Ruthless Mate

By alexandriaae

1.6M 43K 2.8K

They say the wolf is in it for the hunt. But what if the hunt is for the wolf? Alena Parker wasn't expecting... More

author's note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
Escaping Rogue

twenty six

30.2K 897 33
By alexandriaae

That night, I went to bed without even seeing Christian once. He never entered the bedroom, in fact, when I woke up he was still gone. The red sheets hadn't been moved or ruffled, apart from myself. His side of the bed was as neat as it was yesterday.

I hung out with a few of the pups in the morning. Not once did I step a foot outside. If I want to do things right, I'm gonna play his game for now.

One little boy, Trevon, played with a little action figure of Hulk while another one, James, pretended that Iron Man was fighting him. I sat on the armchair behind them, watching as they battled each other.

Other women, who I presume are the two boys' mothers, whispered quietly on the other side, even though I could hear most of it.

"What's wrong with her?" One asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the attack." The blonde replied.

"Maybe it's the alpha?" The brunette suggested.

"With a devil like Alpha Bade, I'm sure there's always something up with them."

You have no idea lady.

Mario and Nancy have both passed by me a couple times, both checking on me. I'm pretty sure Mario is supposed to be watching me, though he's trying to make it sort of discreet. Kinda failing though, buddy.

Nancy and I just exchange small conversation. The usual "How was your day?"and "Fine, how about yours?"

It's been boring. And with all the Bella and rogue drama, my mind is a mess. Static just seems to fly everywhere, and every time I try to process something, my brain just stops. I can't think anymore. I just want the answers.

The day flew by fast, most of it just me on my phone or watching television. Again, I tried contacting my family to see if they knew anything, but nobody ever replies. It's like they don't even know how to work a phone. Stupid cavemen they are.

Dinner rolled around and I ate with a couple other families in a large dining room. Compared to the one Christian has just for him, this one could seat about half the pack, and even that's a lot. But tonight, only a couple of families showed, so I decided that I would actually try to engage with my pack. Damn I'm a really bad luna.

"Hi Luna," One girl addressed me. She had a toothy grin, one tooth missing on the bottom, and chestnut colored pigtails. Her big green eyes were ones to envy, especially since they contrasted so well with her hair.

"Hey," I smiled. "What's your name?" She smiled bigger.

"Hannah." I smiled again at her.

"Well, Hannah, do you want to come eat with me? Because I think my stomach is-"

At that moment, I faked a stomach rumbling noise under my breath, making it sound like a giant monster in the pit of my stomach.

"I think the monster in your tummy is hungry!" Hannah laughed, throwing her tiny head back in joy. I chuckled as her tiny pigtails bobbed up and down.

"C'mon," I laughed, taking her hand and leading her toward the dining table. There was a head chair, no doubt Christian's. The chair was extravagant, compared to the long benches on either side of the long, wooden table.

I took a seat right next to the chair, helping Hannah sit next to me as a full three meal course was served to the four families and me. And if I had to say something, it was delicious!


Under the covers of my bed, I still couldn't seem to sleep. So many thoughts, unanswered questions and problems that I'm not willing to face are lodged in the side of my brain, and I don't know what to do.


What? She growled. Someone's in a bad mood.

Have you talked to Tobias in a while? I could practically feel her excitement bubble up as Christian was entered into our conversation.

Yes. Why?

Does he know what's going on?

Oh yeah, he said that Christian is being too stubborn and he's sleeping in his office and-

No! I mean about the rogues. Does Christian know anything about the rogues that I don't know?

Oh. Well...

Evan, I urged. She's my wolf! She's supposed to tell me everything!

I will, okay! So, he found out the rogues are now surrounding our land, but they still don't have enough numbers to fight.

Something in her voice was off. She's hiding something, something Christian doesn't want me to know. Well, now I need to know.

What are you hiding? I asked her.

Nothing, Came her reply. Her voice, even though it was inside my head, was very cautious and hesitant. What in the name of the moon goddess is going on now!


Alright! She snapped. Christian is planning on wiping out the entire eastern border tomorrow night. He is already preparing most of the warriors to fight.


Now I know I can't sleep. Agitated and annoyed, I threw the covers back and marched out of the empty bedroom. My feet took me down the stairs and to the office, only to find it emptier than a pie platter on Thanksgiving.

Christian! I yelled in my head.

Alena stop! Evan cried. I wasn't supposed to tell you!

Christian Bade if you don't answer me I will march into those woods right now!

Stop! came the deep voice in my head. Soothing chills ran across my body. I haven't heard that voice in a while, and it kinda felt good after subconsciously wanting to see him.

Get in your office right now! I yelled in his head.

I'm busy, Alena. He said, now sounding as if he were annoyed.

So help me to the moon goddess, get your ass in here or I'll drag you in myself!

I said I'm busy.

Now I'm extremely annoyed. I need to talk about one thing and what does this idiot do? Brush me off like I'm nothing but a pup to him. Well, new flash, alpha, I'm your stinking luna!

Busy doing what? Prepping an army to take down the eastern border? Yeah, I know about that, so get your ass in here and explain to me what the hell is going on!

Alright, alright. Just wait a second.

No, get over here now!

Alena! You will not talk to me like that! I am coming right now so don't stick a finger up your ass!

Smirking, I rested my back against the desk and crossed my arms, waiting for an angry alpha. I knew I got to him. Good, I need to get in his head to get all the stupid answers.

The door slammed open, and a thundering Christian waited in the doorway. His expression, if not anything, was terrifying. It almost made me rethink what I was doing here, but, if you knew me well, you'd know I'm not one to back down.

"What?" He growled, stepping through and shutting the doors.

"You seriously avoid me for almost two days and you want to be rude to me? No, Mr. Alpha! You do not have any right talk to me that way!"

Christian balled his fists and moved behind the desk. Using his hands, he held himself up, though his entire body trembled.

"I am the most feared alpha in the country, I will talk however I want." Came his grumbling reply. I glared and leaned forward on the desk.

"What possessed you to attack half the circumference of our borders? And without telling me, of all things!"

Christian rolled his eyes. "It's merely a defense tactic to make sure the numbers do not grow."

His tone was, if anything recognizable, completely and utterly annoyed. He was acting as if I was nothing but a child that he was trying to explain complex things to.

"Christian!" I snapped, watching as he ducked his head down to stare at the desk.


"Stop acting like I'm a child! And stop avoiding me!" My fingers snapped in front of his face, where the face I've been (unwillingly) longing to see glanced at me. His stormy grey eyes flicked over my face before resting upon my own.

"I..." He stopped, biting the inside of his cheek and sitting down in the grand chair. "Look I'm sorry, okay? I just need to fix this rogue problem, and I need it done now."

"Why?" I slid into the chair facing the dark, elaborate desk and leaned forward. "Why do it such an undesirable way? I've never seen you like this before!"

Christian buried his face in his hands before looking up at me again. This time, however, his face not angry as it was before. Now it was just tired. The bags under the silver eyes stood out more than ever, his mouth a pale, thin line.

"My job as alpha and your mate is to keep you safe, Alena. The rogues are after you, therefore I need to do everything in my power to keep them at bay or almost extinct. You've no idea what I've done just to make sure you don't end up hurt. That is why Mario keeps an eye on you now. That is why you have to stay inside. The rogues will kidnap you and it'll be my fault." He stood up and walked around the desk and over to me. My eyes followed his face as he sat down in the other chair next to me.

"I have to tell you something, and you're not going to like it." He closed his eyes gently though his hands balled into angry fists once more.

"The leader, Theodore Williams, wants you. He wants you in his custody and he's willing to kill for it."

My body stiffened. Someone I've never seen nor knew suddenly wants me. But what could posses a man to want someone such as me? "Why?"

"We don't know yet. Your brother just found out one of the reasons as to why he was after you. Gabriel has helped me a lot this past month, Alena, and he's still out there doing it now."

"But nobody from my family will ever answer me!" Christian nodded.

"I know. And they all are doing it to keep safe. Gabriel has ordered all contact with you must be stopped to keep the pack secure. As much as he's helping, he needs to keep his pack safe too." I nodded. At least there's one answer I've been wanting. But there are still so many left. "Listen, I just want to keep you safe. And so does your family. So, just play by the rules for now."

I sat, still dazed by all the news. My back fell against the soft cushion.

"Cmon, let's get you back to bed." Christian stood up and grabbed my hand. All at once the pleasurable sparks flew through my body, and I shuddered. They felt really good after ignoring each other.

"But I still want to talk-"

He shook his head and helped me stand up. "We can talk tomorrow. It's almost midnight now, go back to sleep."

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I've just solved one problem, why not fix another? I tugged his shirt by the collar. "Only if you promise to stop sleeping in here."

Christians cheeks flushed. If anything it was extremely adorable.

"Did Evangeline tell you that?" I nodded and chuckled quietly.

"Do you promise?" I watched Christian glance up and pretend to think like an overdramatic girl being proposed to.

"I don't know..." I laughed.

"Whatever. But if I find you on this couch tomorrow I'll chop off your balls and feed them to the rogues." Christians face dropped.

Chuckling darkly to myself, I made my way to the door and exited. 

"Alena?" Christian called. I looked back over my shoulder. "You still mad at me?" Smiling, I shrugged.

"I don't know..." He smirked and shook his head before turning the door shut.

I might not be mad now but if Evan tells me that bastard is sleeping in the living room now I'll beat him up to a pulp myself.

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