Finding love without wanting...

Autorstwa perfectpinkcess

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Aubree or Bree Evans is an 17 year senior in high school who also happens to be a mom to a 3 year old little... Więcej

Chapter:1 Next time I have a kid I'll make sure its ugly
Chapter: 2 Mr.Noah Gold and his million dollar smile
Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old
Chapter 5: Will you clean my car?
Chapter 6: Twilight and seeing something special.
Chapter 7: Liars and slutty disney characters.
Chapter 8: Truth, Pasts and Home Tests
Chapter 9: Food fights, forgiveness and Kidnapping
Chapter 10:Day before thanksgiving

Chapter 4: Your asking for my advice?

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Autorstwa perfectpinkcess

I walk up to the Palmer household to start my days work since I just finished my shift at the diner. I hate this job for many reasons.

One I feel like a maid which I am but they pay me eight-hundred dollars a month since I'm the only person who was will to work their because they are pretty demanding people.

Two I lose my insantity when something is broken and Mrs.Plamer thinks I can fix it last week she dropped a vase and thouht I could fix it which I couldn't because It was smashed into a thousnad pieces.

Three the worst one of all, it's Ben's girlfriend house.Yes I work for my Ex-boyfriend/Baby daddy's girlfriend. These are the things people end up on therapy for.

I ring the doorbell and Mrs.Palmer comes to the door a little bit breatheless for some reason.

"Aubree thank goddness your here.The dish washer is making a strange noise"she panics as I walk in.

"Let me take a look"I walk over to the dish washer and hear a weird clank and some starnge buzzing.

I open it up and inspect it. I look in and feel around and figure out the problem.

"The heat panel is broken I can fix it but it will take about an hour or two can I use your rench and screw driver it would be very useful"I say letting her know.

"Okay thats fine and when you are done that Laurens television is not working I need you fix that she can't sleep with the television" she lists off my to-do list for the day.

I start work on the the dishwasher and when I am finished I walk upstairs to Laurens room which is on the second floor with a white door and a brass handlewhich takes forever to clean and knock on the door.

"Come in"I hear her say from the other side.

I see her sitting on her bed with her phone in her hand texting.

"Your mom said you tv is not working"I awkardly satnd there and say with the tool box.

"Yeah, It's over there hooked up to the wall"She points in front of her.

I walk over to the tv which I knew was there because I'm the one who put it up six months ago.

"Can you turn it on so I can see the problem"I ask.

"It won't turn on, thats the problem"she says a bit agressivly

"Alright then"I say not exactly sure what her problem is.

I look behind the tv and see a connection loose. I push it in hoping I won't have to stay in here any longer.

"Try it now" I tell her

She picks up the remote and turns on the tv.Thank god I don't have to stay here any longer.   

"Well if thats it then I must be going"I mumble basically running out of her bedroom.

"Wait"She yells at me before I could leave.

"Dammit"I whisper before turning around to face her.

"What is it?" I ask uncertain.

"I wanted to ask you something"She said could not looking me in the eye.

"Well....What is it?"I ask for a second time.

"As you know homecoming is in three weeks and me and Ben were planning on going"She starts not really knowing where she is going with this.

"Hey if you need me take Ember that night I don't mind not going to the dance"I say hoping to cut this conversation short.

"Well thank you"She smiles

"I may be bitch but I'd take a night with my daughter before any lame dance."

"I don't think your a bitch."


"Yeah Ben is always saying what a great mom you are."

"Thank you and is that it?"

"Well there is one small thing"She says going back not looking me in the eyes.

"Okay......again what is it?"I say getting nervous.

"Well on homecoming night I was thinking maybe me and Ben could take our relatonship to the next level"She said awkardly.

I satnd there awkardly staring at her.

"Your asking me for advice on having sex with Ben?"I ask in complete shock. 

"Well you are the only other person he had sex with and the only other person who is close enough to Ben to ask who has had sex"She says trying to explain why is asked me.

"Who didn't you ask Kylie she is on the cheer squad and you two are probaly way better friends then you and me"I say still very confused.

"She has had sex?"She asked in complete shock

"Of course she is nearly eighteen and has been with Logan for six years, I mean she is a good person but she is no saint" I said trying to avoid the conversation for as long as I can.

"Please Aubree I won't ask if I wasn't desperate"she pleads.

"Fine, but you can call me Bree everyone calls me Bree"I say.

"Oh yeah Ben told me about the whole you get turned on by your full name thing "She casually just puts out there.

"Well who hasn't told"I say. I swear i'm going to kill that guy.

"Tell me about the night you guys did the deed"she asks.


"Well I want to know his other sexual experiences"she states.

"Why don't you ask Ben"I wonder.

"Because I don't want him to think I'm jealous"she siad.

"Sorry Lauren I can't tell you"I tell her.

"Why not"She asked.

"That night changed my entire life forever and it's a private memory I haven't even told Kylie,Brooke,Logan or Caleb and they are my best friends" I explain.

"Okay I understand but do you have any tips?"She asked.

"Don't do it until you are ready because Ben has super sperm"I say beforre leaving her room to go down stairs to continue my work.


I drive up to my apartment building at nine-thirty since I stayed late to cook them dinner since they do pay me a lot of money. I walk up to my apartment to find my front door already open. I walk in the entire football team, Kylie and Brooke in my apartment. Sadly i am not surprised as I am the only senior with my own apartment.

"What are twenty four people doing in my apartment" I ask when I walk to find Austin, Lucas and Talon eating my cheetos.

"Hey Bree"Austin calls over

"Hi" I call over.

"Ohhh Bree my mom has book club tonight and we had to have a team meeting"Caleb tries to explain why all these people were at my apartment.

"Fine but I'm charging for all the food that is missing" I warn.

"And what are you two doing here"I point my question to Kylie and Brooke.

"Can't we just come over and see our bestfriend"Kylie answers.

"I guess, come on lets go into my room and let the boys have their meeting" I tell the girls.

On the way to my room I spot Ben and Noah.

"Hey, where's Ember"I ask Ben.

"She is with my Dad since my mom had book club with basically everyone else's mom" He answers.

"Should I join this book club it seems like a very mom thing to do"I wonder at loud.

"No their reading the fifty shades of grey trilogy series and that stuff is for people who aren't really getting any, you on the other hand could get as much as you want"Noah teases.

"Is that a properstion?"I ask. What the hell am I doing?

"Could be"Noah repys.

"Gold are flirting with my girl?"Ben asks.

"Ben I'm not your girl, I'm the mom of your girl"I say.

"Bree you are always going to be my girl"Ben replys patting me on the head.

"Not by choice"I say pulling his hand off my head. God I hate being short.

"You slept with me now your stuck with me"he teases.

"Okay this conversation is getting werid tell Ember I love her. Bye boys".

"Bye Bree"Ben says as I walk to my bedroom.

"See ya Aubree"Noah calls.

I walk into my bedroom with Kylie and Brooke sitting on my bed.

"Hey so how was your day?" Brooke asks me.

"Werid and exhausting"I reply.

"Well let Kylie and me take care of you"Brooke said.

"So tell us all about it"Kylie comands.

"Well this morning was crazy as usual at the diner but I got nearly three hundred dollars in tips because one of the waiter fell through so I waiting twice as many tables as usual which was really difficult but I pulled through.Then I went to the Palmers and fixed half their house I don't understand how everything keeps breaking in that house and did a whole weeks worth of washing plus I have more in my car. Oh and I forgot the best part Lauren asked me for advice on having sex with Ben"

"Jesus christ your life is werid"Kylie burst out.

"I know all I need is daddy issues and I offically need therapy"I joke.

"You do have daddy issues"Brooke remind.

"Oh yeah I'm screwed" I laugh.

We all start to laugh as we know this is not funny but we can't help it.

"Whats with all the laughing"Logan asks opening the door and we see all the guys starring at us like we are crazy.

"Nothing we were wondering where we could find a good therapist"Kylie said.

We end up laugh again and Logan just closes the door knowing he probally wound't get the joke.

"Guess what else she asked me"I say.

"What?"Kylie asked.

"She asked me about the night Me and Ben had sex"I said 

"Wow did you tell her?"Brooke asked

"No I haven't even told you guys why would tell her"I say.

"Good point. Hey you guys want to go shopping after school on firday for some dresses for homecoming"Kylie says

"Can't I have thing called a daughter and I have no money for a new dress" I say.

"Come on Bree it will be fun and you can bring Ember with you and we will pay you a dress"Brooke

"Guys I'm not going to homeoming"I say.

"What! Why?"Kylie basically shouted

"I have never gone and I have to take care of Ember since Ben is going and his parents are chaparones and my grandparents are on vacation so I'm the only one who can take care of Ember"I say.

"I know you have never gone but I thought since it is senior year you would go"Kylie says.

"I have an Idea.HEY BEN GET IN HERE"Brooke yells.

"Brooke what are you doing?"I ask.

Ben opens the door and leans against the door way.

"What do want"Ben asks confused about Brookes requests.

"Ben you know you got our best friend pregnant when she was fourteen"

"Yes I am aware"Ben said even more confused.

"And you also know for the last three years Bree has not gone to homecoming and you have"Brooke says.

"Yeah but Bree dosen't like dances and I'm on the football team"Ben defends.

"Well the dance is on a friday which just happen to be Bens day with Ember so it should be his responceibility to take care of Ember that night or least his to find a babysitter"Kylie intrerupted.

"Wait what are you talking about"Ben stop the two of them going any further.

"Ben you now we love you but really Bree has never been to homecoming"Kylie trys to explain.

"Guys I would rather Ben go instead of me"I intrude in on the conversation.

"But why?"Kylie asks.

"Because Ben has a date and he's part of the football team"I say.

"We can fix the date part any of the guys out there would love to go to homecoming with you if the guys and Brooke back off"Kylie says giving Brooke and Ben the stink eye.

"Hey were just protective thats all"Brooke defends.

"Over protective.I seen you guys make a guy cry for asking Bree for homework" Kylie exclaimed.

"I can go now"Ben ask .

"Yes but we are not finished this discussion"Brooke yells as he walks back into my living room.

"Well enough about homecoming lets talk Kylies eighteenth birthday coming up next week"I say.

"Yes Kyle your the second one of us to become an adult"Brooke says

"So waht do you want to do Kyle"I ask.

"Well I was think since we already did a huge party for Caleb for his eighteenth in August.I would just like to get our nails done then the six of us in the barn with extra buttery popcorn and gummy worms while watching legally blonde one and two"She exclaims.

"Sounds like a plan to me but we may have to get the boys on borad for legally blonde"I add.

"If Ember can get them to watch Frozen nine times in one weekend then I think we can get them to watch legally blonde"Brooke says.

"Wow guys we are all turning eighteent this year we are offically become Indendpent adults except for Bree as she is partically a thirty year old woman"Kylie laughed.

"Yeah sometimes I forget I'm only seventeen"I sigh.

"Hey, Bree have you talked to your dad lately"Kylie asks.

"Em..No.The last time I talked to him was the beginning of the year"I say.

"That was over a month ago."Brooke say.

"I've gone longer without talking to him"I realise.

"I worry about you sometimes"Brooke admitts.

"What? I don't have a good relationshipwith my dad you know that"I say.

"Yeah but Bree you get two birth parents you should atleast be on good terms with one of them. How would you feel if Ember had the same relationship with you"Brooke says.  

"I'm already a better mom then mine ever was"I defend.

"Look babe we are only saying this because we love you. Remeber we aren't just friends we are family and family tells each other the truth even when it's hard to hear"Kylie reminds.

The door opens and Caleb walks in with Ben, Logan and Noah trailing behind.

"Hey Bree thanks for letting us use your apartment for the meeting. We are finished now, most of the guys have gone home." Caleb says.

"Your welcome you can use it any time as long as I get a bit of warning so I can say no if I'm busy"I reply.

"Alright then I better head off and get Ember to bed and I have already given her bath before you ask."I say.

"Thank you"I yell as he walks out of my apartment.

"So  we better be off am I bring you guys home"Caleb asks Klyie and Brooke.

"Yep see ya Bree "Klyie says giving me a good bye hug.

"Bye" I yell as Kylie, Logan, Caleb and Brooke leave.

I finally think I'm alone then Noah walks in.

"Hey" he smiles leaning against the door  

"Hi, what are you still doing here?"I ask confused.

"I wanted to talk to you"He says.

"Okay then talk"I say.

"Lets go on a walk"He suggests.

"You said you wanted to talk not walk"I point out.

"Come on please."He practically begs.

"Fine"I say gettin off my bed and making my way out of the apartment.

We get outside and it is not as cold as I would thought it would be in October.

"So what did you want to talk about"I ask confused.

"You"He said.

"Really?"I'm still confused.

"You interest me Aubree Evans"He says.

"Ohh, Okay what do you want to know?"I ask.

"Why do you live on your own?"He asks suddenly

"Well I don't live on my own I live with Ember, but the reason I live without my parents is because I got emanipated when I was fifteen"I say.

"How does your parents feel about that?"He said.

"My dad didn't really say anything about it he just signed the papers"I say.

"What about your mom."

"She left when I was three"I say like its nothing.

"Ohh..I'm sorry"He sighs.

"Don't be, it was a long time ago"I say.

"Soo you have never really met her"He asks.

"I was around Embers age the last time I was with her"I say.

"Do you know anything about her"he asks.

"All I know is her name is Hazel Morgan and she had when she was twenty-two making her nearly forty"I say.

"Have you ever tried looking for her?"he asks.

"Well when I got pregnant I decided  to start but it got me nowhere, she probally got remarried and forgot all about me"I mumble.

"I find it hard anyone could forget you"he said.

"What do you mean"I say confused.

"Your pretty unforgetable Aubrey Evans"He purrs.

"Well thank you"I say.

We walk down a few more blocks and we reach a play ground where I sometimes bring Ember.

"Ooh cool swings"Noah yells running over to the playground.

"You'er such a kid"I yell after him.

"You would know"he returns.

"Haha very funny"I says.

We sit on the swings. Since it a bit late there is nobody around. The wind is wrapping around my ankles as I wear basketball shorts to work since they are easier to move in around the Palmers house.I start to lightly swing back and forth.

"Sooo is child birth painful"He asks.

"Thats quite a random question"I state quite stunned at his question

"Well talking about your mom just made me me think of how much my mom does for me which includes giving birth to me and I was wondering if it hurt."He ramples.

"Well picture pulling a watermelon though your nostril"I explain.

"Ouch"he cringes.

"Yeah Ouch"I laugh.

We both go silent again but not an awkard silence more of a comfortable one.

"I'm confused about something" he says.

"What are you confused about"I ask.

"How you and Ben ever were a couple"he asks confused.

"Why do we not seem compatable"I chuckle.

"No you guys just don't seem like you would ever work"he explains.

"We didn't"I exclaim.

"Why were you with him"he asks.

"Because all the rest of our friends were in relationship which is werid since we were all twelve.I don't know I guess we felt left out since everyone eles was doing it we had to"I say.

"Wow really. How long were you two together"he asked.

I start to laugh."Two years"I say trying to stop laughing.

"Why are you laughing"He asks laughing with along with me.

"I still can't believe it myself"I say calming down.

"Wow has Ben been your only relationship"he asks.

"Yep, what about you tell me about your pasts relationships"I ask.

"Well I have had two girlfriend Carly in freshman year and Zoe in junior year"he explains.

"Well you have had more girlfriends then I have had boyfriends"

"Yeah but I think I'm ready for another, would you like to go to homecoming with me"

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