The Asylum

By xWrath67x

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A group of highly trained elite police veterans are sent into an asylum to find and secure a stolen gun shipm... More

The Asylum

Chapter 2, Fallen Brother

18 0 0
By xWrath67x

        STATUS -

            •Lance Corporal Kevin Hemond = Healthy.

            •Private First Class Jared Hemond - Deceased  //Current Death info - Shot from terrorist forces

            •Staff Sergeant Timothy Gora - Injured/wounded // Current health info - Combat with terrorist.

            •Corporal Stephen Gaul - Healthy

    “...We lost Jared..” Tim told Stephen and Kevin through the head set.

“What” Stephen replied.

“We were ambushed..” Tim told them.

“Oh... Tim, come over to the first floor, we need to stick together now..” Stephen said

Tim didn’t respond, he just turned his head set off and opened the door into a long dark hallway. He slowly walked down it turning on his night vision.

He saw a vase fall over and smash open onto the floor. He then saw a shadow of a person, eating something. Something messy, like another human. He heard the crunching sound from the bones, and the slobbery splatter noise from the flesh. Tim stepped on something and the shadow stopped eating. It looked up and ran off. They walked down the hallway some more and turned left and saw four doors, two on each sides of the hallway.

“You check the ones on the right side, and I’ll check the ones on the left.” Stephen said. Kevin and Stephen kicked their doors open and searched their rooms.

    Kevin walked around the room and threw office file cabinets open and searched files. There was nothing important. Kevin heard a foot step out of his room. He walked out and looked through the dark hallway.

“RRRAAAAGHHHHH!” A loud yell filled the entire building. Suddenly Kevin was thrown across the hallway into a wall.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Kevin yelled. Stephen ran out of the room. Stephen was picked up and thrown back into his room by an invisible enemy.

It made a loud screech and charged for Kevin. Kevin evaded out of the way and started shooting at where he thought the creature was. Kevin put on thermal goggles and saw a huge creature getting ready to charge at Kevin. Kevin raised his rifle and fired three shots into it’s heart. The creature fell down onto the floor. Stephen walked into the room where Stephen was thrown. He helped him up. The floor rumbled and another creature ran into the room.

“Put on your thermal goggles!” Kevin yelled. Stephen quickly threw them on and saw the creature. It opened up its hand and showed it’s claws. It had claws the size of pen’s It ran at Stephen and grabbed him. It held him up with one hand, and stabbed him with his claws in the stomach.

Stephen stared at the creature. He dropped his guns and reached for his knife. Stephen stabbed the creature in the left eye with his knife and then stabbed it’s hand that the creature was holding Stephen with. It pulled it’s claws out of Stephen. Stephen fell onto the floor. The creature screeched and hissed. It swung its fist at Stephen. Stephen was thrown into the wall. Kevin fired at the creature until it fell on the floor. Stephen pulled himself up and looked at Kevin. “What the hell...WAS THAT?” Stephen yelled.

“I don’t know...But we better warn Tim, he’s alone.” Kevin said.

Stephen got on the headset and told Tim.
“Tim, use your thermal goggles!” Stephen said.

“Why?” Tim responded.

“There’s these things...They are invisible...It was.... I insane..” Stephen said.

“Alright...” Tim responded

    Tim pulled the bolt on the AK-47 back. He held the gun with one hand, and walking down the hallway.

“I’m not afraid.” Tim told him self. Tim stared at the floor. He walked down the hallway. He stared at the floor as he walked. Tim rubbed his face. It was numb from the fight earlier. Tim heard a loud screech and rumble. He began to shake and breathe hard. He pushed a button to record what he was looking at. A camera on the side of his helmet that was dented and cracked lit up.

Tim heard another screech higher than the last one. It followed with two loud foot steps. Tim began to shake and his heart was pounding. Tim slid up against the wall and slowly moved over to a door into the cafe. He leaned over and peeked inside. He saw a huge creatures shadow. It was holding two dead bodies. It took a huge chomp out of one of the corpses chest, and threw the other one into the wall. After the creature finished eating the corpse, he threw it into a glass window in which the food was. The creature jumped onto a table and growled. It made another screech and jumped back onto the floor causing the table it was on to break. Tim leaned back out of the doors view. The creature was breathing hard. Tim took off his thermal goggles and put on night vision goggles. He leaned back over to see the creature. It was gone. Tim took a deep breathe and relaxed. He leaned back. Tim walked into the cafe trying to be silent. He walked up to the corpse that the creature had been eating. Tim looked back and saw the creature walking back into the room. The creature stopped and stared at Tim. It stomped on the floor and growled. It screeched and sprinted at Tim at insane speed. Like a truck running over a deer. Tim quickly dived under a table and sprinted for the door out of the cafe. The creature charged right through the wall and was in front of Tim. It swung it’s tree trunk sized arms at Tim to knock him down. But Tim ducked and dived right under the creature and ran down the hallway and turned left. Tim forgot how the camera was recording. Tim looked back and saw the creature dash after him. Tim quickly turned into a room, locked the door, and pushed desk in front of it. The creature took no longer than five seconds to smash the door open. Tim looked back and saw a window. He didn’t know where it lead to, but he sprinted for it and dived out of the window.

    “Stephen, look at this..” Kevin said.

He picked up a document that looked like a news article.

      “Asylum shut down  1946, bodies found outside of the asylum buried, and burnt. Some were missing limbs. John Anderson, overseer of the asylum explained “The asylum is not mad, it’s only the patients. They try to escape, so we use brutal force to show them not to. It’s not like they are humans too, sane ones at least. They have no mind to think, They do what they please, they don’t think. They could kill a man and feel as if he just stepped on an ant.” The news reported asked John Anderson - “So we hear you experiment on the patients, is that true?” John responded “Yes, yes it is true. But that isn’t anything that is needed to be said.”

    Kevin threw the paper down. “Now what is going on?” Kevin said

“We were sent to kill terrorist and secure the stolen gun shipment, NOT THIS, I didn’t sign up for this, they said we were fighting terrorists, NOT THE DEAD!” Kevin yelled.

“Well you are going to have to work with it. We aren’t going anywheres until all the guns are secured, and the terrorist are neutralized.” Stephen said

“We can’t secure the gun shipments when we have eight foot tall monsters charging us through walls, have of them bastards are invisible, HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK?” Kevin yelled.

“Listen, we lost Jared, and we can’t give up already.” Stephen mumbled.

Stephen had wrapped bandages around his wounds. 

Kevin walked up to a window and looked outside the asylum. The windows had bars, almost all of them did. Some didn’t, but those windows without bars were to high to jump out of.

Kevin heard a glass vase fall outside of the room. He ran up to the door and looked out the glass wired window. He peered down the hallway through the door.

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