A Week With Her » n.h

By Eiffelharry

2.1K 127 74

Does a week with a girl he just met, mean love? Is this her? Did Niall finally find his princess? *** Fair... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
The End pt. 1
The End pt. 2

Chapter 9

174 10 10
By Eiffelharry

“No, not at all. Let me just call and tell Liam.”

“Okey dokey.”

I take my phone out to call Liam. I hope he’s not too angry at me. He picks up on the 3rd ring.

“Hello? Niall?” he said quickly.

“Yea, hi Liam.”

“Where have you been!? Where are you?”

“I’m at Julia’s house; the paps got us closed in. I’m staying the night.”

“I’ll send Paul over there, you can’t stay with her.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’ll ruin your image.”

“How?! Do you not like her?’

“No, I like her but-”

“She’s not a golddigger like Amanda. She’s nothing like her; she’s the complete opposite.” I interrupted.

“Niall, just try to come home.”

“No. Why have you been so cold lately? Is it because Danielle broke up with you? I bet that’s why she did, you were too controlling.” I immediately regretted what I said. “Liam I’m-”

“No, you can stay there, but when our fanbase collapses and management makes us do something stupid to try to regain our fans, don't say I didn’t warn you.” the line went dead.

“Niall? Is everything ok?” it was Julia, she was her PJ’s.

“Yea, you don’t happen to have any clothes that fit me?”

“I know I don’t, but the neighbor might. Her son moved out a long time ago, maybe she has something in your size.” she walked into the foyer  and stood in front of the door, but turned around to face me. “Care to join?” How can I say no?

“Love you.” She had a puzzling look on her face. “I MEANT LOVE TO, NOT LOVE YOU, WELL I LOVE YOU BUT NOT THAT KIND OF LOVE, AT LEAST NOT YET, EH UM, I’LL JUST SHUT UP!” real smooth Niall. I’m such an idiot.

“Um, ok?” she turned back around to open the door and walk out into the dimly lit hallway.  We just took 4 steps and we were already at the door. She lightly knocked on the door four times. I noticed the orange paint peeling from the walls, the carpet was patchy and the colour of forest green. Not my choice of colours. This place seems like a dump, why would anyone want to live here? The door swung open revealing a woman probably in her late 40’s. She was wearing pink hair curlers and blue pajamas. “Hi Mrs. Santana, do you happen to still have some of Trent’s old pajamas for my friend here?” Mrs. Santana looked at me and smiled at Julia.

“Of course. Wait one moment.” just a minute later came back with a neat pile of clothes for me.

“Thank you mam.” I said and turned back to the door.

“He’s Irish too?! You go girl!” She loudly whispered to Julia. She giggled and walked over to where I was and opened the door for us.

“You can get dressed in my room if you like.”

“Ok.” I walked in the room and examined the clothing that Mrs. Santana gave me. She gave me a faded black t-shirt and black & blue plaid pajama pants. I took off my jeans and slipped on the pj pants, then I took off my shirt. I notice some pictures on the dresser. There were a couple of her and this other girl, family photo’s, and  some were her and this older couple. The woman looks just like Julia, this must be her mother and father. The door suddenly opened and Julia walked in. Her eyes grew big when she saw my bare, pale chest and her face grew red.

“OH MY GOSH, I'M SORRY, I FORGOT YOU WERE IN HERE! I’M GOING TO LEAVE NOW.” I quickly put the shirt on and reached out for her arm.

“Its ok, see. Shirt.” I said smiling and pointing at the shirt.

“So, what would you like to eat?”

“Whatever you have is fine.”

“Okey Dokey.” she turned to walk away but I grabbed her by her elbow.

“Hey wait, I can help you cook.”

“You can cook?”

“Yea, a little. Why is that so surprising?”

“Well, its just that, you’re famous, rich, and usually people like that never have to make a meal for themselves.”

“Wow, that was so stereotypical.” I said laughing.

“I’m sorry.” she said looking down.

“It’s fine. But not all famous people are like that.” she nodded her head and lead me to the small kitchen. “My closet is bigger than your kitchen!” Ooo not the right thing to say Niall, good job asshole. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean it.”

“Nah, its ok, we all say things we don’t mean.” she winked and bent down to get a pot from the cabinet. My eyes landed straight to her bum. Once I caught myself staring, I quickly reverted my attention to the mosaic on the wall. “You like it?”

“What, oh, um, yea.” I panicked. But I studied the art on the wall and found it quite amazing. “It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“You did this?” I said pointing to the colourful artwork of the girl.

“Yup, took me almost two months.”

“Who’s the girl... in the artwork?”

“It kinda stupid, but its me.”

“No wonder I fell in love with it at first sight.” I got close to her, then I took her hands into mine, then I leaned in, hoping she’ll do the same. She backed right into the stove and shrieked.


“Aw geez, you ok?”

“No.” She started to poke at the burn on her arm.

“No, no, no. Don’t touch it, its only gonna hurt more.”  I gently took her hand up to the light to get a better look. “See you’re good now.” I kissed her hand. “All you nee-” She took her hands out of mine and slid them up my neck and then slammed her soft lips onto mine. I lifted her up and sat her down on the counter. 3 minutes of passionate kissing went by until she broke the kiss. To be honest I wish she hadn’t, I was enjoying the taste of her lips. I miss them already.

“I think I paid my debt.” she hopped off the counter and took the phone off the table. “You wanna just get take out insead?”


“Ok, hope you like Chinese.” she said waving a Chinese food menu in the air.


After we ate we watched a film on the TV. I looked at the time and noticed it was pretty late. Julia fell asleep so I carried her to her bed and tucked her in like a child. She moved around for a bit and fluttered her eyes open.

“Can you stay with me?”

“Sure.” once I got in the covers, she snuggled into me, then I wrapped my arms around her. “Julia?”


“Would you be my girlfriend?

“Niall, I don’t know.”

“Why not?”

“Listen, I got accepted in an art school in New York and I’m leaving in 5 days. I know you’re on tour and you’re leaving soon too, so maybe the smart thing to do is not to get too attached to each other. This relationship wasn’t going to last forever anyway, right? You’re a super famous pop star and I’m not. I’m just the lonely girl from New Jersey. I heard you when you were on the phone, I don’t want to be the reason that your career goes down the drain.” with that she got up and left. She’s leaving? Well, so am I, but I was going to see if I could take her along. I don’t know what to think or do anymore. She’s leaving the same day as me as well.

I got up from the bed and stood in the hallway. I heard her soft whimpering. I followed the sounds to the kitchen. I found her sitting on the counter eating Oreos.

“When I get upset I eat Oreo’s too.” she looked up from the package. She swallowed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“I must look like a slob.” she let out a shaky laugh.

“Nah, you still look hot.”

“You think I’m hot?”

“For sure.”

“Want some?” she handed me the package of Oreos. I leaned on the side of the counter and grabbed a couple of cookies and shoved two in my mouth. “You’re going to choke if you eat them like that.”

“Nuh uh.” I mumbled with my mouthful. But she was right, I started to choke a little, but I managed and swallowed the rest of the cookies.

“I’d hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.” she said with a small smile.

“I told you so.” I said mocking her voice. She laughed. “Would you like to go on another date with me?” she stopped laughing and bit her lip thinking.

“Why not.” she gave me another one of her beautiful smiles and grabbed another cookie and bit into it. All I gotta figure out is what we’re going to do.


The picture on the side is what the mosaic is supposed to look like :D


QOTD: Where are you from?

JTLYK if I dont get any feedback I'm not going to post. Gotcha ya?

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