Love is a true spell (Adalind...

By still_dead_chases

2.4K 28 10

Adalind left her boyfriend of a year and two months, because she wasn't happy in the relationship but she lie... More

Chapter 1 - Leaving him

2.4K 28 10
By still_dead_chases

Adalind's POV

I was passing my shared bedroom to finally hear the front door suddenly open. "Adalind!" A familiar voice shouted. It was Captain Sean Renard. Today was the day to tell him that our relationship can no longer carry on. I was getting a deep nervous feeling in my stomach that made me feel like I was going to throw up. "Adalind! Are you home?!" Sean shouted again. I left the bedroom slowing stepping down the landing to lead to the stairs. I took my first step down the stairs followed by another and another. "Hi Honey, How was work?" I said in a trembling voice. Sean turned to me with a small smile on his face, the smile I fell for a year and two months ago. "It was interesting, good but interesting" Sean said turning away from me to hang his coat up. "Sean.. We need to talk" I said walking to the living room, Sean shortly following behind me. "What is it Adalind?"Sean said softly. I felt a lump in my throat, like I was going to cry, but I cant cry over this, I do not love him any more... Because I love someone else. "I know what I am about to say will be hard for you to hear Sean, but im leaving you. I have put my love on to somebody else, I have not cheated but I have felt feelings for this guy. So I'm sorry Sean but its over between us" I said standing up.

"So your just going to walk out after everything Adalind, after all them times I protected you!" Sean yelled. I frowned at him and began to walk away to go upstairs and begin to pack my belongings. When I got to the stair I felt something touch my arm tugging at it making me turn around. "Sean, let go of me!" I screamed yanking my arm away, walking quickly up the stairs. I walked down the landing entering my room shortly after. I knelt down to drag my suitcase and other bags out from under the bed, I placed them on the bed as I got up. I walked over to my wardrobe to get my clothes out, I starting loading my belonging into the suitcase, I didn't have many clothes in the wardrobe, so I began to unpack my clothes from the chester draws into a couple of the bags. The last two bag I had were for my shoes to go into.

Once I had finished packing I carried a couple of bags at a time down the stairs and putting them by the front door. "Adalind, I don't want you to leave" Sean said looking down a his feet. I felt bad for this, I lied about there being someone else but I wanted to get out of this relationship, I wasn't happy. But this was a less harsher way of leaving someone then just saying your unhappy with them. "I'm sorry Sean, I'm doing this because I don't love you any more." I said grabbing my bags and walking out the door to the car, I took three trips to loads everything of mine in the car. I walked back in the house to see Sean sitting against the wall. "I'll be back in a couple of days for the rest of my things, Goodbye Sean" I said exiting the house again. I walked to my car opening the drivers door and getting in, putting my seat belt on and putting the key into the ignition turning it to start the car engine, the head lights turned on and I began to drive off of the drive way. My phone started to ring, I looked at it for a short second to see my mother was ringing me, I answered it immediately putting it on speaker phone.

"Hi Mum" I said, with a smile on my face.

"Adalind, did you do it? Are you on your way over?" Mum asked.

"Yes Mum I have, ill tell you all about it when I get there, okay?" I said, the smile on my face soon faded.

"Okay sweetheart, see you soon" Mum said hanging up seconds after.

I drove down the highway in silence, it took me about twenty minutes to get to my Mum's house, she was the first to know I was going to leave Sean, in fact she's the only person who knows for now.

I finally arrived at my Mum's house being greeted by her on the drive way. I parked the car, turned the ignition off, unbuckled my seat belt shortly I climbed out of my car

"Adalind sweetheart, it's so nice to see you" Mum said as she walked over to me, giving me a small short hug. "Nice to see you too, Mother" I said walking to the front door opening it. I walked into the house being greeted by a rather gross smell. "Mum?! What potion are you making now? It fucking reeks in here!" I shouted not realising my mother was behind me.

"Adalind, language. Now your living back at home until you find a new place, you will go by my rules and swearing won't be tolerated" Mum said as she walked passed me. I sighed in annoyance, "I'm twenty seven for god sakes Mother im an adult I don't go by your rules any more" I said, my mum turned to look at me, anger in her eyes, she voulged and got close to my face, I did the same hissing shortly after. Mum when back into her human form, me shortly following after. "Maybe you are a grown up then, very well" Mum hissed walking away.

"That's what I fucking thought" I said heading out to the car to get my things, it took me the same amount of trips to get everything inside as it did it get it out at my now old home. I took everything upstairs to my old room. I opened the door to my room, looking directly in before taking a step in. Everything was still in place, the same as I left it. I placed the finally bag on the floor. Standing at the edge on my bed, I fell backwards onto the bed, landing on my back, I took a single deep breath. In and then out.

"Home sweet home I guess.." I said to myself.

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