The Crave for Mistakes

By Isabelle88

2.7M 32.4K 1.1K

Selene lives with her brother and his best friend, who she can't get along with. But a drunken mistake shows... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's thoughts and Appreciation

Chapter 15

94.8K 1.1K 29
By Isabelle88

Chapter 15

Selene was wary after talking to Ben, the conversation ended after he said ‘we’ll see’ since Scott came downstairs. At school she avoided him during lunch and in the halls, she knew it was childish but she didn’t trust him especially if they ended up alone.

“You have to work today?” Carrie asked as they met up in the parking lot.

“Yeah but not for another two hours. What’s up?”

“I need your help on something. Ben is one of the smartest guys in town. I’m about to fail a class if I don’t pass the next test and my parents are going to flip so I was wondering if you could ask him if he’s available for a little tutoring.” Carrie explained.

“Why don’t you ask him?” Selene asked. She knew Carrie would think her dislike on the subject was because she didn’t like Ben not because something, she didn’t know what, was happening.

“We don’t know each other that well.”

“Ask Scott then to talk with Ben.”

“Scott’s busy trying to fix things with Gillian and Lisa since she’s pissed at him to for unknown reasons.” Carrie explained. “I get Ben is the plague for you but please! I’d do it for you.”

Selene sighed; she couldn’t deny her friend since it was true; she’d do it if Selene asked her for anything. “Fine I’ll talk to him. I’m sure he’ll say yes.”

“Thanks!” Carrie hugged her friend quickly before rushing to her car to head home and explain her current mess to her parents.

Selene sighed again as she raked back her hair and threw her bag in the back seat of the car. She glanced around the parking lot for Scott; she didn’t feel like waiting all day for him. She leaned against the body of the car and lifted her hair from her neck as she closed her eyes from the harsh sun. It was so hot out that day, another reason she’d wish Scott would hurry up since he had the keys. 

She felt a hand brush against her neck causing a different type of heat. She nearly jumped when she found Ben standing right beside her, she moved over. “What do you want?”

“Are you hiding from me?” Ben asked to just get right to the point while they had the time.

“What makes you say that?”

“Every time we saw each other you went the other way and now you’re itching away like any minute you’re going to make a run for it. Do I make you that nervous?” Ben asked and hid the fact he liked that she was affected by him; anything she felt was an improvement.

Selene forced herself to look at him and put her best game face on. “You don’t make me anything.” How she wished that was true, what the hell happened? She wondered, where did these desires come from and how could she get rid of them?

Ben grabbed her wrist and pulled her back beside him. “You never were a good liar.”

“Ugh why can’t you get this through your thick head? I want you to leave me alone and just forget what happened Saturday and last night.” Selene said glancing around very few seconds to make sure they were still alone.

“Can you?”

“Can I what?”

“Can you just forget?”

Selene sighed and found herself looking into his blue eyes. “Let’s just say for a second I’m willing to go along with what you want. What is it you want?” she couldn’t stop herself from addressing the subject again because it was gnawing at her all day.

“I want you. And I don’t mean I want you to satisfy my sexual needs or some sort of game. I want you in every sense of the word.” Ben said as he kept his eyes locked with hers but stepped away when her heard footsteps nearing.

“Hey guys.” Scott said as he threw his bag into the backseat as well. “Are you ok?” he asked his sister when he saw her expression.

“Um yeah I’m fine. Let’s get out of here.” Selene didn’t look at Ben again and they climbed into the car and headed home. As soon as Scott pulled up to the house she rushed into to her room.

She shut the door and slide to the ground; she couldn’t seem to breathe because of the shock in her chest. She shook her head; did he just say those words? Why the hell would he? “Too confusing.” She muttered.

There was a tap on her door. “Sel?” it was Scott.

“Yeah?” she called back.

“Are you sure you’re ok, you just hauled ass.”

“Yeah I’m fine; it’s um…woman problems.”

“Oh.” Scott said with a cringe. “Feel better.”

Selene smiled; she loved how that answer always worked to send her brother away. “Too bad I can’t find an answer for everything else.” she went back to thinking about what happened in the parking lot.

It might sound strange but she would’ve preferred if they had slept together both regretted it and move on, that was simple. Now there was some sort of feelings happening that scared her to death and made her question what she thought to be true in her relationship with Ben over the years.

She wanted answers but she also feared being alone with Ben and now Scott was home. He was another factor she didn’t want to think about. “I wish I had a time machine.” She stood from the floor and lay in bed with her thoughts.

She wasn’t sure how much time has passed before her phone rung. “Hello?” she answered.


She sat up when she recognized Brandon’s voice. “Hey, what’s going on?” she wanted to slap herself; she didn’t know what to say to him either.

“I was just calling to say hi. I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

“I’ve been busy with school and just saying home. Work too; I have to be at the store in about an hour.” Selene said.

“Ah work sucks; I was hoping you’d be free for dinner tonight. Maybe another time?”

Selene smiled grimly. “I don’t know with everything going on, we’ll see.”

“Ok then, I’ll let you get ready for work. Call me.”

“I will bye.” Selene hung up the phone as guilt surrounded her. She liked Brandon and considered him a friend but more? She didn’t know how to feel about that and especially now.

She rose from the bed and changed into a white buttoned down shirt, which was as much thought as she put into her look for work that day. She headed downstairs and found both Ben and Scott in the kitchen. She remembered Carrie’s request as she tried to think of something to say. “Listen I have something to ask you.”

Ben lifted his head from the book he was reading. “What?”

Don’t look into his eyes, Selene warned herself. “Carrie was wondering if you could help her pass a test. She wanted me to ask if you were willing to help.”

“What’s in it for me?”

You’re screwed, Selene met his eyes. “What do you want?”

“We’ll just add it to the list of things you already owe me.”

She knew he didn’t say more because Scott was sitting there. She knew his way of collecting was going to be much different then she had originally thought a week ago. “Yeah whatever.” She looked at her brother now. “Do you need your car?”

“No you can take it.”

Selene saw that her brother looked depressed. “What’s wrong?” he had been worried for her it was only fair she return the favor, work could wait a few minutes. “You can tell me you know.”

“It’s just…I have to get out of here. Why don’t I drop you off?” Scott suggested as he stood from his chair.

“No,” Ben said before she could answer. “She can borrow my car, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thanks.” Scott said before leaving through the back door.

Selene watched him go. “Do you know what’s bothering him?” she knew something was bothering Scott since he didn’t normally walk out.

“He just needs some time to figure out a few things.” Ben stood as well and headed up to his room.

“Don’t we all.” Selene said under her breath as she left the kitchen and grabbed Ben’s keys off the coffee table. Something stopped her from opening the front door; herself. She turned back around even though she wanted to leave and go to work a part of her won’t let that happen.

She went up to Ben apartment and opened the door. “Since when?” she demanded.

Ben was sitting on his bed. “Since when what?”

“Don’t play stupid. Since when have you wanted me in every sense of the word?”

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