Sasuke Uchiha and I

By Books4_Ever

207K 7K 4.5K

《Best Rankings - #1 in Naruto Characters, #2 in Naruto Fanfiction and #3 in Sasuke Uchiha》 "You know, I'm jea... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Winter
Chapter 2 - Fighting an Idiot
Chapter 3 - Insults and Death Matches
Chapter 4 - Wounding Sasuke's Pride
Chapter 5 - Tough But Sensitive
Chapter 6 - Language Barrier Difficulties
Chapter 7 - Haku
Chapter 8 - Itachi vs Sasuke
Chapter 9 - Lying to an Uchiha
Chapter 10 - Why is it so cold?
Chapter 11 - Revelations and Rescues
Chapter 13 - Sasuke's Choice
Chapter 14 - Captivity
Chapter 15 - The Books
Chapter 16 - Light and Dark
Chapter 17 - Smile
Chapter 18 - Life For A Life
Chapter 19 - Reunion
Epilogue - The End Is Just The Beginning
Bonus Chapter - "Bliss"

Chapter 12 - Life and Death Promises

6.8K 283 136
By Books4_Ever

A/N - Thank you so much for all the awesome feedback I've received! I love you all!

Winter's P.O.V

It had been several hours since Sasuke had rescued me from the Akatsuki. He had made no move whatsoever to start a conversation and so I had been staring at nothing in particular and noticing how much more noise my footsteps made than his. "How do you do that?" I asked finally, breaking the silence.

"Do what?" He replied in that aggravatingly, annoying, monotone voice. I swear, he uses it one more time and I'm going to crack.

"Walk so lightly - do you even weigh anything?"

"Hn." What is 'Hn'? He doesn't say anything and when he does he can't form complete words?!

"You didn't answer my question." I accused.

"It's practice." Simple, easy as that. I have been contemplating how he walks so lightly for over two hours and he replies 'It's practice.' Are you kidding me?

"Urghhhhhhhh!" I groaned as loud as I could, partly because I was frustrated at the endless walking and partly because of the pent up anger I had at his speech ability.

"Are you finished?" Sasuke looked sideways at me and his dark hair swept in front of his eyes. Without his Sharingan, he had eyes so black they reminded me of the night sky on an eclipse. It was strange because the more I looked into them, the more I felt I could read what he was thinking. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly as he guessed what I was thinking and then he looked back down the road.

"So. What now?" I put my hands in the pockets of my old jumper and focused straight ahead.

"Orochimaru's. Training." I understood the fact that he wasn't the talkative type, but unlike him, I couldn't stand hours without social interaction.

"Huh. You always manage to answer my questions in two words. Or less." I combed my hair back with my hands and sighed, looking at Sasuke. He looked back at me and smirked as to say 'I'm proud of it'.

"Perhaps you're not asking the right questions." He is allowing me to ask him questions?! Heck, I'm not letting this chance go to waste.

"Okay, smart guy. Why Orochimaru?" There, he couldn't possibly sum that up in two words. His eyes were deep in thought and I knew he was determined to answer it in two words, but then his eyes released and gave up. Aha, so I finally asked the right question.

"He's the first guy who doesn't use restrictions or rules, he bends them, and I've become stronger because of it. He's not afraid to do forbidden things, in fact, he strives to do things that normal people are too afraid to do. Sure he's twisted, but I am too." He smirked and for some reason I became worried. 

Sure, I'm strong, but I don't use my strength as a weapon, I use it to help people. I have gone through hell and I came out of it trying to make sure nobody went through what I did. Then there's Sasuke.

What had he gone through to make him so bloodthirsty?

"Sasuke, what's your story?" I bit my lip unsure if I had just crossed a line. His eyes darkened - if that was even possible.

"Not your turn. It's my turn to ask you a question." His eyes glinted dangerously but I didn't care.

"Um, no."

"Um, yes. It was part of the deal."

"What deal?!" I walked in front of him and stopped so he had to stop walking. He put his hands in his pockets and leveled his eyes so he was staring straight at me.

"The deal where we take turns asking each other questions. It's payment for allowing you to ask me questions." He said in monotone but I could see the hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Or, I guess we could just continue walking in complete silence, you won't even hear my footsteps."

I don't know exactly how it started but I stared straight into his onyx eyes and he stared straight back, neither of us moved for an entire minute. Our egos clashed in an epic staring contest.

Sasuke's P.O.V

A staring contest, really?

At least I got her mind off asking me that question. I suppose I could tell her, something about her makes her easy to talk to - and I never talk to anyone. Unless it's for the training of course.

Her eyes were green but there was yellow around her pupil. It reminded me of a sunflower on a grassy field. As I stared deep into her eyes it reminded me of when she had looked in my eyes a few minutes ago. She seemed to be able to read what I was thinking, and looking into her eyes right now I could tell if I wanted to, I could read what she was thinking as well.

I tried out my theory and read the expression on her face, she was determined. Her face seemed to say, "I will not blink." which I could have figured out without reading her face.

Oh well, game on Winter.

Winter's P.O.V

I watched his eyes dart back and forth taking in my expression, reading me. Two can play this game. I lifted my eyebrow and positioned my face - carefully trying not to make myself blink - so that it said, "You asking me questions was not part of the deal."

"It is now, deal with it."  It was like I had Sasuke's voice in my head, I knew exactly what he was going to say without him having to.

"How is this possible?" I asked, my mouth opening to a perfect 'o'.

"I have no idea. But I'm not blinking, so blink so we can end this." In his dreams!

"I refuse."

"Don't be stubborn." He rolled his eyes and miraculously didn't blink.

So what if he had special eyes, I would not blink if it was the end of the world.

I set my jaw and his face moved into a resolved "I guess I have no choice..." He lifted his hands and without any warning, he clapped loudly near my face.

I blinked.

Sasuke smirked and walked around me. "Hurry up, loser." I moaned and ran after him.

We walked in silence for quite a while and I wondered if it was because of what we had done during the staring contest. Being able to communicate without speaking could be very handy someday. "That was amazing, back there."

"Hn." He shrugged and kept walking straight ahead. Typical Sasuke. 

Sasuke's P.O.V

To be honest, I didn't want to talk about what happened back there. Being able to communicate like that was something Orochimaru would use to his advantage, he couldn't ever find out. "Winter, don't tell Orochimaru."

She laughed and looked over at me. She smiled and said, " I would never tell that snake. He gives me the heebie-jeebies."

I don't know what it was about that moment, whether it be her expression or the stupid thing she said, but I laughed. I laughed and I saw her green eyes fixed on me, a strange expression on her face. "What?"

"You should smile more often, it's a good look on you." She nodded with approval and then walked in front of me.

Slightly unnerved I spoke, "My turn: What was your family like?"

I watched her face carefully and she bit her lip, contemplating whether or not she wanted to answer. "I had a mother, she wasn't the typical mother. She was the sporty one and my dad was the stay at home parent. Mum and dad would take turns cooking but to be honest - dad's cooking was better. I had only one sibling, a really annoying little brother. His name was Yakuta and he would follow me around everywhere." Winter's eyes lit up as she talked about her family, how could she be so happy while talking about her dead family? 

"Sounds great." 

Winter smiled and gave me a sideways glance. "There you go speaking two words again," she teased. The corner of my mouth turned up. "What was your family like?"

"Can't ask the same question." Please, anything but that one. I lost the smile.

"Okay, you asked for it. What's your story?" That's it. I grabbed Winter's wrist and wrenched her to me so she was looking me straight in the eyes. "Can you not tell that I'm avoiding those questions?" Her eyes were dead calm, I couldn't read her face. "Can you?!"

Winter's P.O.V

I pushed him over the edge, he's trying to scare me into submission but I refuse to be pushed around. So I set my jaw and made my face go blank so he couldn't read it. The fury in his eyes was unbearable, and right then I made a solemn promise to get rid of that anger someday. "Let go of me Sasuke," I said, my words dripping with poison.

He seemed startled and then he let go of my wrist. Where he had grabbed my wrist was throbbing and I remembered the chains the Akatsuki had kept me in. Shaking my head I rubbed my sore wrist a few times before continuing down the road. I couldn't hear his footsteps but I knew he was walking behind me, he was a trained ninja after all.

"I'm sorry." I looked back at him and apologized, he seemed taken aback.

"Why would you apologize? It was my fault." He asked Incredulously. I shrugged my shoulders and kept heading towards Orochimaru's hideout.


We arrived at Orochimaru's hideout a few hours later, I hadn't heard a single thing from Sasuke since I apologized and it was driving me insane. I buried my insanity deep down and continued down the dark corridors to Orochimaru's room for a briefing. 

Kabuto saw me and ran inside to no doubt tell Orochimaru that I was back after two months. He came out a few seconds later and gestured me to go in. 

"Ah, Winter. Home at last." Orochimaru said in that creepy, sly voice of his.

"This isn't my home!" It burst out of my mouth before I could hold it in.

"Tut tut, you haven't learned to hold your tongue yet girl, better learn quickly." He threatened with an evil glint in his eye.

I set my jaw and glared at him, I wasn't his pet. "What do you want?" I snapped.

"Haha, you've got guts girl, I like that about you." Was he seriously contradicting himself right now?!

"What are the Akatsuki planning?" He drummed his fingers on his chair, the candlelight making him seem even more sinister.

I couldn't under any circumstances tell anyone about Haku, I made a promise to protect him and I would. "They're planning to kill you."

"Such a shame, I really liked you girl." What was he talking about? "You know, I planned to have you stay with me, it really is a shame." Why couldn't I stay with him? It's not like I wanted to, it's just that I don't have anywhere to go.

"I -I don't understand." I stuttered. Was he going to get rid of me?

"The Akatsuki plan to get you to kill me, no?" Orochimaru stood up and his arms hung limply at his sides. He circled me like I was his last meal on earth and then glimpsed behind me. Turning around I saw Sasuke standing there, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I'm not going to kill you." I managed in a small whisper.

"I really want to believe you, Winter, I really do." As soon as he finished his sentence Kabuto grabbed me from behind. Completely taken by surprise I elbowed Kabuto in the stomach, but he yanked my head back using my hair and I felt a liquid being poured down my throat.

I coughed and thrashed as the liquid slid down my esophagus, burning like a fire. I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I fell to my knees and wanted to scream, but no sound came out. My face turned red from the effort and Orochimaru let out a chuckle.

"That potion took me three years to make. I call it 'Fire-night' after the plant it came from, you can only find the flower at night because it glows, in the daylight it's invisible. I'm afraid your voice is permanently muted Winter, I really do want to apologize but I'm just not sorry." A creepy grin came on his face and he crouched by my ear. "Here's what's going to happen, Winter. I'm going to kill you before you kill me. Understood?"

I shook my head furiously but he just ignored me. Suddenly, he turned to Sasuke an idea glinting in his eyes. 

"Actually, I think it will be more interesting if Sasuke is the one to kill you." Sasuke's eyes widened enough for me to catch the movement but then he resumed his poker face. "On one condition, if he does not bring me your heart, I will have him killed instead."

Silent tears streamed down my face as I was led out of the hideout, just Sasuke Uchiha and I. I contemplated running, but a part of me didn't want Sasuke to die. I had promised to get rid of the anger in his eyes, I couldn't let him get killed. A promise that is costing me my life. So I just kept walking like a sheep led to the slaughter.

"Aren't you going to run?" Sasuke had stopped walking but he hadn't turned around to face me. I wanted to tell him with my own words that I wouldn't let him die like that but I couldn't speak. So instead, I walked forward and grabbed his arm to get his attention. When he looked down at me I saw a darkness in his eyes that made me shiver. I shook my head and the darkness turned into confusion. "You're not going to run?" His voice was dry like he couldn't believe what he was saying. 

I shook my head again and remembered our silent talk. I positioned my face and looked in his eyes. "I wouldn't let you die."

"Yet you want me to let you die."

"It's not the same thing." Sasuke looked at me with a face I could not recognize and he handed me paper and a pencil. On the paper was written 'Lessons in Japanese - Winter'. I felt a tear slide down my face as I thought of my Japanese lessons, how could such a short time ago feel like a lifetime away? I quickly scribbled down, 'You have a goal, a future. I'm just tagging along for the ride. Don't worry, I'm not afraid to die.'

Sasuke looked me in the eye, "Liar."

The corner of my mouth tipped up and we kept walking to wherever fate would take us.


We walked down to a cliff's edge that was heavily laden with snow. We were circled by trees and the wind bit at my cheeks. After what seemed like forever, Sasuke turned to face me. "Let's get this over with shall we?"

I rubbed my arms at the cold and looked down, a rock catching my eye. I motioned for the paper and pencil and he handed it to me, intrigued by what I wanted to say. I quickly noted down what I wanted, the cold numbing my fingers. I had written, 'There's a rock over there, can you please knock me out first? You were right... I am scared Sasuke.'

His eyes glazed over at what he read and he sighed. "This is the first time I've thought so much about killing someone besides Orochimaru. Okay, so I'll hit you with a rock." He said it so nonchalantly that I felt his confidence sliding through me, warming me.

Sasuke walked over to the rock and picked it up, weighing it in his hands. Like he weighed nothing, he gracefully glided over to my side. His arms went around me lightly and yet I felt so secure and protected that I relaxed. As I closed my eyes he whispered in my ear, "Don't be afraid." 

And then everything went black.


Can we just reread and admire that second last paragraph? I want a Sasuke... *Rereads and after 20 seconds feels satisfied and moves on to the next chapter*

^I am so pathetic, somebody join me in my pathetic-ness corner. *Sips a pathetic tea*

Love, Books4_Ever xx

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