Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

1.5M 17.6K 2.9K

Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

chapter 28- Charlie and Sue

18.5K 200 23
By blackdust

Hey guys I uploaded quickly didn't I? Well I already had this chapter but I don't know if I will have the next! Remember to do the usual vote... comment.... fan... tweet... and LIKE! All rights are to the one and only Stephanie Meyer.

Chapter 28-Charlie and Sue

***Amelia's POV***

"Max, Amelia do you want to see forks?" I heard our names called by a familiar voice and to where we are. Forks. I felt arms encircled around me. I realized it was Max after I inhaled his sweet scent and the pounding of his heart. The pounding of his heart... My favourite sound in the whole wide world. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I then placed them where they were before. I sat up slightly and saw Max's sleeping face awaken. I smiled at him, as he opened his eyes. I sat up a bit still in his embrace and looked at my mum who was looking at us.

"Why don't you to take a look around?" dad said. I looked out of the window and to the streets of forks. The town didn't seem very big and the weather was quite dull but it does seem that there is something special. There was mostly greenery around and some of it looking familiar.

"I think I have been here before." I said as i carried on looking out of the window.

"Have you?" Mum asked.

"Yeah I think it was a couple of weeks before I came." I said. The memory flashed through my mind. Well it wasn't much of a memory all I did was run, sleep and fall off a tree. Nothing special.

"What do you think then?" Mum asked. I looked out of the window again and said

"It's nice but very green." I said. Mum and dad laughed at that.

"That was my first thought." Mum said. Some of the memories of their past appeared in Dad's head. I just watched it was like he was showing it to me. Then I realized he was.

"What do you think Max?" I said and I turned to him. He looked at me and said

"I agree it is green but it seems nice and well quiet." I nodded and carried on looking out of the window. Until we pulled up in front of a medium sized house. Dad parked and we exited the car I saw Ness and jacob pull up too and exit the rabbit. They approached us and we started to wait for granps and Aut Alice who were about a few minutes away. I held max's hand as I looked around. They soon pulled up and I faced Max.

"Do I look fine? My hair?" I said. I wasn't nervous or something I just wanted to be presentable. Max let go of my hand and straightened my hair a bit with his fingers. He took a step back to examine me.

"You look beautiful." He said. I stepped forward and messed his hair making him look better.

"And now you do too even through you did in the first place." I said. I grabbed his hand and we walked to mum and dad.

"Sorry Max and Amelia but to Charlie at first you are going to have to be cousins so that means no holding hands." Mum said. I pouted a bit but I let go of Max I'll hold his hand later. We all piled in front of the front door and Mum pressed the door bell. After a minute or so the door opened behind it was an elderly man more or less in his fifties.

"It's so good to see you all why don't you come on in?" He said and invited us in. Mum went first and gave grandpa a hug then Dad then Carlisle then Alice. He looked quite shocked but didn't say anything probably to why they look the same. He gave Ness a hug and said

"Ness you have grown big and all grown up." Ness smiled and said

"I know Grandpa and it is great to see you." Next was Jacob he didn't seem to bother that he looked the same maybe he knows that he is a werewolf. He looked at me and Max confused he then turned to Mum and dad.

"And who is this beautiful young lady and handsome young lad?" He said. Dad walked towards me and Max.

"This is our daughter Amelia and this is our nephew Max he is Rosalie's and Emment's child." He said. Charlie lit up and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and noticed he smells nice really, really nice. It must be his blood I wonder what human blood tastes like. But then again I don't want to be a monster for being curious. He let go of me and had a good look at me.

"How old are you Amelia?" he asked. Four. But I can't say that!

"I'm fourteen." I said.

"You look exactly like Edward just not the eyes." he said. I smiled. Cool I look like dad even through I'm not his biological daughter.

"So... How come you never told me about her?" he asked. I didn't say anything and waited for my mum or dad to answer.

"We never told you about her because she was born critically and was in hospital a lot it was only recent that she has been fine for about a year now. I don't think we had a chance to tell you." my dad said. Wow he is a good liar I nearly believed him myself. Grandpa nodded and went to give Max a hug.

"You have a strong build like your father Max and you look like you mother." he said to him. Max smiled at him and said

"Thank you sir." he said.

"Go ahead and call me Charlie you are a gentleman like your father too." he said. I wanted to laugh at that. If uncle Em is a gentleman why is it that I shut his mouth a lot? There are some things it this world I simply do not get. Dad smiled at that and too wanted to laugh when grandpa called him a 'gentleman'. I know Max is one but his dad? I'm not so sure.

"So why don't I take your jackets and ou can go inside and meet Sue." Charlie said we took off our jackets I could tell that Max wanted to be a gentleman and take mine off for me but he didn't I guess cousins don't do that. We went into what I'll guess is the living room and we all sat on the sofas. I saw a lady more or less in her late forties or early fifties come in. This must be Sue. She greeted us and looked confused at me and Max. We explained to her who we were and she nodded. I looked- kinda in her mind and she knew about vampires weird... I guess that I'll have to ask about it later. Then Charlie came in and sat down next to Sue.

"So it's good to see you all but I have a question." Grandpa said.

"Ask away Char-Dad." Mum said she looked as if she knew what he was going to ask and hoping that he doesn't ask it.

"Why is it that you all look the same? I know why Jacob is and Ness, Max and Amelia look their actual age. And why are you really cold I know you live in Alaska but you shouldn't be that cold." He said. The room fell silent and no-one really knew what to say.

"Dad... do you really want to know?" Mum said looking a little uneasy.

"Need to know?" He asked.

"Dad I said that I- I mean we would tell you everything you need to know." Mum said.

"Well I am curious has it got something to do with Jacob?" He said. Mum gave Dad a knowing look and then Grandpa number one then Alice and then Jacob.

"Dad is it alright if we discuss everything outside?" Mum said.

"Sure Bells anything wrong?" He asked looking concerned.

"No we just need to sort something out Carlisle, Alice and Jacob come as well." She said. They nodded and got up and went out of the house. Silence filled the air I wanted to touch Max I felt the electric current in the air I was sitting one inch away from him and started to get a little jittery. I saw Max and could tell he wanted to hold me too. I angled myself so that our legs and elbows were touching. He turned to me and smiled I smiled back and tried to listen to their conversation. I could hear it but I wasn't sure if Max and Ness could hear it too. Ness who was sitting next to me put her hand on my face. Flashes filled my mind and I could see she was asking me a question. It was can you hear what they are saying? I can't hear them. I looked at her and nodded. I put my hand on on her face and told her that they are talking about whether they should tell Charlie about vampires or not. It looks like they are. I took my hand off her face and she nodded. Max then faced me and started to talk telepathically.

What are they talking about? He asked.

Whether they are going to tell Charlie about vampires or not but it seems like they are. I said he nodded. The room was silence again so Grandpa Charlie decided to break it.

"So... Max and Amelia how is school?" He asked. I looked at Max for help he answered first.

"It's good Charlie but to have a break is better." He said and Grandpa nodded.

"What he said." I said. Everyone smiled at that. Which I don't get because I wasn't sure on what to say.

"That's good to hear and Ness are you in university now?" He asked.

"Umm... I've decided to take a year off so I could decide to see what I want to do in the future." She said. Then I heard the front door they must be back I wonder what they have decided becasue I didn't listen to the end of the conversation.

***Bella's POV***

I went outside with Edward, Alice, Carlisle and Jacob. We walked a bit and then stopped I think that only Amelia could hear us but that doesn't matter.

"Should we tell him or not?" I asked.

"Bella as I said before it is your choice we gave you the vote yes." Carlisle said.

"I know but I don't know how he will react." I said.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with it he is a brave man." Jacob said. He's probably remembering the time he told Charlie he was a werewolf.

"Alice can you see how he will react or if he will believe us." I said we all looked at Alice who was concentrating. She shook her head.

"I can't see that much because of the blind spots all I can see is he is speechless." She said. I guess he may believe us but we need to give him proof we can't just tell him we are vampires and expect him to believe it.

"Who do we give the honours to?" Jacob asked trying to lift the tension. We stayed silent.

"Bella I think you should do it." Carlisle said. I thought for a second maybe I should...

"Yeah Bella he is your father so I think you should tell him." Alice said. I pursed my lips thinking on what to say.

"Don't worry Bella you have us there is nothing to worry about Charlie will take it fine." Edward said I looked at him and he gave me his crooked grin. The one when I was human I would do anything for as I will do anything now for it.

"Okay..." I said.

"Don't worry Bells you'll be fine he's brave as I said." Jacob said and smiled.

"Come on let's go in we don't want Charlie to think we ditched him." I said. Alice went in first then followed by Carlisle, then Jacob. Edward gave me and hug and put his lips in my ear.

"Relax Bella he'll be fine." He said. I looked at him and pecked him on the lips.

"I love you." I said.

"As I love you." he replied. We went inside with our fingers intertwined. We sat down and I took a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I asked making sure. He thought for a minute.

"Yes Bella I am positive." He said. I looked around everyone gave me a reassuring smile even Max, Amelia and Reneesme. Amelia must've told them. Sue gave me one as well. I cleared my throat.

"Dad we have decided to tell you the truth and you have to believe us okay? I said. There was silence at first but Charlie soon said something.

"Sure Bells you are my daughter and I will believe you."I took one last glance around the room and then said

"Dad we are vampires."


Ooh... cliffhanger- ish. Soo... what do think? How do you think Charlie is going to react? Apart from the obvious oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! But then again how would you react if your daughter says that they are a vampire? Comment that! Yes that! I wanna see what you will come up with.

I'll upload after... another 11 comments and 12 votes okay?




Ooh!!!! Before ami goes I wanted to sat two things!!!

Ive now have got one hundred pages for this story yay!!! I couldn't have done it without you guys!!!!

The second thine is I would like to make a shout out to my number one fan who is 4d0r4ble she is who I dedicated this chapter too!!! You are the best!!!!

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