Living with Justin Bieber

By cwritesforfun

20K 647 110

Your mom tells you her best friend from high school and her family are visiting. The thing is are you expecti... More

Living With Justin Bieber
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Justin's POV
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Justin Bieber Appreciation Chapter
In honor of JB's Purpose Tour
Chapter 11: The Zoo
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: THE CONCERT
Chapter 16
Chapter 17: See You Later- Justin's POV
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chaper 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
1K Reads
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Justin's POV
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
A Holiday Imagine
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Justin's POV
Chapter 35
Shoutout !!!!!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: Justin's POV
Chapter 39 - Triple POV!!!
Chapter 40 - Another Triple POV!!!
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - Justin's POV
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Appreciation #2
Chapter 55 - Double POV
Chapter 56- Justin's POV
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Summer Imagine
Chapter 61: Graduation
Chapter 62- Double POV
Chapter 63: LA Trip: Day 1
Chapter 64: LA Trip: Day 2
Chapter 65: LA Trip: Day 3
Chapter 66: LA Trip: Day 4
Chapter 67: LA Trip: Day 5
Chapter 68: LA Trip Day 6
Chapter 69: LA Trip Day 7
Chapter 70: LA Trip Day 8
Chapter 71: LA Trip Day 9
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76- Purpose Tour
Chapter 77: Purpose Tour
Chapter 78: Purpose Tour
Chapter 79: Purpose Tour
Chapter 80: Purpose Tour/PopUp Shop
Chapter 81- Purpose Tour
Chapter 82: Purpose Tour
Chapter 83: Purpose Tour
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88: Justin's POV
Chapter 89: Purpose Tour
Chapter 90: Purpose Tour
Chapter 91: Purpose Tour
Chapter 92: Purpose Tour
Chapter 93: Purpose Tour
Chapter 94: Purpose Tour
Chapter 95: Purpose Tour
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99: Christmas
Chapter 100: Valentine's Day
Chapter 101: Purpose Tour
Chapter 102: Purpose Tour
Chapter 103: Purpose Tour
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106: Justin's POV
Chapter 107
Chapter 108: Bachelorette Weekend
Chapter 109: Bachelor Weekend
Chapter 110
Chapter 111: Wedding
Chapter 112: Honeymoon
Chapter 113
Chapter 114

Chapter 10

211 10 0
By cwritesforfun

I realized I'm making Pattie sound like a bad mom in certain chapters. Whoops. It is after all a fanfiction :) :)

I wake up and stretch a little. Justin stretches next to me as well. I say "Morning." He says "Morning." We both get out of bed. Justin asks "Morning kiss?" I answer "Sure." We kiss and we go downstairs. Today has been relaxing so far. Yay.

When we walk downstairs, we grab our food then sit down. My mom says "For today, we were thinking about heading to the zoo. It's only an hour drive and it's always fun to go to and spend time at. Sure some of it is pitiful, but overall a good experience." I say "Sounds enjoyable." Justin says "Yah. It sounds fun."
We all agree to leave 15 minutes after breakfast. We all finish breakfast and we all go get dressed for the day. I pick out a white boyfriend tank top, white and turquoise tie-dye shorts, and white converse. I put on my watch, earrings, and a necklace. I put my socks on and my shoes. I grab my purse and phone also. (Below is her outfit)

I sit and wait for Justin to change. He comes back in and grabs some shoes and socks from his suitcase. He puts them on and we head downstairs. When we arrive, we sit down because we were the first ones ready. I say "Hey. Look. We are the first ones ready. That's surprising." Justin replies "Yah. Usually we take longer to get ready. I guess we're ready for the zoo." I say "Yah. I guess we are." I hear my mom yell "Clarissa, if you are ready, can you come into the kitchen please?" I yell back "Coming." I turn to Justin and say "I guess I have to go help my mom." Justin says "I'll come in case I can help as well." I say "Ok." We walk into the kitchen to see our moms standing there talking. When they see us, my mom says "Should we bring lunch or eat lunch somewhere close to the zoo?" I say "Somewhere near the zoo because then our food will be sitting in a cooler in a hot car and it won't be the best. I understand we did it yesterday at the water place, but this is a little different. At least that is my opinion." My mom replies "I agree. I see your point about not wanting melty creepy food. Alright I'll try to find a good local place for lunch. What do you think, Justin?" Justin answers "I agree with you and Clarissa." Pattie says "Of course you do." Justin snaps back "What is that supposed to mean?" Pattie begins a mini rant by saying "You agree with everything Clarissa says. Why? Do you have a brain? I mean nothing seems to be going on in your head, except for thoughts on Clarissa. Do you disagree with her at all? I mean I see why you would agree with her this time. She is an amazing person who is super sweet. Make sure you can stand up for yourself. I'm going to go upstairs now to finish getting ready." She stomps off and leaves the room. My mom says "That was unexpected and uncalled for. I'll go talk to her about that. We'll probably leave in like 10 more minutes. I love you both." My mom then walks out the room.

I walk out and go outside. I sit down on one of the lounge chairs and I think. Does Justin really agree with everything I say? Does he only think about me and nothing else? I'm so confused. I finally realize Justin is sitting next to me with his head in his hands on his lap. Oh no. I hope he isn't crying. I start to rub his back and I lean down next to where his head is. I kiss him lightly on the cheek. That's when I notice his tears coming out of his eyes. I say "Justin, do you need a hug?" He whispers through tears "Yes." He sits up and I put my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on my shoulder. He rests it there. I continue to rub his back as he cries. Poor little Justin. I say "Justin, I hope you understand that if you ever disagree with me, please let me know. Explain to me and don't just go along with what I say. I'm not right all the time and I know that. Please don't be afraid of standing up to me." Justin lifts his head and he pulls his head back until we are facing each other. I feel my phone buzz and I say "Oh. It's probably my mom." I pull my phone out and I see a text from my mom. It says Honey. Tell Justin we've decided to go to the zoo tomorrow instead of today. Everyone needs a day of rest. I hope you're both doing okay. Pattie and I are going out for a calm lunch and maybe a manicure or something pampering. Love you so much!! I read it and text back Alright mom. We are doing fine thanks for asking. See you later and I love you so much.

I turn my phone off and I put it back where it was. I say "Our moms decided everyone needed a day off, so today is for rest and anything we want to do. Our moms are going out for lunch together and they are going to something pampering like a manicure also." Justin nods. He then puts his around my shoulder and rests his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his back also. So cute. I rest my head lightly on his head and I know my life is pretty good. My social anxiety is slowly getting better, I'm eating lunch now, and I have an amazing boyfriend. I lift my head off and I bend my head down to kiss Justin on the cheek lightly. When I pull away, I sit back up and I stare at the backyard. Nature is wonderful and beautiful. Justin interrupts my thoughts by saying "Clarissa, I never got to tell you stuff that I should tell you. Everything you've said today has made me really think. Now, you're being so kind and you keep kissing me on the cheek and hugging me for support. I've got to come clean with my thoughts. After all, a good
relationship is built on trust. When my mom flipped out on me, I just started going downhill. She tore me down with her complaints and she was so rude. I've never seen her act so weird. First, she is happy I have a girlfriend who I love. Then, she's mad about it. Don't worry though, I feel like my mom will be better soon. When you were telling me that I shouldn't be afraid to stand up to you and that you're not always right, I realized I guess I sort of have been entranced by you a little too much. I'm going to show my mom I have a brain and I don't always agree with you. Although I have to tell you, you have some great ideas. Anyway, that's my little speech. I hope you understand." I reply "Why wouldn't I understand? You make sense and I agree with you. You have great ideas as well. Since we get to hang out together today, what do you want to do?" Justin says "I don't know. I just want to spend time with you. I know that much. Is there a lot of people at every place we could possibly get lunch?" I say "Well I know this one sandwich place that usually has fancy business people and young children with their families there. Otherwise, pretty much most places have tons of people." Justin replies "Ok. Why don't we go there?" I say "Sure. When do you want to go?" Justin answers "In a little while. We can continue to talk outside. It's nice weather." I say "Yah it is." We continue to talk about life and stuff.

After we talk for some time, Justin says "I'm getting hungry." I say "Ok. We can head to lunch now then." I stand up and Justin stands up blocking my way. I say "Or we could stay here I guess." Justin wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him for a hug. He says "Clarissa, you are amazing. Thanks for being my girlfriend." I say "You're welcome. Love you too." Justin releases me from the hug and intertwines our hands. He says "Now we can go out to lunch." I say "Okay." We walk inside the house and I grab my car keys from the front table. I open the front door and we walk out. We walk out to my car and we get in the car. Time to head to lunch!

I start the car and say "What kind of food do you want?" Justin replies "Wherever has good food is fine with me." I say "Ok." I start the car and we start heading to a good Tex Mex place that is amazing.

-Tex Mex is having a blend of Mexican and southern American features originally characteristic of the border regions of Texas and Mexico. (Google's definition)

It is called "Maudie's". (This place is real.) I keep driving. As we sit at a red light, I turn the radio on. The song starts and it is "Sorry." I say "You know this singer is really good." Justin says "Oh really?" The light turns green, so I keep driving. As I'm driving, I say "Yah. He is one of the best in my opinion. His songs are all so good and I love them. His new album is probably my favorite. It's all about finding your purpose in life." Justin smiles and says "What is your purpose?" I reply "I'm still searching for mine, but luckily I have hope." Justin laughs. He says "I didn't realize you listened so attentively to my music videos. Wow. Real fan right here. Thanks for those compliments." I say "You're welcome. We're here. Do you want to sit outside or inside?" Justin replies "Outside." I say "Ok." We get out the car and I lock it.

When we walk up to the front doors of Maudie's, Justin opens the door for me. I walk in first and he comes in as well. We walk up to the podium and I say "Table for two outside please." The man says "Alright. Come with me." We follow the man as he leads us outside and to a nice little booth. It's peaceful outside and very nice. Not too many people here and they haven't paid too much attention to Justin. Yay. We both sit down and the man sets down the menus. He says "What would you both like to drink?" I say "One Coca Cola please." Justin says "I'll take a Coke as well." The man says "Alright. Thank you." He walks off. I pick up the menu and I start reading it. As I'm looking at it, I flick my eyes up to see Justin and he is staring at me over his menu. I say "Hey. So, this is why you and I can't go out to eat. You just stare at me over your menu." Justin says "Clarissa, I stare at you so much. You have no idea. Anyway, I'll keep looking for what I want to eat." I turn my attention to the menu again and I see exactly what I want. I put my menu down and I pull my phone out to see a missed text from my mom saying Hey! Honey-are you with Justin? I reply Yes. Why? She replies back Just making sure he didn't run away and you didn't just randomly leave. Ok. See you later. I text back Love you too. I turn my phone off and I put it back where it was. I see Justin set his menu down. I say "I'll pay this time if you want. I'd love to." Justin says "Actually I'm paying this time. I'd love to pay. I will make sure in some way that I pay before you. Don't test me." I say "Ok. Pay away my friend." He smiles. The waiter comes back and sets down the drinks. The waiter says "Would you like more time to look at the menu or have you both decided?" Justin answers "We are finished looking at the menus. I'd like one enchiladas perfecto. Thank you." The waiter says "And for you ma'am?" I reply "One chicken fajita quesadilla please and thank you." The waiter says "Alright. I'll be back with your meals." The waiter walks off once again. I pick my Coca Cola up and I take a sip out of it. Justin smirks. I start laughing. Hehe. Justin starts laughing as well. Whoops laughing attack. I stop laughing and I take another sip of my Coke. Justin smirks again. I say "Justin, every time I take a sip of my drink, you always smirk at me. You gonna tell me about that?" Justin says "No, Clarissa. I'm not gonna share this thought with you. Believe me, you wouldn't want to know." Ooh la la. Someone is weird and creepy. Well then. Time to talk about something else. I say "So, are you excited for some yummy food?" Justin replies "Yes I am especially since I get to spend this meal with you." I say "Well aren't you the cutest? I'm glad to be here with you too." We talk about food until the food arrives. The waiter sets them down on the table and leaves. Yes. Food!! I spread some sour cream on my quesadilla and I bite into it. Yes!! So yummy!!
I look over at Justin and he is chewing his first bite as well. I finish chewing and I say "How is your enchilada?" He replies "Really good. I love it so much. Great idea, Clarissa." I smile and say "Thank you." I continue to eat my lunch. So yummy I tell you so yummy. We keep eating and the waiter comes back. The waiter says "Are you both enjoying your food?" I say "Yes it is wonderful. Thank you." Justin says "I agree 100% with her. Thank you." The waiter says "Would you like your check or are you going to get dessert?" Justin says "We'll take our check now thanks." The waiter pulls out the check, sets it on the table, then leaves. We continue eating. I say "If you aren't full when we're done, we can go get some ice cream next door at Baskin Robbins." Justin says "Ok if I'm not full, sure."  I smile. Yay! Ice cream is awesome! When we finish eating, Justin puts the money on the check and signs the check. He lays it back down and soon enough the waiter is back. The waiter takes the check and leaves. Another man comes by and picks our plates up. The waiter comes back and gives us the change. He says "Thank you for coming and come again!" We smile and we leave.

Once we're outside the front of Maudie's, I say "Ice cream or no?" Justin says "Yes to ice cream." I say "Yay." We walk in and to the front of the line since no one is line already. The girl at the register says "OMG. Justin Bieber at Baskin Robins while I'm working. Dreams really do come true. Can we take a picture?" Justin says "Can I order ice cream first for myself and my driver today first?" The girl turns to me and says "You are so lucky you get to drive him around today." I say "Yeah. It is crazy how life works out for us sometimes." Justin says "Anyways, I'll take one rocky road for me." I say "I'll take the Oreo cookie n cream please." The girl says "What size would you both like?" Justin says "Small please for both of us." The girls answers "All right. That will be $6.00 please." I pull out $6 and I hand it to her. She then says "I'll get you your ice creams now." She scoops our two bowls of ice cream and hands them to us. I say "Want me to take your picture?" The girl excitedly replies "Yes. Please." She says "Here's my phone. Thank you." I say "You're welcome." I start a video and I click to take a picture when they hug and when they are holding hands. After, I hand the girl her phone back and she looks at the pictures and video. She says "Thank you so much. I love it. Thank you for stopping by Justin!" Justin replies "You're welcome. Thanks for being a great fan."

We leave the ice cream shop and we get into my car. I start eating my ice cream, so it won't be melted when I get home. I put it into the cup holder and I start driving. We pull up at a red light and I grab my ice cream. I take another bite. Yum! I'm so happy! I say "How is your ice cream?" Justin replies "It's great. I love your ideas today. Where to now?" I say "Well I was going to head home, but whatever you want is fine with me." Justin says "No I'll be fine going home. I need to face my mom at some point." I say "Justin, just know whatever happens, I'm there for you." Justin smiles and says "Thank you. I'll like and retweet that girl's picture if she puts on Twitter or like it if she posts it on Instagram. Make her happy." I say "Aw. Now you're getting the hang of it." I keep driving and we return home. I grab my ice cream and I get out my car. Justin has his ice cream also. I lock my car and we unlock the front door.

We walk in and we see our moms in the dining room. I yell to them "We're back." Pattie yells back "Could you both please come in here?" Justin yells "Ok." We walk to the dining room. My mom says "You both might want to sit down. It'll be more easy to hear." Oh great. A deep convo. We both sit down across our moms. My mom turns to Pattie and says "Begin." She must be keeping her in check. Ok. Maybe this will be ok. Pattie says "I apologize for my earlier behavior. It was uncalled for and rude to the both of you. Clarissa, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you in that way. Justin, I know you have a brain and that you are smart. I understand in a relationship that you support each other. I really am sorry about messing with you. The reason behind that is that I love you Justin. I want you to stay with me forever and ever. I never want you to leave the house even. I miss you. Sorry. I realize now you both will be separated for who knows how long after we leave. I now realize how bad I was. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me for my actions." I say "Well I don't know what Justin thinks. I just want to say I forgive you. It's fine that you said all that because you apologized in the end and I understand." Pattie says "Thank you." Justin sighs and exclaims "Mom, if you miss me or love me, just tell me. I'm not going to know when you miss me unless you tell me. I love you so much. Next time, just say that you want me to walk with you or talk with me. I do forgive you." Pattie says "Thank you so much." My mom says "Where did you both go?" I say "I took Justin to Maudie's and then we went to Baskin Robbins. It was yummy." Justin adds "I met a fan at Baskin Robbins who was so happy to meet me. It was a nice outing." Pattie says "That sounds so fun. I'm so glad you guys had fun together." I say "What did you both do?" My mom answers "We went out to lunch and we also got our toenails done. We had a nice relaxing time." I say "That sounds so fun." Justin says "Where is Benjamin?" My mom answers "He is on a bike ride with Rich." Justin says "Oh. Good for them." Pattie says "Do you miss them being here? Now, you have to talk with ladies." Justin says "Yah. I sort of do miss them. You guys seem like you want to talk about deep things and really girly topics." Pattie says "Aw. So cute. You can go somewhere else if you want." I say "I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom." I smile and walk out. I walk in the bathroom and I lock the door. I needed to pee so bad today. Whoops. After I go pee and wash my hands, I look at my face. Eh. My zits are fine. Not too bad. Okay, that's good. I open the door and I walk back out to where they were all sitting. I sit back down in my seat and I see they are all laughing and telling stories. My dad and Benjamin come in shortly after looking all sweaty. They both go separately to take their showers. We all decide to discuss tonight and tomorrow when they get out.

A little while later, they both come out the shower and sit down with us. We decide tacos for dinner and a movie after. We will wake up tomorrow and go to the zoo. No delays and no problems. We will look up some good lunch places nearby and we will have lunch. After that, we will head home. We all go to anything of our choosing for before dinner.

We all walk upstairs and chill in our rooms. As I'm sitting on my bed near Justin, I start thinking. I text Becky first saying Wouldn't it be awesome if Justin held a concert for everyone in town if he was still here? Also, will you be in town for the next few days? Becky quickly texts back Yes that would be a dream come true. We already discussed this, I will be in town for the next few days. Why are you wondering? I text back I'm going to try to see you somehow. Becky texts back Tell me what your mom says!! I text back Ok! I then look up to see Justin on his phone. I wonder if he would hold a secret performance for Becky and I or fans in town in general. Ugh. I say "Hey Justin." He looks up and says "What's up?" I say nervously "I...I was wondering if...if you would ever be up to a...a secret concert to fans on your last day before you leave? I mean you don't have to. I just think Becky wants to see you and other fans love you. You don't have to do it. Just consider it as an option. You can even hold it in my backyard or we can find somewhere to perform for a small group." I then look down at my nails and I begin picking at them. I do this a lot and my mom always gets mad. It's part of having social anxiety I guess. Whoops. I try to hold together. Justin slides closer to me and leans close to me. He says "Clarissa, were you nervous to ask me about that? I'm not a scary person. I will definitely think about that. Okay?" I nod slowly and say "Thank you." He laughs lightly and says "You know sometimes I can tell that you have social anxiety, but sometimes I can't tell at all. Good job Clarissa." I say "Thanks. I'm trying to talk a little more at least." I smile a little. He replies "There's that cute smile of yours. I saw it." I smile and I look at him. I say "I love you so much." Justin answers "I love you too my little cutie." I laugh lightly. I'm so glad we are dating. I wish the world would be accepting. Whenever celebrities are dating, everything becomes everyone's business and everyone is on the news. Like what if I want a normal life with this famous person? Well no I can't have that. Yikes. Justin pulls me into his lap and he leans into a kiss. We kiss. Yes! Amazing-ness I tell you. Amazing-ness. Once we release, I stay in his lap. I keep my arms wrapped around his neck and I lay my head on his shoulder. He rests his head on mine. He says "You are so warm, except your little ice cube hands." I laugh lightly and say "Sorry if my hands are cold sometimes. It's just me." He says "It feels nice actually." I say "What should we do?" He says "I'm going to lay down, but we can just cuddle until we have dinner if you want." I say "Sure. Sounds nice." He lays down and I go with him. When we're laying down, I put my hand on his hair and I feel it. (Below is a pic of Justin's hair 2016 at the Grammy's)

His hair is so nice feeling. I take my hand away. Justin reaches over and feels my hair. He smiles and says "Nice hair." I laugh. Sorry for being awkward and feeling your hair dude. Hehe. I hear someone yell "Dinner is ready!" I say "Oh. We have to get up. Yay!!" Justin says "You want a piggy back?" I say "Not tonight. Ask me tomorrow when we get home after going to the zoo. I'll say yes then." Justin says "Ok. Come on." He sits up and reaches his hand out. I take his hand and I get up. We both get up and go downstairs. We arrive at dinner and we get our tacos. We all sit down and flak about all of our own adventures that happened today. Everyone sounded like they had a calm and enjoyable time. Yay!!! After dinner, we agree to change and meet for a movie. I grab my pajamas and change in the bathroom. Justin meanwhile changes in my room. After I'm done changing, I walk out the bathroom and I knock on my door. I say "Hey Justin. Are you finished changing?" He says "Yah. Come on in." I walk in and I see Justin with no shirt on. I say "Looks like you didn't finish changing. I could've waited." He says "Oh. You've seen this before Clarissa. I'm fine. Do you have any acne cream I could borrow?" I say "Acne wash or just acne lotion?" He replies "Lotion please." I say "Ok." I grab the lotion out my drawer in my dresser and I hand it to him. He puts some on and hands it back to me. I put it back and he slides a shirt on. We walk out and downstairs to the living room. I see everyone is just getting situated. Perfect timing. We sit down and get a blanket. I say to everyone "What are we watching?" Benjamin says "Jack and the Giant Slayer." I say "Ooh. I like that movie. It's pretty funny." I snuggle next to Justin and we watch the movie. We all are laughing the whole time. After the movie finishes, everyone heads upstairs.

When I get to my room, I plug my phone in and I turn collapse on my bed. Justin tosses his shirt and socks off then climbs in bed. He turns off the light and I snuggle next to him. I say "Night J." He says "Night C." We then fall asleep.

Sorry for taking forever to update. I feel terrible. I stayed up to 1 AM because I wanted to update so bad. Well thank you all so much!! -------->>>>

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