
By Kabarakade

607 69 33

In a small world, a child has grown up harshly. With constant twists and turns. How does he handle them? Read... More

Beginning of The End
Why, What, Who
Bad Boys
The Fall
One Big Fuck You
Element of Surprise
Welcoming Show
Tales of a Bouncer (PART 1)
Clean Up
Feeler, Not a Thinker
Savior and Wingman
A Call For Help (FINALE)

Tales of a Bouncer (PART 2)

22 3 1
By Kabarakade

I go down to Charata's because I marked it on my GPS... what a change of scenery.

Instead of trashier music, and a purplish setting, with dudes in wife beater tank tops, I heard techno, everything was blue, and everyone was wearing suits or some form of formal attire.

I was a bit in between the spectrum of variety between the two. I still had my old bouncer uniform on, all black shoes, pants, and crew neck shirt. I added a watch and aviators to show I meant some bouncer business, if you get what I mean.

Coming back to the music, it made me feel ecstatic. Like I wanted to dance, everywhere. I danced a little bit in my walk, my stance was more relaxed and flexible. Everyone was having a good time, especially the mobsters, and fucked up entrepreneurs who offshore their debt. It was a nice setting for someone like me. Not too fucked up, and not too childish.

Instead of smelling like new condoms, (and used ones) it smelled pretty damn good. Cologne and perfume resonated in the air, like the sun, but in your nostrils rather than your eyes. But it was funky for the eyes too. The blue was a nice change of setting, and it literally felt funky with certain songs. People there, were definitely into the whole song and dance.

From the front I actually had to walk in from a hall, bathrooms to the left, maintenence and shit to the right. But the place itself was nice. There was a bar and a V.I.P area to my right, but tables and the dance floor were to my left.

Yet from the top I realised there was some asshole, who had a small opening, like a rectangle. He was behind it, and this opening went from the ceiling, to a few feet down to this huge place. He was behind me from up there when I walked into the main place. I could see behind him, it looked like an even more special V.I.P area.

I went up to the server guy at the bar, he was a pretty big black dude, yet he had soft eyes, and looked as if he were in a good ass mood.

"Eh man, I'm the bouncer for the night. I need a quick briefing, first time, y'know?"

"Well you look like a pretty strong bouncer! What do you need to know?" laughed the server.

"Well my buddy who co-owns says that drinks for me should be on the spot."

"Austin Keller? That your name?" asked the server with a smile.

"Yeah that's me man," he began to pour me a shot. "Second, whose that guy up at the top? With the snazzy glasses, slicked hair?"

"That's Tony, he's the man with the plan. He owns this joint my dude!" exclaimed the server, best he could over the uplifting techno music.

"I hear a lot about this guy. He good?"

"Yeah he's cool! What else man?"

"Do I need to handle the maintenence shit at all?"

"There's a girl in there named Alyssa. She's kinda nerdy, all by the cameras and shit, but since she started working her, she seemed cool. I heard she was raped once and she charged a dude. Harsh. She's cool though too." explained the bartender.

"Alright, do I need to help her?"

"She'll give you a few things to do here and there. She's lonely up there. Chat her up. We don't have many problems here!" laughed the server.

"Appreciate man, what's your name?" I laughed, sipping down the shot in one lift.

"The name's Alex! Nice to meet you!" exclaimed Alex in a happy tone as he swayed back and forth a bit to the transition in music.

"Thanks again man! I'll go to work then!"

"Good luck! You won't need it!" laughed Alex as he cleaned a glass with his wet cloth.

He was chill for an old man, I walked back into the entering hall, and went into the maintenance room. One of the cameras she was focused on, was the one directed at Alex and I.

The door creaked open a bit as I opened the door at a moderate pace, with a smile to signify my happiness to work here.


"Oh! Hey! Sorry, didn't see you coming in so quickly there! You're Austin right? Ramirez told me a thing or two about you, it was pretty vague." Alyssa chuckled as she turned around in her spinning chair.

"Yeah, of course I'm Austin. What do I need to do?" I asked as I readjusted my tie, and cracked my neck left.

"Cutie-- so um, I think you should stay outside for a bit. We have another bouncer coming in for a shift as well. Perhaps you should watch the outside, then when time comes, you take inside shift?" Alyssa suggested.

"Well alright, let me know if you need anything else, Alyssa."

I walked outside and I could hear her sigh in disappointment, I don't know why exactly. She did leave a mental taste in my brain though. Her black hair, and pale skin all fitting together well. She had sequins all over her cute red dress. I didn't think much of her, but Alex was right. She looked nerdy, yet the fit the job just right.

As I walked outside, and stood next to the shiny black door that was the main entrance to the club, accompanied by other stores or areas of marketing and commerical, it was raining. But it wasn't storming roughly and annoying my ears, it was the amazing refreshing rain, where the atmosphere makes my body tingle in anticipation of more and more rain.

I make a V shape with my arms, holding one hand over the other, in orderly bouncer fashion as usual. But nothing really happened outside tonight. Every single consumer of the place was proud of their own dignity and knew what they were doing around this establishment during night.

The night was very good, my lungs were filled with fresh air, and I felt very positive. Nothing much happened. It was very different compared to my experience at Liquor N' Licking.

It was really fun, either way. It was just me, the weather, and my thoughts. There was a little bit of cover above my head so the only liquids that came onto me, were the simple drops onto my feet that resulted in the impact of the concrete combined with the rain.

I was calm, and easily recognized my environment because of that. Most of the times I can't be descriptive, because everything usually tends to be stressful for me, but this... this felt great. I had an unforced smile on my face the whole time and I didn't notice until I checked the time on my watch. I came for this at 10:30, and now it was 12:00, finally another dude was coming.

It was some randy I kind of recognized, but only from the face. I was a bit skeptical, and he looked like it too.

"We know eachother from somewhere?" asked the guy.

"Well you're a Bouncer for this place right?"

"Sure am. I'm just saying you look really familiar." stated the guy.

"Well what's so familiar?"

"Everything honestly. You still have a bruise on your arm too, you're Austin aren't you?" the guy sounded like he was attempting to confront me about it.

"Yeah, and why do you know about the bruise?"


"You're one of Chad's posse buddies, huh?"

"Fuck you man, he kicked me out of it for getting my ass kicked." remarked the guy.

That's when I began to notice all his blemishes too, that I caused from our battle royale, earlier.

"Well, I'd be happier for not hanging out with those jackoffs."

"I guess you're right. I mean hey I began working out after the matter anyways, then I was looking for jobs and some dudes recommended me this place, said it was good pay for strong dudes." explained the guy.

"Are you still at the college though?"

"Nah, they ratted me out. I was their fallback, as a puppet." he quickly hissed in anger.

"Hey fuck them man, this is worth it more than hanging out with them."

"Yeah, you're right. Fuck those guys." he did a half smile.

"Alright well I was told to take inside shift when you came, so see ya then. No beef right?"

Since he was just reminded of all of it, he seemed a bit worse than when he first saw me. A crack of thunder erupted from the skies.

"It's mutual." he said, blankly.

I walked back into the club and asked Alyssa what she needed me to do for her.

"Maybe to move around some of the things around here, it's crowded. Maybe organize some of these boxes of stuff Ramirez got as renovations for the club? He has new lights in there, but it's making the room feel stuffy." she asked.

"Yeah of course. I got it."

As I moved the boxes I could feel her eyes of lustful intent follow me around, like those of a predatory yet innocent cub.

"That good?"

I organized the lights, drinks, and much more all together in an orderly fashion, especially with the heavier shit at the bottom.

"Yeah... lookin' good." she smiled with one of her hands on her knee, the other on the controls of the cameras, with her side facing me. She tried to act like she wasn't gawking at me the whole time.

I didn't show much care, on the outside at least. She acted like this was the first man, or hell, even person, that she's seen in weeks, right?

"Anything else?"

"Well Tony is probably smacking girls asses and getting drunk as usual, in his tiny bunker," she sighed. "So he probably isn't watching his 'consumers' below. You should watch from the corner of the V.I.P section, and maybe walk around a bit and switch positions, just to get angles on everything, although I think you should already be in the V.I.P section..." Alyssa whispered the last part, but I took her advice and did just that.

I quick took another free shot, and stood in the corner of the V.I.P section, and observed the crowd, left, right, and so forth.

The music was loud, but I soon adapted and swayed back and forth as I began walking across the dance floor, bumping into some people.

I saw people having a good time, every now and then I'd have to stop some drunks from fighting, and once I had to toss out a guy.

"You have the capacity to toss that guy out? Must be a better breed of strong than me!" chuckled the ex-Chad posse guy, as I literally kicked the drunk flat onto his stomach, by kicking his ass.


The guy yelled and said his "Fuck you" and his "I hope you get fucked in the ass by Arnold Schwarzenegger" until he finally got a taxi. It was hilarious for me. Although the other guy was only laughing because of the drunk, and not because I entertained him, I had not a slice of care in the world for it.

As the night went on, the atmosphere began getting boring, but soon enough it was already 2:00, the fun masses came in and requested for some Daft Punk.

Alyssa controlled the music and play lists, proving that you didn't need flashy DJ stuff for a good dance. The wiring and shit went from the room to the speakers and subwoofers. I quickly opened the door to a crack and let her know.

I came down to the dance floor as Lose Yourself to Dance came on, and I actually got in the middle of the dance floor. I tried my best on the clogged up dance floor, and did pretty damn well for dancing for the first time in a while.

The floor began clearing up, but then I began soaking up, with sweat. It was great. I got a few whistles here and there, and some approval, as others began to dance even more from seeing me be so confident

After the song ended, I realized that Get Lucky began playing, and looked up. Alyssa was there watching me, and not in the maintenance room. I looked her in the eyes as she gazed back with her looks.

I grabbed her hand, and whispered in her ear. "I got this!"

I danced with her and even spun her around sometimes, she still seemed stiff, when the song was almost halfway done, I told her to loosen up a bit, and quickly signaled for a drink, to Alex.

She drank as we danced and soon enough she was more loose than Kim Kardashian after being laid out on camera by Ray J.

She let me do all these different moves and tricks, and she even began grinding on me, and that's when everyone else joined in, because they at least knew how to do that.

She even kissed me on the cheek whilst I was behind her during the grind, and she didn't get that I only wanted to make her feel joyful for the night, not that I wanted to cop a feel. Strippers are different because it's their job, and there's no feelings. She's not a stripper, she seemed to have a feel for me, so that's when I stopped at the end of the song and hung out by Alex.

Alyssa came around drunk as fuck, and sat down next to me.

"You've had enough Alyssa. I'll escort you to the maintenance room..."

"I- I'm fine..." Alyssa laughed, but more like a drunk than a cute girl.

"You should probably take her home, that's just my suggestion for the night. We're gonna close soon anyway." Alex said.

"Alright, I'll get her a taxi. I'm probably going back home after I get her a taxi, be sure to let Tony and Ramirez know what's up! But don't let Tony know about the free shots, he'd probably freak the fuck out."

"Alright! Good luck!"

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