Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian f...

By kealohas

544K 22.4K 2.1K

Living with guilt and a broken heart, Lacey joins the military to drown out the memories of her past. But the... More

Author's Note
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
What do you think?

Part 29

11.5K 537 54
By kealohas

This few part will bounce back and forth between several POVs'


"Someone call 911," I yelled as I steadily applied pressure to the wound. Lauren knelt beside me as she cried.

The ambulance arrived quickly the medics pushing me out of the way so they could work, I scooped up Lauren, she buried her face into my shoulder.

'Trauma center this is Medic 21'

'Go ahead Medic 21'

'Victim is a Female Caucasian Mid-Twenties, the patient suffered from a gunshot wound to the left posterior midthoracic region. No visible exit wound, bp 80/60 and dropping repertory is...'

"Lauren, Lauren," I called. "Baby you have to go with them." I tried to get her into the ambulance, It was no use I knew she was in shock, I was as well but there was still work to be done.

"She's in shock " I addressed the driver of the ambulance as he closed the back doors.

"There is another unit in route Ma'am we have to move," He answered jumping in the vehicle driving off towards the hospital.

"We'll take her," Sarah answered. "Just go and get Lacey's girl back." I looking at the girls, their makeup smeared as their tears fell. "She'll be fine I got her, GO! she shouted."

I ran towards the black SUV. "What do we got?" I asked as I strapped on my holster. Grabbing my gun I checked the magazine before reloaded it, chambering the first round, I placed the safety on before sliding it into the holster.

'We've got one in custody, they are interrogating him now." I knew they meant that Louis guy, I felt no pity for him and knew he was in for some torture, Time was short and we'd take whatever steps were necessary to get the location of the others and the whereabouts of Amelia, With Brad back in the picture I was sure we would also find the head of their organization nearby. The investigation was vital but I knew placing Amelia secondary was not an option, not unless I wanted Lacey to kill me for failing.

Unknown POV

I watched as the man in custody was interrogated, or I should say tortured, I probably would have broken much sooner him then again he had passed out a few time before being quickly revived so the torture could continue. Looks like this form of government has more leeway when allowed to retrieve information.

One of the man's eyes were practically swollen shut, from this distance I could see his broken nose, The interrogator had the other team members stand the broken man to his feet, I could hear the pain in his cry as they did, he probably had a few broken ribs, as well.

He spat defiantly at the interrogator gaining him a backhand across his face. 'I'll never talk' he laughed. 'we'll see.' was the only reply he got as I watched them removed his pants, 'oh my god what were they going to do?.' I watched as a knife was brought out and deliberately twirled in front of the young man's face.

I watched as the group muttered amongst each other, The man who was now hanging a foot off the floor his arms tightly bound above his head. 'Ironic don't you think, you have no problem waiving your manhood around trying impress women who obviously don't like your advances, yet here you are hanging limp.' the interrogator chuckled.

His junk was pulled forward forcefully, I shivered holding my own boys for safety. I watched as the dull side of steel blade ran the length of his shaft, I cringed almost throwing up as the WATT team stood with emotionless faces. The man's swollen eyes flew open as he looked down upon the sharp steel. The blade grazed his shaft once more as it made its way in the other direction once more. If he didn't talk soon he would be left with two halves of a whole. I couldn't watch knowing what the next pass held.

I heard him scream. "Wait! Wait I'll tell you!" he cried.

"Captain, It's Blake the information is coming your way. we are heading that way now." The man's monotone voice informed the person on the other end of the line, hanging up, they quickly exited the building. 'That was a really fucked up sight.' I stood my hand still firmly protecting my crotch as they strolled past me.


"No, No, No, Lacey!" I screamed, Kicking and screaming, I pushed back hard against the man behind my foot connecting with Brads Jaw. "Lacey, No" Laughter filled the small enclosure of the car and I continued to kick.

"Bitch." Was the last thing I before pain and blackness consumed me.


The phone call ends and soon the text I've been waiting for came through 3833 Zane St. I pull up a tablet and look up the location, "Warehouse District." I call to the driver and give him the location. I pick my phone up and made the call. "Get the rest of the team together," I barked thought the line the vehicle never slowing its pace as we headed to the given location. 'please, please let her be there' I prayed as the tears I've been holding slipped from my eyes, I turn my face towards the window and quickly wiped them away before anyone could see.


We made our way to the hospital Robin letting us off at the emergency door as we pulled up right behind the ambulance. I opened the door taking Lauren into my arms, she had passed out during the drive. I carried her in quickly, my legs almost buckling as I hearing the EMT as he passed. 'The patient experienced in transient traumatic cardiac arrest' as they wheeled the gurney through the emergency department. "Ms." a young woman called as she shook me out of my shock. I watched the paramedics perform chest compressions as they made their way out of sight. I hadn't even realized someone has taken Lauren from my arms as they wheeled her through the emergency doors as well. The rest of the girls arrived and we were swiftly ushered into the waiting room. "You're going to have to wait here I'll come back as soon as we know their status." the young woman said before leaving.


"Take her upstairs and lock her in, I'll be up in a minute," I smiled and reached into the cabinet pulling down my favorite bottle of scotch and poured a glass. '' Finally," I mutter "She's mine, with my brother and that bitch out of my way, she's all mine "I slammed my glass on the counter feeling my jeans tighten, 'Ah," I reached down squeezing the bulge in my pants. She has always had this effect on me and now I can take all the time in the world with her.

My friend Peter strolled into the kitchen as I poured another drink "Is she awake?" I asked

"No but she should be soon," he answered pouring a drink of his own.

"Good" I shifted my jeans causing him to smirk.


Go, Go, Go, Go, Go! I shouted through the radio as I monitored the teams movement as they entered the Warehouse, Shouts and gunfire erupted through the speakers and it echoed through the van. I waited in anticipations as the noise subsided knowing they were sweeping the rest of the building. 'Clear' I heard Duke call out as I slid out of the van and headed inside. "Status?" I shouted as I walked in.

We've got two detained in the back office, Captain. Duke answered nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"The girl?" he shook his head, I pushed past him and headed to the office these bastards were going to talk. "Search the office there's got to be something here.

These guys were tough, took me awhile to get one of them to crack and give me the combination to the safe. I rubbed my brow as I handed the gloves I had just taken off over to one of my men. I was running out of time if something happens to Amelia, Lacey will never forgive me. I should have told her when I was told they found his brother's body in the rubble of the mansion and when I got word Brad was somewhere in Columbus, I just never imagined he was bold enough to do what he did. I just hope she's holding on.

"Captain we've got an address."

"Send the information out, call the cleanup crew, have them take care of things down here. I walked towards the exit "Where's Unit 2?" I asked Duke.

"In route as we speak.

"Let's get going and make sure they stand down until we get there." I yelled the last order and sprinted to the waiting SUV, "Drive!"


Lauren and Lacey's mom burst through the door, where are my girls she screamed as headed straight for the nurses station.

"Calm down Ma'am" the nurse tried and failed to get her to stop screaming. "What's your name? please," she tried again.

"Crawford," I answer for her causing Carol to turn to me, she threw herself into my arms

"How are they?' she said through her sobs.

'No word yet, come we're in the waiting room, they'll tell us as soon as they know." She nodded and I gave the nurse a small smile before escorting her to the waiting area.


My head ached, I rubbed my temple as I opened my eyes, the light overhead blinding as I blinked slowly allowing my eyes to adjust. The room was unfamiliar, I tried to figure out where I was then the memories flashed back immediately, 'Ley' I whispered. I got off the bed my head swimming dizzily as I stood and tried to make my way to the door only to reach for the handle finding it locked as I jiggled it. my eyes swept around the room trying to find another way out.

Thick drapes covered the window, making my way towards them as I heard the lock on the door click before it swung open. "Hello, Amelia." The voice sending chills down my spine.


Unit 2 what's your location." I called checking on the second team we were twenty minutes out from the location, 'ETA ten minutes' the call came back. 'Unit 3, is already in position.'

"Step on it," I ordered the driver, "Unit 3, Situation status?" I called though the radio again.

'Unit 3, on sight, suspect's vehicle is in the drive, I repeat suspect vehicle located.'

I was nervously fidgeting in my seat as I rechecked my weapon, we had to get there quick who knows what's going on in that house.

'Unit 1, Captain we have a situation.'

"status Unit 3"

'Two vehicles just pulled up to the house, five men, two heavily armed at the front entrance.'

"Hold your position, Unit 2 ETA."

'Unit 2, we've just pulled up to the location'

"Unit 3 hold your position" I repeated again, "Unit 2 secure the rear of the building, we're five minutes out do no move on the target, repeat hold your positions," I ordered. "Can't this piece of shit go any faster?" I yelled at the driver the stress finally getting to me.


I watched as she ran to the window and tugged at the drapes, "We're on the second floor, there's no escaping me this time." I laughed. I watched as she surprisingly got the window open, I rushed to her just in time, "uh, uh, uh," I chuckled pulling her to me as she struggled. "Oh, we are going to have so much fun," I whispered pressing my crotch against her feeling it get even harder. I ran my hand up her body reaching around to cup her breast. The sexy little dress she wore made it easy to slid my hands up it. reaching her lace bottoms gripping it in my hand I tore it way easily "Let's have some fun shall we?" I whispered in her ear causing her to scream.

I tossed her onto the bed and grinned, "Scream all you want there's no one here to save you." I laughed as she tried to crawl away. I groaned as a knock on the door interrupted my fun. "What!" I yelled.

"Brad," Patrick called through the door. "The boss is here he wants to see you."

"Fuck," I growled, heading to the window I slammed it shut and bent the latch and stocked back to Amelia pulling her by her legs and sliding her across the bed towards me. "I'll be right back, then we can really have some fun," I said pulling her to me I pressed my lips to hers as she struggled. "Fight all you want, but soon I will break you, your little girlfriend can't save you anymore," I chuckled before pushing her back on the bed.

I swung the door to the office open, "Mr. James what brings you here?"

"The warehouse was taken, how do you suppose they knew about the place." He accused.

"How am I supposed to know, I've been here, now if you'll excuse me a got a hot little number waiting for me upstairs" who the hell did this guy think he was, I was the one who got him all his contacts, stole all those weapon designs. He thought he had me under his control ha, I had other plans.

"You think you have everything figured out?" he laughed as I watched his men take a step forward. I am aware of your little side deals with that ISIS faction in Europe that has taken credit for the London bombing, I even know how you had the delivery's hidden in the different mosque there too." He smiled.

"And?" I answered smugly, "I thought we were partners, what's the big deal?" I tilted my head in question.

"The big deal is you have WATT coming down on us because of your earlier shenanigans with that girl you have held up in your room." I was surprised he knew about that.

I shrugged and walked out of the office "This has nothing to do with any raid." I said exiting the door, I hear the chair slide back and soon he was shouting at me as I walked up the stairs.

"You don't remember her girlfriend do you?" he laughed. I turned to look back at him "Remember that girl you beat up almost seven years ago when we first met. You know the night you made her watch while you and your little band of misfits raped her girlfriend?"

I thought back to that night, the night he paid us to teach his stepdaughter a lesson. No that couldn't be the same weak little girl. "That's her woman you have upstairs."

I shrugged as I continued up the stairs. "So what she's dead."

'Freeze, Down on the ground' I watched as gunfire was exchanged after the front door burst open. 'Get down, drop your weapons.'

I rushed into the room grabbing Amelia, "Come on darling'" I called. I head out the door once more and moved further down the hall, I knew the last room led to the back exit. They could have everyone else but I've worked too hard for my prize. I held my hand over her mouth as she struggled to get free.

There were lights moving around the back yard, I pulled her into a dimly lit room and waited for the commotion to settle down. I watched as Patrick made a break for the back door the waiting guards quickly chasing after him as he sprinted across the yard.

I made my way out of the room and out the back door while they were distracted, my grip on Amelia tightened. we cleared the last step as I dragged her towards my car. Once there she bit my hand as I reached to open the back door with the other. 'bitch' I swung hitting her across her face making her stumble to the ground. I reached down to grab her and was tackled to the ground. I got to my knees rapidly and scanned my surroundings for my attacker. Squinting my eyes I watched as the figure slowly stepped out of the shadows.

Carol (Lacey and Laurens mother)

I sat next to Ben waiting on news of the girls. We stood as the doctor came forward." How are they?" I asked we've been sitting here waiting for hours.

"Miss Crawford, your daughter Lauren is awake, she suffered no injuries, looks like she just passed out due to the shock, your other girl he looked at us as he frowned, is still in surgery, she's lost a lot of blood and she's O negative, we are running out of our current supply and waiting for an emergency supply to arrive, if either of you have the same blood type we could use it now." He notified.

I looked to Ben who shook his head, I turned back to the doctor. "we are not, but my daughter Lauren shares the same type, can we see her?"

"Sure follow me if she agrees we'll get her hooked up immediately."


My phone rang as Lauren's name flashed across the screen. 'Hey Laur, how are you feeling?" I asked realizing what a terrible girlfriend I was not checking in on her. "I'm sorry I'm not there."

"It's ok, did you find her?" we've searched the entire house, finding only the men that entered before us.

"No, not yet." I sighed. 'Captain' one of the men called through the radio. "Go Ahead," I answered

'we've got one in custody out back another engaging in hand to hand, he has the girl.'

"Copy," my feet was already moving towards the rear of the house. "Hey babe I'm going to have to go, I'll see you soon." I ended the call before she could reply. Rushing out back I followed my men to a car parked out back, raising my gun I made my way slowly to the vehicle and an opened door.

"Amelia," I reached her slumped figure lying next to the car and checked for a pulse, finding it steady' "she's unconscious," I yell just as one of our SUV's pull up. I watched as two figures circle each in the dark, the larger of the two taking a swing before quickly being taken down, "Duke." I nod my head towards the fighting. 'Take over here, I need to get her to the hospital." I said picking up Amelia and heading towards the waiting SUV.

We are in route to the hospital when Amelia stirred.


I heard the rumbling of a car engine my eyes shot open and I let out a scream. "Shh, Shh, Amelia it's ok, it's Morgan." I looked over to find her sitting next to me and immediately launched into her arms.

"Morg," I sobbed, the tears falling quickly from my eyes, "Lacey, where's Ley," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"It's ok, everything will be ok." she said rocking me, "We're heading to the hospital now."

A few minute later we pulled up in front of the emergency entrance, "We need to get you checked out first," Morgan explained, as the medical team came out to get me. After a cat scan and what seemed like forever they wheeled me into a room and held me for observation due to a mild concussion, the swelling on my face was slowly subsiding but the pain remained.

A nurse arrived shortly to check on the monitors and administered some medication, "this should help with the pain, your concussion is mild enough that if you fall asleep you should still be ok." She explained. I nodded suddenly feeling sleepy, I needed to see Lacey and see if she was ok, no one has been by to tell me anything, my heart ached as I remembered Brad firing the gun. My eyes grew heavy as I struggled to keep them from closing, the room door opened, a battered figure stood there in the doorway, My last thought on the woman I loved "Ley" I whispered as darkness consumed me. 

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