The Soul Mate Timer


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The Soul Mate Timer

139 7 2

I really suck at short stories, they always seem so impersonal and you never really get the feel of the characters but I decided to give it a shot. How did I do? Dedicated to my best friend Meg who gave me Lainie's name when I couldnt think of one :D Love you girl!! :D

“She had always been called "the freak with a broken timer." Everyone is given their own small timer just minutes after they are born. They try to do it as early as they can so that the baby doesn't see anyone that could be a possible mate. On that day, they know exactly how many days, hours, minutes, and seconds until they meet their soul mate. Well, everyone except for Lainie.

On that day, they had tried to stick it on her but it wouldn't attach to her. To the Doctors surprise, it didn't fuse with her skin, it just simply fell off. Her parents took her to every specialist in the world but no one had come across a defective clock. It was hard for anyone to believe until my mother’s best friend testified. She had been standing outside the window, watching and waiting, her own 3 month old baby in her arms

Ever since then, Lainie was a social outcast. The only person outside family who ever talked to her was Hunter, Her mothers, best friend's son and her own best friend since birth. His own clock said that he had mere minutes till he met his other half. 

The though alone made Lainie burst into tears. Even though it was said that she was never destined to love anyone, for as long as she could remember, she had been in love with Hunter. She was just thinking of his piercing blue eyes when her bedroom door burst open. Looking up with shock and confusion all over her face, she saw that same boy she had been in love with looking as if he was about to be sick.

"I can’t do this Kitten. What if I don’t like her? What if I am not attracted to her? I'm only 17, why did I have to have a short timer?" She was shocked. "Hunter, you are due to meet your lady love in," She paused to grab his wrist and look at the timer, "three minutes! You have three minutes to get your pretty little butt outside. She is probably on her way right now, ready to walk past the house. Well, unless you totally screwed up like Evan.” Evan Wright lost the chance to meet his soul mate two years ago when, instead of going out, he stayed cooped up in his room while his girl was waiting for him.

“I don’t even know where I am supposed to be. Everyone always told me, when your ticker is almost up, you will know exactly where to be. Well, 2 minutes and 30 seconds and this was the only place that I could think of. Lainie, I am scared. What am I going to do?”
I stared down at this helpless boy. “Look inside yourself. She is your soul mate. The one you are destined to be with. Don’t make the same mistake Evan did. I would give anything to be in your position and find a soul mate. You’re lucky you have one.”

We sat in silence for a few seconds. “30 seconds left. 25 seconds left.” I was shocked. He was just going to give up his future? “Hunter, go! Seriously, please don’t ruin this for yourself.” He sighed. “15 seconds left…. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2…1. That’s it, she’s gone.” Tears streamed down my face. “What did you do? Hunter?” he wouldn’t answer me. “Do you remember the story of how we first met? Our moms always said we were inseparable. So what if we don’t have our soul mates. We have each other and that’s all that counts.” He looked so convinced.

“Oh my gosh. Lainie, I understand now. Oh my gosh, it was there, right there staring at us in the face all this time. When was the first time you saw me? I bet you it wasn’t when our parents introduced us; it was when my mother was holding me at the window. That’s why yours never worked. My father always told me that the SMF (soul mate finder) worked differently for everyone. Some people, it told them when they would meet their soul mate but others, the special cases, it told them when they would realize who their soul mate really is. I was always so blind to you Lainie.” I was confused. Hunter wasn’t making any sense.

I am pretty sure he saw my confused expression so he continued. “Do you love me Lainie? Are you in love with me?” He asked. I couldn’t answer that! It had been my deepest secret for as long as I could remember. “I… yes, but-“ I was stopped short by Hunters lips smashing against my own. “Lainie, I am your soul mate. You saw me on the day you were born and you just knew that I was your other half but you saw me before they put the SMF on you so it was worthless and today, when I woke up, all I wanted to do was come here. I wanted to see you and talk to you. I didn’t care that I was going to meet my soul mate, in fact, the near thought of loving some random girl I had never met made me want to be sick. That timer wasn’t counting down until the day I met her, it was counting down until the day I opened my eyes and saw that my other half, my soul mate, was my best friend Lainie Davis. I love you Lainie.”

That was all it took for her to realize just what he was saying. In that moment, her heart swelled, the world became brighter, everything fell in place, and they lived happily ever after.

The End.

In case anyone was wondering where I got the idea from, I was on tumblr and I found a post about a timer that counts down until you meet your soul mate and I saw everyone put in their 2 cents and I just HAD to but by the time I was done, it was a lot longer than I expected it to be. 

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