My Bear


28.9K 422 18

Evelyn Marie Swan was the one their dad kept while their mother got Bella. Growing up in the small town of fo... Еще

~Part 1~
Chapter 1: The new kids.
Chapter 3: Change
Chapter 4: Homes
Chapter 5: Time
Chapter 6: Meet the Family
Chapter 7: Thunderstorm
Chapter 8: Get out of dodge
Chapter 9 : Run
Chapter 10: I hate hospitals
Chapter 11: Prom
~Part 2~

Chapter 2: The City

3K 48 4

Evelyn's Pov

So, my dad was cool with me going to Port Angeles with everyone. His only condition was that I stay safe. It shouldn't be too hard. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Do I get robbed or mugged? But those were passing worries, nothing severe enough to dampen my excitement.

I didn't waste a second when I heard the honk from outside, signaling that everyone was ready to go. I hastily grabbed my jacket and darted to the car, my eagerness palpable. There was a buzz of anticipation in the air as we embarked on our adventure, the promise of a memorable night fueling our spirits.

During the car ride, everyone chattered away, their voices blending into a lively symphony of excitement and anticipation. However, I found myself lost in my thoughts and content to observe the animated conversations around me. I mostly remained silent, only occasionally chiming in with a random comment or observation that crossed my mind.

As we finally arrived in Port Angeles, the city's vibrant energy enveloped us. With the evening stretching out before us, we decided to eschew the typical diner that we all grew up with and loved in Forks in favor of a more sophisticated option—a nice dinner spot. After all, it was my 16th birthday, and I was eager to celebrate in style. The prospect of indulging in a delicious meal with my closest friends filled me with warmth and anticipation.

"I brought you clothes to change into for dinner," Jessica informed me with a mischievous grin, presenting me with an ensemble that leaned towards the classy side instead of my usual softer attire.

Feeling apprehensive about the unfamiliar attire, I reluctantly slipped into the tasteful black dress Jessica had selected. It was different from the usual flowy skirts, pastel tops, jeans, and thick sweaters I usually wore. It hugged my frame in all the right places, yet I couldn't shake the slight discomfort of stepping out of my comfort zone. As the girls insisted I trade my trusty Converse for a pair of elegant high heels, I couldn't help but feel like I was walking on thin ice. Each step felt like a potential hazard, threatening to send me toppling over at any moment.

With a hurried application of makeup and my hair hastily tied up into a high ponytail, I surveyed my reflection with excitement and uncertainty. Despite their reassurances, I couldn't shake the nagging worry that I might not look old enough to gain entry to the upscale restaurant we had chosen for the evening, at least not without an adult present. The last thing I wanted was to deal with embarrassment on my birthday, but I pushed aside my doubts and resolved to enjoy the celebration regardless.

"Who decided on this place?" I asked, my eyes taking in the restaurant's elegant ambiance and sophisticated decor."Because you've never been. My parents brought my sister and me here for my birthday last month, and it was so good," Jessica replied with a grin, her excitement infectious as she looped her arm through mine and led the way inside. Mike smoothly handled the reservations, and we were promptly ushered to our table.As the evening progressed, I found myself completely immersed in the refined atmosphere of the restaurant. Each bite of the delicious meal seemed to melt in my mouth, filling me with a sense of contentment and satisfaction. The conversation flowed effortlessly among us, a mixture of laughter, shared memories, and plans for the future weaving together to create an atmosphere of camaraderie and joy. It was a birthday celebration I would cherish for years to come, surrounded by the warmth and love of my dearest friends.

But as the night drew to a close and we stepped out onto the dimly lit street, the air seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt a chilling presence looming behind me, sending a wave of unease through my veins.

Before I could turn around, a shadowy figure materialized from the darkness, blocking my path and effectively separating me from my friends. Panic surged within me as I realized the gravity of the situation—I was alone, vulnerable, and at the mercy of this ominous stranger.

My heart hammered against my chest like a caged bird; each beat echoing the fear pulsing through my veins. Desperately, I tried to call out to my friends, but my voice caught in my throat, stifled by the grip of fear that had taken hold of me.

The figure's presence seemed to suffocate the air around me, its intentions masked by the darkness surrounding us. Every instinct screamed for me to flee, to escape this looming threat, but my limbs felt frozen, paralyzed by the fear that gripped me like icy tendrils.

In the blink of an eye, the figure lunged forward, seizing me by the arm and yanking me forcefully around the corner, away from the safety of my friends' watchful eyes. The world seemed to blur around me as I was dragged further into the darkness, my heart pounding in my ears as I realized the terrifying reality of my situation—I had been kidnapped right before the eyes of my unsuspecting friends. The last thing I felt before fear blacked me out completely was a pinching of the neck, followed by a burning sensation throughout my body.

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