
By Brendaaaaaxo

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Ophelia had always been special since the moment she was born. As soon as she turned sixteen, that's when her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

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By Brendaaaaaxo

A/N: Enjoy!

Chapter Five

It had been the next day and I was yet to be disturbed by anyone else.

I was going into town to see Aeden today, but something was telling me I shouldn't. I don't know, if it was because I was scared of being found out in the woods or because I was slightly anxious to see Aeden again.

Whatever the reason was, I ignored it.

I had worn high waisted jeans with a small crop top. I had my knitted cardigan over it loosely just so I didn't seem too out of character. I was supposed to feel at least somewhat chilly, right?

I walked slowly as I was closer to the bookstore. Once I reached my destination I hadn't seen Aeden. We didn't say what time we would meet but maybe he thought a little later.

I went ahead and did some research on the spells that I was going to do yesterday. I kept checking the time almost every five minutes but soon five turned into ten and ten turned into 30.

I had been here for four hours and he wasn't here. I finished my work and decided to look through the aisles of books. None really caught my attention. I was in the supernatural section hoping to find a random spell book or so. This bookstore was much more mainstream than local so I wasn't expecting to find anything until I saw it.

The similar spine and hard cover, I opened it and the same hand writing. I had found a second spell book. It must've been from the same person. As I read it though I realized these were the same spells but different ingredients.

Now it finally clicked. Some of the spells hadn't worked, because it only showed half of the ingredients. I could now do so much more as I had both the books.

Unless, this person wrote more than two books, I thought.

I checked over the section of books once again and figured if he, or she, had written another one it wouldn't be in the same store. They were smart; they wouldn't put all the books in one location for someone to easily find.

I had waited another hour but Aeden never showed.

I sighed, looking down as I walked. I had already gotten attached to him and now it was affecting me. I walked sluggishly back home distracted of the idea of why Aeden hadn't came to see me.

I reached the tree my hut was built on and sat at the root of it. I pushed the thoughts of Aeden to the back of my mind and read the spells over. I had majority of the ingredients I needed for these spells. Now I just needed a few random things here and there.

"O?" I heard Aeden say.

I froze. I had been masking my scent since yesterday just in case Blair or Rebecca would show up again.

I looked up and there he was in his six foot something glory. I looked at him confused.
"Aeden? What are you doing here?"

"I.. I was running. I like to run through the woods a lot and see all the scenery." He explained, a little too smoothly. "The real question is what are you doing here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I was planning on spending my day with a certain someone at a certain bookstore but they just happen to not show up." He looked slightly guilty but hid it quickly. "So I went to the second best place. Here. I like being around nature especially when I read." I said holding up my book.

"I'm sorry I didn't go. I had to do something and I had no time to tell you, but you shouldn't be out here by yourself. It dangerous." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "I've been coming here for months, there hasn't been any danger yet, so I think I'll be fine."

He sighed and sat beside me. "I really am sorry I couldn't go today." I looked into his emerald eyes.

"Well you're here now." I said smiling.

We talked for a little while longer and I realized how we actually have a lot of things in common. He was very spiritual and I absolutely loved that about him. He understood me when I talked about loving everything.

Living out here in the woods made me appreciative of all the things I have, and I also learned to love the nature and spirit of things. I learned to love my life. Although I had a lot of downs in my life already, I've been slowly dealing with the things that have made me sad or mad and have just accepted them.

And I loved that he understood me. It made me think that made he would accept me for who I was.

Having found out much more about him lit a flame with in me, a desire to be with him, and it scared the life out of me all at the same time.

My lust filled eyes glazed over as I stared at his dark forest eyes. I glanced down at his lips, sub consciously biting my bottom lip. He leaned in so closely our noses almost touched and I closed the gap between us. This time when we kissed I felt so much more. This want, no this need for him was over whelming and I couldn't not show him. This was the most passionate kiss I've ever felt and it came to my attention that he was actually the only person I had ever kissed.

Three weeks ago when I had met him he had been my first kiss. And even without having any other experience the passion I felt made this so much more real than anything else I'd ever heard of.

I climbed on top of him with my legs on either side of him and I shrugged off my cardigan. His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me flush against him, and my arms were wrapped around his neck as one of my hands made its way through his hair.

Our lips broke apart and he trailed kisses down my neck, his facial hair slightly tickling me. Some kisses were a little rougher than others and I didn't care about the marks that would show later.

"Aeden?" I heard a voice ask but I was too caught up in our session to care. I moaned out as he hit my sweet spot and he sucked on it.

"Aeden!" I heard the same voice.

I pulled back looking at the direction of the sound. I felt Aeden sigh and rest against me before he turned the person. He was almost as tall as Aeden but he was much more bulkier.

"Yes, Jamie?" I heard him ask.

I went to get off of him but he just held me down harder and I instantly knew why. Suddenly my face turned hot, and I hid my face into his neck. I felt him smile against my cheek which only made me turn even hotter at my embarrassment. I had zoned out about what they were talking about and I didn't really care at this point I just wanted that guy to leave.

I heard Aeden start to chuckle. "Are you going to look at me now?" I peeked up at him and he was looking at me amused by my embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into his chest.

This only made him laugh again. "For what?"

"For, um, you know." I said motioning downwards.

"O, I'm attracted to you. Things just got a little heated, but don't apologize for it." He said while holding my cheek.

I nodded not trusting my voice. This was all so real. I leaned into him again and loosely wrapped my arms around him. We stayed like that for a while and soon I was starting to fall asleep.

I heard him mutter something under his breath. I was to sleepy to care though and I fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up and realized I wasn't in my room. I was laying in a very soft and cushiony bed with an arm wrapped around my waist, instantly I knew it was Aeden. I looked around and saw a digital clock on a wooden dresser flash 10:34 pm. I must've fallen asleep and Aeden brought me back here; to his pack house.

I turned around and noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. My cheeks blushed but was thankful he was asleep so he couldn't see. I slowly unwrapped his arm from my waist but failed as he tighten his hold on me scooting me closer.

"Aeden," I mumbled.

No answer.

"Aeden," I said a little louder.

Still no answer.

Finally, I just pecked him on the lips which I seemed to get a quick response. His eyes flickered open and he grinned.

I narrowed my eyes mockingly. "You weren't even asleep were you!"

He flashed a smile, "I wanted to hold onto you longer." He explained as he pouted his lip.

My heart swelled and I put my hand on his cheek kissing him.

"I'll stay as long as I get to change out of these clothes," I said, giggling.

"Well there's no problem with that," he said eagerly and jumped quickly to the dresser pulling out a t-shirt and pair of sweats.

His eagerness made me laugh and then he handed me the clothes. I took them from his hand and slid off my pants.

He looked away quickly, "I'll, um go wait outside." He said nervously.

I grinned at his cute reaction and pulled off my crop top along with my bra. I slipped into the t shirt and it reached to my mid-thigh so I didn't bother with the sweat pants.

The door opened and I right away I could tell it hadn't been Aeden. "Hey, Aeden, can you–oh sorry." The tall brunette walked back out.

I stood awkwardly for a second before folding my clothes and putting them in a pile on the dresser and then putting his sweats back. I laid back in the bed and pulled the blanket up to my hips.

The door opened and closed and I heard him lock the knob. I smiled, "I was beginning to think you got lost in your own house." I said turning around.

Aeden smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. I immediately sat up onto my knees. "What's wrong?" I said. He shook his head, not telling me. "Something happened, what is it?" I asked.

"I, um, got kinda pissed at Jared for walking in on you and I yelled at him." He confessed.

"Babe, he didn't even see anything." I said comforting him.

"I know, but I heard him say he did it on purpose to try to catch a glimpse and I just got so mad." It made me mad too, but I brushed it off my shoulder, not caring. "I punched him in the face." He finally said.

I smiled, slightly proudly. "You're too cute." I grabbed his wrist pulling him onto the bed. "Come on."

"You're not mad at him? Or me?" He asked surprised.

I laughed lightly. "Of course it made me mad, but he must be a low life jerk to not respect my space. I won't waste a second of my happiness with you for him. And how could I be mad at you for trying to defend me?" I explained, amused by his silliness.

He shrugged his shoulders, and I just shook my head. "You're silly." I said right before I lightly kissed him on the lips.

We laid back on the bed together and I rested my head on his chest. I wrapped my leg around him, making the shirt ride up a little bit, and I pulled the blanket back up to my hips again. His arm wrapped around me and I snuggled closer into him, feeling blissful in this moment.

We hadn't fallen asleep for a while, but we didn't speak either. We laid in a comfortable silence. I listened to his heart beating and I traced random patterns on his abdomen. Sometimes his heart rate picked up when I went a little too low but it was funny teasing him.

Finally, when I accidentally went a little too low for the fourth time he grabbed my hand and growled really lowly but really sexily at the same time.

I smirked as I looked up at his deep green eyes showing only but lust in them. I straddled him grabbing his wrists and holding them down. He could've easily escaped my grip, but he didn't. I started kissing his jaw and made my way down his neck and onto his chest.

I continued kissing everywhere except his lips and slowly grinding my hips into him. Eventually he grew restless and flipped us over. A small squeal came out of my lips as he surprised me. This time he held both my wrist in one of his hands and grazed my skin with his free hand. He nipped at my neck until he reached my sweet spot, he had found earlier. His hand brushed the skin from my waist down to my thigh teasingly. I moaned out letting ecstasy slowly build up inside of me and wrapped my legs around him wanting to be closer.

I felt the fabric of the shirt restrict slightly as my chest showed how much his teasing affected me. Aeden definitely knew how much he was affecting me. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and ripped my hands from his hold and pulled his face to mine.

I kissed him roughly and passionately, making sure he knew just how much I wanted him. I rolled on top of him again not breaking our kiss. I moved my hips harder against him and guided his hands under my shirt to my chest. I felt him grow rigid beneath me which excited me.

I moaned out as he massaged my breasts and finally I couldn't take it any longer. I needed him badly.

My hands went straight to his waist band, but he stopped me.

I looked up at him confused. "Wait, we can't do this just yet." I looked slightly hurt thinking maybe he didn't want me. "I want to. Trust me I really want to, but not today, not like this."

I nodded at him and laid back into the bed, breathing heavily. He kissed my neck and then my cheek and then finally my lips.

I was curious as to why he stopped me. I looked up at him. His eyes were already closed, but I knew he wasn't asleep.

"O, I can feel your eyes boring a hole in me." He said not opening his eyes.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about?" I asked, softly.

I didn't want to pry but, well, I needed just something.

He sighed, "I–"

"No, never mind. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I understand." I said cutting him off. I didn't want to force anything out of him that was obviously making him uncomfortable. I scooted closer to the edge of the bed slightly wishing I had gone home earlier.

"I had a wife." He said. I turned around sitting up looking at him.

"What?" I bubbled out of my lips. He leaned up against the head board looking so broken.

"I had a wife, she was my soul mate and I was deeply in love with her. She had been killed by these random wolves one night. " I felt awfully sad for him. "She had went into the woods that night because she loved night running, especially with a full moon out. I usually went with her but that day I don't even remember why I didn't go with her. I always went with her but I can't even remember why for the life of me I didn't go!" He said distraught, with tears in his eyes. "I feel so guilty for not being there to protect her." He admitted and I grabbed his hand.

"Don't you ever say that." I said meaning it. "It could've easily happened to anyone else or to even the both of you. She had being taken away from you viciously and terribly but don't blame yourself for it. If you loved her like you say you do then you know in your heart that you would've been there if you could've. I know you. And I don't believe, for even a second, that this could have been your fault."

He shook his head, "It was my fault, though. She was going to wait for me until I got home so we could go together but I knew it would be too late by that time and.." I heard him choke back a sob.

I went to his lap and hugged him comfortingly. He calmed down slightly and finished, "I told her she should go without me."

"Feeling terrible for yourself isn't going to help you cope with what happened. Think about how she was. Would she have wanted you to sit around here feeling guilty for something you had no control in?" He shrugged. "She wouldn't. Feeling guilty isn't going to help anybody and not feeling guilty won't make you a bad person, you will still remember her and love her like you did and no one could ever replace her. She was and always will be your first true love." He looked at me with something swirling in his eyes, and then he smiled sadly.

"You are the best, O. I'm so thankful to have found you." He mumbled as he hugged me.

I held him in my arms for as long as he needed. He was hurting and needed somebody to let him know he would be okay and I was going to be that person if I needed to. Soon we let go and fell into another silence.

"I'm going to go get you some water okay?" I softly said.

He nodded and I slipped on a pair of basketball shorts I found in his dresser.

I found my way through the huge house and to the kitchen finally. It was pretty late so I hadn't see anyone. I grabbed a glass of water and took a big gulp.

I knew losing a mate was terrible and painful and I couldn't imagine how I could help him.

But in anyway that I could I would help him get through this no matter what. I knew the first thing I wanted when I was grieving was a bunch of junk food. So I brought up some ice cream along with the glass of water.

I pushed open the door and then locked the knob as I closed it.

"I brought a snack." I said, with a small smile.

He looked at me grinning. "You're too good for me." He sipped his water and then spooned out a scoop of ice cream and taking the whole bite into his mouth.

"I wasn't sure what kind you liked so I brought cookies 'n cream, my favorite." I laughed softly.

"My favorite is butter pecan, but I finished it yesterday. This will do though. " He mumbled in between bites.

I scooped some up in my spoon and ate it. I loved the bigger pieces of Oreo that I would randomly fine. When we finished it I threw the tub out and took the spoons to the kitchen sink. When I was going back upstairs I realized someone was standing at the top of the stairs. I stopped halfway up and knew this were his Alpha.

"Um, hi." I said awkwardly. "I'm Aeden's friend."

"Yes, I know. I just wanted to formally meet you. When I first saw you, you in a deep sleep." He chuckled.

I laughed slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, I kinda fell asleep in the woods with Aeden and he didn't know where to take me so he just brought me back here, my name is Ophelia, but you can call me O." His smile faded as I mentioned my name, and I hoped he hadn't heard of me before.

"Ophelia," he said repeating my name. "I used to have a grandchild named Ophelia."

Oh god. "Oh, where is she?" I asked curiously.

"My daughter and her family had been living by them selves, homeless, when they were killed. If I knew she needed helped at the time I would've taken her in and let her stay here, but I hadn't know until I tried to reach her." He said looking at me.

Very, very close to my story except I didn't die. "I'm sorry about your family." I said feeling slightly claustrophobic.

"Well I'll let you get back to sleep." He said starting to turn around.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name." I said.

"I'm Deacon," he said before living me halfway on the stairs.

I went back to Aeden's room and slipped off the shorts before laying in bed with him.

"You were gone a while. I thought you might've actually gotten lost." He said teasing.

"I met a guy name Deacon. He said he wanted to meet me since I was sleeping when he first saw me." I felt him stiffen slightly. "Is he your dad or something?" I said playing the role of a human.

"Or something," he mumbled quietly.

I scooted closer to him, with my back pressed against his chest and his arm around me. I didn't really care for his response as I knew he wouldn't say who he really was.

And just like that I fell asleep in his arms for the second time.

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