The Love I Have For You (Harr...

By babylarryheart

44.7K 582 211

(Y/N) is just your average everyday girl. Besides being best friends with One Direction, Perrie Edwards, Dani... More

The Love I Have For You (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

1.4K 22 7
By babylarryheart

You woke up and went downstairs. Eleanor turned around when she heard you coming downstairs.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Eleanor said as she ran up to you and hugged you. Danielle and Perrie ran up and hugged you as well. You winced as they touched you bruises.

"Did Jackson do this to you?" Danielle asked closely examining your bruises. You nodded.

"Can I just go to my room? I need to get some sleep." You said. You walked upstairs and took off your shoes and got in bed. You heard Harry walk in.

"I brought you some ice." He came and sat next to you. "Niall just left to meet Neaveh." You turned over to face him and put your head on his lap. "The lads and I are leaving in an hour so I want you to stay here. If you need

anything just ask the girls." He said.

"Harry, I'm hurting." You said.

"Where do you hurt?"

"My cheek and left wrist." He put the ice on both places. He then sang to you while rubbing your back. After a while you drifted off.

You woke around six in the afternoon and didn't see Harry next to so you figured he left with the lads. You went downstairs and saw the girls sitting in the living room. Perrie turned and looked at you. "Your bruises are looking better." Perrie said with a small smile.

You smiled and nodded. "They feel a bit better. Did the lads leave?" You asked.

"Yeah almost an hour ago." Danielle answered.

Perrie pat a spot next to her so you would sit by her. All of you talked about what happened earlier that day.

"He's going to be taking anger management classes. It worked for my dad so let's just hope it works for him." You say.

"So want to just watch a movie?" Eleanor asks.

"Sure. (Y/N) do you want to choose?" Perrie asks.

"Nah. Anything's fine with me." You say. Danielle and Perrie pick an action movie.

"I just had a brilliant idea!" Eleanor said.

"Which is?" Perrie asks.

"When the lads are free and your face heels we should go play lazer tag! Nialler loves that game and we haven't done what he's wanted to do in a while."

"Sounds cool" Danielle said. "Ok good! Now sh! The good parts coming up!" You say.

After the movie ended your face and wrist has been feeling so much better then it did before you fell asleep.

"I remember this movie was way more intense the first time I watched it." Perrie said.

"That's because you didn't know what was coming the first time you saw it." Danielle said.

"Ohhh!" Perrie said.

"So now what?" You ask.

"Well today while we were gone I bought a really cool dance game!" Perrie said.

"Let's do this!" You yelled followed by a small dance.

Perrie ran to get the game from her purse. You put it in and put it on four player.

"You ready?" You asked them. They nodded.

You turned on the song and all sang, "Apple bottom jean (jean) boots with the fur (with the fur) she turned around and gave dat big booty a slap! She hit da floor (she hit the floor) next thing you know shawty got low low low low low low low low!" Danielle and Eleanor sang backup. You all laughed at the end of it. You did a few other songs and were completely worn out. You all fell onto the couch almost sweating buckets.

"Well, so much for working out in our gym today." Perrie said as she whipped off sweat from her forehead.

"Since it's nearly dinner, should we start fixing it?" You ask.

"Yeah. How about some kind of soup?" Danielle suggests.

"I haven't had soup in forever." Perrie says.

You stood up from the couch and adjusted your top. "I need to put ice on my bruises." You said. You walked oveer to the freezer and got some ice and put it on your bruises. You sighed on how soothing it felt and walked back over to the kitchen.

"Hun, you can go sit on the couch." Eleanor said.

You shook your head and smiled. "No it's fine. I'll cut up some carrots." You say. After you were done cutting them you put them in the pot. After about twenty to thirty minutes later the soup was finished.

"Dinner's ready!" Perrie yelled. You all got plates and went to the kitchen table.

"There's more than enough for the lads when they get back." Danielle said while she put down her food and sat down. You all stuffed your faces with soup and bread. You still had the ice on your wrist and cheek. After you were done eating you all chatted until the lads came home.

When Niall went over to the soup you asked, "So how was it with Neaveh?"

He sighed and began pouring himself a bowl, a small frown on his lips. "Well, I told her I just wanted to be friends."

Eleanor dropped her spoon in her bowl."Why'd you say that?!" Eleanor said as she took the soup away from him.

"I mean, you know. She's to much of a sister to me. Just like (Y/N) and I are." He shrugged, sighing once again.

"Props bro."You say jokingly. The boys eat up and you all go to your rooms.

"Babe, is there any cream for bruises here?" You ask Harry.

Harry nodded. "Yeah." Harry went into the bathroom and brought out cream. "It's looking better though." He said as he rubbed it on your face.

You smiled and watched as his face concentrated as he worked on your face. "I know." After he finished you lied down together and talked about both of your long days until you fell asleep.


A week had past since your incedant with Jackson, and your bruises had finally gone away.

"Laser tag!" Niall exclaims as he runs out of his room.

"Can we go now?" You ask while putting on your shoes.

"Danielle and Zayn are still getting ready." Perrie said.

After what seemed liked forever they finally came out of their room dressed and ready to go.. You all got into the van and left. When you got there it the teams were put as girls against boys.

"Okay here's the plane," Eleanor started in a hushedh voice, "(Y/N) you go on the far right side and hide in the corner. Danielle and I will go in the middle, and Perrie, you walk along the sides! Break!" "Eleanor,"

You laughed, "It's just a game."

"I said break! Go! Go! Go!" She screamed. You ran in the right corner.

"Keep your eye open. Keep it open." You whispered to yourself.

"Yeah your eyes are wide open." A voice said behind you. You turned around quickly while holding your laser gun up at Harry.

"Put the gun down." You said jokingly. He walked towards you. "Harry Edward Styles if you come any closer you will be shot with this... laser... gun." He grabbed you waist and started deeply kissing you.

"Traitor!" Niall and Liam said as they ran around the corner.

"Step away from your girl friend." Eleanor said as she held up her lazy at Harry. Perrie ran up and tackled Harry.

"Run!" She yelled. You ran and hysterically laughed the whole way to the other side with Danielle, Perrie and Eleanor following behind.

"That was a close one!" You laughed.

"Be more careful!" Perrie said while she was also laughing. After almost an hour of searching you couldn't find any of the lads.

"I think they left..." Eleanor said. Right when you were getting ready to walk out of the laser area the lads did a sneak attack and shot you all. "

We win!" Niall danced as him and the boys did a group hug. You rolled your eyes and smiled then turned away.

After you took off all your lasers and vests Liam said, "Now what?"

"Well we could grab a bite to eat we haven't had lunch or much of a breakfast." Zayn said.

"I'm in." Niall says.

You all go out for Mexican and sit in the front.

"Well that was fun." Harry said after he ordered.

"For you!" Eleanor started, "Louis got my hair all tangled up."

"It's not my fault that you wouldn't surrender." Louis says. The food came in just minutes. You laugh a little at them.

"The lads and I have to do another photo shoot after this." Zayn said to Perrie.

"Awh!" You say as you look at Harry.

He smirks and says, "Well maybe we can-"

"Oh my gosh! Ashley look! It's One Direction!" A fan runs up to the table.

"I know! Can we have your autograph?!" The other girl says.

"Sure love. What your name?" Harry asks.

"Well I'm Ashley and this is my best friend Annabelle!" she says while jumping up and down. All the boys sign it.

"Here you go love." Louis said.

"Oh my god! Ashley! Louis Tomlinson just touched my hand! Ahhhh!" They screamed and ran away.

"Aren't they great?" Niall said. You laughed at him and finished up your meal and drove back home. Paul came to pick up the lads and you and the girls just hung out around the house.

"I know what we should do!" You said.

"What?" Danielle asked.

"We... should... get like a part time job since we never have anything to do during the day!"

"Well I still have my job but if it's just for a couple of hours I'm in." Danielle said.

"Same." Eleanor and Perrie said.

"I know where can work! That knew frozen yogurt store that just opened. It's only about a five minute drive and a fifteen minute walk." Eleanor said.

"Oh yeah! And they're hiring." Danielle said.

"Alright. I'm just going to go change. And redo my hair." Perrie said. You all did the same. You changed into a blue sweatshirt with a white tank top underneath and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Let's do this!" You said while pumping your fist. You all took Perrie's car down to the shop. Eleanor was the first to walk in.

"Hello I'm Mark. How may I help you." The man at the front said.

"My friends and I would like a job." Danielle said as she motioned towards us.

"We actually have four spots open! But the hours are only for three." Mark said.

"That's perfect." You said.

"I'll just need you all to fill out these forms and you can get started today!"

You took the forms and sat at a booth. "This is so hard!" You said.

"(Y/N), all you have to do is write where you worked at. Where did you work anyways?" Eleanor asked.

You mumbled.

"I can't here you love." Perrie said.

You mumbled again but a bit louder. "We can't here you." Danielle said.

"A stripper bar!" You said loud enough so they could here you. Eleanor and Danielle's mouths hung and Perrie was laughing.

"Girl, your crazy. Just say you worked at... hm... in a sub shop." Danielle said.

"Fine." You said. After you all were finished with your forms you handed back to Mark.

"Thank you girls. Now if you will just follow me I'll show you your team and where you'll be working." Mark said. You followed behind. You met everyone.

"This is my son. His name is Jeremy and he'll be showing you how to work the front desk." Mark said. Standing before you was a Latin male who was just about Harry's height.

"Hello nice to meet you." Jeremy said. He put out his hand and you shook it.

"Now Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor, I will be showing you your stations." Mark said. The girl followed him. You quickly figured out how to work the front desk and taking orders. Jeremy left and went to do the drive through. In walked your first costumer.

"Hello, I would like- hey aren't you Harry Styles girlfriend?" She asked you.

You nodded and smiled kindly."Yes." You said blushing.

"Well he is one lucky girl Youre gorgeous!" She said.

"Thank you." You said while still blushing.

"Anyway I would like an original with sprinkles." She said.

"Alright that will be two euros." You said. She handed you the money and you handed her the yogurt. "Have a nice day." You said.

"You two! I hope you and Harry are going to last forever!" She said as she walked out the door.

You were doing an amazing job at work, until, "Would you like a small a medium or a large?" You asked the next lady.

"What do you mean by small? Are you calling me fat?!" She yelled.

"No mam I was just asking what kind of frozen yogurt you wanted."

"Who do you think you are telling me that I'm fat, little girl?!" She was starting to get a bit louder.

"Mrs. Herman! How are you? Would you like you usual?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes I want the usual!" Mrs. Herman yelled.

"(Y/N) would you please come with me to ge Mrs. Herman's usual?" You walked back with him.

"What's her problem?" You asked as you crossed your arms.

"She's the owner of the place." Jeremy said.

"Well don't I feel stupid." You said.

"Hey don't worry. No one could get mad at someone as beautiful as you." He said.

"I have a boyfriend you know." You said with a surprised expression on your face.

"I know." He said and smiled with a wink. "Here you go. Have a nice day." Jeremy said as he handed her the yogurt. "Well I need to go back to my station. Keep out of trouble." Jeremy said as he gave you another wink.

You and the girls shifts have just ended. As you were walking out of the store Perrie said. "The lads should be home by now."

You all went into the car and went home. "Where are the boys?" You asked while you put down your purse.

"They must not be here." Danielle said.

"They should have been home an hour ago though." You said.

"I don't know. Dinner?" Perrie asked.

"We might as well finish off the soup." Eleanor says as she takes off her shoes.

Your phone rang, "Hello?" "Hi! It's Mark. I just wanted to make sure that you and the girls wear pink shirts and some sort of jeans tomorrow. Those are our usual uniforms."

"Okay. Thank you!" You said. You hung up and made yourself a bowl of soup after telling the girls.

Another two hours have gone by and the boys still aren't back. "Maybe we should call then, aye?" You ask.

"I'll call Louis." Eleanor said. "No answer." She said.

"Maybe we should try Paul. He ought to know where they are." Danielle said. Eleanor nodded and called Paul.

"Hey Paul. Are the boys with you? Okay what happened? They are? Again! Okay. No. Just bring them home. Thanks. Mhmm. Bye." Eleanor hung up and let a huge sigh.

"Well where are they?" You ask.

"They left Paul and got drunk." Eleanor said.

"All of them?" Perrie asked. Eleanor nodded.

"(Y/N) you sleeping in my room tonight honey." Perrie said.

You nodded. After only twenty minutes Paul walked in with the lads. You could already smell the liquor on them.

"After we got dinner the boys thought it would be funny to run away from me and go to a bar. Which they did." Paul said.

"Thanks Paul." Perrie said with her arms crossed. Paul left. "Zayn!" Perrie yelled as she pushed him. Eleanor had to pull him off of her for her to stop.

"Hey babe." Harry said while trying to kiss you. But you rejected. "Kiss me." He said. He picked you up and put you on he counter.

"Harry stop!" You said while trying to push him off of you. "Come on babe."

"No Harry get off!" You kept pushing but he wouldn't listen. He started kissing you on your chest. Then he was rubbing your legs. Then he started undoing your pants and taking off your shirt.

"Get the hell off of her!" Eleanor yelled. Danielle and Perrie managed to pull him off of you.

"What is wrong with you!?" Perrie yelled at him. You all walked upstairs.

"I can't do this anymore! It's the second time! And he tried doing it in front of all of you!" You started hysterically crying.

"Were sleeping in the guest room. I don't want anything to do with any of them tonight." Perrie said.

"I agree." Eleanor said. You all went up to the guest room. You brought the living room television in there as well and did each other's nails and watched a movie.

The next morning you all woke up basically at the same time. "I have to get my clothes from my room." Perrie says.

"So do I." You say. The others have to as well.

You walk into the bedroom when Harry wakes up. He yawns and sits up. Then he says, "I'm really sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking."

"Harry this is the second time! Just get away from me. I have to go to work."

"You got a job? That's great!"

"I know! I was going to tell you last night!"

"Come on I said I was sorry." He got out of bed and started to walk towards you.

"Leave me alone!" You yelled at him. You stormed out of the room without saying another word.

You walked over to Niall's room and knocked. "What?" He said. You obviously had just woken him up.

"Get out." You demanded.

"What? Why?"

"I need to use your shower."

"Why don't you use yours?"

"Because I... don't want to talk about it. Just please let me use your shower." You asked a little more politely.

"Well when you want to talk, just let me know." You nodded and he allowed you to use his bathroom. "

You took a shower while crying a bit. After you were done you went downstairs and met all the girls in pink. "You ready?" You asked them. They nodded. You walked today. When you arrived you got those people who were rued and the people who asked if you were Harry's girlfriend and the people who were nice.

After your shift had ended you and the girls walked back home. The lads were in the living room chatting. You and the girls walked into the kitchen.

"Let's make some sandwiches." You said. You all made your own sandwiches and had chips with them. Harry walked over and stood by you.

"Can we talk about this?" He asked.

You scoffed and turned to him. "Yeah we can talk about it! You tried to do it with me! In the kitchen in front of all my friends!" You yelled at him.

"Please listen. I didn't know what I was doing." He said.

"You didn't know what you were doing the last time either! Is this going to be a usual thing!?" You yelled at him.

"No it's not I-"

"You know what! I'm done!" You threw your sandwich on the floor and stormed upstairs.

"Stop please!" He yelled, following right behind you.

"I'll stop! Harry... just... don't talk to me for a while." You said a little quieter.

Your voice was now shaking. You ran upstairs into your room. You didn't cry though You just thought, "Is this going to be a regular thing?"

"Can I come in?" Louis asked through the door.

You sniffles and wiped away your tears as best as possible even though some were still spilling out. "Yes." You said quietly. He came in sat down next to you and put his arm around you. "What if this happens every time Louis?" You ask him looking into his eyes.

"Love, it won't. It was my idea so I should take the blame."

You vigorously shook your head. "No Louis. It's not your fault. You didn't tell him to do that. You didn't make him drink. He chose that himself." You said

"Well, I love you you know? Your like my other little sister." He started. "I'll protect you just as much as I would my other four."

You started to cry again. You two just sat therefor a moment then you said, "Thanks Lou." You said.

He gave you a big hug. "Want me to go tell Harry to leave you alone when you come back down?" You nod. "I'll come back up after I tell him." He gives you one more look and walks downstairs.

You here Danielle yell, "Yeah you better not talk to her! Don't ever touch her again!" And yell a bunch of curse words to him.

Louis came back up. "The girls and Niall are a bit mad. But i'll be by your side love." You both walk downstairs together. You see Harry look at you. You just glance at him and see how sad he is.

You thought, "Not yet. I can't forgive him yet. I don't even know if I can."

You and Louis sat down on the white couch close to the window. Harry, Zayn and Liam sat on the brown couch. And El, Dani, and Perrie sat on the black one closet to the front door.

"Well this is a bit awkward." Niall says. You laugh a little at him.

"Are you better?" Louis whispers in your ear.

You shrug."A bit." You whisper back.

He nods and turns to everyone."So how was your day at work?" Louis asks the girls.

"Fine." They all say.

"You know what Harry. I can't believe you! That you would-"

"Eleanor shut up! That's enough ok!? My little sis has been hurt of course! But the more you talk about it the worst she feels!" Niall yells over Eleanor.

You put your head down and notice a tear starting to come out of your eye. Louis must have noticed as well.

"Don't cry love." Louis whispers in your ear. You quickly wipe away the tear before anyone else notices. You get up and walk into the kitchen to get some water. Niall comes in as well. You turn around and hug him while crying into his shirt. Louis walks up as well and sit's you down.

"Everyone get out!" Niall yells at everyone. They all get up. You look at Harry who looks like he's about to cry as well.

"How about we go... get some ice cream?" Louis asks while wiping away your tears. You nod.

"But my makeups a mess." You laugh.

"Go fix it up then we'll go." Niall says as he helps you up.

"I'll go tell everyone where we're going." Louis says. You run up to your room and just fix up your mascara and eye shadow since your eyeliner is waterproof

. "Let's go." You say.

You all take Louis' car and go to your work. "Hi Jeremy. These are my best friends, Louis and Niall. Basically my brothers." You say.

"Nice to meet you. Now what would you like beautiful." He asks. You can tell that Louis and Niall give each other looks.

"Uh... just a medium vanilla with sprinkles." You say. Louis and Niall get the same thing except with many more toppings. You paid him and took you yogurts to a table near a window.

"Why does he keep looking at you?" Niall asks giving him an evil eye.

"I don't know. But you do realize that I can't drench my sorrows in frozen foods." You say while laughing a little.

"We know. But we couldn't handle staying in that mad house for a second longer!" Louis says nudging you. You laugh and continue eating.

"Let's stay in the guest room! The televisions in there and everything! It can be like a brother sister sleepover!" Niall says.

You laugh. "Okay sound cool." You say.

"Oh yeah! I need to go see if I have to work tomorrow! Be right back." You say. You get up and walk over to the counter.

"Hey Jeremy. Where's Mark?" You ask.

He looks around momentarily before turning back to you."I don't know. Why?"

"I need to know if I have to work tomorrow." You say.

"Tomorrow were closed." He says with a smirk

You chuckle."Ok awesome. Well see you Monday then." You say.

You walk back over to the lads. "Should we go back now?" You ask.

"But I'm not done with my yogurt." Niall complains.

"We'll eat it in my car. Come on." Louis says. They both walk besides you until you reach the car.

You could tell that they were going to be there, next to you, every step of the way.

Louis, Niall and you all walked in the house with everyone else in the kitchen. "Why don't we go swimming?" Niall said.

"Niall, it's nearly winter. The water is freezing." You say.

"Well than that's a good thing. Right?"

"No. It's not. We could get sick." Louis says.

Niall tosses his head back and groans. "Fine. But on the first day on spring I'm jumping in the pool with or without clothes on" Niall said.

You and Louis laughed at him. You all walked into the kitchen. Harry looked at you and smiled. You just looked away.

"Did you have fun? Without us!?" Danielle yelled in Louis' face.

"Well we couldn't handle staying in this mad house." Niall said as he finished off his frozen yogurt. Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie, argued against Louis and Niall and Zayn and Liam we're talking about who knows what. You looked over at Harry and saw him looking at you. You could tell he had been crying. Most likely because he was getting yelled at. You looked at him and gave a small smile. You hated when he cried but you hated when he was sad even more. He smiled back and you looked away.

"Well (Y/N) and Niall are coming to the mall with me." Louis said. "

Goodbye!" Niall yelled as he pushed you out the front door with him behind.

"When are you going to let Harry talk to you?" Louis asked as he sat in the car.

You shrugged and said, "I don't know if I even want to. Is Eleanor mad at you?"

"Yes. A lot." Louis says as he backs out of the driveway.

"So where are we going first?" Louis asked looking at you in the rear view mirror.

"The arcade!" Niall spoke up.

"Is that alright with you (Y/N)?" Louis asked you. You nodded. "Then the arcade it is."

As you all were heading to the arcade you got a message from Harry, "I'm so sorry. I know I've messed up and I don't know how to take it back. Can we please talk later?"

You looked at it and thought about what you were going to say. You typed, "I don't know." Then turned your phone on silent.

Niall must've noticed you were getting ready to cry so he said, "Are you ok?" You nodded slightly.

"Love I've known you since we were nearly two. What's wrong?" Niall asked.

You sighed then said, "Harry texted me asking him if we could talk when we got back home." You said.

"Well are you?" Louis asked joining into the conversation. You shrugged. You saw Louis whisper something in Niall's ear. But you couldn't make out what it was. Niall gave a mischievous grin at you. You gave them a suspicious looks.

When you got to the mall Louis helped you out of the car.

"Arcade!" Niall yelled as he made you all rush into the mall. You and Louis laughed as you followed behind. "Let's play this singing game!" Niall said.

"Oh I can't sing." You say shyly. "Sure you can. We used to always sing together." Niall said. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the game.

"Let's do this!" Louis exclaimed. You all picked a song. Once it was over Louis and Niall both had surprised looks on they're face.

"What?" You asked puzzled.

"I knew you could sing but I didn't know you could sing THAT good!" Niall said with a huge smile on his face. Louis and Niall both gave you a big bear hug.

"Your amazing love!" Louis said as he pulled back from the hug. You looked at the floor trying to hide your blush. A fan girl came up and asked Louis and Niall for their autographs. You all left the arcade after playing a few more games. You pulled out your phone and saw you got another text from Zayn this time.

"Will you please talk to Perrie? She is so pissed at me and I don't know why!"

"Because you and the lads were jerks the other night! It's all of you faults why I'm so mad at Harry! And Perrie's mad at you because you were being such a jerk to her!" You texted angrily.

"Uh... are you ok love?" Niall asked looking at you. You didn't realize how mad you looked until they looked at you.

"Uh yeah." You say quietly. You could tell they didn't believe you.

"Okay... well now where should we go?" Louis asked. Niall strokes his chin.

"Maybe we could go to the book store." Niall says.

You all walk to the book store and see the cut outs.

"Whoa!" Niall says he walks up slowly to the cut outs of themselves.

"We have one of each of you." You say. "Why don't we know about this?" Louis asks you.

"We were going to tell you but I guess we completely forgot."

"Okay then. Well I need to find a new book anyways." Niall says as he walks away. Louis and you go to the magazine section.

"You do know that you are going to have to talk to Harry sooner or later." Louis says.

You look down to your feet and slowly nod. "I know. But I just don't know when." You say.

Niall walks up to you. "Paul just called me and told me we have an interview in an hour so we better head back." Niall says. You all walk out of the mall and go back home.


I hope this was long enough haha.. I can't believe I wrote this 2 years ago... woww xx

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