Summer Nights (Captain Swan)

By OUAT-captainswanfan

55.1K 3.1K 573

A real world au captain swan fanfic. Emma is going on a vacation with a couple of friends, but they have ver... More

Beach party
Day trip
Authors note
The winner
Further plans
The boat
The festival part 1
The Festival part two
The T-word
Goodbye to you
Not answering
Where are you?!
Love letters
Open up!
Reunion part 1
Reunion part 2
First words
Sleep deprivation
Don't leave me...
Authors note
The End
Sequel is up!!!

The Evening

2K 123 24
By OUAT-captainswanfan

Emma's pov

As expected, we went to the beach that night. This time, there would be am acctual party, with people, music, dancing, drinking..

I really didn't want to go but yet again, my friends forced me. I never should have gone with them in the first place, they would be happier if I wasn't here. Then again, I never would have met Killian.. Wait, do I like him? I am not sure..

When we arrived at the beach there we so many people and the music was way to loud. My friends ran torwards the other people, leaving me behind.

I thought about leaving but then I saw Killian. He was coming my way and waved at me.

"The music is way to loud!!" I yelled at him when he came closer.

"What?! I cant hear you because of the music!! Lets get outta here"

I only heard "outta here" which was enough so I nodded and we walked away.

After walking away from the beach we were finally able to talk normally again.

"Were are we going?" I asked him.

"I dont know, We could go to the city center, grab a drink" he suggested.

"You mean.. Like a date or something?" I asked nervous.

"You could call it that" He said as he grabbed my hand and we started walking.

We went to the café central and he ordered.

"Para mí y la señora vino blanco, por favor" (for me and the lady the white wine, please.

"You speak Spanish?!" I asked suprised.

"si"( Yes) he answered with a smirk.

"Hablo Español también"(I speak Spanish aswell)I smirked back.

"Well, a little bit" I added. He laughed.
We tried to talk Spanish till our drinks came but we kinda failed and gave up. Turns out we both dont know as much as we thought..

After we payed we decided it was time to say goodbye, since we were both tired, today had been a long day.

"Well, goodnight" I said. I didn't know what I was doing until after I did it. I gave him a little kiss on his cheek and than I walked away. I wanted to run, but I didn't. I didn't look back and once I got around the corner I started running, not knowing that Killian had been following me.

"Swan!" he yelled. I suddendly stopped running. I didn't want him to think that I was running away from him, cause I wasn't. I was running from myself. I knew that I couldn't look at him again without wanting to kiss him. So that means that I just couldn't look at him. Okay, maybe I was running from him, but it wasn't his fault.

"Why were you running?" He asked laughing as he ran up to me.

I turned around and smiled. "I dont know" I lied. He kept running torwards me till he just ran against me and kissed me right on my lips. I kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I mine around his neck. We stood there for about a minute. After that I was the one to pull away.

I backed off.

"That was.." He started

"My first kiss" I wispered. I hoped he didn't hear it but, of course, he did.

"You're joking right?" He said.
"Someone as beautiful as you must have millions of men chasing after her" he said. I blushed at his comment.

"some guys tried, but I was never interested"

"Well I am flattered" he said laughing.

"But if this was really your first kiss, I must say, you're a natural, and I would love to try that again sometime" he said as he turned around and walked away.

I stood there, still a little shocked, but I had never been happier.

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