Savior- Vkook

By orangejimin

427 25 16

Taehyung heard noises down the hall More

Part one:Savior

427 25 16
By orangejimin

Welcome to my Vkook one shots.

This first one is dedicated to Internet Friends by @nerdyjimin. It gave me the inspiration for this

Jungkook's pov

I had decided not to tell him.

Everyday the same thing would happen, today was no different, but hey happened this time I decided against previous thoughts that no matter how much I wanted to tell him, I wasn't going to.

Oh god it was happening now. They were coming.

I pressed my back against my locker dreading the sound of the feet echoing in the empty hallway. I prepared for the worst, but wished, as always, that there was a way to save myself. I squeezed into myself trying to minimise the amount of space I took up. I wish I could've just disappeared all together. Although I guess I deserved what was about to happen. If I didn't , why would they keep doing it?

"Jungkook-ah nice to see you as always." Jaebum spoke to me as he moved his way down the hallway. Mark and Jackson followed closely behind him looked pleased to fulfil their routine.

Jaebum, once he reached me, pressed his hand right near my head at the locker I was backed into. He smiled. I could feel him breathing. He plunged his arm forward into my gut causing my breath to hitch, almost in the same way it did every time Taehyungs skin brushed across mine.

Thinking of him was the only way I could make it through this.  

All I wanted to do was call out. Scream even. Call his name. I always wished he would Come and save but I knew he wouldn't. He didn't deserve to get dragged into this; plus, I didn't need him seeing me more pathetic than I already was. He'd leave me then for sure.

"What are you thinking huh? " Jaebum said kicking my haunched over frame on the word huh. "You're particularly distant today. "

I coughed at the impact and fell to the ground. Footsteps echoed in the distance and hope gleamed within me.

"Hey!" His blonde friend Jackson said frantically. "We should move this to the bathrooms."

I don't know why I had bothered to assume anyone would see me and maybe I'd be saved from this, just once.

Jackson reached under my arm, and signalled the third friend, Mark, to come help him.

Maybe if I made some noise..

"Let me go!l I yelled beginning to kick my feet as they desperately tried to pull my flailing body. It was no use. I was being pulled the short distance from my locker into the bathroom. Pain seared through my ankles as I threw them against the ground, digging my heels into the ground. My body was pleading with me. It had had all it could take. I just needed to not get beaten this once. It was tired of crumbling.

The boys said nothing until the light above my head had changed and we were in the bathroom. 

When Mark and Jackson set me down, Jaebum leaned into my ear.

"It's way more fun when you put up a fight.

"Jackson come here!" Mark spoke to his friend who had backed away.

I tried to stand, maybe I could run.

"Aw look at him trying to stand. " Jackson cooed. He then took his first and slammed it into my stomach, then my cheek.

In movies they show people getting beaten up, rolling around, fighting back, and shrugging off hits. They never tell you how much one blow can completely shake you to the core of your being. It can make you feel like you'll never breathe again. At this point my whole body ached, but I could feel a particular pain the the left of my chest.

Mark struck the right side of my face, and kneed me in the stomach. I entire body crumbled into The spreading pain in the middle of my body.

I fell to my knees.

"Come on get up." Jaebum said finally tired of not being the one doing the beating. He linked his Arms under my small ones.

"Oh Pity jungkook. You've gotten thin. You're so light. I bet he's been skipping meals" He said looking over his shoulder for Mark and Jacksons opinion. They both nodded their head, arms crossed. He tuned his attention towards me now. "Like some freak."

His word hit me. It remedied me of every late night, when Taehyung would spend hours cooking and would try to feed me, but I would never touch anything because " I wasn't hungry"

"It's okay though." Jaebum continued. "You don't need it anyway. It's not like you'll be living much longer because I'm sure you'll just kill yourself soon. And honestly, it makes it easier for me to do this."

With his arms linked under mine, he yanked my limp body into a bathroom stall, throwing me in with a kick.

All light faded as he closed the stall door. Was on my knees facing the toilet. Coughing up the little food I had, all the blood, and acid in my stomach.

"Face me." Jaebum said as I coughed. I didn't have the energy to move at the moment.

"I said face me!" Jaebum reached his leg out and kicked the left side of me making my vision blur. My ribs screamed within me. I felt my hair being yanked in a large hand, and not the way Taehyung would softly tug at my hair when he would run his perfect hands through it. It wasn't gentle or kind or loving.

My neck reared back, then was thrown forward into the white porcelain. Then all was black.

Taehyung's pov

I had tired of the lunch room, so I left to roam the hallways, my hands in my pockets, every once in a while stopping to examine the few posters that littered the school walls. I was nearing the hallways where Jungkooks locker was. Maybe I'd surprise him when the bell rang? Oh! I would love to see his cute face light up, but he was weird about people knowing we were dating. I knew he wasn't embarrassed about me, just embarrassed in general and he always said something about him not wanted people to think less of me for dating him, but I always shrugged him off. I didn't care. I love Jungkook

As I turned into the long hallway, I heard yelling it was faint, but apparent.

"I said face me!" The shout was followed my a small whimper and a crack that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I then heard worried mumbles.

"Oh my god!"

"Jaebum why would you do that?"

"Shut up!"

"Let's just go"

All the words we're rushed and worried. Ten I saw two blondes and a redhead run from the bathroom.

Curiosity filled me. What wee they so worried about?

I began walking down the hallway. I paused looking at jungkooks open locker. Inside the locker was nearly organised. There was nothing on the interior besides a small slip of paper.

The paper was a photo in dim lighting. It showed jungkook with a dopey smile leaning into my shoulder. I was holding the camera and smiley widely. I was so surprised he's kept the picture of himself, and even more so I was surprised he had us together. My heart fluttered, but dropped almost immediately whwn I realised some of his books where scattered across he floor in a disoriented pattern.

I ran into the bath which is where the last book was pointing towards. My head began the throb. The floor was pooled with blood coming from the first stall. I moved in immediately, and opened up the door.

There laid my precious Jungkook. His skin wasn't the smooth light colour it usually was. It was grey, drained of colour, and covered in purple and black blotches.

"Oh no no no, jungkook baby it's good to be okay. It's going to be okay." I said as I lifted his head into my lap.

Worry consumed my entire body, but more importantly the feeling that j had to make him okay again  

My voice was breaking and tears clouded my eyes. "So this is where all of your bruises Come from. Why wouldn't you tell me, oh god jungkook I'll never leave you alone again."

All of his hair was red and matted to his pale forehead. His mouth hung open. I pushed the hair off of his forehead and kissed it. "It's okay. I got you."

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, and called he first person I could think of.

"Jin!" I spoke. "Get the nurse and Coke to the bathroom of hall B! Now!"

I hung up without waiting for a reply. He looked so broken. Everyday be came home littered with new colours purples and Greens. I would always ask what was wrong and ask why he was bruised up. Some days he would have excuses, others he would ignore me all together. I never took it personally. He'd tell me when he was ready but I was so worried I never thought it would be something like this. Why would he hide this from me?"

He lay near lifeless on the ground.

What could I do?

"Taehyung!" I heard someone call. Jin stood in the doorway the school morse behind him, looking horrified bit determined.

She covered her mouth momentarily, looking at the boy in my arms and my messy tearstained face, but soon sprang into action.


I hadn't realised how much of a mess I was when the nurse came in until jungkook was okay.

The nurse

Jin had Come to hold me back as the women pulled my broken boyfriend from my lap.

I had protested vehemently to getting him taken away, but I knew it was for the best.

She placed a tourniquet on his head and called the hospital.

That's where we were now.

I sat next to his sleeping body, holding is cold hand. The side of his head was stitched and the nurses has been kind enough to Wash the blood of off his face.

He had been put into a clean white t-shirt.

The life had comeback to his skin bit he was still bruised. He still glowed to me. I loved looking at him.

His eyes began to flutter

"Taehyung?" He asked confused as he was waking up. "What happened?"

"I heard you getting beat up. I was so scared. You were passed out, and there was so much blood. It looked everywhere and..."

"Oh Taehyung," his eyes immediately filled with sympathy and concern. " you shouldn't have had to see that."

"I SHOULDNT HAVE TO SEE IT? JUNGKOOK!" I yelled dropping his hand. He looked surprised. "You shouldn't have to go through it! You made me so worried. And I was as worried as I was because I love you, and whatever reason went through your head not to tell me that this was happening is invalid."

I stood up and kissed his forehead, lingering my lips there for a minute. Then I kissed his nose, his right cheek, then his left, I kissed all over his face then finally, his lips. I pulled away. His face was read and smiley. Ugh I loved his smile. It lit me up.

I dropped my voice to a whisper, my face still lingering over his. "Jungkook, you are precious okay? Everything you do makes me happy. I want to stop every moment of my life to take pictures of everything you do because you're that perfect." He averted his gaze from he looking down.

" No jungkook look at me."

His eyes locked with mine.

"You are worth something okay? No matter what anyway says,

No matter how many times you feel beaten down. I will never understand how someone could hurt you because I would never hurt the thing that means The world to me, but even if they do it doesn't matter. You are worth something, and I love you. No matter what. I love you."

Jungkooks pov

He kissed me and I kissed back immediately putting my hand on his face and pulling him into the bed. He fell into me, placing both of his hands on the outside of my body. Like Jaebum had, but he didn't intended to hurt me. He made me feel such intense things like the beatings, but they didn't hurt. He made me feel like I couldn't breathe, but it it was because of him I didn't want to.

Anything Taehyung did could counter act any pain I felt and that made life worth living. 

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