanna sat on her bed and wrap her legs on her chest. She had been avoiding Robb after accompanying Jaime to the town and it was the second time that she faced her brother. Apparently, he seemed to be angry and reeks of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking Robb?" She asked, trying to avoid his question. She toyed with the ring he gave her last night; it was now adorning her fingers. It was a simple gift but Lyanna's heart fluttered when he saw the ring; it was made of silver and shaped like a small harp. Though she told Jaime that no one ever heard her compositions except for him, Lyanna had always played some common songs sometimes and Jon, Robb and Theon would sometimes listen clapping every after performance.

"You're avoiding my question. What is he doing here Lya?" His voice almost sounded like a growl to her, Robb maybe a good guy but sometimes when he is jealous he becomes irrational and wild. Last time Theon tried to kiss her, he ended up unconscious for several days after being beaten badly by Robb. Ned and Catelyn were surprised by their son's sudden behaviour and forced him to apologize to Theon. He never told them the reason why he punched the ward; fortunately Theon said that it was just a little disagreement knowing that Lady Stark will blame her for the accident.

She sighed. There was no use stalling.

"He heard me playing the harp, he came over to check. We talk and he left." She said. Robb looked at him in question like he does not believe in the words she had said.

"I don't want you talking to him. He is dangerous. He is a Lannister Lya. A Kingslayer and a man, who knows what thoughts he has whenever he talks to you." His words sounded like a lash to her, jealous. He was jealous of Jaime Lannister and Lyanna shook her head in disbelief. It was good though, that her brother will realize that she is infatuated with another so that they could stop this stupidity. She loves him more than a brother yes but it is improper and not possible. They can't continue like this forever.

"Robb..." She said, Robb got off from the bed and stood before the door, he turned slowly to her direction.

"I love you Lya." He said before leaving the room. Lyanna sat down on her bed and began to sob. Her heart was aching, she wanted to return his love, to do what they have a year ago, young and carefree but as she grew a year older, she realized that their relationship can't happen; it was an abomination, a sin to the gods and mankind! She must stop what they have before it destroys them.


The following morning, Lyanna spent her time on archery; it was the only way to clear her thoughts about last night's incident. Robb. Jaime. Robb. Jaime. The two men were the subjects of her thoughts and the arrow lost its mark.

"For years I watched you with a bow and arrow, this is my first time to see you miss." Lyanna didn't need to turn to check who the owner of the voice was. She simply smirked, took another arrowhead and put it on the bow; she looked at her intruder and released her arrow. The arrow hit its mark or rather it hit the end of the arrow she had shoot earlier, it cut the previous one in half before it sank on the target. She gave a satisfying smile at the scene.

Her Uncle Elbert clapped at the performance and she gave him a small curtsy.

"Your skills are improving. How about a spar?" He asked and she gladly obliged. This was her favorite past time, sparring with her Uncle. She does not know where he learned his skills but she knew that he was a great swordsman. She even saw him beat her father and his guards several times. And to be his student was a great honor, whenever Elbert was sent for an errand by her father, she and Jon would spar and they were both formidable because of their training with the old guy that most of the time, the match would end into a draw or sometimes Jon prevails because of his manly stamina.

She hurried into the armory and asked the Master of Arms for a practice sword for her and Elbert. It didn't take her long to bring back the swords and tossed it on the direction of the old man.

"I hope you won't go easy on me." She said before charging. She attacked his sides but he was fast and was able to block it. Now it was his turn, attacking her right leg but she was able to dodge it. Thrust, block, turn. It kept on repeating until finally she was able to overpower him, maybe flexibility was a good thing making it easier for her to move quickly and freely. It was an advantage says Elbert. She just needs to learn how to use it.

"How about you break your fast with me?" Elbert asked and she nodded in response. She brought the swords back to the armory and hurriedly went to the old man who helped in raising her.

On the dining table, Elbert had shared with her his adventures to White Harbor until they were joined by her Uncle Benjen who arrived last night during the King's feast. She immediately asked him about the wall.

"It is still cold there. Always freezing but still peaceful except sometimes there are wildlings on the gates trying to attack." He explained. Her Uncle had joined the Night's Watch shortly after the war ended. On some occasions he would sometimes go home and visit them, he would tell them of stories about his ranging adventures beyond the wall and about the wildlings he encounters and kills.

"Do you like being a man of the Night's watch Uncle?" She asked curiously. Taking the black was a less glamorous version of being a Kingsguard. They had the same vows, except that the Night's Watch was there to protect and watch them from the threat of White Walkers and Wildlings. Old Nan used to tell them stories about the White Walkers and the Wights. She doesn't really believe her but she was more fascinated with the children of the forest and warging. The old Lady told them that there are only one in a thousand that can be a warg. And usually it happens to people with the blood of the children.

Starks have been known to have the blood of the children and of the first men, she wondered if she was a warg too but she felt that it was impossible and the story was just a product of the people's imagination. Maybe just to entertain themselves in the past.

"Why of course. I love being a crow. What about you my dear Lya? What do you plan to do?" Benjen Stark asked her and she fell silent. Two nights ago, she asked her brother what future awaits for them and she does not know how she could answer the question her uncle asked her now.

'Perhaps you can become a musician in the King's court and play in feasts.' Jaime's voice and statement entered her mind. Of all the things she considered in her life, she didn't really think about being a musician when it was music that she loved. Perhaps she can consider that option.

"I think I would like to become a harpist." She answered quickly and toyed with the bacon on her plate. She didn't notice the strange exchange of looks Benjen and Elbert had.

"Yes, I've heard that you are a quite talented singer and harpist." She blushed at her uncle's words. "How about a song?" He asked. She nodded but quickly excused herself to get her harp. Once she had it, she played a song which came to her mind a few nights ago. It was a sad and melancholic tune, she nearly wept when she played it, it was beautiful and if she could put words on it might have been a tragic love song.

As she played her harp, she didn't notice that the great hall started to crowd with people including King Robert. He stopped on his tracks when he heard the song, it was painfully familiar. Tears welled his eyes when he remembers it; it was the song Rhaegar Targaryen played that made his precious Lyanna weep. However instead of being angry, she looked at the girl sitting in front of the two men, her eyes closed as she strummed the strings of her harp.

Lyanna opened her eyes as the song ended. She smiled at her Uncle Benjen and Uncle Elbert whose eyes were almost in tears. She was then surprised by a soft applause; she looked around to see some people around her, even the Queen clapping. On the corner of her eye, she saw Ser Jaime leaning on the door, wearing simple clothing and also clapping at her performance. She felt her heart skip on the sight but quickly turned her gaze down, afraid to see his eyes.

"I have always hated that song." Her breathing hitched when she heard the King spoke.

She and her Uncles quickly bowed to him but he signalled them to sit, Elbert hurriedly excused himself saying that he had something to attend to but the king didn't even bother listening to him.

"I- I'm sorry your grace. I didn't mean to play it. I was just..." she tried to explain herself but the King shushed her, it was then she noticed the unshed tears on his eyes.

Was the song really sad that I could make people weep when I play it? She asked herself. She actually hasn't heard this song from other musicians and she wondered how she knew how to play it.

"It was the song Rhaegar Targaryen played that made your aunt cry. I was there and I saw it. It was beautiful yes but I hated it when Rhaegar took my Lyanna away. I have banned musicians from playing that song ever since." The king's face darkened and Lyanna saw how his fist curled, she was afraid that he might hit her or the table they were eating on.

However she was surprised, the song Rhaegar Targaryen played that made my aunt cry. But how did I even know of this song? I'm pretty sure I haven't heard this once.

"But don't worry child, I'm not angry at all." The King gave her a reassuring smile before shouting about food. She hurriedly turned to her Uncle Benjen.

"Was it true Uncle? The song?" She asked.

"Aye. I was there too. I saw your aunt cry, it was the first time I saw her cry because of a song." He said in a gloomy mood. She just nodded and excused herself from the hall. Well, that was the start of her day, she didn't really want to mess up with the mood of people but she did it anyways. Was she a bad luck?

She hurried towards her room to keep her harp and decided to go to the godswood to have some time alone. She was better there than in the castle. There she could to whatever she wants, she can be free. She can't pretend that she wasn't a Snow at all. That she was just Lyanna. Lyanna Stark.

"That was an amazing performance Lyanna. It was even more wonderful than the song you played yesterday." She stopped when she saw Jaime Lannister coming her way. She felt herself blush at the remark but quickly scolded herself from doing so.

"Thank you Se- Jaime." She quickly said, there were no other people on that side of the place so she was rather free to address him by his name.

"It is rather rare to find a beautiful lady with exquisite talents. Tell me Lyanna, aside from archery, swordsmanship and music what other talents do you have?" There was no mockery in his voice but Lyanna was surprised to hear his words. How did he know?

"I saw you from my chambers earlier, you were practicing. I saw you with a man. Who was he?"

He was watching her practice? Why would he do that? Suddenly she became conscious about her appearance. She felt a shiver when Jaime's arm brushed her cheek as he took something from her hair. He smirked as he saw the hay sticking on her curls. It was her ritual to ride her horse every morning after waking up, practice her bow and arrow and sword before retiring to her lessons and needlework.

"Oh, it's my Uncle Elbert. Well, he's not really my Uncle but me and Jon calls him that way because he is almost a father to us." She replied and Jaime just nodded his head.

"Well, I'll best be on my way Ser, I mean Jaime. I don't want to keep you from the things you need to do." She said. Jaime just gave her a soft smile and she did the same before disappearing through the corridors.

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