The Cursed Werewolf [COMPLETE...

By pewdiesendri

29.7K 943 178

▪ I love you and you're mine... So don't leave me behind all alone!! ~ An IM5 Fanfic ~ ++++++++++++++++++++++... More

the new chick!!
my GIRL!!!!
The party
Dalton's what?
the battle of boy bands..
truth or dare
the audition
the Results
Shopping day
Full Moon
A/N (Announcement)
Still Caring For You
Re - Announcement
truth or lie
hate turning into love?
Will's what??
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Happy New Year
Not Anymore
Past History
Battle of rivals or lovers??
Quest Number 1
Quest Number 2
Quest Number 3
Quest number 4
Quest number 5
Last Quest
Epic battle 1
Epic battle 2
Epic battle 3
Can i forget you?

It's over

366 13 6
By pewdiesendri

advice: To embellish the reading of this chapter, listen to the above music..

Erza xx

Cole POV
I was hugging Mary tightly as man, I missed her to death. I thought my happiness was going to last for long but I guess fate was and is always against me. During my embrace, I felt like a pang in my shoulder. What the fudge!! I turned my head around to see Mary planting a knife in my right shoulder. Shit!!! I groaned in pain and immediately released her from my grip. She fell down and hit her head hard in the ground. I groaned loudly in pain, making the guys to wake up and rush over. Gabe and Dana went to look after Mary. Dalton and Will were trying to heal my wound and luckily it worked. It was healed and ahh, doesn't it feel good?!

After I stood up again on my feet, I walked closer to Mary who was struggling to free from the hold of Gabe and Dana. A few inches away from her, I cleared my throat, drawing her attention. She looked up and gave me a death glare. I knew it, she hasn't returned in her human form. She was still in her monstrous vampire form. Shit man, shit!!!

I told Dana and Gabe to let her go and they did so. Afterwards I shut my eyes, concentrated and murmured a spell to glow my eyes. Then I put my hands up in the air and recited my spell and suddenly a vague of smoky clouds formed around my arms and after the clouds disappeared, my sword appeared. Ah the feeling!!

I held it in my hand and then pointed it at Mary. I could see the fear in her eyes. I felt like an arrow in the heart at her sight but hey, she isn't human anymore. I looked at Mary with a serious look and seconds later, handcuffs were formed around her hands and feet. I then glanced at the boys to see them giving me the odd look. I nodded and turned again towards Mary. I hesitantly lifted my sword and brought at her neck. Her body shivered at its touch. Half of my body was telling me not to hurt her while the other half was agreeing. I lifted my sword with full force, I smacked it against her neck. Just before I hit her, she managed to murmur in her consciousness

- always remember I love you Cole

Then 'fracccc' my sword cut her neck!!! It cut her neck from her body!!! Blood was coming out like a fountain. Blood was split everywhere, on the ground, the walls, on me!!!

Immediately after I cut her neck off, her body collapsed downwards and her head frontwards. And me, I fell on my knees, letting my sword fell and cried in the palm of my hands as I lost! Yes I lost, I lost a lot!! I LOST HALF OF MY LIFE GOD DAMNIT!!!

I became now a powerful Alpha who lives without a Luna. And don't think I will find another mate again. For us wolves, it happens only once in a lifetime. The most horrifying thing is that at the very last minutes, the words that she'd spoken, she was back to her human form. Only at the last minute, but it was too late!!!  Now how will other wolves call me?! The murderer Alpha! The heartless Alpha!! The worthless Alpha!!!

My hands were getting wetter and wetter by each seconds. My tears wouldn't stop falling and it irritated me. Why can't I just stop and move on? On yeah, of course I can't.. Because I JUST FREAKING KILL MY OWN MATE!!!

Fuck me!!!! I felt like shit!! Why me??? Why me among all these Alphas in the world!??? What did I do to merit this cruel punishment!? Since childhood I never had luck and it still continues. I hate myself.

Suddenly I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked back with sadness in my all teary eyes to see the guys who were also in tears and all reddy faces like mine. Of course they would be crying also like me!! They lost a lovely Luna who they adored!!

I'm sure now they would want to abandon my pack and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that. So I managed to talk in a crying voice

- so when are you guys leaving??

I could hear some questioning growl which depressed me like a lot..

Me- when are you guys going to leave my pack??

They all gave me the most shocking expression of the year and replied shocked

Gabe- why would be want to leave your Pack Cole??

I replied with much sorrow and sadness than confidence

- because I'm a worthless Alpha who happened to have killed his own Mate!!

Immediately I was attacked by huge arms who hugged me; they were the boys. It was a sweet embrace which reminded me of Mary's ones. God, aren't I already missing her!???

I cried on their shoulders. I cried my life out! Man, I DON'T HAVE A LIFE ANYMORE!! MY LIFE IS A NONSENSE!!

Then Dalton I guess, spoke

Dalton- don't worry Cole. I promise you that none of us will leave neither your pack nor you. We are family all together and family always sticks together even in the bad and good times.

All the other guys nodded and their small gestures touched my heart. Seriously I have the best wolves by my side. I feel blessed to have them but felt cursed to have lost my Luna!

After kneeling for so long, I finally stood up on my feet with the guys holding me since I was a bit off balance. They helped me walked till the exit door to see that all the population of this blood sucker kingdom was dead. Good thing at least. Oh the substance my mom gave us. I stopped the guys from walking and took it out. I observed it carefully to conclude it was holy life water, the water who can save anything. I opened it and drank it to heal my wounds and hopefully broken heart. At a couple of seconds, all my wounds healed except my broken heart. All the guys did the same. Afterwards the six of us returned to my pack house all together.

Maybe my fate was destined to live a life, full of sadness and sorrow and was destined to be an alone wolf for eternity...

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