Under The Blade {Sequel to 'I...

By FeedMeFryes

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*Recommend you read my other Syndicate fic 'In Time' First* ------ Rushed away from the city of London, you... More

Chapter 1; Truth Will Out
Chapter 2; Whitechapel, 1888
Chapter 3; Lies
Chapter 4; Burning Desire
Chapter 5; Last Night's Love Affair...
Chapter 6; Identity
Chapter 7; The Search Begins
Chapter 8; The Cat and The Mouse
Chapter 9; Masquerade
Chapter 11; Time To Pay A Visit
Chapter 12; Exploration
Chapter 13; Run Rabbit Run
Chapter 14; Untitled
Chapter 15; Bloodshed
Q & A?

Chapter 10; Bleak Winter

1.8K 87 20
By FeedMeFryes

A/N: Long time no update, and here I a again writing for the first time on my laptop in what seems forever! Thank you all for your patience and your support x


It started with the looking, the energy to actually pull your seemingly lead form from the cold floor and to search about you- look for clues on what Jacob's and Jack's historical ties were.

It was more than just slightly upsetting to root through Jacob's things, you felt rather already like you were looking through the belongings of a dead man- although something told you that Jack wouldn't want to kill Jacob instantly... the man clearly held a deeper grudge with the master assassin; and your lover.

Sighing, your (eye colour) eyes filled with glassy and eye filling tears as you passed his old leather coat on the stand, the one he used to wear when you were both you. Filled with a guttural sadness at the sight of it, and the memories it evoked, you pulled it towards you and from the wooden stand, crying deeply as you drew in the scent of him that still lingered in the material.

Your mind flickered back to that day on which he proposed to you, when the pair of you had been through the centre of London- it had been such a beautiful time, a time they had always held a strong and fond spot in your memories and heart alike. You remember the posy seller, and the way you had given one to Jacob.

I'll treasure it forever

He had said to you, and you could almost see him in front of you then, with the most beautiful look in his hazel eyes.

Heart clenching, you dared to let your fingers creep into the inside pocket, gasping slightly when you turned the sheer material of the pocket inside out, and there, wilted but more or less preserved, was the posy from that day.

More tears flowed from your eyes, all you wanted was Jacob to tell you everything was going to be okay, but how were you to know? For all you were aware, Jack could've killed Jacob... and that was the worst you could assume. If Jacob was gone, you would, in all effectiveness, die with him.

Bleak winter sunlight streamed steadily through the apartment as you sifted through drawers and cupboards, masses of papers and scripts it would take forever to cast your eyes over in detail- that's when you were alerted to the sound of the door, and assuming the worst, you had thought Jack had come back to kill you.

Scampering under the desk like a frightened child, you cast your eyes over the pair of black boots that walked cautiously into the flat.

"Dear God, Jacob... what's happened?" the voice uttered, and you instantly recognised it from a distant memory.... Evie.

Unsettled but no longer frightened, your form slipped from under the desk and back up to stand, Evie turning quickly to face you with her gloved hand resting on the hilt of her Kukuri.

"Who-?" She snapped, before she took in your details, and it was like the clock in her mind had set back time.

"(Name)... What are you doing here?" She asked, before her eyes searched the flat which was rather in a mess after Jack and Jacob had been throwing each other about during their fight.

"Where's my brother?" She asked, her aged features filled with nothing but concern for Jacob; and a pang ran through you... Once again, you had to revisit the events in your mind.


Evie was stood by the window, her almost pale blue eyes scanning the colourless sky, her breath pluming out on the cold air that circulated around the Jacob's apartment.

"He threw Jacob against the cabinet there, and the rest was history to me." You closed, after retelling the events to Evie again, the hurt filling the octaves of your voice.

"... God knows what that monster has done to my brother." Evie commented at last with a hoarse voice, her head bowed ever so slightly, before she turned on her heels to look at you.

"What are you doing here anyway? What of your family and life in Kent-?"

You sighed deeply at her obliviousness.

"I never married Evie. My life has been a condemned one at that." You entailed, as the elder Frye twin cocked her brow slightly to show interest in your tale, "I returned from London in 1868 to find I was pregnant, with Jacob's child."

The assassin's jaw slacked slightly, the colour draining from her face.

"You cannot be serious-" she stammered, as you shook your head, Evie looking even more intent but somewhat scared all the same, "what of the child?"

"I gave birth to a daughter, my mother told me... But she was stolen from me at birth by my cow of a mother and sent to an orphanage here." You explained, bowing your head, "all of my life I did not know this until my mother told me not long ago... Only on her deathbed, after 20 years of secrets she allowed me the truth."

"And so you came to London to find the child?" Evie queried, her back resting on the windowsill as your (eye colour) eyes darted up to meet her own.

"And tell Jacob. It was only fair he learned of his estranged child... However upon returning I learned he had married another woman."

"Esther... Yes, she is a respectable lady, the last time I saw her was on Jacob's wedding day many years ago... I've been in India with Henry." She mentioned, and your mind couldn't help but wonder about that day... How did Jacob feel, marrying her? Was he lying to himself that he loved her, like he told you- or was he happy to start his new life...

You found your brain tracing the image of a beautiful young bride and Jacob, thinking about how she would've thought she was the first to give himself to her when they consummated their marriage... And how all along he had already revelled in your passion many a time. The thought both sickened you and intrigued you... Part of your mind wanted to think he'd spent each minute thinking about you, even in those heights of passion with his wife you always wanted to remain that constant deity that Jack had said Jacob had idolised you as...

"Did Jacob write to you to return to London?" You asked as you broke free of your thought train, Evie nodding softly.

"He wrote to me some months back now... Saying he had been worrying about our associate, Jack..." She sighed heavily, "I'm just too late..."

"Don't say that Evie... Something makes me think Jack doesn't want to kill Jacob straight away... It's almost like he's baiting him, waiting for me or you to come running."

Evie nodded softly as she paced away from the window, her eyes passing the state of the place.

"How did Jack get in?"

"We arrived back from trying to find the Orphanage to locate our daughter's files... And he was just there..." You swallowed, recalling the memory of Jack's terrifyingly icy voice from the stairwell.

"The orphanage? You went to find out?" Evie asked, and without hesitation you nodded.

"Yes! All I want is closure, and to maybe find my daughter... We were meant to go to the file storage location today but..." Your eyes started to sting with tears at the memory of Jacob being gone, the realisation of it all coming and going like washes of the ocean's waves.

Evie nodded softly in an understanding, a sort of pained look on her face.

"Perhaps... You could still go, if the hunt for my brother gets too much..." The sort of misted look of tears in her pale blue eyes telling you all you needed to know.

"You mean if we find him and he turns out to be dead?" You said rather coldly, as Evie's gaze went downwards.

"(Name)... You must understand, as much as it pains me to say it; there is a possibility Jacob could be... Dead." She swallowed hard, as the pair of you say in the somewhat crushing silence, barely a sound in the atmosphere before you sighed.

"I'd rather keep faith, Evie." You called as you rose to stand, grasping your shawl from the back of the chair, "we won't know until we find out." You said with a confident determination, heading to the door.

"Where shall we start?"


A/N: Boo this chapter was a bit shit; sorry for the lack of updates with this. If it's any consolation, Jack's going to stir up some shit with Esther (Jacob's wife) in the next chapter- thank you all so much for your patience and support xx

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