August 9,20l3

By FearNot

283 4 0


August 10,20l3
August 11,20l3
August 12,20l3
August 13,20l3
August 14,20l3
August 15,20l3
August 17,20l3 and kind 16th
August 18,20l3
August 19,20l3
August 20,20l3
August 21,20l3
August 22,20l3
August 23,20l3
August 24,20l3
August 25,20l3
August 26,20l3
August 27,20l3
August 28,20l3
August 29,20l3
August 23,20l3
August 31,20l3
September 1,20l3
September 2,20l3
September 3,20l3
September 4,20l3
September 5,20l3

August 9,20l3

88 1 0
By FearNot

During the 1700s in England, a girl would pin four bay leaves to her pillow and eat a hard-boiled egg, including the shell, on the eve of St. Valentine’s Day. Supposedly, if she dreamed of a boy that night, she would soon marry him. Girls would also write boys’ names on small pieces of paper, cover them with clay, and drop them into the water. When the clay broke, the papers floated to the top. The first name the girls could read would predict whom they would marry.


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