The Love Game // A Laurmau FF...

By Dat_AnimeFanatic

306K 10K 14.9K

"Let's play a game, Ms. Phoenix. 100 days. First one to fall in love with the other, loses" XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx... More

before you carry on:
TLG1:"3 years ago.."
TLG2: "Trost High"
TLG3: "Fight"
TLG4: "Partners?"
TLG5: "Wrong Number"
TLG7: "Caught"
TLG8: "Let's Play a Game"
TLG9: " Let The Games Begin"
TLG10 "Unintended Position"
TLG11: "Numbers and Jealousy"
TLG12: "Math with a Hint of Teasing"
Q/A with the TLG Cast!!
TLG13: "Party? No Thanks."
TLG14: "First Fight"
TLG15: "I Hate Him"
TLG16: "Unexpected Reply"
TLG17: "Help me? Please?"
TLG18: "Forgive Thy Jerk...Please"
TLG19: "Weird Feelings"
TLG20: "Change"
TLG21:"Don't Ruin the Fun"
TLG22:" Love is an Open Door"
TLG23: "Family Issues''
TLG24: "Falling...Literally"
TLG25: "Budget Problems"
TLG26: "Little Tsun-Tsun"
TLG27: Troubled Thoughts
TLG28: Family Fued
TLG29: "This Means Nothing!"
TLG30: Putting Back the Pieces
TLG31: " Family Fun Time!!"
TLG32: I Totally Forgot About That!
TLG33: Senior's Night
TLG34: Moment of Truth
TLG35: My Decision
TLG36: His Side of the Story
TLG37: Settling Our Feelings
TLG38: HeartBreak
TLG39: The Last Time
TLG40: The Truth
TLG41: More Than Just A Love Game

TLG6: "Got My Hopes Up"

6.1K 204 337
By Dat_AnimeFanatic


*ring ring*

"You're dismissed. You can go home now." Teacher Bravo said and we all stood up and bowed then walked away.

I rolled my eyes and slinged by backpack on my shoulder. As I scanned the room for Katelyn all I saw is.....


No other than Ms. I'm-too-smart-for-school, Aphie Maureen Phoenix. She pushed her glasses up her nose and we locked eyes.



"Creep,why on earth are you looking at me?" She said sassily, as she furrowed her eyebrows.

I smirked and scoffed.

"Why? Is it such a crime? Oh, right. I remember, you prefer books over hot guys like me." I said,smirking and leaning on the wall.

Time for our daily routine

She rolled her eyes and shifted her weight on her right leg. Putting her right hand on her hip, she glared at me.

"Hot guys? Pfft! What's beauty without brains Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-school?" She said, now it's her turn to smirk.

Dang, that girl can sass.

I was silent for a moment until I decided to speak up. Before I could, she got me to it.

"What? Mesmerized by my sass?" She asked,raising an eyebrow and smirking.

I chuckled dryly and averted my gaze from her for a moment then glared at her when I averted it to her back.

"Mesmerized? By your sass?" I asked, pushing myself off the wall. I walked up to her slowly until I was in front of her.

"Why would I? Just because you're sassy doesn't mean it can mesmerize a person." I said,moving closer to her face.

Although she doesn't seem bothered by the fact I'm leaning closer to her face.

"Whatever Meteli" She said,flicking my forehead and pushing me away.

"If you're trying to let me help you into getting Katelyn back, no way in fluff. Your little rooftop plan will fail too" She said, walking out the door.

"I didn't say that Phoenix!" I yelled, then it hit me.

How did she know about the rooftop thing?

I ran out the door,only to see she wasn't there anymore.

Sighing,I proceeded to walk upstairs to the rooftop.

I need to find out why Ms. I'm-too-smart-for-school found out about that.


I hope Katelyn's gonna come...

Why on earth is he so close to my face?

I thought as he leaned closer to me.




"Whatever Meteli" I replied,flicking his forehead and pushing him away.

Great thinking Aph

I walked to the door and rolled my eyes,facing him.

"If you're trying to let me help you into getting Katelyn back, no way in fluff. Your little rooftop plan will fail too" I replied,walking out the door.


I said something about the rooftop!!! He might be suspicious about it.

I walked faster until I heard him running out the door and eyes scanning the room for me, I guess.

As soon as he was out of sight, I sighed. Then I took out my phone amd read the message again.

"I feel so bad for not telling Katelyn about this....Laurence would be very sad" I said,sighing and resting my chin in my palm.

"But come on, he's a jerk" I said, putting my phone back in my bag.

I stood up and head outside. We don't have any clubs today since it's Thursday, a free day.

My house is quite far but I decided to proceed on foot since I want to look around for a bit.

I skipped and kicked rocks. Bought a smoothie and threw it in Zane's yard (he lives alone). It was actually fun to explore your town once in a while.

Later on, I approached a beautiful shop. It's kind of like a restaurant but it also sells flowers and packed food that gives 20 percent of it's income to orphanages.

"Aww...that's so sweet!" I cooed, I went inside as the small bell above rang.

"Welcome to Kawaii-chan's Buy and Help Shop!" A cute and high pitched voice greeted.

I turned ny head to see a pink-haired smiling girl with cat ears.

"Hi, can I get a...Kawaiitato Chips in cheese and a Kawaiimango shake?" I asked the girl.

"Yes! Please sit here!" She said,smiling. She led me to a cute two-person table by the window. I sat and thanked her.

"No problem! Kawaii-Chan likes helping customers. She'll tell Chef Reese-sama your order. Kawaii-chan will just deliver it to you when it's ready!" She said,bubbly. I nodded my head and took out my phone.

I looked at my Library and clicked my favorite Levi x Reader, "Ackerman" by SavvyMlynn

As I was reading the bell rang, indicating someone went in.

"Hey Kawaii-chan!" A familiar voice said, cheerily.

I furrowed my eyebrows in realization who it was. I peeked a little only to see a familiar brown-haired boy. Only, instead of his usual scowling and smirking face it was replaced with a smile...a genuine one.

He laughed and smiled in the presence of the Neko-girl. I tried my best to hide myself with only ny phone (like if that would even help).

"Hey Reese!" He said, smiling and waving to the pink-haired boy inside,cooking.

"Yo, Laurence! Came for another meal?" He asks, Laurence chuckled and looks at the counter.

"Not really...I'm not hungry. How is the Hyakuya Orphanage doing? I heard they took in another child in the name; Malachi." He said, concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah..they're doing great though, thanks to your donations. But...Laurence" Reese said, looking at him seriously.

"Are you sure about donating $100 every month? That's great but...come on Laur, you have to think of yourself sometimes too" Reese said, putting cheese into the potato cuts, (I think that's mine).

Laurence lowered his eyelids for a moment and grew silent.

"I know that but...they need it more than I. I know how it feels to be made fun of because you're an orphan. Besides, the donations I give is helping them promote the orphanage to make more people adopt the poor children there." He replied, sadly.

I kind of felt my heart wrench at tht thought of those children...wait...was Laurence an orphan?

I asked myself. Later on Kawaii-chan gave me my order and I paid her.

"Keep the change... I want to donate it for the orphanage too" I said, shyly. Kawaii-chan's face lit up and she squealed.

"Eee!!! Arigato Aphie-senpai!!" She said, multiple times.

"Wait, how did you know my name?" I asked her. She stopped what she was doing and blushed in embarrassement.

"K-Kawaii-chan actually admires you as a senpai since she also wants to be the Top of the class. She also thinks yoy and Aaron-kun are perfect for each other." She said, in a fangirl tone.

I blushed madly and looked away.

Oh gosh how did she knew?

"How did you-"

"Kawaii-chan!!" Laurence called out. I quickly hid my face (using the pillow behind my back).

"Yes Laurence-kun?" She asked, walking up to him.

"How much for this bouquet of roses?" He asked, taking them.

"It's $30!" Kawaii-chan said cheerfully. Then she smirked and leaned over.

"Who's the lucky girl now, Laurence-kun?" She asked, teasingly.

Laurence blushed and scratched his nape.

"'s...still Katelyn" He said, shyly.

Kawaii-chan's smile disappeared and she sighed, sadly.

"Laurence-kun, you must stop chasing Katelyn-chan. It's obvious she doesn't like you anymore. Besides, I ship you with someone else~" She said in a teasing voice.

"Wh-who!" He said, flustered. Kawaii-chan giggled and waved her hand at Laurence.


"Whatever Kawaii-chan. Keep the change!" He said walking out thw shop.

"Laurence-kun always say that" She muttered, smiling.

A small smile tugged on my lips as well. Soon after, I bid my goodbye to Kawaii-chan and Reese then went on my way to my house.

8 minutes later, I arrived home. I greeted my mom and went up to my room to change and do my homework.

~Sie sind das essen? Nein, weir sind die Jaeger!~

My phone vibrated to indicate a new message. As I read it, a guilty feeling went inside me.

Hey Katey! I'm here now! I'll be waiting. I have a lot here in store for you. I have something to tell you too. I'll wait here for you until you show up...I'm not giving up on you!

I sighed and took off my glasses, wiping them.

Should I reply? Maybe not....

But then I did;

Laurence! I'll try but I'm not sure.... Please, don't wait for me.

I'm so stupid.

Please Laurence...I hope you'll just come to your senses and go home.

Thunder rumbled as rain fell, soaking my clothes.

"She'll come...just...wait" I said,positively.

But I know that she'll never come, it's been 4 hours and I'm still here all alone.

I stared at the dinner setting I made.The tablecloth,soaking wet. The food, getting cold. Then the once lit scented candles,which are no longer lighting.

I checked my watch to see the digits; 12:00.

I chuckled humorlessly and stood up,leaving the soaked roses behind.

"So much for hoping...." I muttered as I walked away.

I went out the building...welcoming the new day with a scowl.

That's what I always do anyway

Yey! Two updates in one day!!

If you're wondering when will Laurmau happen it will happen after they agreed to the deal.(Which is in the next chapter).

That's all! Bye!

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