Beauty and the Beast - The Be...

By dirtydeedsx

317K 9.2K 6.7K

After The Shield imploded and crumbled to bits. What's going to happen next? Ashley has to come to terms with... More

Table of contents.
|1| - I loved you, brother.
|2| - Sold out? We bought in.
|3| - Haunted past and uncontrollable present.
|4| - You will remember me for centuries.
|5| - Family reconciliation.
|6| - Like father, like daughter.
|7| - Behind those castle walls.
|8| - Money in the Bank.
|9| - She kissed the devil.
|10| - You're gonna self destruct.
|11| - You're playing a dangerous game.
|12| - And so the war rages on.
Side note.
|13| - Playing with fire burns you.
|14| - It's dark in my imagination.
|15| - Save me if I become my demons.
|16| - Battleground.
|17| - The power is changing.
|18| - Old wounds never heal.
|19| - Two simple words.
|20| - I'm the Queen for a reason.
Just a little note...
|21| - Battle for the throne.
|22| - Summerslam.
|23| - The kingdom has fallen.
|24| - Is this where I give it all up?
|25| - Self destruction; the beginning.
A little taster...
|26| - I've found my painkiller.
|27| - The Queen's back for her kingdom.
|28| - Saved by the... hero?
|29| - Revelations and heartbreaks.
|30| - Night of Champions.
|31| - Suffocation at it's finest.
Important little note.
|32| - This is no fairy tale.
|33| - Feelings will be the death of us.
|34| - Ding dong the witch is gone.
|35| - Dangerous love affair.
Quick note.
|36| - Divided.
|37| - Hell in a Cell.
|38| - I'm back, did ya miss me?
|39| - You three, you're bulletproof.
|41| - Safety pin.
|42| - Kryptonite.
|43| - Win the war, end the battle.
|44| - Hometown boy.
|45| - Wedding bells.
|46| - Raising the ashes.
|47| - Survivor Series.
Important note!
|48| - Victorious.
|49| - Together forever, darling.
|50| - A new era.
|51| - A boss in training.
|52| Power, glory and jealously.
|53| Hated you from hello.
|54| Nothing but a social casualty.
|55| Nothing like a bit of fun.
|56| Tables, Ladders and Chairs.
Quick message; I'm lacking in writing.
|57| Phenomenally annoying.
|58| What? I'm still a gentleman.
|59| This is the beginning.
New story!
Beauty and the Beast - Third book.

|40| - Aw, we really are crazy.

4.8K 151 83
By dirtydeedsx

Ashley's POV 

'This is going to be incredible Ashley. I'm super stoked that you chose me to be on your team' Dolph was giddy. I had decided to go and find each person and inform them that they were on my team for the Survivor Series match. Dolph seemed to be okay with the fact I had chosen him to be on my team, despite the fact his job would be on the line. 

'I'd do anything for you Ash, if that means putting my job on the line I'm totally okay with that' He grinned at me. A small part of me felt bad. Dolph was willing to do anything for me, even risking his livelihood. I just wish that he wasn't in love with me. That he could find another woman, fall in love with her and she can give him everything that I can't. 

'Trust me, I don't want anyone taking part in this match. I hate the fact jobs are on the line, it just means that you have to work 20x harder than you already do' I reminded Dolph as I ran a hand through my hair. He chuckled and took my free hand. 

'We are going to do this Ashley. Our team is going to win and you're going to be the boss, you don't need to worry about that. I can assure you're going to be an incredible boss, and a hot one at that' He grinned at me again. I painted a fake smile on my face as I let my hand drop from his. 

'Thanks Dolph. I appreciate that. Dean's pretty sure I'm going to become the boss. It's still surreal calling him Dean and not Mox anymore' I shook my head, still trying to get the hang of calling him Dean. A lot had happened in the last 24 hours. But I was Ashley Orton and I could cope with everything remember? Dolph's expression changed a little, but he continued on smiling. 

'I'm happy that he's back Ashley' He wasn't. I mean of course he was happy Dean was himself again. I just had the feeling that if Mox had carried on being Mox, Dolph would have made his move. I left Dolph to himself. Dean, Roman and Dolph had agreed to being on the team. Next up was dad. I walked down the hallway, searching for where dad's locker room would be. The whole image of him and Becky hadn't been wiped of my memory yet. I shuddered at the thought of my dad taking part in sexual acts. I shook my head, trying to rid my poor brain of those disgusting thoughts. I saw Brie walking towards me and I rushed over to her. 

'Hey, Brie. You haven't seen my dad have you?' I asked her, hoping she said yes. I didn't feel like chasing him all over the arena. 

'Forget about Randy for a second, you can't just go out there and drop a bombshell that Dean has his memory back and then carry on as normal!' Brie scolded me. 

'Tell me what happened!

'He hit his head during his match with Seth last night. The next thing I know Dean is talking to me and Mox is gone. We are going to the hospital tomorrow just to double check everything is okay. But as of now, everything is amazing. I can't believe he's back Brie. Two months he's been gone and now he's back' I was grinning again, which set Brie off smiling. She pulled me into her and hugged me tightly. I held her for a seconds, before pulling back. It was nice to see that someone was happy for myself and Dean. Someone other than Roman and my dad. 

'I'll let you go and find your dad' Brie marched me off in the right direction. I walked down the hall and continued walking until I was pointed in the right place thanks to a backstage crew member. I knocked on the door and walked in. Luckily he was with just John. 

'Mind if I have a word with you two?' I asked them both as I shut the door. 

'Of course, but first I'm happy that Dean has got his memory back' John pulled me in for a hug, just like Brie had. 

'I'm still going through the emotions of him actually being him at the moment. It's been a really overwhelming last 24 hours' I admitted to John, before looking at dad. He was still finding it relatively hard to look at me. I brushed off the earlier disaster of Becky and dad.  

'You're both aware of what happened earlier in the ring. I have Dean, Roman and Dolph on my team so far. I want you two on it as well. What do you say?' I braced myself, hoping that the both of them were up for being apart of Team Shane/Team Ashley. Dad and John exchanged looks with each other, before turning to look at me. They both grinned together. 

'Did you really think we would turn down an offer like that? Ash, we would be honored to be on your team. We want you to kick Team Authority's ass. We want to see you in charge. Let's face it Shane was right, you do know the in's and out's of this business' John concluded. I could always count on John to make me feel like I was some sort of hero who was incapable of being brought down. With John on my side I could be very political, plus he always knew what to say. I glanced at dad who was grinning at me, he had an expression on his face. He was proud of me. It was wrote all over his face. Something burst inside of me. Dad being proud of me is something I've always wanted and basked in it when he was. 

'I know you've got this in the bag kid. I raised you to be a smart woman and you definitely are. I know you're putting a unbeatable team together. Myself and John would be more than happy to be on your team' Dad pulled me in for a hug and clung onto me. I hugged him back. I was so glad that we had fixed our relationship. I hated those years we were drifting apart. I stepped back from him and my smile faltered at them. 

'You both know that your jobs are on the line right?' They nodded in unison. 

'Dean, Roman and Dolph are okay with it. So are we' Dad assured me. I nodded and let out a long breath. After going over the details with dad and John, I left the locker room and went to find Dean and Roman. Could I have one night where I was allowed to relax? No, I couldn't. 


Erica's POV 

I was in shock. I was sitting in absolutely stunned silence. What the hell had happened in the last 24 hours? I had lost my championship, Dean had regained his memory and Shane McMahon had returned. Not to mention now Shane had basically set a match up for Survivor Series, if Team Authority won then Shane's team was fired. But if his team won, Ashley would be my boss? What the hell was happening? This was a nightmare, right? I glanced over at Seth who was frantically pacing the length of the locker room. He had his hand covering half of his face and he was avoiding to look at me. I was still reeling from the fact Dean had been in the ring, not Mox. Dean Ambrose's memory had surfaced and he was back to normal. Jon Moxley was gone. Dean was back and I knew who he would be gunning for. Seth. 

'I can't believe it. Dean has his memory back. I don't understand' Seth was muttering under his breath. 

'When did it happen? It must have happened last night-' Seth snapped his head up to me. His eyes wide as he stared at me. 

'It was our match wasn't it? He hit his head in our match. It's me. I brought his memory back' Seth rasped, before laughing. 

'What's so funny Seth?' I blurted out. 

'I'm the reason he has his memory back. Do you know how good it is knowing that Jon Moxley is gone? He was an arrogant asshole. Now, I just have to deal with psycho Dean again' Seth shook his head, seeming weirdly happy about this. I shook my head and ignored his odd behavior. This was a mess. Our empire was crumbling beneath us. I needed to focus on getting my title back. I still had a rematch against Ashley. There was a rapid knock on the door which caused Seth to straighten up out of his ridiculous act. He strolled over to the door and was greeted by a flustered Kane. 

'Stephanie and Hunter want to see you now Seth' He rambled out. 

'I'm coming' Seth looked over at me. 

'I'll be back soon' And with that he left me on my own. I continued to sit there completely wrapped up in my own head. I needed to get out of here. The more I drowned myself in my own sorrows, the more I was going to make myself mad. I stormed out of the room and made my way to catering. If I could escape everyone for a few minutes that would be great. The only people in catering were The Uso's and Naomi. I sat on the table furthest away from the door and allowed my head to drop onto the table. This was starting out to be the worst week of my life. I jumped at the sound of something heavy landing on the table. My head whipped up and I saw Ashley sitting opposite me, the title on the table in front of me. 

'I take it you will be wanting a rematch for this' She stated, her fingers walking over the nameplate of the championship. 

'I want a rematch as soon as possible' I said through gritted teeth. 

'Well, you're just going to have to wait. I have a team to put together for an all important match. An important match that could see the precious Authority go bye-bye' Ashley tilted her head and smiled at me. I swallowed my pride and sat up straight. 

'Do you really think you'll have a team strong enough and powerful enough to put the Authority out of their position?' I questioned her. 

'I don't think so, I know so' Ashley grinned at me. 

'You won't win' I assured her. 

'Aw, you really don't have any faith in me do you? You may have helped me take down Skylar, but now we are back to business. You took this from me two months ago. I now have it back. I'm keeping this title, I'm taking back my throne and the Authority will perish' Ashley promised me, taking the title off the table. 

'And when I become the boss, you and Seth? Oh boy, you two will have a world of pain heading your way. Everything you two and the Authority, put myself, Dean and Roman through? I'm going to make sure you get it twice as bad. Karma's bitch Erica, and you're going to deal with her first hand. See you around' Ashley got up and left without a backwards glance. This was going to be a full blown out war and I wasn't sure who was going to win it anymore. 


Seth's POV 

I was the official captain for Team Authority. I was the one who would Team Authority out to the ring at Survivor Series and I would make sure we won. I couldn't have Ashley be the boss. She would torture me consistently. Plus, how awkward would that be? My stomach twisted at the thought of Den finding out about the weird moments between myself and Ashley. Mox's words still swam around in my head. If Dean knew I'd possibly be contemplating having feelings for Ashley, he would legitimately kill me. I had to not think about that though. I had to focus on the fact Dean had his memory back and he was more than likely going to come after me. I always had to go out into the ring and cut a promo. Hunter wanted me to go out and cut a promo on the Survivor Series match. Having a little air time would be nice. I made my way to the gorilla position and waited for my music to hit. I was thinking rel hard who Ashley would be have chosen to be on Shane's team. Obviously there was Dean and Roman, more than likely she would have asked Randy too. That left three other people. I had no idea who they could be. My music hit and I was instantly met by a loud, outrageous amount of boo's. I think I was the only heel who got this much heat. I walked out onto the stage and down to the ring. The crowd continued to boo the shit out of me, but I ignored them. I got into the ring, took a microphone and stood in the middle of the ring. I smoothed my hands down over my suit and glanced out at the crowd. 'You sold out' chants rang out through the arena, causing me to cackle. 

'Are you really not over that yet? Come on, it's been like four months now. Get over it!' I shook my head and laughed at how pathetic the audience was being. They booed me but I shrugged it off. 

'I'm not out here to talk about me tearing The Shield apart. I'm out here to let you know that earlier tonight there was a match made at Survivor Series. Team Shane vs Team Authority. Now, I have a strong feeling that Miss Orton is picking this team. Now, I'm not calling her predictable or anything, but I have a gooood feeling that she has picked the psychotic lunatic Dean Ambrose-' I was interrupted by a chorus of mind numbing 'Ambrose' chants. 

'Yeah yeah, you're all thrilled Ambrose has his memory back. Hey, he only has his memory back because I bashed it back into him last night. Moving on, I'm sure she has the supposed Samoan giant on her team and her beloved dad' I paused for a second and then leaned back against the ropes. 

'Who else could she have possibly chose-' 

I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the world, come on... 

I threw my head back and let out a sigh. Here comes the ken doll. I waited for Dolph to get into the ring. He got into the ring and of course the crowd were still chanting his name. Dolph waited for the chants to die down before he spoke. 

'If you haven't guessed already, I'm on Team Shane too' He flashed a grin at me. 

'You know Seth, it's kinda funny. The only cheers you get is when I'm out here with or Dean Ambrose is. It's kind of sad that the only people who love you are The Authority and your girlfriend... oh and yourself of course' Dolph added before laughing. 

'Ha ha ha. Dolph I know you fancy yourself quite the comedian, but the only thing funny about you is that joke you call a career' I hissed at Dolph, which caused a reaction out of the crowd. Dolph scratched his head as he looked down at the floor. 

'You are nothing compared to me' I cackled at him, waiting for Dolph to whine something back. 

'You know what Seth? You're right. I'm nothing compared to you. Especially when it comes to being a whiny, protected, sell out douche' Dolph shot back at me, the crowd 'oohing' at his insult.

'Let me tell you exactly who I am, I'm the guy who every time I step foot in this ring I raise the bar in what it mean's to be the best. I'm going to take out the self proclaimed future' Dolph launched at me, taking me down. I rolled around, trying to push him off. I threw Dolph off me and backed out of the ring, grabbing my briefcase and running up the ramp. That was four out of six of Team Shane I knew about. Who were the other two? 


|The next day|

Ashley's POV 

Today was the day myself and Dean were heading to the hospital. The best thing about having all of Dean's medical files with us is that we could take them to the hospital's in the areas we were at. Which meant we could flash them our files and we would be seen. I was nervous, I couldn't deny it. I was nervous to see what the doctors were going to say about Dean. Were they going to tell me his memory was temporary and he would lose it again? I was freaking myself out and I needed to stop. I was still reeling from Raw last night. Dolph had revealed himself to be on team Shane and he'd much guessed dad was on it too. No-one knew about John yet. I hadn't managed to speak to Finn Balor yet either. I was too agitated about this appointment. It wasn't even myself that was being seen it was Dean. 

'How are you feeling? Are you okay?' I rambled on asking Dean questions as he pulled into the parking lot of the Iowa General Hospital. Funnily, we were in Seth's hometown today. Dean placed a hand on my lap and looked at me, light amusement making his face. 

'I'm okay squirt, it's you who needs to relax. I'm going to be okay, we are going to be okay' He promised me, taking my hand and kissing it. 

'Come on, let's get in there' We got out of the car and headed into the hospital. Breathe Ashley, he's going to be fine and we are going to be fine. After dealing with the receptionist we were sent to see the head neuron doctor. He greeted us and lead us into his office. Doctor Giroud sat down in front of us. I was nervous as hell. 

'We've taken a look at your records Mr Ambrose and we want to do a quick scan on you to ensure everything is totally fine with you now. The scan won't be more than 15 minutes long and you'll get the results today' The Doctor informed us. Dean nodded and shrugged out of his jacket. I started to bite my nails because of how nervous I was, a habit I haven't done since I was 13 years old. Dean assured me over and over again that everything would be okay. He left with Doctor Giroud and I was left alone in the office. I quickly fished my phone out and called Roman. 

'Come on Roman, pick up' I muttered myself. Thankfully on the fourth ring Roman answered. 

'Hey, Ash is everything okay?' Roman asked me. 

'Dean's gone for a scan. I'm freaking out Roman. What if they say there's still some damage to brain? You know that's a possibility Roman. Dean could still have some kind of brain injury. I can't stop worrying. I just want him to be okay. I can't focus on work or anything else until I know he's a 110% okay' I babbled onto Roman not taking a breath as I expressed my worries out to him. 

'Ashley, slow down. Okay, relax. Look I can guarantee right now he's going to be okay. This is Dean remember? That match knocked his memory back into him. Not to mention before that you said Dean scratching his way through Mox. If Dean was fighting his way out of this memory loss then I assure you he's absolutely fine' Roman's voice was soothing as he tried to calm me down. I took a  deep breath and tried my best to erase all the negative thoughts out of my mind. 

'You're right, I'm panicking here for no reason. I'll call you as soon as we are out' I promised Roman before hanging up. I was sat back in the chair, doing my best to relax and just clear my mind until Dean returned to me. I stared around the room, my eyes glancing over the light blue walls. Suddenly, something popped into my mind. I hadn't told Dean that I had slept with Mox. Was I supposed to tell him that? Was I supposed to let him know that I had slept with him but it wasn't really him? The door opened and Dean came back in. I shot up out of the chair. 

'How did it okay?' I rushed out. 

'It was fine, I'll get the results in about half an hour, so let's go and get a coffee' Dean lead me out of the office and towards the hospital's canteen. I couldn't stop the memory of myself and Mox getting it on. How would Dean react to that? I held my breath as we made our way into the canteen. Dean ushered me off to find a quiet table. I opted for a table in the corner. I had to tell him. If I didn't tell him it would eat away at me. He needed to know. I waited for Dean to come back over to me, two coffee's in his hands. Dean passed me mine and he sat down opposite me. 

'I need to tell you something Dean' I confessed to him, as I stared into my coffee. 

'You're not married to another guy are you?' He mocked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 

'Whilst you weren't you and you were Mox, well something kind of happened. It was after he helped get Skylar get arrested. We ended up talking and shit... then we, uh, well you know-' I was lost for words. It had been a long time since I hadn't been able to get my words out around Dean. I had stuttered like this since before myself and him started dating. 

'You slept together?' I nodded as he just stared at me. 

'Look it's still you technically and I just I don't know' I let out a breath and avoided looking at him again. Dean chuckled and took my hand. 

'You always were one for feeling guilty over stupid things. Look, I don't like that side of me. That former me was a dick. But, I know that it was still me. Physically anyway. I'd rather you sleep with my former self than anyone else' He pointed out. He did make a good point there. 

'You didn't cheat Ash. You slept with me, it was still me body. You don't have to feel guilty okay?' Dean re-assured me, rubbing his thumb over the palm of my hand. I felt as if a large weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

'So, is there anything else you need to tell me?' He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. Probably best not to tell him that Paige was convinced that Seth was or is in love with me. Also, I won't mention the weird moments between myself and Seth. I pursued my lips. 

'Uh, I guess just none interesting stuff. John and Nikki aren't together anymore and she's been all over Seth lately. Which has been annoying Erica. Oh, yeah Paige. That's a whole new can of worms. She's like obsessed with me and wanted to get into my pants. But, now she like hates me because I was with Mox' I shrugged showing him it didn't really bother me. 

'You really do have a constant line of people wanting you. At least they know that you're mine again, now you're wearing your ring again' He commented. I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled. Boy, it did feel good to be wearing that again. We sat for a while longer, finishing off our coffee's and then head back to Doctor Giroud's office. The nerves had kicked back in again and I was worrying about Dean's scan. Just as we were about to sit down in the waiting room, Doctor Giroud opened the door to his office and called us in. Here goes nothing. 

'We have your scan back Mr Ambrose and I can tell you now everything is okay. There's no damage to your brain. You've regained all of your memory back and there is no problems caused. You're a 100% fine Mr Ambrose. Of course it's normal for you to keep having check ups. But, you are okay' The doctor smiled at us and I let out a giant sigh of relief. Dean was okay. He had his memory back and he didn't have any damage to the brain. 

'Thanks Doc' Dean thanked the doctor before turning to look at me. 

'I told you squirt. I told you I would be absolutely fine' He grinned at me, before I hugged him, hanging on for dear life. I had nothing to worry about. 


Roman's POV 

Tomorrow was the annual Halloween party that the WWE throws. I hadn't been able to make it to last years, but I was going this year with AJ. Although I hadn't actually got a costume yet, but Dean had messaged me and let me know he had bought me one. This obviously couldn't be good though. Did I really trust Dean  to buy me a costume? No. 

'What do you think?' I spun around to see AJ emerging out of the bathroom. My eyes widened as I stared at her. She was dressed at Kitana from Mortal Kombat. Damn. I couldn't get over how incredible she looked. The blue leather was fit her perfectly. 

'I'm guessing that you like it then?' She commented with a little giggle. 

'You look awesome' I told her, walking over to her and planting a kiss on her forehead. She grinned. 

'I know. I'm thinking this is my costume for tomorrow night' She spun around and then looked back at me. 

'What are you wearing tomorrow?' I shrugged. 

'Dean's picked the costume. Once he gets back from the hospital I'm going to see him and see what it is' AJ nodded and then sat down on the chair. 

'I hope you're okay with going to this Halloween party' I asked her as I sat on the bed. 

'It's just weird. The last time I went to this Halloween party I was with Phil. No-one has heard off him, he handed his notice in and he's just gone. I just want new memories now' She muttered staring down at her hands. 

'You are going to have new memories, I'm going to be there with you baby. It's going to be me and you and we are going to have an amazing time' I promised her before walking over to her and giving her a kiss. 


Ashley's POV 

'Crap, I totally forgot about the Halloween party tomorrow. Are we actually going?' I asked Dean as got back into the hotel room. He flashed me a look which demanded why I was asking such a question. 

'Why wouldn't we?

'Well it's run by the Authority and I'm positive that they have a guest list' I muttered sarcastically. I heard Dean chuckle to himself before getting his phone out. I assumed he was calling Roman, because apparently Dean had picked our costumes. Meaning his, mine and Roman's. I watched as Dean messaged Roman and then he turned around and faced me. 

'You know the Authority never show up to these things anyway. It's always manned by security. The only problem that's going to be there is golden boy Rollins. I wont let him ruin our fun though. I'll deal with him in the ring' Dean promised me as he pulled me up. 

'You remember the Halloween party don't you?' A smirk was crawling onto his lips as he asked me this. 

'How could I not? Do you remember how you asked me to go with you? That charming demand of telling me I'll be going with you' I raised my eyebrows, trying to resist the urge to smirk at him. 


'Tonight there's a Halloween party, the oh so powerful Authority are throwing tonight. Superstar's and Diva's are invited. So, I'll be seeing you there' Dean said rubbing his chin. I frowned. 

'Is that your way of asking me?' I scoffed. 

'Oh no no. I'm not asking you Ash, I'm telling you' Dean corrected. 

'You're ordering me to go to a party tonight?' I asked raising my eyebrows. Dean pushed himself off the elevator wall and stepped towards me. Of course, as usual I backed myself into the corner. You'd think by now I'd learn. He lowered himself to my level and our eyes connected. 

'You bet your pretty ass I'm ordering you to a party tonight. You wouldn't wanna disappoint the United States champ now would you?' He sniggered. I realized how close we are. Just like every other time he cornered me. 

'Give me some space, and I'll think about it' I told him. He licked his bottom lip and grinned but he didn't move. 

'Jesus, Dean. Fine I'll go, happy?' His grin got bigger and he moved out of the way.

'That wasn't so hard was it?' He asked as he finally pulled the handle down. The elevator shuddered and started moving again. God knows how we were going to explain to all the people waiting for the elevator what had happened.  

'Make sure you wear something sexy tonight' Dean smirked. I made a gagging sound, but he just winked at me. 

|Flashback ends| 

'How could I ever forget?' Dean grinned at me, as he pushed the hair out of my face. 

'You were the definition of an asshole back then' I shot at him rolling my eyes. 

'You loved it' He remarked. 

'Oh I did, did I?' I asked him, pushing him back onto the bed. Dean put his arms behind his head and watched me. He licked his lips and continued to grin at me. 

'Why else would you have gone to that party?

'To tell you to leave me alone' I pointed out. 

'But you didn't' He reminded me, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the bed. 

'No, I didn't. That was the night I fell in love with you' I felt slight blush creep into my cheeks as I looked down at our hands interlocked together. It was that night, of that party I fell in love with Dean. That was the night everything changed. That was the night I pushed and pushed my feelings down for him, and tried to make myself believe I hated him. Dean's free hand tilted my chin up and my connected with his. 

'I fell in love with you the moment you stood up to me kiddo' He murmured, before leaning into me and letting his lips brush against mine. That's all Dean got to do, because there a knock at the door. Dean groaned and slid off the bed. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair, sitting on the edge of the bed. Dean opened the door and Roman came in. 

'Alright, show me what you have got' Roman asked as he plopped into the chair. Dean scurried over to the other side of the room and dragged a huge bag onto the bed. He rooted around and then peered up at Roman. 

'So you know how you're the Samoan Superman? I thought this would fit you perfectly' Dean tossed Roman his costume and I instantly just started laughing. It was a legitimate Superman costume. Roman looked at the material in his hands and shook his head. 

'You're being serious aren't you? Dean, I don't even know if I'm going to fit into this... Do you know how big my-' Roman stopped himself and shot a glance to me and then to Dean. Roman composed himself whilst Dean raised his eyebrows trying not to laugh. 

'My legs are' Roman corrected himself. 

'You sure that's what you were gonna say pal?' Dean goaded him. 

'Don't be a dick. I'll try it on but I don't know if it'll fit' Roman shrugged. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh as Dean searched through his bag for the next costume. He pulled out one and handed it to me, whilst he got another. 

'We're going as The Joker and Harley Quinn' He grinned at me, as if he had won the lottery. I peered down at the costume in my hands. It was complete with all the accessories and a blonde wig. Wow. How would I feel about being blonde again? 

'Now that's perfect. Like no offense guys but you two are perfect for those roles. You're both completely crazy and there is no-one else who can pull this off other than you two' Roman commented looking rather impressed. 

'I know right?' Dean agreed with him. Did he just agree that we are crazy? Never mind Ash, never mind. Looks like we were going to this Halloween party as apparent alter ego's... 

|The next day| 

Erica's POV 

Convincing Seth to come to this Halloween party had been very challenging. With the mood that we were both in, partying was the last thing we wanted to do. I just knew we needed to lighten up a little. He wasn't exactly up for being dressed up, but I had persuaded him to come around to the idea. Eventually he'd agreed and we had picked our costumes. Of course we were going as a double act. I had slipped into my costume. It was complete with a nice little grey beret. Seth was in his costume too, looking rather bored. He was wearing a black pinstriped suit, with a fake gun holster around his waist. Not to mention a cute little fedora. 

'Seth, lighten up a little okay? We are going to have tonight I promise. We look awesome and we are definitely going to be the dressed there. You know that for a fact. Who else is going to be this creative?' I asked him. Seth shrugged before letting out a sigh. 

'Come on Bonnie, we have a party to crash' He held his arm out for me and I latched myself onto him. Hunter and Stephanie weren't going to be there tonight, so myself and Seth were literally going to be the only Authority members there tonight. Kane wasn't going either. If I'm honest I didn't know who was going. We headed to the rental car and Seth got into the drivers seat. 

'I'm intrigued to see what people are dressed up as. I bet you there's someone there a vampire or something like that' I rolled my eyes.

'What about a bunny? There's always a slutty bunny' Seth commented. That was true, there was always someone at a Halloween party that dressed up ridiculously slutty. We sat in a comfortable silence as Seth drove all the way to the club that the Halloween party was being held at. Stephanie had told us that they had hired the club all night for us WWE Superstars. We arrived there to see people were already in there. 

'Let's go and outshine everyone else' Seth grinned at me. We headed out of the car and into the club. As soon as we stepped inside the club, the music was blaring out around the whole room. There was already people dancing on the dance floor. I spotted Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan dressed both as Where's Wally? I had to secretly admit to myself they looked so cute. That's when I saw Nikki at the bar. She was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and of course she was showing off enough to skin to make everyone look at her. I looked away from her, trying to keep my anger tame. Seth led us towards the bar. I glanced out at everyone and saw John Cena talking to Cesaro. John was dressed as a lumberjack, which kept causing Nikki to peek over at him. She so wanted him back. Cesaro was your average vampire, but he was dressed with  lot of class. He looked a lot like Dracula, just with no hair. 

'What do you think of people's costumes then?' Seth asked as he handed me a drink, glancing around the room. I took another look around the room and saw Paige dressed too good as Maleficent. It matched her so well. I had to admit that I was pretty impressed with some of these costumes. Alicia Fox was dancing with Paige and she was dressed up as Cleopatra. Myself and Seth still looked the best though, obviously. 

'Have you seen Swagger?' Seth guided my eyes to the left of us. I let out a small laugh. He was Captain America. Oh now that was classic. It was quite funny seeing people that we work with looking like this. Ryback had come as a zombie, Eva Marie was Ariel the Little Mermaid and Sheamus looked the spitting image of the killer Chucky doll. 

'We are most definitely the best ones here-' Seth started but stopped his sentence. Everyone was now staring at the four people that had walked into the club. Of course it had to be those four... 


Ashley's POV 

We looked incredible. Like actually fucking amazing. Who knew that myself and Dean could pull off looking like The Joker and Harley Quinn? According to Roman, everyone thought that. Dean linked his hand with mine and we entered the club. Roman and AJ followed behind us. AJ was giggling still at Roman wearing the Superman costume, it was pretty funny. Superman and Kitana made quite the couple. I studied the room to see who I could see. I found Dolph dressed as Indiana Jones which sparked a smile from me. Wade was dressed as a king, how original. Roman nudged both myself and Dean and pointed over at his cousins, Jimmy and Jey who were sporting the costumes of Mario and Luigi. My eyes fell over someone wearing a red hat and was covered in head to toe in blue paint. Neville was here as Papa Smurf. Now I started full on laughing. 

'You guys look amazing!' Wonder Woman was in front of us acknowledging our costumes. 

'You don't look too bad yourself either Nattie' I praised her. She beamed at me and headed off to talk to the rather dapper looking vampire Cesaro. Renee was walking past us, dressed as X-Men's storm. I had to admit people were dressing up to their best tonight. 

'Is that Miz? Is he supposed to Robin Hood or Peter Pan?' AJ muttered from behind us, which caused Miz to glare. 

'I'm Peter Pan obviously!' He snapped before walking to the bar. 

'Psst, Ash' I turned around to see Deadpool standing next to me and a small Miss Mad Hatter standing next to me. My eyes widened as I stared at Deadpool. 

'Dad?' I closed my hand over my mouth, trying to stop the laughter. 

'Yes, it's me

'Do you even know who Deadpool is?' I choked out between laughs. 

'No... but Becky suggested this. No-one knows we are together yet' Dad's voice was muffled due to the mask. Becky was now starting to laugh. She looked absolutely incredible as the Mad Hatter. I shook my head and all of us headed over to the bar. Drinks were ordered and dad disappeared to a booth with Becky. Superman and Kitana shuffled their way to the dance floor, leaving me with my Joker. 

'Is it bad I want to like, screw you right now?' Dean leaned into me. 

'When don't you? Your sex drive is the highest it can be' I poked him in the chest and sipped my drink. 

'I can't help it if my woman is some hot stuff' He shrugged. Hey, Dean looked hot as the Joker. 

'You wanna pull on my pigtails?' I teased him before laughing. 

'You're so cute when you attempt to dirty talk' He smirked. 

'Come on Joker, let's go dance' I pulled Dean up and we walked onto the dance floor. Dean was like an awkward teenager who's mom had forced him to dance at a family wedding. I felt someone knock into me and I turned around.

'Of course it had to be you. Watch what you are doing next time' I shot at Erica, who was glaring at me, Seth flanked at her. 

'Bonnie and Clyde? That's cute. Suits both of you very well' I snarked at them. 

'Really? Joker and Harley Quinn? You two out crazy  both of those. You're like the definition of psychopaths' Erica tossed at me. 

'Could you two be any more predictable?' Seth scoffed. 

'Why so serious pretty boy?' Dean asked. 

'You're so lame' Erica shot at Dean. 

'Aw puddin. Can't you handle the fact that you two came here thinking you were going to be the most original costume here but you aren't? Is it because you wanted the spotlight on you because you're an attention seeking bitch and once again it's not on you' I grinned at her as I waved around the room. The music had stopped and all eyes were on me. 

'The only reason you two are worth anything is because you're so crazy. You draw people in because of how screwed up you are. You're nothing more than crazy, psychotic losers' Erica snapped. I clenched my jaw together and felt my body tense. I slapped Erica hard across the face and pushed her into Seth. 

'You want crazy? I'll show you crazy, I'll show all of you crazy' I promised her, before turning my back on her. 

'Ash!' Dean called my name, but I was yanked back by my hair and floored by Erica. She was scratching at me. I kicked her off me and stood back up. Seth was hauling her away and Dean dragging me backwards. 

'She's such a bitch. I can't enjoy one night without her fucking it up' I hissed as Dean took me outside to calm down. I re position my wig on my head and took a few deep breaths. 

'Are we really crazy?' I asked Dean after a quiet moment. 

'You betcha. And guess what? We own it like no-one else ever have. Chin up princess, we're the king and queen of crazy and that makes us untouchable

(TADA! Chapter is all up and posted for you wonderful people. I apologize if it's slightly long. I got a little carried away with the one. I hope you all enjoy this chapter because it was a lot of fun to write. Not to mention I enjoyed writing some flashbacks. Feedback is appreciated guys! :-))

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