
By Bluejay321

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I wrote this years ago and only reuploaded it in a desperate attempt for serotonin. Maybe one day I'll edit i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Lukas Jones

Chapter Two

5 0 0
By Bluejay321

This is our story. Everything that's happened in the past few years is in this book. So let's get started.

I took a deep breath, to calm myself but my leg was still bouncing with a mix of anxiety and excitement.
Come on Tony, pull yourself together.

        I wasn't nervous, just concerned about suddenly having to make new friends, I had ADHD and most people found me annoying. I couldn't help it, I just couldn't sit still even if I wanted to.
         I checked in at the registration building, found my room and set all my stuff down. I was early, one of the first students in for registration, just as I'd planned. I got the first flight to Pennsylvania from Wisconsin to ensure I would have plenty of time to get used to the place. Only now did I realize that I'd much rather wait to meet at least one roommate before touring around the campus. I was a very outgoing person but I sucked at making friends. My roommates, at the very least, were kind of stuck with me, we lived together so they really had no choice but to like me. Right?
I plopped myself down onto one of the bottom bunks and pulled out my phone. I contemplated texting one of my friends, but decided against it. I really only had one friend back in Wisconsin but his girlfriend insisted he stopped contact with me, for fear of me stealing him away from her. As if, Parker and I agreed to always be friends back when we first met in fourth grade. However, I wasn't surprised when Parker picked her over me. In fact I was the one who told him to go with her after all, I was moving to Pennsylvania for four years anyways.

         I switched through different social media apps, desperate for something to entertain me. I even considered taking a nap or unpacking my stuff, neither seemed too appealing. Finally after almost an hour and a half the door opened.
"Thank god someone else is here. I want to go do something." I exclaimed, so excited that someone was here. Immediately I kicked myself for being to loud and to friendly to soon, I was rooming with these people all year and I couldn't afford to mess this one chance up. Looking at the girl who had just walked in, I noticed immediately she was very pretty, she had tan skin and light blonde hair. Her legs were long and nimble and her arms, despite's being rather toned, were small enough that I could probably wrap my hand around her bicep. She wore a white lacy dress and nude heels.
        "Are you my roommate?" She asked, as she put her bags down.
        "One of your roommates." I reply, turning my phone off and watching as she gazes around the room. I worry instantly if I stressed the word one to much that it came out snobby, the last thing I wanted was for her to think I was snooty.
       "I'm Blythe Baker." She says. She doesn't hold out her hand and I pretend not to notice. Well, I may not be snooty, but she certainly is. I stop myself from thinking negatively towards her, she could just be nervous, like me.

           "I'm Toni Sugg, our other roommates should be here soon. I've been so bored, I got here early and have been waiting to meet people and hang out with my new roomies." I say looking at her.

        Her words, if there were even any, are cutoff when the door opens. Immediately I jump up to greet whoever is there.
       "Hi!" I say. The girl who enters has brown hair and icy blue eyes.
"Hello," She replies, her voice soft.
"Im Toni, what's your name?"
"Willow Morgans." She responds. Her voice sounds different but I'm not sure what accent it is. I've never been out of Wisconsin so it really could be anything to me but it doesn't sound American. It's similar to Blythe's but it's not as proper.
"I'm not as early as I'd hoped, my flight was delayed." She says, walking further into the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Blythe stop whatever it was she was doing.

         "You're from the U.K." Blythe states.
         Willow nods. "My parents are both Irish but I grew up in Wales. You're from Britain,  I'm assuming." Blythe nods.
           "That's super cool!" I exclaim. "I'm just from Wisconsin, home of the Cheeseheads." Again, I'm being loud and obnoxious but I can't help it, I feel left out of the conversation.
             Blythe says nothing and I start to feel like a nuisance but I notice Willow giving me a small smile. Immediately all sadness leaves me.
"Are you two on the bottom bunks?" Willow asks, motioning to our stuff on the beds.
"Blythe is, not me. I want a top bunk." I respond, moving my bag from the bottom bed and flinging it onto the bed above.
        "Let's all unpack everything, then we can walk around campus." I suggest.
We're quick, putting clothes into proper drawers and setting picture frames out. In no time the room looks more homey. We're just waiting for Blythe to finish unloading all her clothes when a sudden realization hits me.
I miss Parker.
It had been nearly three weeks since he had left me for Lacey and only now had the truth really hit me. Parker was no longer my friend. I had no real friends.
I really need to get close with my roommates.

I turned to Willow. "What's Wales like?" I ask her, maybe she'll like me.
Willow seems startled at first when she realizes I'm speaking to her.
Maybe I'm not the only one without friends.

"It was nice." Willow starts. "We lived on the coast, on an island called the Holy Island. It was a beautiful island." She pauses momentarily. "I would sit on the rocks and draw the ocean."
        "Are you an Artist?" I ask. Which is a dumb question because if she's drawing the ocean and at an Art and Design school then she's most likely an artist.
          Willow nods. "I live for art. It's what kept me going after," She trails off. "After some dark events." I give her a reassuring smile, I want to know what she means but I don't push. 
             "I love to doodle and do simple sketches, but I'm here for sculpting." I tell her, deciding to take the attention of her and on myself, but then I worry that she'll think I'm conceited and self absorbed.   
             "I would love to be able to sculpt. It was my dream for so long but, I found I had a talent for drawing and now I can't imagine myself doing anything else." Willow explains to me.
           I go to say something else but I'm cut off by Blythe announcing that she's done.
         "Great!" I exclaim, clasping my hands together. "Let's go explore campus. I want to meet everyone." I hop up from the bed, pulling Willow up with me. I drag her to the door after ensuring Blythe was following. I let go of Willow's hand when we reach the steps. I hurry down the steps stopping only when I hear Blythe let out a yelp of fright. I look up to see that the heel of her high heels had slipped through a hole in the steps, thankfully her death grip on the railing stopped her from falling into Willow and I.
       When we make to the field, Willow and I converse back and forth about what our home life was like.
        I notice Blythe isn't with us and I look back to see her just as she bumps into a boy. Willow notices and together we go to back to Blythe.
                  "Sorry Blythe. We didn't realize you weren't with us, Willow was telling me all about the U.K."  I tell her before looking at the boy she bumped into, I notice that there's another boy aswell, most likely a friend.
        "I'm Lukas." The boy who bumped into Blythe says.
         "Hi Lukas! I'm Toni, and this is Blythe and she's Willow." I'm super excited that we finally met people. I realize I'm talking fast and I brace myself for strange looks from Lukas and his friend but there are none. Lukas doesn't even have to stop to make sure he heard me properly.
       "Nice to meet you, I'm Lukas Jones and this is my friend and partner in crime, Sam Johnson." Sam waves to us and out of the corner of my eye I notice Willow waving back to him.
        Sam seems quiet, like Willow.
        They'd be a cute couple.  I think.
     Although they'd be better as flirty friends.
              Lukas suggest we check out the town that surrounds campus and we all agree.
        We stick together as we walk through small shops. Blythe mutters quietly about the lack of name brands and 'good clothes'. We all ignore her, hopefully she'll come around soon.
       When we find an old antique store we split up.  Sam, Willow, and Blythe aren't interested in the store but Lukas happily agrees to come with me.
I walk in and browse through old baseball cards, creepy dolls and ancient strollers. Lukas and I head upstairs to be met with old clothing and accessories.
"Toni, look at me." I ignore Lukas for a second to check out an old pair of white gloves.
"Toni," He whines, dragging out my name. "Look at me."
I turn around to see him wearing a teal blue satin hat. He bows and holds out his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He asks. I nod and take his hand.
Quickly, Lukas places his teal hat on my head and puts a black top hat on his. Together, we dance to the stores soft jazz music.
I loose track of time as Lukas and I spin around holding hands. For the first time all day I am able to forget about Parker. Lukas pulls me closer to him as the song changes and wraps his arms around me. He rest his head on my shoulder and I place mine against his chest. We stay like that for a while, swaying together side to side.
I find myself wanting to remain in Lukas' arms forever but he pulls away. I try to hide my disappointment.
"We'd best go find the others." He says to me with a smile that could shift the world off its axis. I nod and agree.
I can't help the smile on my face as we exit the store, hand in hand.


Diving straight into romance perhaps? Do we have any Tokas shippers? What about Sillow?
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to do a introduction chapter for everyone so you can get to know them all better and then I guess the Povs might just be random. Pic is what I imagine Toni to look like. The story is a little boring but don't give up on me yet, it'll get better. (I hope)

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