I'm Not Like Them // l.t. edi...

By FakingBritish

18.2K 304 82

Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson, 1/5 of One Direction. I drink blood, my eyes are red, and I'm immortal. Yes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note

Chapter 10

763 16 6
By FakingBritish

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER IS GORRY. It is a lot darker than the others. I had a few people complaining about how gorry it is, so I put this warning up here. Sorry about this chapter being so gorry, I was really upset when I wrote this.


Dedicated to @Sarah_1920 , Thanks for making me smile :)


Chapter 10

Louis’ POV

                “That’s for all the innocent people you’ve killed”

Most of them weren’t innocent, they were killers. Lilly pulled the wooden stake out of my back and stabbed me again.

                “That’s for making me think you were different”

 I frowned as I coughed up blood trying to speak, “I am different. Your average vampire can’t sing as well as me”

                Lilly ignored my sarcasm as she pulled the wooden stake out of me once again and continued stabbing me. “That’s for—“

                “Eventually you are going to run out of things to say and you will have to come up with some other way to kill me.”

                The vampire hunter ignored me and continued stabbing me, not saying a word. I have to admit it, it hurt pretty bad. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold it up. If Niall didn’t get here with help soon then I was dead meat.

                Lilly groaned pausing her stabbing routine for a minute, “Why won’t you fight back”

“I made a promise to someone I love very much and I’m not going to break it anytime soon” I mumbled, trying not to use too much energy talking.

                She, being the killer who was locking me in a basement, sat down next to me balancing her bloody wooden stake in her hands. “I don’t get it. You’re too nice. Maybe you’re tricking me? I’ve been told that everyone that has ever tried to kill you disappeared. But you said you don’t kill anyone. You must be tricking me…” She mumbled pulling her legs up to her body.

                “They killed themselves. I never laid a hand on them.”

She looked over at me shocked, “Why would they do that?”

                I coughed up more blood trying to apply pressure to my back to stop the bleeding. “I have no idea; I guess I just have that effect on them”

                I could tell Lilly was fighting back tears, “So I’m going to die?”

“Probably, it’s up to you though”

                Lilly’s hands tightened into fists. “You’re lying, there’s no way I would kill myself. I’ve worked way too hard for this. I’ve planned this whole thing out, just like every time. And when I finally do kill you I will finally get my $10,000 reward”

                I groaned, “You’re just like them. All you care about is the money. It’s good to hear that my bounty has gone down though”

                I guess I was being a little too smart there. That’s probably why she through the stake at my leg. Eventually I would run out of blood and then this would finally be all over. I would just disappear. I won’t go to Heaven, but I won’t go to Hell either. I had no soul. One of the many disadvantages to being a vampire…

                “Before I kill you I want to know one thing, how did you become one? A vampire?”

She really expected me to tell her everything about me? Pfft, not today. I stuck my tongue out at her.

                You could practically feel the rage fuming out of her. I didn’t ask her about her personal life so why should she ask about mine? Lilly ripped the stake out of my leg, only causing the pain to grow. She lifted the knife over her shoulder getting ready to through it at my heart.

                “Any last words?—“

Suddenly there was a loud boom and around 10 members of a swat team ran in shouting commands at Lilly. Lilly, who obviously didn’t see this coming (typical) turned around and ran straight at the wall, surprisingly knocking it straight over. Clearly that wall wasn’t really cement.  She must have planned an escape route at some time, just in case her $10,000 plan didn’t work.

                “FOLLOW HER!” One of the swat members shouted. Some more people entered the room, probably police and medical assistants. My vision was starting to get blurry and suddenly I felt the whole world slip from me.


((A/N this next scene is kind of gorry so if you don’t like that kind of stuff you can skip over it))

Lilly’s POV

                He tricked me. He had this all planned out. But how? I spent months planning this out, I was finally going to have enough money to pay off my sister’s medical bills. Sarah won’t want it this way though, she insisted she would pay off her own bills. But she couldn’t work, she had stage 4 cancer. Everyone knew she was going to die at any time though. So I had to do something for her, since my parents went to jail I was the only one left to take care of her. The medical bills for scans, surgeries, and treatment cost hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars and I felt if I could finally pay them off Sarah would be free.

                I ran faster sprinting down the street trying to get to the park. Once I was there I could run into the woods and hide. I was good at that, hiding. I’ve been doing it for 4 years now. My family has no idea where I am. So yes I lied to Louis about my family… Ever since Sarah got cancer I tried to find work, but that was until I found out about vampire hunting. At first I didn’t believe it, vampires couldn’t be real, right? Wrong. I began making good money. But then I saw the reward for Louis Tomlinson, the Singing Murder. That’s what they called him. They should have came up with something better for his nickname though. But I would finally have enough money to pay off Sarah’s bills. So I did it.

                I finally reached the park. Children were staring at me with scared expressions. What did they see in me? Was it the blood on my hands that gave it away? But I was only protecting them from the monsters that hide in their closets every night, vampires. The police were right behind me as I sprinted into the woods. There was no way I could get away from them, they were too fast and I was wearing down. In front of me I saw a giant oak tree, that was it! I climbed up the tree holding onto the wooden stake pointing it at all the police surrounding me. But they had guns. And there were more than just one of them, there were 6.

                I gulped, suddenly remembering what Louis had said, ‘They killed themselves. I never laid a hand on them.’ I shivered as an idea slipped into my head. I would kill myself. There was no other way out, the police would either shoot at me or bring me into questioning and then kill me. And what if they told my family that they found me? I couldn’t face them, not empty handed.

                I raised the stake to my heart getting ready to do it. Police were yelling orders at me, but I just tuned them out. How ironic was this? A vampire hunter getting killed by her own weapon.

                “I’m sorry Sarah”

Then I did it.


So that was the last chapter. Sorry it was so gorry, in my last book I’m in Love with a Werewolf a lot of people wanted more action so in this book I put a lot more action. I’ve also decided I’m writing an epilogue, which I already wrote :p I couldn’t just leave it like this.

I love the song on the side, 'Young and Beautiful' by Lana del rey

                Tell me what you thought in the comments, and as always,

Vote, Comment, Follow

-          Al

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