Ghost Adventures: Halden Mans...

By GhostAdventuresfan09

6.8K 156 6

The Ghost Adventures Crew investigates a small town hotel haunted by the lost souls from the past. More

Walkthrough Part 1
Walkthrough Part 2
Set up for Lockdown
Lockdown Part 2
Lockdown Part 3
Reviewing the Evidence
Celebrating with the GAC

Lockdown Part 1

569 18 0
By GhostAdventuresfan09

Lockdown Part 1

I filmed Zak and Nick walking down the hall.

"Remember, no flashlights. Only in emergencies."

Zak's tone turned serious,

"I'd like to introduce ourselves to you. My name is Zak, I've got Nick, Aaron and Aura with me. We're locked inside this place and can't get out, we hope you'll make contact with us."

"It's really dark in here." I whispered.

"In fact, Aaron, could you turn off Nightvision for a second?" Zak asked.

He clicked off the Nightvision and Zak's voice pierced the darkness.

"That's how dark it is in here, we only see with these LCD screens."

Returning to Nightvision, Zak turned to us.

"Okay, uh...Aura, why don't you and Nick set up in Emma's old room?"

(Aura's POV)
Was he serious? Letting me spend time with my favorite crew member.

"Sure, let's go."

I viewed the staircase in my camera, carefully watching my step. Nick was right behind me carrying a Static Nightvision Camera.

Zak and Aaron carried on with finding the other Xs.

As we approached the bedroom, I sat on the bed. Nick stood nearby to briefly speak to me.

"Okay, Aura. I set the camera on a tripod to film you. Here's a Digital Recorder and EMF Detector."

He handed me the devices in my hands as he quickly used a flashlight.

"I'm gonna set up another X camera in the hallway, so if you need me, just yell." he assured.

"Got it." I nodded.

"Feel free to ask questions." he added as he left the room.

A slight feeling of nervousness surged through me, but I decided to proceed.

"Emma, are you in here?"

I heard nothing, but kept talking.

"Are you trapped here?"

At that moment, my Digital Recorder caught an EVP of a child saying...


As I sat on the bed, my Static Nightvision Camera caught the sound of footsteps, but no one was up here other than me.

"It's freezing in here." I whispered as I felt the hairs on my arms stand up.

A while later, I heard Nick setting up the camera in the hallway.

I continued to ask questions.

"Emma, would you like to play with the toys in here?"

I paused, then heard a faint child's laugh as the EMF Detector spiked.

"I got a reading of an 8 and just heard a laughing noise."

At the same time I heard the disembodied laugh, the Static Nightvision Camera caught a ball of light pulsing over a doll I used as a trigger object.

Meanwhile, Zak was investigating the second floor.

"Is there anybody here?"

He paused then asked another question.

"Is there a worker trapped inside this Mansion?"

His camera's audio picked up an EVP of a man.


Aaron was by himself on the first floor, filming the staircase.

"Dude, this is nuts. I can't see what's-"

A sudden knock from behind made him jump.

"What the-" He pointed his camera down the hall.

"Something made a loud knock behind me."

Back in Emma's old room, I concluded my EVP session.

"Nick, are you out here?" I asked softly.

"Yep, I'm right here."

With the Static Nightvision Cameras still rolling, we headed back down to the first floor. Once we regrouped, Zak organized another plan.

"Nick, you and I will investigate the old Dining room. Aaron, you do the third floor and Aura, you try the basement."

I slightly cringed,

"I'm uncomfortable with basements, but I'll do it for you guys."

Reluctantly, I headed down the hall as the guys walked off.

Carefully, I walked down the stairs. The basement was dark, musky and chilly.

"Okay, here I am in the basement."

I slowly walked around a corner and stumbled across a pile of old wooden planks against a stone wall. I noticed something on the wall of what looked like a painting. Carefully, I pulled away the planks and pointed my camera to the wall.

"Oh my gosh, the guys didn't see this during the walkthrough."

What I found was a faded inverted pentagram, which suggests something demonic occurred here.

"It must have been before the hotel was in service."

I was surprised by my finding, feeling as though I just uncovered a piece of lost treasure.

"I can't believe we didn't see this before."

After I said that, my camera's audio caught a voice faintly saying...

"It's not safe..."

As I crouched down and investigated the pentagram, a deep growl from behind caught my attention.

"What was that?" I whispered, scanning the room with my camera. I turned back to the pentagram and noticed my LCD screen froze.

"What the-" A deep and louder growl was in front of me. Looked up and saw something I will never forget.

Screaming in terror, I dropped my camera onto the concrete floor.

Meanwhile, Zak and Nick were quietly talking when they were disrupted by my distant scream.

"Was that Aura?" Nick asked,

"Aura?" Zak called out, no response.

"Aura?" Nick tried, still no response.

"Let's go find her. Go,go,go."
Nick said as they hurried to the basement.

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