Wanted➣ Lauren/You Fanfiction

By stories_5H

382K 16.7K 11.3K

"You can't control who you fall in love with." or; in which Lauren Jauregui meets someone that makes her feel... More

|1| I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted
|2| We Can Work From Home
|3| Feeling Stressed...Out
|4| Go Love Yourself
|6| Sometimes Quiet is Violent
|7| I'm Just a Sad Song
|8| I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
|9| You've Got A Friend In Me
|10| Count On Me
|11| 7 Years
|12| The Girl's a Work of Art
|13| stars
|14| My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...
|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You
|16| Junto a Mi
|17| You're Pretty Fucking Dope
|18| No Lyrics
|19| How To Save A Life
|20| I'll Keep You Safe
|21| Beautiful Escape
|22| Figure My Heart Out
|23| Just The Way You Are
|24| This is Logic
|25| Please Don't Hate Me
|26| Please Don't Go
|27| "Even Though I Know You'll Never Be Mine."
|28| "Tell Her You Love Her Too."
Epilogue: Falling in Love With You [Part 1]
Epilogue: Squeeze [Part 2]
Epilogue: Rest of My Life [Part 3]
The Playlist

|5| My Heart Breaks a Little When I Hear Your Name

12.6K 592 285
By stories_5H

You know, being attached to someone sucks. Especially when you had just started getting attached to them. It's hard to explain, but when they walk out of your life...when they leave you, you just feel lost. And that's exactly how Lauren felt, now as she stares at her phone hopelessly. It's been three days since Y/N walked out, or more like since Lauren kicked her out. She's regretting it immensely now, she can't believe she did that.

Her phone lights up, which causes her to sit up and instantly unlock it. Only for her to see its a tweet, a tweet about the new hashtag for their new album coming out in two months. Boy, how time flies.

She locked her phone, twisting it left and right in her hand. She hears a knock on her door, there was a little kick in her gut telling her to get up, telling her that it's Y/N. So she reluctantly got up from the couch, set her phone on her kitchen counter and looks through the peephole. She rests her forehead against the door when she saw all four girls standing outside her door. She isn't in the mood to have their regular sleepovers. She just wants to be alone.

"Lauren, we heard your footsteps," The green eyed girl heard the smaller yet oldest girl say. She stays quiet, hoping they will believe she isn't home and leave."Come on." She heard Ally's small, pleading voice.

Sighing, she unlocks her door and opens it slowly. She moves aside, letting them in and catches Camila glance at her. She shakes it off, her mind is on what Y/N told her that other day. She really wanted to talk to her about it, but she's just as stubborn as the other girl and hasn't texted her. But, she has been staring at her contact number, thinking somehow she'll get the message she was thinking in her head.

"I brought ice cream." Dinah says, sitting down on the couch comfortably, lifting her feet up. The girls follow suit, but with their own personal snack."What's wrong with her?" Dinah muttered, whispering it to Normani.

"I don't know," Normani shrugged, watching as Lauren held her phone in her hand and stared at it. The green eyed girl was just standing in the middle of the living room, she seemed lost."Lauren." Normani called out, catching said girl's attention.


"What's wrong with you?" Ally asked for them.

"Nothing. Just tired." Lauren lied, staring at her phone for a minute then setting it down on the coffee table. She sighs, sitting on the coffee table beside it and resting her chin on her palm.

"Well, we have to stay awake because of this live tweeting thing." Dinah pulls her phone out, scrolling through her Twitter feed and liking a few things.

"You sure you're just tired?" Lauren heard Camila ask, the brown eyed girl's head tilted a little in a questioning way.

Lauren nods,"Just tired."

"Okay." Camila shrugged, popping a grape in her mouth. She hummed contently as the taste, which causes a small smile to form on Lauren's lips."Should we start with the little teasing we have for the harmonizers?" Camila spoke up, covering her mouth after she popped another two grapes in her mouth.

The girls look at each other, shrugging they all agree on starting their little teasing game.


"Twelve plus x equals x square root of fourteen," Y/N mumbles, spinning her pencil between her fingers. She scratched her chin,"what?" She said incredulously.

Let me tell you this, this problem set, which contains fifty problems –those of which Y/N has no idea how to do– was due yesterday. Somehow she convinced her professor that she will be turning it in tomorrow. She should've told him next week, though that wouldn't make sense because she said she didn't finish it due to her dog dying. She used that excuse; her dog dying. She even used the fake tears, and surprisingly, he believed it.

"I might just fail this class," Y/N mumbled, throwing her pencil down on top of her paper. She sighs, putting her hands on her forehead before throwing herself down on her couch. She lets out a deep breath, rubbing her eyes then staring up at her ceiling."I need a distraction." She says to herself, so she sits up and grabs her remote.

"Fifth Harmony's sophomore album-"

"Seriously?" Y/N huffed, changing the channel. She continued changing it until she realized there was nothing on. She's brought back to the same channel she started off in. Antenna, it only gives her thirty channels; sucks, dude. She puffs air out of her mouth, leaving the TV on while she goes to her kitchen.

"Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui..."

"Ow..." Y/N brings her hand to her chest, rubbing her chest for a second before serving herself some soda. She takes a deep breath, grabbing her pill bottle and checking to see if she took her medicine. She huffs in annoyance when she noticed she hasn't, so she opens it and pops the pill in her mouth."To depression." She mumbled, sliding the pill under her tongue while bringing the cup to her lips.

She hums, faking happiness as she stares at her pill bottle. She rubs her chest again...

"The girls of Fifth Harmony: Camila, Dinah, Ally, Normani and Lauren will be live..."

"Ugh, stupid heart," Y/N muttered, massaging her chest area."Next time I won't eat that burrito. Heart burns suck." She mumbled to herself. She throws herself back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling as the TV plays in the background.

"Ralph Lauren's new..."

"Ralph...Lauren..." Y/N drags out, she hums in acknowledgement when she notices the girl in the commercial says the name differently. She thinks to herself,"Lauren Jauregui...Lo-ren? La-ren? Hmm..." She sits up slowly, tilts her head as she looks at her TV. Weird, she's never been so intrigued by the way a name is said before. Or maybe she's finding an excuse to talk to Lauren right now? Wait, La-ren?

Damn it, Y/N stands up and walks to her door. She stops by it and picks her shoes up, after tying them she grabs her keys and glances at her TV. She sees a really old video of the girls doing a cover with Boyce Avenue, she smiles seeing Lauren's eyes closed as she sang passionately. She remembers listening and watching to that cover, she got chills at how well the girls sang it. Of course, the guy sang it pretty well too.

Right now, Y/N won't admit that it was wrong to tell Lauren off like she did the other day. She huffs at herself, choosing to leave her TV on and walking out of her apartment. After locking it, she walks slowly to the elevator and pushes the down button. I think she's trying to buy time so she won't be able to do this. This being her apologizing to Lauren for what she said to her the other day, she groans again when the elevator takes long. Screw this stupid elevator,"I'm taking the stairs." She mumbled, glaring at the stupid tech then walking to the stairwell.

She decides to walk, it'll be quicker but longer and that's exactly what she wants. Apologies are awkward for Y/N, plus the fact that she's awkward herself doesn't help. She kicks the ground, looking ahead of her and seeing the sun starting to set. Y/N is a little surprised she's survived these three days without talking to the green eyed girl. She puffs air out of her mouth thinking about her, she canceled the stupid study date with Magy because she just...she didn't want to, not anymore after Lauren told her–asked her.

"My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways..." Y/N chuckled to herself, fits perfectly right now. She stops in front of Lauren's apartment building, staring up at it in hopes its just a delusion and she's not really in front of it. The drive here is longer than the walk here, stupid traffic."Fine...I got this, apologies are easy."

Not really

Lauren continues staring at her phone, this time to see if anyone was tweeting her. But she was also checking if Y/N has texted her and didn't see it. She was so into looking and checking her, she didn't hear the knock on her door. Ally did, so she got up after glancing at Lauren and rushed to the door since there was another knock.

"Hi, can I help you?" Ally asked politely, bringing a small smile on Y/N's lips.

"Uh, yeah..." Y/N steps back to look at the apartment number. She furrows her eyebrows before taking a step forward,"I think I have the wrong apartment, sorry-"

"It's fine. What apartment are you looking for?"

"Actually, I'm looking for Lauren...but I guess this is a sign that I shouldn't-"

"Oh, she's in here...I'll get her..."

"No-" Y/N watched as Ally turned around, sorta skipping away to get Lauren. She looks down the hall and bites her lips on deciding if she should leave."I should go..." She mumbled to herself, putting her hands in her jacket pockets."...yeah, I should go." She decided, glancing inside the apartment before starting to walk down the hall.

"She's taller than I am." Ally shrugged, telling Lauren about someone being at the door. So Lauren got up, eyebrows furrowed as she walked to her door. She grows even more confused when she sees no one outside her apartment, she sticks her head out and looked to her left and right. That's when her eyes land on a familiar head of hair.

"Y/N..." Lauren steps out, closing her door and walking slowly behind this person.

Y/N stops in her tracks, closes her eyes tight and hopes she's just hearing things. She crosses her fingers, then she's proven wrong when she hears her voice again.


She takes a deep breath, turning around and letting the words out of her mouth."My heart breaks a little when I hear your name." She locks eyes with green ones but immediately looks down on the ground.

"When I Was Your Man." Lauren recognized, she knew Y/N meant those words because she remembers the younger girl telling her that she speaks better with song lyrics. She crosses her arms, waiting to see if the younger girl had anything else to say.

"My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways-"

"Caused a good, strong woman like you to walk out my life." Lauren finished, sighing in relief when Y/N met her eyes again. She extends her hand, wiggles her finger signaling Y/N to take her hand.

Y/N smiles a little, walking towards the girl and takes her hand. Before she could react, she felt the older girl wrap her arms around her neck, hugging her tightly."Sorry, but I don't always get attached to people..."

Y/N wraps her own arms around Lauren's waist,"Neither do I." She mumbled.

"But darling, you are the only exception." Lauren hides her face in the crook of Y/N's neck, sending a small shiver down the girl's spine. She smiles widely this time, knowing what song she's quoting.

"Haven't really heard that song in a while." Y/N chuckles, rocking on her feet, side to side, Lauren moving along with her. She felt Lauren smile against her neck, realizing she hasn't done what she came for, she sighed,"I'm sorry for what I-"

"I'm sorry too." Lauren lifted her head up, nodding at her to let her know she heard correctly."You were right, I shouldn't have questioned your feelings-"

"You made me realize something though," Y/N said, loosening her arms around Lauren waist."I don't think I still love...I think I'm just still caught up in the idea of loving her." She shook her head, chuckling as she looks down at the ground."That was stupid, —"

"No. It wasn't..." Lauren bit her lip, removing her arms from around Y/N's neck. Y/N frowned at the loss of her touch, but she shook it off and watched Lauren play with the rings on her fingers."What's stupid is this thing that I'm thinking about it."

"What's that?" Y/N asked.

"Come on." Lauren grabbed her hand, dragging her into her apartment.

Y/N waved shortly at the girls, catching Camila's glare then almost fell when she was pushed into a room. She kept her ground, shaking her head a little when she grew dizzy. She saw Lauren close the door behind them, locking it while she was at it."When you said let your body do the work, I didn't know you really meant it." Y/N muttered, looking around at Lauren's room.

"Haha," Lauren said sarcastically, searching for something in her drawer. She groaned, shutting it loudly making Y/N jump.

"What are you looking for?"

"My journal."

"Your diary."

Lauren glared at her,"Journal."

"Diary." Y/N mumbled, earning the middle finger from the green eyed girl."What's it look like?" Y/N asked, not touching anything because she didn't want to got through Lauren's private stuff.

"Black..." Lauren said, throwing something out of her drawer, landing next to Y/N's foot.

"Gee, that helped."

"Ugh...I think I might have left it in the studio."

"What are you going to do with it anyway?"


"Oh, wow...really? I thought you were going to rip paper out to wipe your shit with it." Y/N responded sarcastically, earning another glare from Lauren. She chuckles,"What are you planning to write?"

"Think about it..." Lauren said, stopping her search and walking up to Y/N. The younger tapped her head, nodding making Lauren giggle."...we've only been talking –for what?– three weeks?"

"Actually, four weeks on Tuesday." Y/N said matter-of-factly, Lauren smiled happily before nodding.

"Yeah...how in the hell did we grow so attached within these four weeks?"

Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N shrugged."I dunno. Magic?"

"No," Lauren rolled her eyes, she reached for a sticky notes pad and a pen. She stood in front of Y/N,"Because we obviously mean a lot to each other...our small fight, it scared me because I thought I was going to lose the only person I could talk to about anything."

"You won't lose me, I promise." Y/N smiled, opening her arms but Lauren shook her head, lifting the sticky notes and pen up."What do you want to do with this?"

"We're writing down this promise." She said seriously, scribbling down the word promise on top of the small sticky note.

"Like Derek and Meredith did?"


"Grey's Anatomy?" Y/N tried, Lauren shook her head shrugging."They got married on a sticky note...they wrote down promises that they actually kept–this is a good idea, Lauren." Y/N snatched the sticky note and the pen from her hand, sitting down on Lauren's bed."What else do we promise each other?"

"Um," a little confused still, Lauren pushed that away and stood in front of Y/N."Promise that we will talk to each other even if we are mad at each other."

"Got it. What else?"

"Promise that if we are mad at each other, we let each other know."

"Got it."

"Talk to each other even if we are tired and hours apart."

"You going on tour soon? Aren't you?" Y/N lifted her head up, catching Lauren nod."Then we should add time zones won't bother us, even if they secretly do." Lauren smiled watching as she wrote it down.

"And promise to let each other know where we go if we go anywhere out of state." Lauren said.


"Just overly attached." Lauren shrugged.

Y/N chuckles,"I added to tell each other everything, and not make fun of each other even if it's really funny." Lauren giggled, nodding her head in agreement."Anything else?" Y/N asked, clicking the pen.

"Promise you'll never stop speaking to me with lyrics," Y/N raises her eyebrows,"I know you mean it when you speak with lyrics...just like earlier." Y/N clicks the pen, writing it down then looking back up to meet her eyes.

After reading over together, adjusting a few things and rewriting it because Lauren wanted it in her handwriting, they nodded at how it turned out. Of course, Y/N had to throw in some jokes about how sorta cheesy this is, but Lauren didn't really see how it was. But she simply laughed along with her because for some reason, seeing her laugh and laughing with her brought her more happiness than she expected. Y/N clicked the pen, lifted the sticky note up then looked at Lauren with a smile.

"Til' the day my life is through, this I promise you." Y/N said softly, earning a smile from Lauren.

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