2016- A New World

By Alianna

118 6 6


2016- A New World

118 6 6
By Alianna

Okay guys, this is a short story i wrote for a competition (I WON!!!! :) couldnt believe it), the theme was Townsville.  If you want me to write more, ask and i'll see if i can.


The blood curdling scream rips through my house, reverberating off the walls and rattling the pictures. Racing out of bed, I slip on my boots, strap some knives on under my shirt and practically jump up the two flights of stairs and onto my roof. Looking over the edge, I see a woman and man running for their lives, weaving around the cars that are precisely placed, and the trees that have been cut and positioned. If I am ever caught outside, I can easily dodge the creatures following as they run through the traps I made.

The ten or so monsters chasing the couple are human in every way but one; they have now been reduced to eating the rest of mankind. Bloodthirsty creatures, they survive off the flesh and blood of humans. Covered in grime, ripped clothes and dried blood everywhere, they are nightmarish.

The cause of the zombie epidemic was a secret government experiment, which was held in a laboratory under Kirwan State High, Townsville. The Townsville scientists believed they had found a bacterium, which in the human body would super charge stem cells, making human muscles stronger. The micro-organisms were placed in a number of soldiers, trialling their strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately for man kind, a number of the men changed when the bacteria was added. It is believed that the chemicals in Townsville’s water reacted with the bacteria, and created the fatal disease. 

 With over two thousand students at Kirwan High, the epidemic spread in little time, within hours Townsville was chaos.

Coming back from my thoughts, I watch as the woman falls over and is instantly covered by the filthy forms. A wriggling mass of legs and arms, with high pitched screams coming from the centre. The man stops and turns. As soon as he sees his partner on the ground, he tries to run. But that couple of seconds is long enough for more creatures to jump on him. Watching as they are devoured, I feel at ends as more and more people are dying. Staying indoors wasn’t an option for other people. Their homes were easily penetrable, their means of defending themselves consisted only of knives and house holds appliances.

I have a two story house with every window closed and barricaded, food and a supply of weapons my father owned before he was killed. A military man, he taught me at a young age to protect myself, training me in martial arts and weaponry. He was teaching a defence class at Kirwan High when the epidemic started, one of the first to catch the disease. 

Going back inside, I shut the door and dead bolt it. Slowly walking downstairs towards the kitchen, I hear a banging on my front door. “Help us please!” I turn sharply, racing to the front door and grabbing the shotgun in the umbrella holder. Walking up to the door warily, I peak out of the eye hole to see two boys and a girl around my age. The one pounding on the door is handsome, with brown hair hanging in his blue eyes and a buff body. The other two are cowering together, both blondes, frightened and oddly still beautiful. “Please I know someone is in there.”

As I look behind them to make sure that no zombies are coming or have heard them, I unlock the 4 locks and move the wood off of the iron rods. Stepping back, I let them in quickly and bolt the door. Turning around, I see the two blondes on the couch in the living room, cuddling each other. The guy that knocked on the door is standing right behind me, looking at me with an emotionless face. “Thanks,” he says, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

“No problem,” I take his hand and shake it with a firm grip. Letting go I walk into the living room, my feet padding softly on the ground. “How did you know I was in here?” I ask, sitting on the coffee table with my legs crossed.

“I saw you on top of the roof,” Brown haired guy said, standing behind the couch the others are on.

Looking over at the two who are still on the couch, I put my hand out for them to shake. “I’m Ali,” I introduce. 

“H-hi. I’m Lisa and this is John. Were twins.” The girl puts her hand out and we shake. Nodding at both of them, I turn to the other guy and wait for him to introduce himself.


“It’s nice to meet you. So where are you guys from?” I ask, standing up and walking into the kitchen. Ruffling through the cupboards for some snacks, I see that I’m going to have to take a trip to the shop.

“Were from Port Douglas,” Quinn says, walking into the kitchen with the twins. “How have you survived all this time?” he asks, taking a seat at the kitchen table. Looking at him funny, I throw the chips and tin food on the table. The twins dig in, eating like they have been starved.

“I have been careful, making sure that the zombies don’t know I’m in here.”

“Yeah but you would have been caught going out side! How did you get back?” Staring at him for a minute, I finally realise that he thinks because I’m a girl, that I should have died by now.  Glaring, I walk over to the bench and grab a knife. Flipping it in my hand, I throw it over my shoulder while staring him in the eye.  

“It’s in the kitten calendar, isn’t it?”  Smirking as his eyes widen, I walk over and place my right hand on the table, bending so I am eye level with him. “Just because I’m a girl, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to take care of myself.” Straightening a little so he can see the outline of the knives under my shirt, I watch his eyes widen even more. “Besides, you grow up in Townsville, and you’re sure to learn a few tricks.”

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