Protecting One Direction

By Sparkling_Diva

219K 3.5K 577

Nicole A 16 year old girl that used to be bullied by : Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson Niall Horan Liam Payne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Hey Guys !

Chapter 23

5.8K 86 27
By Sparkling_Diva

Nicole's POV
After that note from Mr.X we all went to sleep but not me. I stayed up all night just incase some unwanted visitors might show up.
Since then it's been a week and nothing happened and now we are heading to the mall so that the boys can get new clothes for their tour. I was waiting for the boys in the shop while I decided to look around for myself. Around 30,minutes later the boys have still not come out of the dressing room
I knocked on the dressing room door
"Harry you OK in there ?" I asked but I got no response. I opened the door to find the dressing room empty. Weird .
I checked Zayn next "Zayn you in there ? " I said while knocking on the door. No response either... I'm starting to get anxious now ...
I checked all the other boys's dressing rooms except Niall's and none were there...
I checked Niall's dressing room not having a good feeling at all and just like I thought, it was empty but except this time there was a note on the ground
Agent 250, We have so many memories together....... Let's make another one shall we ? Meet me in the warehouse at midnight, If you want your little friends back and your boyfriend ... Including Evie .. Come alone or else.
Looks like the games are beginning early this year ....
After I read the letter I quickly went to the agency and told my boss about the boys and the note. He told me to get back up and I did just not quite ...
I did get backup .. But their gonna stay in the van .. Since Mr.X has cameras everywhere he could simply have his minions check the cameras and attack them.
Right now we are near the warehouse waiting for midnight to come around. I checked my watch only 10 minutes left ... Your probably thinking 'why the hell is she waiting for midnight go and kick ass now !!!' The reason is Mr.X is really strict about time if he says midnight you have to be there at 12:00 sharp not a minute before or after or else he will probably chop heads on the victims he is holding hostage. I checked if my weapons were still here gun,knifes,darts,bombs ... Yup all there ...
I looked at the time. It is time to go and kick his sorry ass goodbye. I looked at my team and said "Good luck" and smiled
I got out of the van and went to the warehouse I entered with no problem but with as much as little sound as pentrence . I heard a scream coming from the room on the right and quickly went there .I fought some dudes who were blocking the entrance and entred to see the boys and Evie all tied up in ropes on chairs.
"Well, I see you came just in the right time" Mr.X said coming out of the shadows. I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed it at him and he quickly pointed his gun to Niall's head. The boys all looked like they were all gonna cry. "Drop weapons or else I'll shoot."
I had no choice but to drop the weapons to the floor and kick them aside. He removed the gun from Niall's head,
"What do you want ?!" I yelled
"You know what I want ever since I met you" he replied
"Well your not getting it" I said
"It is fine don't give it to me, I'll just take I'll myself " he said while running to me I quickly moved out of the way and grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, I kicked him from behind and pulled out my gun. Hey what can I say he said 'remove your weapons' but he didn't say 'remove ALL your weapons' be careful with your words next time
I grabbed him and pulled him up and held his hands behind his back
"What is it with you always end up winning" Mr.X said
"I always win because I'm protecting the ones I love. I love them, I love Niall" I said while looking into Niall's eyes ...." I give them love .... Something you will never get from me ..." I said and smirked . I shot him in the head as he fell down. I did it .. I killed him .
I undid the ropes and quickly got out of the building and into the van. I called the agency to pick up the dead bodies and everything was finally ok.
We entered the house and after the boys all got in Niall immediately came up to me and gave a me a big kiss on the lips while holding my cheeks/face.
"You love me !!" He said
"Of course I do" I said.
"To add on the happiness in the room I would like to thank you Nicole for protecting the boys and I would like to tell you that you can be their permanently bodyguard .. Do you accept ?" Simon said .... Wait .. How did he get here ?
"Thanks Mr.Cowell I would love to be their bodyguard" I smiled
We all celebrated that night and let's just say that me and Niall had the most fun that night *wink,wink*
Huh, who knew that I would be in love with my ex-bully, friends with my ex-bullies and Protecting One Direction ???
I'm not sure if there will be a sequel yet ... By I'm 69% (hehehehe...) Percent sure there will be :). If there will be I will update on this story to tell you more about it k ?
I love you all my unicorns xxxxx

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