Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gast...

By PineappleGalore001

224K 7.6K 9.7K

When a mishap in a reset happens and a character from another version is transported into the current world a... More

Little Quick Authors Note:
C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
C h a p t e r 4
C h a p t e r 5
C h a p t e r 7 ✂
C h a p t e r 8 ✂
C h a p t e r 9 ✂
C h a p t e r 10 ✂
C h a p t e r 11 ✂
C h a p t e r 12 ✂
C h a p t e r 13 ✂
C h a p t e r 14 ✂
C h a p t e r 15 ✂
C h a p t e r 16 ✂
C h a p t e r 17 ✂
C h a p t e r 18 ✂
C h a p t e r 19 ✂
C h a p t e r 20 ✂
C h a p t e r 21 ✂
C h a p t e r 22 ✂
C h a p t e r 23 ✂
C h a p t e r 24 ✂
C h a p t e r 25 ✂
My FanArt (Part 1)
My FanArt (Part 2)
My FanArt (Part 3)
ART CONTEST (closed)
C h a p t e r 26 ✂
C h a p t e r 27 ✂
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C h a p t e r 6 ✏

8.1K 248 663
By PineappleGalore001

(Ok, this is gonna kinda be a long chapter {1266 Words to be exact}... so deal with it!)

(Sans' POV)

I made it home. Gaster!Sans was outside with Papyrus, talking about... different pastas or something. I shrug it off and meet them. Papyrus runs up to me and gives me a skele-hug. (Bear-hug don't sound right right now...)


"Oh, that's great, buddy!" I hugged him back. Gaster!Sans walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. I told Paps to give us a second.

"Your brother... he reminds me of my own when we were young." A cigarette was pulled out of a box and he lit it. it made me laugh, speaking his eye-sockets started to smoke lightly. "But things happened, and that kinda changed. I may explain later..."

I understood, quite frankly. And as I was about to suggest we went in the house, I get a call.

"Hello, Sans here!"

"Hey sans! It is me, (Y/N)!"

"Oh, hey (Y/N)! What's up?"

"Uh, Toriel and I wanted to know if-" I herd a giggle in the background. I was a little confused. "Do you want to come to Tori's place for dinner? You could bring a guest along if you like."

I smile, and then it falters. "Sure! But... may I bring an additional guest? He was staying over and I don't want to leave him here in my place." I could see Gaster!Sans trying to say that it was ok to leave him, but I didn't give him a choice.

"Oh, Sure! We made a LOT of food... It shall be ok! Well, meet you here in a little while!" I could sense her smile on the other end of the line. She hung up and I was left to gather my thoughts.

Gaster!Sans spoke first. "Who was that?" Light blue covered my face. "Oh, you LIKE her, don't ya! Do tell!"

I told him about how we met, and Papy decided to listen in. Both of their faces twisted in happy laughter as I told him about what went down at Grilby's.

"It was crazy! I didn't know we had it in us! 15 Hot dogs balanced on her head? PRICELESS!" We all laughed. "Hey, Lets get going, we got to get to the ruins in a few minutes!"

It took us a little time to walk their, but when we did, we seemed a little early. Papyrus knocked loudly on the door. We were greeted by the kind face of Toriel. "Oh, please, come in! So who is this 'guest' that you spoke of-" Her mouth gaped when she saw Gaster!Sans. "Ok, promise to explain during dinner!" she led us to the table, which was neatly set up.

A familiar voice sounded from up the stairs. "Tori, who is that, are they here already?" I saw (Y/N) peak around the corner. "Shoot! well, let me finish dressing and doing my hair and makeup..."

She disappeared and a little while later, she came back in a white tee-shirt and fancy dark jeans. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair was made to look elegant, yet every-day-like. She had in silver pearl hoops. She still had her makeup in the cat-eye. She looked nice. No, scratch that, lovely!

(Gaster!Sans' POV)

I look in awe at (Y/N). She was gorgeous! She may have not tried, but I couldn't help but look! Papyrus, on the other-hand, just looked happy to meet her. I look over to Sans, who stared at her with what I swore were heart-eyes! I was almost jealous. But I only go off of personality so I would have to test her for kindness and, well, HOPE.

She smiles. I smile back, quite sheepishly. Damn... why me, and at this time? She finds a spot at the table, between Papyrus and Toriel. She keeps her smile, but her eyes show confusion.

"Hey, guys, thanks for coming! So, hows things, guys?" I could tell that she doesn't want to sound rude in asking about their being 2 of us, and I understand.

Sans speaks. "Oh, Tori, you may not understand, but their was a problem in the- erm- system." This was only half true. Only the timeline was glitched, not the full system.

Tori nods. "You are right, I don't fully understand, but ok. I hope you guys like mashed potatoes!

(Y/N)'s smile was once again false. I started wondering... No, don't think about that... Suddenly, her mood lightened.

(Le Time-skip to after the meal)

Apparently, Toriel has to head down to Waterfall for business reasons, so he had to let (Y/N) stay at out place. She had packed all her belongings and had almost killed Tori with hugs! Then, we were off!

(Your POV)

I thought for a while... Shit, I think I caused the glitch that made Gaster!Sans come here. kinda felt bad, taking him away from family, but he explained that he was going to be away from home for a while anyway. At least that...

Sans saw my worry. "You ok, (Y/n)? You look tense." His calming, deep voice made me smile.

"Yah, I am ok... just... thinking..."

Gaster!sans put a hand on my shoulder, as did the original Sans. I swear i saw them glare at one-another, but I shrugged it off. Before I knew it, we were in a place called "Snowdin". I regretted not putting on a jacket, but my jeans and my white wool shirt didn't work well enough. Papy saw me cold and lent me is scarf. I smiled and side-hugged him.

Sans and Gaster!Sans were quiet the whole trip. I didn't understand it.

We arrived at their place a few minutes later. it was a nice sized home, and looked comfortable inside. Sans opened the door and let me pass first, pretty fucking gentleman-like, in my eyes.

(Time-skip brought to you by Chris Pratt!)

Papyrus has suggested we watch a movie. Out of the corner of the bookcase full of movies, i found one that i very much enjoyed. "Hey, how does 'Guardians of the Galaxy' sound?


(Because I don't want this to be too long...)

We finished the movie, me clinging to either Sans or Gaster!Sans on some parts and crying on Papyrus' shoulder when Groot dies. (Shit... sorry if you haven't watched the movie yet... don't worry, good ending still!)

When it was time to settle for bed, Sans went upstairs to put Papyrus to sleep, leaving me with Gaster!Sans.

"So, (Y/N), i am glad that you decided to stay with us. You enjoying your stay so far?"

"Yah, and thanks for letting me!" I smile brightly.

"No problem-" I give him a quick hug. I let go to see his face bright yellow. Is this how skeletons blush? How odd... He then gave me a small grin and patted my shoulder. Sans then came downstairs.

"Hey, (Y/N). You can take my bed tonight."

I looked at him and replied that I was ok sleeping on the floor, since it looked like Gaster!Sans was sleeping on the couch.

The other sans looked at me and shook his head. "No, i can take the floor tonight-" I cut him off.

"No, you are not forcing me to sleep where you sleep. I will take the floor." I didn't give him a chance to resign. I stubbornly sat on the carpeted ground. Both Sans' sigh and Sans went upstairs to get a blanket and pillow.

I said my good-night and soon, I fell asleep.

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