My Boyfriend's Best Friend

By kimpyvon

517K 9.6K 1.3K

Alexis Reed, a certified good girl. Her parents died when she was sixteen years old and so, making her boyfri... More

My Boyfriend's Best Friend
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

8.7K 208 13
By kimpyvon

= Alexis =

I was finally able to come back to school after being discharged yesterday.

Events from yesterday flashed back in images making me smile sheepishly.

I am now Darren's official girlfriend.

I couldn't be happier.

He accompanied me when I went home yesterday and gave me a porch-side kiss on the cheek before bidding me goodbye.

I was hoping for - you know, one with lip locking and all but I was really satisfied with just one kiss on the cheek.

I couldn't even sleep last night.

As I reached for my yellow cardigan, I checked my phone.

= 1 new message =

From: Darren ❤

Message: Good morning beautiful. ;)


Isn't he the sweetest? :")

I can't even stop myself from squealing like a little girl.

I typed my reply and sent it as quickly as possible, then getting my nude shade lipstick and coloring my lips with it.

To: Darren ❤

Message: Good morning to you too, handsome. ;)

I shoved my phone in my pocket and sprinted down the stairs ready to go to school.

Then my phone rang instantly, making me take my phone out of my pocket again.

From: Darren ❤

Message: You don't know how much I've waited for this day to come. ;) To finally tell the world, you are mine. I love you, girlfriend.

With that, I did a happy dance.

My cheeks were flushing furiously as I tried to think of a sweet reply or a better comeback.

"You seem happy." Eve chuckled, as I went in the dining hall where she's smearing butter over her last piece of toast.

"Happy's not even the appropriate word to describe what I'm feeling right now." I sighed back, sitting beside her and getting a piece of toast from the bread basket sitting on the table.

"Radiant then?" Eve's mom chuckled from the other side of kitchen as she fixes us each a glass of juice.

"More like it." I chirped.

"I'm glad my best friend's finally smiling- for real. And no, your smile today is different than when you were dating Carson." Eve chimed in, hugging me tight.

Of course Eve knows everything. Once I got home last night, I told her absolutely everything.

She was squealing the whole time too. I mean - at first, she was scared that things wouldn't work out since she and Danny saw our petty fight inside the hospital room before they left.

"Guess this is a happy ending then?" She winked.

"I hope so. I mean- I haven't been hearing from Carson all this while. Maybe... maybe he moved on." I shrugged, as I munched on my toast. "Maybe he accepted the fact that even if you try to lie, or try to decieve someone, the truth will prevail. And of course, fate. I mean, even if you try to change something- fate will still prevail in the end."

"Wow, that's deep. I'm so happy for you though." Eve smiled.

"Thanks." I chuckled back.

When we finished breakfast, I realized I haven't replied to Darren's message yet.

"SHOOT, I haven't replied to Darren yet." I panicked, taking my phone from my pocket and scanning it for new messages. Nope, no new ones. He must be waiting for my response. "What do I say?" I asked Eve, panicking.

"Oh please, even if you response with a period, he's still going to love you." Eve snickered.

"I can't reply with that! What if he thinks I'm mad at him and things go wrong?" I sighed, thinking of the many possibilities of us bickering, fighting and then - breaking up - although, of course, I don't want that to happen. It would surely suck the life out of me.

"Alexis. Calm down." Eve says, taking hold of my shoulders and shaking me. "Just be yourself and everything's going to be fine."

"Hmmm, you're right." I shrugged, then typed a simple, "I love you too." mainly because I have no more better comebacks and he might find it cheesy or corny if I pull a pick up line.

As we reached the door, a red old pick-up truck has swerved its way to the Cadillac's driveway.

The car windows opened slowly revealing - of course, Danny, who else has this many pick-up trucks God knows why - and at the back is... Darren.

I smiled faintly, as I sat beside him on the back seat of the truck while Eve sat on the passenger's seat.

We were silent the whole time because I didn't know what to do.

We officially became a couple just yesterday and as much as I know we dated before my accident - I forgot everything, so it's like dating Darren for the very first time.

My heart is thumping inside my chest and I caught Eve smirking at me in the car rear mirror.

What the hell should I do??

My mind went blank as the minutes passed of us both not talking.

That's when I felt his warm hand trying to make contact with mine.

I flinched, snapping my head to his direction, raising one brow.

He smirked at me and God, even if I saw his smirk several times already I couldn't get enough of it.

No, I don't think I'll ever get enough of it even if he smirks at me ... forever.

Then, there was a shot of electricity when his fingers interlaced with mine. My cheeks felt hot and I looked away, looking down and playing the hem of my skirt.

Our hands are intertwined with each other and I'm so embarrassed to look at him.

Then, I hear him chuckle softly, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear with his free hand.

He then nibbled my ear and it was scary. I shut my eyes as I forced myself not to make any strange noises even if I wanted to moan so badly.

It felt nice.

His lips then trailed to my neck where he began to nibble once more.

My eyes flung open as I slapped his arm in shock. He pulled away, laughing.

"We're going to school, okay? You can't just give me a hickey for everyone to see." I growled at him, in a whispering manner because.. well, Danny and Eve might hear me.

"You don't want that? People will then know I have a claim on you." He smirked, cocking his head to the side.

He. Is. Devilishly. Handsome.

So please- don't be cute on me like that. :(

"You don't need a hickey to prove to everyone you're taken." I scoffed at him.

"It's a visible mark though." He shrugged as he leaned back on his seat.

"Whatever. Calm your hormones down or I'm going to hit you again." I scowled at him even if inside, I'm bubbling. I'm flustered and I want him to touch me but - Limits. I have to make limits.

He just smirked at me and I shot him a glare.

After a few minutes, we've arrived to school.

I was wondering if I should pull my hand away since we're already getting off but then he opened the car door on his side and pulled me with him, not even giving me any chances of pulling my hand away. I chuckled at his small gesture.

He really does want the school to know he has a claim on me.

Although, I don't mind anyways since I know some girls are checking him out so it gives me the same benefit too. :)

When we entered the school hallways, still hand-in-hand, whispers can be heard. They were all eyes on us as a new couple is born.

But I didn't care even if I heard someone we don't match. I didn't care if someone thinks I'm not good enough for him or vice versa.

As long as we love each other - that's what matters.

When we entered the classroom, everyone fell silent and watched us as we passed by.

It was kind of hilarious since they all looked like they saw a ghost or something.

We sat down on our seats when suddenly, I received a note.

I wasn't sure if it was me but when I saw Reina, our English club president pointing on the paper then to me, I knew it was for me.

I quickly opened it and it wrote:

"Meeting @ The Library, 8pm. PS top secret and confidential, don't let anyone know. We are going to focus on a really superior subject that only elites like us, club members are included. This is a must! Everyone should attend."

I gave Reina a wary look where she exchanged with a quick shook of her head and a glower.

I sighed and crumpled the piece of paper.

So I needed to attend this shit and yeah, Reina can be pretty exaggerating 'cause she often thinks English club members are elites in the Literary world or something. I mean - these 8 o' clock top secret meetings would probably be just researching about Shakespeare's past girlfriends or something about Mr. Darcy, from 'Pride and Prejudice', being gay - I don't know, the club just had weird topics, that's all.

The funny part is that Reina only acknowledges us, members as the ones 'privileged'. And I think she's only doing this to make herself part of a superior group or something. I mean - she's a stuck up bitch eversince elementary and she practically hates everyone who scores better than her in quizzes. I mean - who's that shallow?

Nonetheless, you'd think, so why won't I quit this damn shit? Well, for starters, I told you of Reina being a bitch, yeah? And that she is very competitive when it comes to academics? Yeah, so she sucks up with the English teacher who approved of this shitty group. And that teacher loves Reina so much to give all club members the advantage of 'not' taking one of his quizzes as a prize for being so 'determined' in studying and perfecting the 'linguistics', as they call it. So that means, one of our quizzes is a sure A which is what I'm after since I suck in English. So why not just skip this meeting and keep the group? Reina's bitchy so once you try to 'defy' her (or not attend one of the meetings), she'll be in hysterics like, sweet-talking the teacher in failing us or something. I know better since one of the former members of this club didn't attend one of the meetings since he was SICK. And yet, Reina twisted the story telling the English teacher that HE wasn't SICK. He was just too lazy to go to the so-called very urgent meeting and so, made up an excuse. The teacher bought that since he is very fond of Reina and what did that guy get? Three detentions, and community service every Saturday! Like, what the hell was that? So you get the gist.

I faced Darren and pouted.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going home with you today." I sighed.

"Why?" He asked and I tossed him the paper and he glanced back at me shaking his head, telling me not to go.

I, then, pointed at Reina, giving Darren the worried look.

He inched near me, and whispered,

"Look, you don't need to go. Just quit the damn club already. So what if you get three detentions or community service every Saturday? I'll come with you."

"Darren, that person who got three detentions and community service was sick! And I'm not. Who knows what trouble that girl can get me into. Besides, it's no big deal. It's just one meeting." I whispered back.

"This is way too late, Alexis. What if something bad happens to you?" He asked, and I know he's just being concerned but I can't be dependent on him all the time.

"Nothing's going to happen, Darren. Besides, there are a lot of English club members so I'll be fine. And 8 o' clock is not that late." I chuckled.

"I'll wait for you." He urged making me sigh.

He's too stubborn sometimes.

"Look, Darren, I appreciate your concern but I'm a big girl now. I can handle myself. I can't always be dependent on you." I replied crossly.

"Why don't you just follow my instructions?! Is that hard to understand? I'll wait for you, okay?" He says, slamming his fist on the desk.

I was shocked with his sudden outburst. Him, raising his tone of voice - I didn't like that.

"What's wrong with you?" I hissed back. "Did I say something wrong? All I said was that I can take care or myself-"

"You can't. You can't take care of yourself." He cut off, "You're very clumsy and... you just can't, okay?"

He raked his hair with his fingers, frustrated.

But I was angry too.

"I can, okay? And I will prove it to you so don't even wait for me! I will show you that I can do things myself -"

"God, Alexis. Why are you so stubborn? All I said was I'll wait for you after your meeting. Why are you declining? Are you meeting someone else? Huh? Are you meeting Carson late at night? Is that it?" He stopped himself when he realized what he had just said. But I was in the brink of tears at that time. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean what I had just said, I -"

"Don't even say anything." I cut him off, "I can't believe you."

"Look, I-"

"Please, don't wait for me. That's final. I'm going alone. Please." I cut him off, stopping when I realized I sounded harsh and rude.

"Fine then." He says, frustration evident from his voice. "Go without me."

The rest of the day was... horrible.

Earlier, I felt so happy but now- It's like everything's... in shambles and I just wish this is all a dream - that we're still okay, smiling, cuddling with each other and doing lovey dovey stuff.

But even if I blinked many times, we're still not talking and he doesn't even know how badly I wanted to talk to him and that it crushes me in the inside that he can resist me like that.

But it wasn't my fault either.

I mean - why did he react so violently? It's just a meeting and we had meetings before, as I can remember.

Time ticked so slow, and it felt like an eternity - I just wanted this day to end. Go to the stupid meeting and prove Darren wrong- he'll say sorry then we'll be fine again.

Yup, that's what I'm going to do..


It was nearing 8pm, and Darren was nowhere in sight.

I ate my supper in school. Eve was even hesitant to let me go to the meeting and it kind of angered me that these people think I'm too clumsy to take care of myself. Although, in the end, I convinced her to let me go.

It was kind of lonely in here so I went to the library quite early.

After a few minutes, the rest of the English members crowded the library.

And of course, knowing the bitch Reina is, sorry for the term but there's no 'more decent' word to describe her, clicked her heels loudly on the pavement catching the attention of the other members who, I'm sure, couldn't care less about today's topic like any other meeting.

"So today's topic is how love can destroy us, just like the short story 'Rose for Emily'. If you know what I mean- to the point in doing 'it' with a corpse." Reina boomed.

And ugh, I couldn't care less.

I wish all of this is over.


Halfway through the discussion, I excused myself to the bathroom because I honestly can't take it anymore. I decided to just hide in the bathroom and play Candy Crush in my phone.

Yup, that's what I'm going to do and then probably go back in the library ten minutes before the discussion closes so that I can show Reina I stayed the whole entire time and just had a bad stomachache or something- Hmm, I'll think of something.

I checked my phone if.. incase, Darren sent messages or something but - I got nothing.

I was halfway down the hall, on my way to the girl's bathroom, and I have to admit, I was creeped out.

I suddenly thought of Darren.

But I shook the though of it- No, I have to atleast prove him wrong.

I need to.

Besides, only a few more hours and I'm going to home.

And when I get home, I'll say sorry or something. And he'll forgive me because I did prove him wrong.

I felt a sudden happiness explode through me, skipping happily.

That's right, only a few more hours and I can patch things up with Darren.

I'm feeling confident.

I was about to turn left when the lights shut off.

I twitched as I scrambled to clutch my phone tighter, feeling really scared. Although, I'm very aware of the lights being switched off when the clock strikes nine in this school.

Curse Reina for holding evening meetings. And curse me for sucking in English so much that I needed a bonus quiz to pass the subject.

I was nearing the comfort room when someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

I twitched because I can't see anything.

"Darren?" I gulped, scared when the arms wrapped around my waist tightened.

"Miss me?"

The voice scared me.

I never heard it for a while now, and it was scary.

Scary, for a moment.

I felt my hair being pulled, in a not so nice manner.

Tears were already trickling down my cheeks, as he kisses my neck forcefully.

"Stop it..."

But he didn't.

Darren was right all along...

I can't take care of myself.

I needed him..

But it's too late, I-

"Stop it. Stop it now!!!" I angrily say.

"Stop whining!!!" The voice boomed, slamming my head on the wall and I can tell, the liquid I can feel on the back of my head flowing slowly is blood.

I'm scared of him.



Okay, so- the story's coming to an end. :(


Anyway, I hope you like this chap! :)

Vomment below, aryt?:)

Love lots!! :)


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