Attachment Is Forbidden (Obi...

By ObaeWanKenobae

340K 9.8K 6.2K

》She sent me a smile that didn't reach her teary eyes. And that's when I knew she had turned my world upside... More

I. Blockade
II. Leaving Naboo
III. Awkward
IV. It's cute
VI. Feelings
VII. Anakin Skywalker
VIII. Coruscant
Tagged: 13 facts about me
IX. You Do Like Him!
X. Attachment
XI. Going Back Home
XII. Plans
XIII. The Battle
XIV. Promise.

V. Conversations

18.9K 622 242
By ObaeWanKenobae

*Aure's POV*

I woke up the next morning and got out of the room to find the "Queen". She was sitting with her servants in her own room, chatting and having breakfast.

"Good morning," I said bowing.

"Good morning," they all said at the same time.

"Would you like to eat something, Miss Sinder?" the fake Queen asked me.

"No, thank you, your Highness, I'm not hungry. " I refused and asked "Have Padmé and master Qui-Gon arrived already?"

"No, they haven't," she answered. "But I believe padawan Kenobi is communicating with his master right now."

"May I ask where is he?" I asked formally. I hated all these formalities, specially because I was not talking to the real Queen.

"He was at the ship's cockpit the last time I saw him," she replied.

"Thank you, your Highness. I will leave now," I bowed and left the Queen's room.

I walked to the cockpit and, just like I was told, Obi-Wan was there, sat on a chair and talking through a comlink. I was hoping he had good news from Qui-Gon.

When Obi-Wan finished his conversation, he stood up and turned around, setting his eyes on me.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning," he answered after a sigh. This made me wonder if Qui-Gon had told him anything bad had happened.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, concerned.

He looked at me, his eyes showed worry. "Well... Master Qui-Gon contacted me and told me he has a plan to get the parts we need. He is sure that he'll get them."

"But that is wonderful!" I smiled wide.

"Not really..." He ran a hand through his short hair. "This man called Watto has the parts we need. Master Qui-Gon has met Watto's slave, a child. He has made a bet with Watto: if the child wins today's pod race today, we get the ship's parts and the child comes with us." I processed everything he was telling me.

"And what happens if the child loses?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"If that happens, Watto gets this ship," he said, just what I feared.

"So master Qui-Gon is risking everything just because he trusts a kid he barely knows?" I said, disbelief could be heard in my words.

He laughed. "Yes, that is basically what he is doing in a few words."

"I am sure the Queen doesn't approve," I said, thinking about Padmé and crossing my arms.

"The Queen doesn't know and my master told me she mustn't know." I smiled at this, knowing that Padmé knew exactly what was happening. Now I understood why she wanted to go with the Jedi.

Soon, my smile disappeared and my face showed concern again. Obi-Wan must have noticed this because he took my hand softly and tried to make me relax.

"Master Qui-Gon is wise. He knows what he's doing." I looked at him and our eyes met. I could get lost in his beautiful eyes. He continued. "I'm sure everything will be fine and we'll leave this planet soon."

I smiled and whispered "Of course." Then I looked at his hand, which was still holding mine. He followed my gaze and quickly let go of my hand. I tried to keep things less awkward and asked him "Why does Qui-Gon trust this child anyway? And why does he want to take him with us?"

"The kid is strong with the Force. I suppose he wants to take him to the Jedi Temple so he'll be trained." He sighed and sat down "The Jedi Council won't approve, he's too old, he can't start his training now."

I sat down next to him and rested my hand on his shoulder; I smiled when I felt him relax a bit.

"The Council will know what to do," I reassured him. "Don't worry about that child's future, it isn't your concern." He looked up and me and smiled.

We spent the next few hours talking about everything and nothing. Talking about friends and funny memories, about feelings, joking, laughing. I told him about my worries and he comforted me; and I did the same to him. And for a few minutes I forgot about everything that troubled me and felt totally relaxed.

Obi-Wan was such a caring and hard-working man. The Jedi Order was his life and he had trained so hard to become a knight. I could relate to that. I knew he would become a great knight soon. What amazed me the most was how, even though he was very serious while working, he had a funny side and could find something positive in every situation. It was incredible how he managed to make me laugh in times like this, when I was so worried about everything.

Some time during our long conversation, I realized how much I loved talking to him, how much I adored the way his eyes would light up when he smiled, how much I admired his laugh and his voice and the way he said my name.

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