Dreams Don't Come True

By YourxCaffeine

231 12 13

Again, I don't know what got a hold of me, but I slowly pushed the door open and stood in the doorway. His ba... More

1. Prologue: Girl You're Dreaming!
3. Not My Time to Party
4. Tangled In The Great Escape

2. Get Out of my Head

40 3 0
By YourxCaffeine



I couldn't shake Dani's image from my thoughts. Flawless skin, the color of chocolate, a sharp contrast against her thick black hair framing that heart shaped face looking so fragile and tender. Two black orbs, long eyelashes, pink lips compete with the long and slender features that carry her through my mind.

Fuck why is she always around here? I can't focus if I have to keep on listening to her and my brother's mindless banter. I mean its a Friday night in the middle of August, don't they have other places to be other friends? I can't stay in this house. I have to leave. I don't care where, maybe over to Andy's, he's got that party tonight. Or maybe to my girlfriend, Mariah's place. Yea she'll get my mind off Dani. I should leave now though, its nearly nine o' clock. The sooner the better.

I left my room after Dani and Jesse's voices died down. I made my way down the hall and down the stairs only to be stopped by that familiar voice. Shit.

"Hey" Dani said. "Where you going?" I turned my head slightly, just to let her know that I acknowledged her presence.

"Out" I said. Hopefully that'll be enough for now. I hate it when she questions, fuck, its even worse when Jesse does it, or wen they're both at it. Lets hope that I won't be going through that tonight.

She didn't reply but I felt her glare boring into the back of my head. I sighed and turned to face her. My mistake. She had the questions written all over her face rather than voicing them. "I'm gonna stop by Andy's place" I said. I don't know why, but bringing up Mariah did not seem right to me. Yes our relationship has been going on for about a year now, and everyone including Dani knows it, but I just did not want to bring the thought of her into the moment.

"Oh, eh. College guys and their parties." She said that while rolling her eyes, a trademark, of her annoyance, that I have grown accustomed to. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I challenged. I don't think she knew that I was not the party type. Having the party and clubbing master David as a best friend, I'm able play off the role easily, but only to keep some people off my back.

I watched as her facial expressions revealed her thoughts forming a counterattack. We tend to argue sometimes, but its fun. Not many people try challenging me, having her do so makes me wonder what else she has to say about me or anything. Shit, I really need to leave now. I turned back around towards the door and was greeted by a rainbow head.

"What the fuck?!" I know my brother, Jesse, is gay and I still love him and support him 100% but this guy is officially crazy. Who in their right mind would dye their hair multiple colors? "What is this?!" I was at loss of words.

Jesse's eyes lit up as a grin spread across his face "You like?" I like? Is he seriously asking me this. Mom's going to be so fucking pissed. I should really leave now so I have no part in this.

"I'm going to leave now before mom gets here. You do know she's going to kill you right?" I made yet another unsuccessful attempt to escape tonight. 

"Wait where you going?" He asked, taking a few steps closer and clutching my arm,  invading what I would consider personal space.

Dani, who'd been unusually quiet, decided to chime in. "He's going partying with Andy." Damn, I shouldn't have told her anything.

"Oh, can I come? Please? I want to test out my new hair." Now someone tell me why would I have my younger brother tag along in anything I do. 

"That's actually not a bad idea. If anything, you'll be able to wash it out or cut it off by Monday if you don't like it." Why does she have to have a point.

"Exactly! I can go and Dani can come too!" Jesse suggested.

"Whoa what?" Dani said. "I'm not going out to a party with you two and who knows who else would be there." Hopefully not Mariah.

"Guys can we not do this now. You don't need to go to a party to test whatever this is. I'm leaving now." Can't I just at least step foot outside this house?

"Wait" both Jesse and Dani followed behind me. I didn't stop walking this time until i reached my car and opened the door.

"We won't bother you, we won't even talk to you, or look at you. Just bring us there and let us know when you're leaving." I looked at both of their pleading faces. Jesse's filled with hope, Dani's filled with something that looked like victory. She knew me to well.

"Get in." It was the last thing I said to them until we arrived at the party. Jesse and Dani shared a quick hug of accomplishment before getting in the back seat of my car. I texted Mariah before we left telling her to met me at the party. I would be needing the distraction. I stole a few glances of Dani in the rear view mirror. She looked happy and unsatisfied all at once. I don't know what's going through her mind. She just needs to get out of mine.



Heyoo readers! I think i have a grasp of where I want this story to go. What'll happen at the party with John, Dani, Jesse, and Mariah at the party? I'm guessing it'll be a long night for everyone..... ;)

Oh and it is SOOOOOO hard to find pics of guys with decent rainbow colored hair. Anyhoo, Pleeeeeaseeeeee comment & vote, but mostly comment, i'm still iffy on the plot and stuff :/


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