5 Seconds Of Summer One Shots...

By invisiblecords

65.7K 810 280

A collection of One Shots based on 5 Seconds Of Summer, I may write some. However, most will be taken from Tu... More

Somewhere to remember us (Luke)
A daydream away (Luke)
Nothing (Ashton)
Sunshine (Michael)
Rainy Season (Ashton)
Dear Calum (Calum)
Notes (Michael)
Too Broken (Ashton)
Wedding Date (Ashton)
The Boy At The Coffee Shop (Calum)
Small Bump (Calum)
I'm Half A Heart Without You (Ashton)
The Sessions (Calum/Michael)
Stay (M.C)

Grasp (Calum)

3.4K 51 15
By invisiblecords

*Sad Calum Hood*

Listen to the song on the side whilst reading:)

He held your hand as you walked along the pier. His fingertips lightly brushing against your knuckles.

You had just enjoyed your first date with Calum, a simple trip to the beach. He had made you laugh throughout the night. However, he had now gone quiet, laughter ceasing at his lips. You turned to see a frown cross his face.

‘Cal?’ You questioned, ‘Are you alright? Is something wrong?’

‘No, Y/N. Nothing just-nothing.’ Cal sighed.

‘Calum. Come on. You can tell me.’ You appealed.

‘Uh. Well. I guess I’m nervous, that’s all. I really like you. I’m scared that I’m going to fuck this up somehow.’ He confessed, his eyes darting anywhere but you.

Your shoulders sagged forward and you released your hand from his, only to place it tenderly under his chin.

‘Nothing you could do could mess this up now, Cal. I’m in too deep. There’s no way you’re getting rid of me now.’ You smiled, genuinely meaning every word you said.

A look of relief flickered across his face, his features all relaxed at once. A light smiled graced his lips as he exhaled out,

‘That’s good then; because I have no intention of getting rid of you.’

Your hands resumed their earlier positions; his larger hand encircling your much smaller one.


He held you hand as you stumbled across the street. His other hand had been tightly wrapped around your waist, giving you much need support.

‘Thankss, Cal-Cal.’ You slurred out.

The large amount of alcohol you had consumed that night had seeped into your veins and had numbed your senses.

‘It’s okay, Y/N. You mess.’ Calum chuckled. He had walked to the club to pick you up, to look after your muddled state.

‘Sorry.’ You admitted. Through your hazy mind you felt guilty, you hadn’t meant to get this bad. You didn’t want to have to rely on Calum.

‘Don’t be stupid Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m here to look after you. I mean, what else are boyfriends for, huh?’ He insisted, a slight smile playing on his face.

You grinned and looked down, focusing on keeping your balance. Calum’s hand was soft and warm against your own. It was guiding you home.


He held your hand as you cried. His whispered apologies filled the air.

‘Y/N, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of that. I love you.’

You continued to sob as he pulled you closer.

‘Y/N? Please. Talk to me? I need to hear you voice. I need to know that we’re okay.’ Calum pleaded, his voice cracking, seeping with emotion.

When you failed to reply, he continued,

‘I need you, Y/N. I need you baby, to warm my lonely nights. You can’t leave now, you’d take a part of me with you. Please.’ He chocked out.

Your tears continued to fall and his breath hitched. You stared into his sad, brown eyes and you forgave him.

‘It’s okay.’ You whispered.

His body sagged with relief and his hand tightened around yours as his wrapped his other arm around your frame.

‘Thank you.’


He held your hand as you both walked through the airport. Faces blurred past you as you focused on your thoughts.

Calum was leaving for six months, there was no way around it. You would not see him in the flesh, you wouldn’t be able to feel his warmth for six months.

Your eyes turned downward as you fought the tears that were threatening to spill over. You did not want to cry, you did not want him to feel guilty for leaving. This was his dream.

‘Y/N? Are you okay?’ Calum’s voice interrupted your thoughts, his eyes grew wide with concern.

‘Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.’ You murmured.

‘Thinking? Well, that’s a first.’ He cheekily replied.

You lightly batted his shoulder and feigned a hurt expression, pushing your bottom lip out.

‘Aww, I’m sorry babe.’ Calum apologised, a playful smirk still plastered over his face.

‘I’m going to miss you, you loser.’ You breathed out. Calum’s face fell and his eyebrows knitted together.

‘You have no idea how much I’m going to miss you, Y/N. I’ll be thinking of you every second I’m away.’ He said, sadness creeping into his quivering voice.

His hand clenched around yours and you dreaded the moment that it would eventually have to pull away.


His hand took hold of yours as you arrived at the altar. His eyes skimming over your dress before landing on your own eyes. He smiled and his eyes crinkled.

‘Do you, Y/N, take Calum Thomas Hood, to be your lawfully wedded husband?’ The minister briskly spoke.

‘I do.’ You tentatively answered, looking up into Calum’s eyes to see that they were still lit up.

‘And do you, Calum Thomas Hood, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?’

‘I do.’ He confidently spoke, joy filling his face.

You grinned at him, relieved that he was still sure on marrying you.

‘I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.’ The minister concluded.

You both leaned in and your lips met, his hand was still grasping onto yours.

You pulled away and smiled, you were finally Mrs Hood. You were finally his.


He held you hand as you both looked down at the small white stick placed on your bed.

‘Now, Y/N. Whatever this says, we’ll work with it. Maybe it will show two blue lines, then that means that we’re going to be parents and that will be our dreams come true. But maybe it will show just one blue line. That means that it hasn’t happened this time but that doesn’t mean that it won’t ever happen. We’ve just got to keep trying.’

You nodded and reached out a shaking hand to pick up the pregnancy test. Calum moved closer and rested his head against yours.

You turned it over to reveal to blue lines.

‘Cal…Cal, we’re going to be parents. Cal. It’s finally happening! Oh my god.’

Calum just grinned ecstatically in return, his hand squeezing yours.


He held your hand as you screamed out. Your hospital gown spread tightly over your bump.

‘Y/N, you’re doing brilliantly. You’ve got this far! There not much longer to go. Then, I promise, you won’t feel any more pain. I promise.’ Calum soothed you. You could see that he hated seeing you in this much pain just as much as you hated being in it.

You let out a groan and another wave of agony hit you.

‘Y/N, just think; in a couple of minutes we’re going to be able to see our little man. You’ve just got to get through this.’

You screamed once more and pushed until the pain ceased and the sound of crying filled the air.

You smiled.

‘You did it Y/N! Well done, baby. I love you.’ Cal spoke animatedly, his eyes staying on his new-born son as his hand stayed clinging to yours, comforting you.


He held your hand as you both sat in the doctor’s surgery. His fingertips lightly traced circles onto the back, his eyes staring ahead.

‘Calum. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine. I’m sure the scan’s healthy.’ You spoke quietly, in an attempt to calm him. In reality you were just trying to compose yourself.

Calum simply nodded, willing to play along with the pretence that everything was going to be okay. As long as it helped you. He was doing what he always had done, protected you.

‘Calum Hood, room number 6 please. The doctor will see you now.’ The receptionist called over.

Your breathing quickened as he stood up, pulling you up also.

You walked into the doctor’s office and sat down.

The doctor began to explain the scans, Cal’s recent headaches, blackouts and dizziness before giving you’re the diagnosis.

He held you hand as your world came tumbling down.


He held your hand as he lay on the hospital bed. Wires and tubes covering him.

Your eyes sadly wandered over his body. It was once so strong and able, now the illness had reduced it to a prison.

‘Don’t be sad, Y/N. I don’t like it when you’re sad.’ Calum thought aloud. His eyes staring forlornly into your own. ‘Smile.’ He ordered.

You mournfully smiled, it not quite reaching your eyes. Of course Calum could see this.

Look, Y/N. I’m going, we both know it. But I don’t want you to be unhappy, I never have. I want to enjoy the rest of your life without me.

I’ll be looking down on you, both of you. You need to promise me that you’ll carry on, carry on for me. You can’t spend your life missing me; you need to get out and make the most of it.

You need to travel, you need to take baby Olly to see the pyramids; he’ll like that. You need to go to the beach more, I know you enjoy it there; you’re relaxed when you’re by the sea.

You need to smile more. These past few months your face has been filled with doubt and worry that I was worried that you had forgotten how to smile. You look so beautiful when you smirk, your eyes light up and your whole face shines.

I love you so fucking much. I’ve known that ever since that day at the pier. I was so nervous. Nervous that you wouldn’t ever feel the same way. But you did. You agreed to be my girlfriend. You have no idea how happy you made me.

You’ve continued to make me happy over the years, you have never failed to make me laugh. You are my best friend, my wife, my everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you.

I’m sad that our story has to end like this, it sucks. I had hoped that we’d grow old together. We could have brought a little house in the countryside, with enough rooms for when our grandchildren stayed over. We could have grown our own vegetables, had a little garden. I had hoped that we would pass away softly in our sleep, maybe even together.

But, there’s a different plan for me. My time is now and there is no stopping it. I need you to know how much I love you. You have made me the happiest man alive and I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend my short life with. You have made every second count and I thank you for that.

I’m going to close my eyes now. Okay, Y/N? I’m going to close them and I won’t open them again. I’m going to have to go now. But just remember, I love you and I’m always going to be here. I’ll just be one step behind you, that’s all’ Calum’s breathing had become laboured and he softly closed his eyes.

You held his hand as he slipped away from your grasp.


You held your son’s hand as you both stood alongside a newly dug grave.

‘Mummy, where’s daddy gone?’ Olly asked, his big, brown eyes looking expectantly at you.

‘Daddy has had to go away for a while, god needed him.’ You tried to explain.

‘But when’s he coming back?’ Olly retorted, his little face scrunched up slightly.

‘He’s not, baby. But he can see you, he’s watching over you. He loves you still.’

‘But why did he have to go mummy? It’s not fair. I want daddy here. I miss daddy.’ His eyes began to fill with tears as he tried to comprehend the impossible situation.

‘I know, I know baby. I want him here too. We all miss him.’ You said soothingly, trying to calm your child down.

Again credit to UghAshtonIrwin, damn I'm an emotional wreck at this moment asdfghjkl.

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