Captured By The Mafia

Autorstwa xXForgotten_SoulXx

208K 5.8K 896

I stood frozen as I watched right before my eyes, a man getting killed. I feel myself heart sink as tears fal... Więcej

Chapter One: Run
Chapter Two: Kidnapped
Chapter Three: Questions
Chapter Four: Nightmare
Chapter Six: First Day of Hell
Chapter Seven: Encounter
Chapter Eight: They Are Back
Chapter Nine: Triggered
Chapter Ten: Her Threat
Chapter Eleven: Back To The Basement
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen: The Attack
Chapter Fourteen: Escaping

Chapter Five: Proposition

18.3K 528 35
Autorstwa xXForgotten_SoulXx

Sophie's P.o.v

I can't take it anymore! I've been here alone for who knows how long. Same walls, same bed, same everything. The only time the door opens is when they bring in my food, and even then the girl doesn't say anything, just glares at me any chance she gets. She just brings in the food and heads out the way she came. I can't even tell if it's either moring or night, I'm going crazy by the minute. If I don't get out soon I'll have to be put in a mental asylum and that won't be pretty.

I pace back and forth pulling my hair like a madman. Escaping is out of the question, tried that and I failed. To think I almost got raped brings cold shivers down my spine. What else can I do? I can't be stuck inside this room forever. The bathroom also has no window, it's like this room is made perfectly for me, for the captive. I don't even have my phone with me, I don't even know where it could be. Atleast then I could of made a few phone calls and get out of this mess.

Oh God help me, I don't want to be here. Hasn't anyone noticed I'm gone?

'No one even knows you here' my conscious says. True, I could be dead and no one will ever know. I should have never come to New York. I should have just stayed back in my home town. Atleast there I know I would be safe. I wouldn't have to worry about some killers capturing me and bringing me to some sort of house or whatever this place is -which is extremely huge.

I go sit on the bed and look at the wall. Couldn't they have atleast put something to entertain me? A book? Or maybe a tv? Just something to make time pass by less painful.

I look up when I hear the keys jingle outside before the knob turns. I'm comes the girl who brings my food. The dress tight over her small frame, barely making it to her mid thigh. Her blonde hair up in a bun. A scowl present on her face every time she sees me. I don't know what crawled up her ass and died in there, but every time she sees me she has to make the same scowl. Unless her face is permanently like that, but I'm not sure since that's the only expression I see her with.

She sets the tray down on the drawer and leaves through the door, but not before she glares at my direction. I just roll my eyes and walk over to the tray. I look down at the tray and frown, eggs again. I shouldn't even be complaining, atleast I'm not down there in the basement, I am all good.

I eat my small portion of food and gulp down my water. Atleast they aren't staving me or beating me. after what I had saw down in the basement I thought I would be tortured to death, in a way I'm glad that, that isn't happening, but another part of me is thinking that this is only temporarily, one wrong move and I'll end up there all bruised.

The more thought of it the more I got tired. My eyelids feel heavy against my eyes. Douglas Lee got up and turned off the lights and crawled back into bed. My eyes open and close until they no longer opened and I was asleep.


Loud banging against the door woke me up. I agryily open my eyes ready to kill whoever was disturbing my sleep. "What" I yell, making sure they know I'm mad. I can hear a low chuckle through the otherside, I wouldn't find this funny if I were you.

"Get dressed, Vincent wants to see you" who the fuck is vincent? I just groan and get of the bed. Who ever this is Vincent guy is, he better have a good reason for waking me up this early. I walk into to the restroom and look at my reflection, geez no wonder that girl was glaring, I look hidious. I splash water on my face and change into clothes that are here. My hair looks like a hot mess, I need a brush, but since I don't have one I try to run my hair through it. Fuck that hurts, I just leave my hair alone and walk to the door. I knock on it, the keys unlock it and there is Christian looking at me with an arched eyebrow.

I just glare at him and wait for him to take me to the Vincent guy. He just grabs me by the forearm without saying nothing and takes me away. I don't say nothing, I just glare at the hallway as we walk. As we passed by a window I see that the sun is already high up in the sky. I guess it wasn't so early. I also noticed that we weren't in the first floor.

We stopped by a door that said Vincent in carved letters. Christian knocks on it and waits for an answer. The door opens revealing blondie, the maid, looking flushed and sweaty. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what had happened before we came, I cringe in disgust and scrunch up my nose. I look at her and see that she doesn't have a scowl on her face, oh good it wasn't actually permanent. As she faces me the scowl returns -I guess I spoke to soon. She passes by us, pulls down her maid dress and walks out as if she owns the place.

'What a bitch' I think to myself.

I look at Vincent which he looked back with a blank expression. Christian nods his head before leaving me alone with him. Traitor.

I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to tell me to sit down, he doesn't. I shift myself from one leg to the other just looking around. Still nothing. My eyes land on him waiting for him to speak. He can I'm uncomfortable, but he pays no mind. If anything he seems relaxed. Asshole.

I eye the chair wanting to sit, but didn't dare to since he didn't say so. How long does it take for him to say something, he did call me in here in the first place.

After what seemed like forever he finally talked "I have a proposition". My head snaps towards him, a proposition? I looked at him confused, what can he possibly want.

When he noticed I didn't say anything he continued "You have three options. One, you can work here doing whatever I say, but if you try to escape or betray me in anyway, you will die. Two, I own a few clubs around the area, you can work there doing what they say, if any complaints you will come back here and deal with the consequences. Or three, I can just take care of business right now".

I look at him in shock. No words formed, I just looked at him as if he had grown two heads. This is absurd! What makes him think I want to stay here and work for him or at a club where I'll be probably dancing on a pole in my birthday suit.

He looked irritated waiting for me to answer "well" he clenched his jaw.

"I don't know" I look at him straight in the eye. His eyes turn cold piercing through mine. I felt the urge to look down, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me. He stood up from his chair with his fists balled up on his sides. His stare burning holes into my eyes, I finally looked away when I couldn't handle it.

"My patience is something you shouldn't be testing, make up your mind or I'll choose for you and I can promise you wont like it" his tone brings cold shivers down my spine.

I look down, defeated, my voice barely audible "I'll work here". I hate feeling weak, but his voice holds power and even if I try to fight against it, I know I'll end up losing. Something about him would make anyone want to cower back and hide.

"Good" he turns his back to me looking outside the window "Someone will show you to your new room. By seven in the moring you should be already in the kitchen helping the others. They will be telling you what you have to do" he faces me again. "You do as you are told, I don't want to hear any complaints. Am I clear".

"Yes" I nod my head. That will be hard, I don't like being told what to do.

"Someone is waiting for you outside, go" I turn around and head towards the door. Just like he said someone was there. I look at him and see a scar on his neck, I quickly shift my eyes away and study the rest of him. He is tall with thick black hair and muscles that bulge out through his tight shirt. He doesn't acknowledge me, instead he just starts walking and I follow silently behind him trying to keep up with his pace.

He leads me to a door, but he still doesn't say anthing. He just opens it up and leaves. I look at his retreating figure until he turns and I can no longer see him. I shake my head and walk through the door. The room is big, bigger than any room I have had. A queen size bed is in the middle with a white plush comforter. A large window that is covered by blue curtains, an oak dresser stands against the side of the wall, while a good sized tv is hanged on the wall. A small desk is by the corner with small lamp. Does everyone who work here get a room like this?

I go by the bed and feel the softness of the comforter. Tomorrow I start working for him, but who exactly is he? I know nothing of this man except his first name and that he owns a huge house with alot of men who work for him. What did I get myself into?


Hope you enjoyed :)

If only she knew who he actually is *sighs* oh well, she will soon...

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Till next time bye:)

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