Kingdom of the Cursed Mask

By PerkyGoth14

399 14 0

The girls face difficulties submitting the new governmental regulation of heroism forced on them. One day a s... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 8

24 1 0
By PerkyGoth14

Dick laughed maliciously as he tornado spinned toward the Delightful Children from Down the Lane. He then grabbed them and strapped them to a rocket and taped their mouths shut so they couldn't say anything.

"Any last words?" Dick asked, making his ear large and only heard them muffling. "Sorry, I don't understand that." he then said as he took out a remote control and pushed the button.

The Delightful Children grew nervous and worried as they then lifted off against their will.

"Bon voyage!" Dick laughed as he popped a bottle of champagne after they rocketted out of the castle.

"Don't worry, Princess," Blossom came behind Princess Bubblegum. "I'll untie you!"

However, unfortunately, that was cut short and Dick shoved her out of the way. Blossom grunted and fell backwards and upside down between her sisters.

"Girls, we have some things to discuss, don't we?" Dick grinned as he twirled his mustache in his fingertips.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Numbuh 2 glared and challenged.

"You mean something like this?" Dick retorted as he became a sumo wrestler, then stood up to fall on top of the portly boy. "TIMBER!"

"That hurts..." Numbuh 2 groaned as he was flattened and was not a match for Dick being possessed by the Mask.

"Hey, you, come here and face me!" K'Nuckles demanded.

"Very well..." Dick grinned, then took out a toilet plunger, sticking it on the pirate captain's face. He then grinned as he took off K'Nuckles's face and stuck it to the plunger.

"Hey, Dastardly!" Buttercup called as Bubbles helped Blossom up to her feet. "Fight like a man, you jerk!"

Suddenly, she was wearing boxing gloves and was in a ring with Dick in shorts, boots, and gloves.

'In the Green Corner is the Lame and Tiny Buttercup!' a voice announced. 'In the Red Corner, please welcome The Unstoppable, The Unbeatable, Dick 'The Mask' Dastardly!'

"Okay, let's dance." Buttercup growled, shaking her fists in the boxing gloves.

"I'll lead," Dick suddeny had on Fabio dream boy like clothes and held Buttercup's hand, he then stood suavely and threw her out, spinning her into a painfully dizzy tornado, ramming her through the floor. "Thank you for the dance, it was an honor... Well, where were we?" he then grinned back at Blossom and Bubbles.

"KIDS NEXT DOOR!" a voice called, showing Numbuh 1 with his sector's teammates. "BATTLE STATIONS!"

Dick screamed which made his eyes and skull pop out of his head.

"Fire at will!" Numbuh 1 commanded as he and the others had condiment guns, shooting them at their target.

"Good, good," Dick grinned as he became a chef with a fish on a table. "More salt sil vous plait!"

"Cease fire, this isn't working!" Numbuh 1 told the others.

"You got that right, Baldy!" Dick came behind him and started honking his nose.

"Bring in the big guns!" Numbuh 1 told the others.

"I see... You like to live dangerously..." Dick said as he was dressed like a cowboy and took out heavy machinery and ammunition. "So do I!"

The Kids Next Door operatives looked horrified and worried. Dick shot the weapons at them, but luckily, the four of them dodged before anyone could get hurt.

"They didn't come alone." Dexter grinned, he then took out a laser gun and tried shooting at Dick, but so far had no use. Dexter didn't like that, he took out his robot suit and grinned as he was about to shoot the wacky racer.

Dick then took out a water bottle from his pocket and sprayed the nozzle against Dexter's robot.

"Impossible!" Dexter cried as instantly began to rust. The water caused for the robot to rust and break apart into pieces.

"And I'm just getting used to it!" Dick laughed as he cracked his knuckles.

"This is hopeless," Bubbles sighed. "We can't do anything without our powers."

"Our powers wouldn't be useful anyway," Blossom said as she tried to think of something, then turned to the princess right behind her now. "Princess, how did your ancestors stop the Mask previously?"

"Well, you should somehow trick him to take off The Mask." Princess Bubblegum explained.

"Now, let's finish up this game, there's a lot to do." Dick grinned.

"But only through us!" Eddy called bravely as he came with Ed, Double D, and Starfire.

Starfire glared, shooting her laser eyes at Dick.

Dick had on a wig now and held up a mirror. "What do you think of my haircut?"

The lasers bounced off the mirror and fried Eddy instantly.

"Cross-Wedgie!" Dick zipped over, giving Ed and Double D wedgies, but switched their underwear on their heads. He was then reaching out to get Starfire from behind.

"NOOO!" Eddy jumped up, making Starfire turn her head and Dick had grabbed his underwear instead. "Starfire... I.. I couldn't let..."

"Oh, Eddy," Starfire knelt down beside him. "Thank you for saving the honor of my underwear. This is the most heroic act that someone could do."

"This place is getting too crowded," Dick grinned. "There are too many supporting characters appearing here suddenly. Let's turn the world upside down!"

"Dastardly, aren't you forgetting something?" Blossom asked.

Dick made a large eye glare right at her. "I don't see it."

"I'll stop you." Blossom challenged in determination.

"I don't think so." Dick grinned before taking out a large hammer.

"What's the matter?" Blossom started to taunt. "You can't beat a girl without the mask?"

"WHAT!?" Dick snapped. "I don't need the mask to get rid of a little girl. I can beat you up on my own!" he then grunted as he grabbed the mask to take it off which made him spin into a tornado again and turn back to normal. "Now... Let's finish this."

"Bubbles, now!" Blossom signaled.

"Gotcha!" Bubbles bounced over and took the mask out of Dick's hand.

"Boys, your turn!" Blossom called to the KND operative and pirate captain.

"NOOOO!" Dick yelled out.

Numbuh 2 and K'Nuckles then took out a rope and spun around Dick, tying him up which made Muttley laugh at his master.

"Drats, drats, and double drats." Dick grumbled.

Dick and the bad kids were then taken away by the Kids Next Door.

"Thanks to the tracker all KND Operatives have, we were able to follow you after your plane crashed," Numbuh 1 informed the Powerpuff Girls. "We have finally captured the Illuminati. I should have known the Delightful Children stood behind it. Some smaller groups that still exist, but we can take those down. Honestly, I had doubts about this mission at the beginning, but it turned out to be a success. Thank you for your help."

"No problem," Blossom smiled. "That's what we do."

"Just be careful which side you are on," Numbuh 1 then warned. "Kids Next Door, dismiss!"

"I'm glad we got to know each other," Numbuh 2 came to the Girls as Bubbles hugged him. "Thank you girls for this amazing adventure."

"We'll miss you, Numbuh 2." the blonde Powerpuff Girl cooed.

"The pleasure is all ours." Blossom added.

"Great happy ending and everything, but we should go," Buttercup folded her arms. "The more we stay here, the more we degrade."

Ed chuckled to that. "Degrade..."

At the Hydrothermal Vent Elevator...

"Goodbye, Princess," Blossom told Princess Bubblegum. "Your secret is safe with us."

"I have no doubt about that," Princess Bubblegum smiled gratefully in return. "Silly though, I thought this would all happen like the ancients foretold."

"Wait, what?" Blossom asked before she was going up. "What do you mean by that?"

"Our ancestors predicted the end of time later," Princess Bubblegum explained. "In your terms timing, it is June 23rd, 2016. Well, I was wrong then."

"That's dark." the squishy dog named Jake told her.

Blossom glanced as the doors closed.

"And I push the button!" the adventure human boy named Finn said, doing as he said he would do.

The tube with Blossom then shot up through the ground with water and the Powerpuff Girls jumped out of a geyser just above the surface.

The glass concealed Blossom, but she was able to break it open.

"I've got my powers back!" Blossom flew up between her sisters.

"It feels so much better!" Buttercup smiled.

"Good to be back on the surface." Bubbles added.

"Let's go back to Megaville." Dexter proposed.

With that, the boy genius, pirate captain, three super-powered girls, three Ed boys, and Tamarian princess made their way home after an exhausting adventure.

"Whoa, this is such a unique geyser." Madame Foster commented.

"I think a bear took our picnic basket." Muriel Bagge added with a pout.

A few days later...

"I am very angry, girls," the president scolded the three heroes as they were back home. "I've been trying to contact you for days! This is unacceptable! You are on thin ice, ladies. Remember the Hero Law: You are under my command. This is your last warning. Look at me, now I have to take photographs stressed!"

Later that day, the Girls were on the couch, chilling with their pets and imaginary friend.

"Idiot." Buttercup grumbled about the president.

"We must be more careful," Blossom advised. "That was very close. We must do whatever he wants."

"We are here!" Dexter came through the door with the Eds.

"We brought cake." Ed added as Double D carried the cake.

After the cake...

"Starfire, would you mind sharing us the cause that led your and Ed's bond into the current condition?" Double D requested.

"Sure," Starfire replied. "We had no agreement on the existence of a certain comic-based alien lifeform."

"She said Evil Tim was not real." Ed added.

"Is that all?" Double D asked. "That's why you were so wrathful at her?"

"Yup." Ed smiled.

Double D was in shock over that response.

"Double D?" Bubbles pouted. "Are you okay?"

"Boy, Ed, just when I thought you couldn't surprise me with anything." Bloo was blown away.

"Yep, I am unpredictable." Ed said as he ate a little more cake.

"Ahoy, fellow adventurers!" K'Nuckles came through the door with bottles in his hands. "I brought maple syrup for everybody!"

"Syrup!" Ed cheered before taking a bottle and chugging it down instantly.

"We had quite an adventure, don't you think, Blossom?" K'Nuckles asked as he put an arm around the Powerpuff Girls leader.

"Yes, we had." Blossom agreed.

"Blossom, what happened with the Mask?" Dexter then asked.

"It was taken care of by top men." Blossom grinned.

A wooden box was being hammered down and locked up to show Shaggy Rogers, lugging it onto a wheeling cart. "I hate my job..." he muttered, walking off to hide it with the other boxes and the rest was history.

A few days later in Megaville...

K'Nuckles was in a dark, rainy, and gloomy alley as he carried a bag in his hands. "Hello, I'm here!" he called out. "I've brought what you wanted."

A trashcan rolled down which then startled him.

"Hello!? Can I get my payment!?" K'Nuckles called, getting scared.

A bag of candy was then thrown at him.

"CANDY!" K'Nuckles beamed, he dropped the other bag and began to stuff his face with the candy.

The other bag had glowing green blocks and a machine was being charged up to 88%.

The End

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