Truth or Dare: Demigod Edition

Door Imperfect43

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A simple game of demigod Truth or Dare. What could go wrong? Meer

Truth or Dare: Demigod Edition
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter four

606 19 1
Door Imperfect43


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my cabin door. I jumped out of bed, put on my camp Half-Blood T-shit, a pair of jeans and walked to the front of the cabin. I opened the door an found my half brother, Tyson, standing there.

"Brother!" He said and gave me one of his bone crushing hugs.

"Hey Tyson! Ow, watch the ribs. Watch the ribs." I told him. He set me down and stared at me with his brown eye. Yeah, I said eye. Tyson's a cyclops. Get used to it.

"So Tyson, what brings you here?" I asked.

"Got lonely in the sea. Come to visit." He said. "But can only stay for a couple minutes." He frowned.

"That's too bad. I haven't seen you for a couple years." I told him and patted his back.

"Hey Percy, have you seen-" Annabeth said, walking through the door. She stopped when she saw Tyson.

"Annabeth!" He said and gave her a hug.

"Tyson be careful!" I said as he almost crushed Annabeth. When he realized what he was doing, he set Annabeth down and patted down her blonde hair. She brushed away his hand.

"Good to see you, Tyson." She said nervously. Then, Leo and Piper walked in.

"Hi Percy. Since Jason and Thalia are still sleeping in their cabin we were wondering if you- Eek!" Piper shrieked when she saw Tyson standing next to me. She rushed over to me.

"There's a cyclops in your cabin." She whispered in my ear. I nodded.

"I know. He's my brother." I said, not even bothering to be quiet.

"You have a cyclops as a brother?" Leo asked. I expected him to call me a freak or something. "Awesome!" He said instead. It made me smile. Leo was one of the only people who were amazed that Tyson was my half brother.

"Tyson, this is Piper and Leo. Guys, this is Tyson." They shook hands, even though Piper still looked scared.

"Anyway, Jason and Thalia are still sleeping. Would you mind if we continue the game in here?" Leo asked.

"Of course not. Tyson, wanna play truth or dare with us?" I asked. Tyson shook his head.

"Sorry. I have to back to sea now. Daddy needs help." He said sadly. I gave him one last hug, and he nearly crushed Annabeth again. I don't know why, but Tyson loved Annabeth. When he left, we all sat down and started the game.

"Percy, you start." Piper said.

"Ok... Leo. Truth or Dare?" Leo looked nervous.

"Dare? I'm kind of scared." He said. He probably thought that I was going to get him back for when kissed Annabeth. I looked out the open cabin door and saw Jason and Thalia walking towards us.

"I dare you to set Jason on fire." His eyes widened. In a few seconds, Jason walked in. A small flame appeared on the tip of Leo's index finger.

"Hey guys, sorry we-" he started, but Leo cut him off.

"Sorry, man." Leo said and touched Jason's shirt with the flame. Jason screamed and ran out. We all followed, and I saw Jason flying around like crazy. He literally looked like a flying ball of fire. He crashed into the sea. A bit of smoke filled the air.

"Percy, help him!" Piper yelled at me. I created a wave and made it come towards us. Jason appeared at our feet, holes in his shirt.

"Gods, Leo. That hurt!" He complained as Piper and Annabeth helped him up.

"Percy dared me to do it!" Leo said and pointed to me. I chuckled. Jason glared at me.

"Come on. Lets go back to my cabin." I said. We all walked back to my cabin.

"Leo your turn." Annabeth said.

"Jason Truth or Dare?" He asked.

"Hmm... Truth." He decided.

"If we were all in a plane which was about to crash into the sea and you could only save one of us, who would it be?" Jason thought.

"Well definitely not Percy because if we were about to crash into the sea, he could just save himself-"

"Wow thanks." I mumbled.

"I guess I would save... Piper?" He said, though it came out like a question.

"You better save me." Piper said. Leo put his hand over his chest.

"So you would save her but not your best friend?! After all the things that we've been through together..." He pretended to be hurt.

"Dude, you set me on fire a couple minutes ago." Leo rolled his eyes.

"Anyway... It's my turn. Percy, Truth or Dare?" He asked, grinning. Uh oh.

"Dare." I said, even though I knew he was going to make me do something horrible and totally embarrassing. I was right.

"I dare you to kiss Clarisse on the lips."


"And you can't tell her that it was a dare." He added. There was no way I could do that. Clarisse was one of my worst enemies. She usually greeted me by trying to kill me.

"Fine." I mumbled. I got up, but before I left, I gave Annabeth a loving kiss.

"Why'd you do that?" Jason asked.

"Because it's going to be the last time I'll ever be able to." I was sure Clarisse was going to murder me. "It was great knowing you guys." I walked out of the cabin and eventually found Clarisse in the woods, chopping heads off of practice dummies.

"Um... Clarisse?" I said quietly. She ignored me.

"Clarisse?" I said louder.

"Clarisse!" I yelled. This time she turned around.

"What." She asked and stepped towards me. I was about an inch taller than her. Before I lost my courage, I kissed her. She dropped her sword. She let me kiss her for a couple seconds, but pushed me away. She kicked me across the face, then my stomach. I fell to the ground. Clarisse put one foot on my chest and the tip if her sword touched my throat. Her face was bright red.

"You ever do that again, Jackson, and I will kill you." She stepped over me, putting extra weight on the foot that was already on my chest. She walked away, muttering something in Greek. I got up and put my hand to my face. Some blood was trickling down my cheek. Thanks a lot, Clarisse.


"Annabeth, Truth or Dare?" Connor asked.

"Dare." I said.

"I dare you to give Percy the silent treatment and you can't stop until I say so. And none of you can tell him what's going on!" He said. He pointed to all of us while he said the last part. I nodded.

"Fine." Just as I said that, Percy came in, his cheek bleeding. Gods I wanted to run up to him so badly, but I stayed where I was.

"Wow, looks like Clarisse was mad." Jason said with a smirk. Percy rolled his eyes and sat next to me.

"Well at least she didn't really kill me." He said and kissed my cheek. As soon as his soft lips met my skin, I wanted to smile. But I just crossed my arms and looked straight ahead.

"Annabeth?" He asked. I ignored him. He laced his fingered through mine, but I shook his hand away.

"What's with you?" He asked, clearly frustrated. I looked at Connor and silently begged him. He just smirked and shook his head.

"Percy your turn." Connor said.

"Nico. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Nico said.

"I dare you to wear you underwear on your head until your next turn." Percy said with a smirk. Nico started blushing, but made his way to the bathroom. When he came out, he had a pair of black boxers on his head.

"Happy?" He asked and sat down next to Thalia. We all started laughing.

"That was a good dare." Percy whispered to me. My smile faded. I pursed my lips.

"Ok seriously Annabeth. What's with you?!" He yelled. I HATE it when he yells at me! I glanced at Connor and gave him a look that said, Can I stop now? He just shook his head.

"Fine. Don't tell me." He said. Great. Thanks a lot, Connor. Now Percy was mad at me.

"Anyway... Nico your turn." Thalia said after an awkward silence.

"Piper. Truth or Dare?"


"Who was your first crush?" He asked. Piper bit her lip.

"Come on just tell us I bet only Leo would know."

"It was a guy named Jake. I kinda started dating him when I was twelve... But we broke up."

"I remember Jake!" Leo said. "Remember that time when I caught you guys-"

"Leo shut up!" Piper interrupted, blushing madly. Jason gave her a funny look. I started laughing.

"Stop laughing, Annabeth!" Piper said and crossed her arms. I bit my lips together so I wouldn't laugh.

"Piper it's your turn." I said.

"Thalia. Truth or Dare?" She asked.

"Um... Dare." Thalia responded.

"I dare you to run around the camp singing 'I'm a Barbie girl.'" Thalia pursed her lips. She jumped off the bed and walked out.

"I'M A BARBIE GIRL, IN A BARBIE WORLD!" Thalia sang as she ran around camp. Connor quickly pulled out his video camera and started filming her. After Thalia sang the song a couple times, she walked back to us, ignoring the pointing and laughing from all the other campers.

"Piper, welcome to my list of people I don't like." Thalia said as she marched into the cabin.

"Ok, my turn. Travis. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth?" He said. It was probably the best choice, because Thalia looked seriously angry.

"Who do you have a crush on?" She asked.

"No one." He said.

"YOU LIAR YOU SO HAVE A CRUSH ON-" Connor started to yell, but his brother put his hand over his mouth.

"Shut. Up. I don't like anybody." He said. But Connor still tried to speak.

"Aie Gadna!" Connor said.

"Who?" Percy asked.

"Ew! He licked my hand!" Travis complained and shook his hand away.

"Katie Gardner!" Connor said. Travis buried his face in his hands.

"Dude! That was our secret!" Travis said.

"Aw it's ok. We won't tell anyone." I said sarcastically. Everyone laughed, even Percy. He tried to put his arm around my waist, but I slapped it away and looked in the other direction. That's when he got mad.

"Ok, you know what? It's my turn." Percy said. "Annabeth. Truth or Dare?" I didn't answer.

"Great, you pick truth. Why are you ignoring me? Why won't you talk to me?" He asked. I crossed my arms. He grabbed my cheeks and forced me to looked at him.

"Why. Are. You. Not. Talking. To. Me." He asked slowly. I looked at Connor. He sighed.

"Fine! I guess you can stop." I smiled and tackled Percy with a hug.

"Thank the gods! I don't think I could've done it anymore." I squeezed Percy tighter.

"What's going on?!" He yelled.

"Connor dared me to give you the silent treatment. You know that I wouldn't actually ignore you, right?" I said. Percy looked embarrassed.

"Oh... Yeah. Of course I knew that." He smiled. I quickly kissed him and his face turned even more red.

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