3000 Miles Away || Wesley Str...

By hemmingblvd

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Wesley Stromberg and Riley Summers have been dating for years. And when he he shows up at her door one day as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

923 16 0
By hemmingblvd

Wesley's POV
We lie beneath a thin blue blanket holding each other afterwards. My arms are tight around her, and her's squeeze my torso. It's like we're trying to make up for the lost time, so we cling to each other, afraid to let go.

I rest my chin atop her head, her face pressed into the curve of my neck. I can feel her warm breath on my skin.

I'm trying to hold in tears, but I can feel their warmth pressing at the corners of my eyes. I should be happy, I am happy. I didn't cry once the whole time we were apart, because I tried not to think about how much I missed her, I tried to distract myself. But now that Riley is here in my arms I know exactly what I was missing, and all the sad is seeping out to make room for the happy.

I blink repeatedly to get rid of the tears, and cough once to clear my throat of the thickness that comes with crying - or at least nearly crying.

Riley maneuvers her head so that she's facing me. She squints her blue-gray eyes and examines me, looking for I don't know what. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm -" My voice is croaky, so I clear my throat again. "I'm fine. Perfect." I smile at her, and rub my nose against hers.

She smiles a goofy, crooked smile and kisses me quickly on the mouth.

"I'm gonna get dressed," Riley tells me. "Just stay here or whatever."

I laugh. "Okay, will do."

I watch her hurry out of the room, not taking any of her clothes with her.

I sit up, and pull on my boxers and dark jeans, but decide to stay shirtless.

I wonder if Riley plans on telling her mom about leaving to come on the tour. But then again, her mom isn't really the type to care.

Riley's POV
I dress quickly, choosing a green summery shirt and a pair of white shorts.

I return to the living room to see that Wesley is partially dressed and sitting on the couch, staring down at his phone.

I tip toe up behind him, making sure to be extremely quiet so that I can scare him. In a fast motion, I grab his bare shoulders and let out a loud "Boo!"

He sits upright quickly, seeming caught off guard and breathing heavy.

I laugh. "Did I get you?"

"No," he mumbles, fiddling with his phone.

"Yes I did," I giggle. "Scaredy cat." I plant a kiss on his cheek and make my way around the couch to stand before him. "So whatcha wanna do before we have to leave?" I ask.

"Um I was thinking-" He types something quickly on his phone. "-that we could maybe stop by-" He coughs. "-your, uh, mom's house?"

My eyebrows raise up in shock. "My mom?"

Wesley stands up and uncrosses my arms from my chest, taking both my hands in his overpoweringly big ones. "Riley, when's the last time you saw her?"

"I don't know," I huff. "A year ago? And I wasn't exactly planning on seeing her ever again."

"Well change that plan," he tells me. "'Cause we're going to see her today."

I shake my head sternly. "No way."

"C'mon," he sighs. "I've never even met her."

"Then you're lucky!" I exclaim. "I wish I never met her," I mumble as an added afterthought.

"What could be so bad?" I can tell Wes isn't going to let this go easily, and I'm not in the mood to argue.

"You wanna know what's so bad?" I walk over to the front door and grab the keys to my junky red truck. "Let's go."

"Where?" he asks, suddenly confused and seeming to question whether he really wants to meet the woman that all this fuss is about after all.

I blow a stray brown hair out of my face. "My mom's house, obviously. C'mon."

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