Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

85.1K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 23

2.4K 84 14
By foreverlovingnemi


I stared at the doctor after he asked me if multiples run in my family, then slowly shook my head. He looked so serious, so I looked at Nick, who lost all color in his face. He had done a double take & now was staring straight ahead, blinking & looking like he might throw up. Suddenly, the doctor started chuckling.

"I'm kidding. There's only one baby in there. I like to play that little prank on young first time parents. It's fun to see the different reactions. He didn't run from the room, so you got a keeper." Dr. James nodded his head toward Nick, who was now rubbing his hand over his mouth.

Nick sighed as he lifted his head. "Dr. James, I was enjoying your sense of humor, but now I'm not." Nick said with a chuckle.

Dr. James laughed. "I'm sorry. But there's only one in here & if you look here, you can see the heartbeat. It's a strong one for sure. Look at it." He pointed to the screen & both Nick & I directed our attention to it.

Sure enough there was the heartbeat, clear as day. It was this flicker that was going hard & fast & it made me smile. I wasn't sure how I felt about having a baby when I didn't plan it, but seeing it's heart beating on the screen made me feel like a mother. I felt love for this tiny flicker on the monitor & then I was protective, suddenly. I was angry, at myself, that I had fought when I could have easily refused. I was thankful my baby was okay & so was Nick, since I heard him sigh, quietly. When I looked at his face, he was smiling.

"She was in a fight last weekend. I know it doesn't look like it..." Nick said & Dr. James looked at me, his eyes wide.

"You were in a fight?" Dr. James asked, his voice raised with surprise.

"It was in a cage with gloves & I knocked the girl out." I grinned, proudly.

The doctor shook his head & clicked his tongue. "You could have so easily miscarried, but luckily you didn't as is evident by this heartbeat. You got a strong little one in there. This little champion definitely has fighting in it's blood."

Nick & I exchanged a proud smile then let Dr. James finish the exam. He printed off a picture that showed our baby, that looked like a big piece of chewed bubble gum, but I loved it, anyway. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be, a girl or a boy & of course what it would look like. I hoped it got Nick's eyes, because those eyes melted my heart from day one.

After I set up my next appointment, we left the office & headed to the car. Nick wasn't saying much, while we walked, then he handed me the keys. I gave him a weird look. "You have to get to work, right? You can drop me off at the gym, since I brought my bag." Nick shrugged his shoulders then went to the door of my car, waiting for me to unlock it.

"I have a little time before my first client. We can go get something to eat, if you want."

"Okay." Nick answered as I unlocked my door. He opened it before I could & held it while I got in, then went around to get in the passenger side. I wondered why he didn't want to drive. I drove us to a cafe that was close to the gym, then we walked in & sat down. Nick picked up his menu & started looking at it. "I'm not really all that hungry. I might just get a chicken salad sandwich." He commented.

"What's wrong with you? You're acting weird." I knew what I wanted, so I put my menu down & looked at Nick, waiting for him to look at me.

 "Nothing's wrong with me."

"Nick. You haven't said much since we were at the doctor's. You didn't want to drive, which is not like you." I let out a chuckle.

"I'm just... feeling a little overwhelmed."

"About what?"

"Seeing our baby's heartbeat freaked me out. It made it real." Nick was speaking softly, barely looking at me.

"It is real. Are you freaking out... like.... you want to bail?" My voice cracked a little as I looked down, briefly.

Finally, he looked up, sharply, almost looking mad at me. "No. I don't want to bail." He shook his head, then put the menu down. "It's... just that... I'm a fighter, Demi. I don't make that much money. And I have no idea what I want to do with my life, if I stop fighting. I have a child I need to support & I'm wondering how I can do that when I barely get by as it is, now."

"You don't have to decide all this right away, ya know. You have plenty of time." I sighed, crossing my arms as I leaned back on my chair.

"I still have to be thinking about it. If I want to go to school, I need to do it as soon as possible."

"Why exactly?"

"I mean we have a baby coming in like 7 months, Demi. I want to be there for you & the baby & I can't be if I'm busy with school..." He looked away, closing his mouth, tightly.

"Do you even want to go to school? Is that something you're seriously thinking about?"

Nick shrugged, not making eye contact with me. "I have no idea what I want to do. I would have to take out loans & shit, so it might not even be something I can swing. I don't want to get in debt learning to do something I won't be able to use." He looked up at me, finally.

I sighed, leaning forward, a soft smile on my face. "Listen to me. You're young. You have time to figure out what you want to do if you quit fighting. Don't stress about it. Don't worry about financially being able to support our child, because that's not the most important thing, anyway. You're going to be an amazing dad because of how you love this baby & how you protect it." I smiled, bigger, trying to make him feel comfortable. I reached to squeeze his fingers & he smiled, a little. "Do you even want to quit fighting?"

"I told you I don't want to have my son or daughter see me beat up when they're older."

I nodded, my lips together. Our server came to take our order, then when she walked away, I sighed, again. "I think you'd be a great personal trainer & you don't really need much training for that, since you've been working with trainers for many years." I reached to take his hand again. "Why don't you start there... see what happens.... I can make some business cards online for you. You can make some flyers & hang them around the gym or on the pier."

"That's a good idea. Thanks, babe." Nick smiled, broadly & I knew he felt better. "I'm going to make our child proud, whatever I decide to do. I promise."

"I know you will. You make me proud already." I winked at him, smiling as he lifted my hand & kissed my knuckles. We finished our meal, then I dropped him off at the gym, before I drove myself to work. I wished I didn't have to work, but I sucked it up. At least the day was busy, so it went fast.

Shortly before my work day was over, I had a short break, so I called Nick. When he answered, he sounded out of breath. "Are you in the middle of working out?" I asked, laughing.

"I just came out of the cage. What's up?"

"Are we telling your dad tonight?" I asked, leaning on my desk.

I could hear Nick breathing hard, then it sounded like he was drinking something. "Just come to the gym after work."

"You'll still be there?"

"I didn't stay long after you dropped me off, because Charlie wanted me to look at that car. So I was gone for an hour or so. Anyway, I gotta go, baby. Jay is waiting for me. I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay. Bye. I love you."

"Bye. Love you." He said, quickly, then disconnected. I sat back in my chair, taking in a few breaths while I waited for my next client. Once work was finished, I headed out to my car & drove to the gym. 

When I pulled into the parking lot of the gym, I saw Jay & Nick talking by a car. Nick was leaning on a car as Jay faced him, crossing his arms & laughing. Nick was grinning as he looked down at the car, then he saw me as I parked next to the car they were standing by. "Hey, Babe." Nick called out as I got out of my car & walked around it. Nick walked toward me & gave me a kiss. "How was work?"

I shrugged, smiling. "Fine. What are you two doing out here? You up to no good?"

Jay snickered as he shook his head. "I'm always up to good, but I keep my brother out of it as much as I can."

"I appreciate that."

"We just got back from getting my new car transferred over to me & then we drove it around a bit. I got it gassed up then had it washed." Nick said as he ran his hand along the frame of the door.

"Wait. Is this yours?" I asked, grinning with my mouth open. It was a nice car & looked like it was only a few years old. Nick nodded, smiling. "Nick, this is a nice car. What year is it?"

"It's only five years old. When I saw it & heard the guy was letting it go for three grand, I had to jump on it."

"He only wanted three grand?" I asked in a surprised laugh.

"Yea, crazy huh? This car is worth at least three times that. But, I guess he has a lot of cars he gets at auctions & he's a really good friend of Charlie's." Nick shrugged, smiling like a little kid.

"So, you're gonna make payments to Charlie?" I asked, stepping forward to look inside the car, which was even nicer than I imagined. It seriously was like a brand new car & I was really impressed & very happy for him.


"Okay, little brother, I gotta go to K-O to work security tonight. I'll see you later?" Jay said, slapping Nick on the back as Nick nodded. Jay hugged Nick, then gave me a nod, before he walked off to his truck.

"This really is a nice car, babe. I'm happy for ya." I smiled as I leaned on his car.

"Thanks. I'm so grateful to Charlie. Not only did he hook me up with this car, but he also got me my first client to train."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really? Who?"

"One of the guys who works for him wants to get in shape. I guess he got a hot new girlfriend & wants to start working out." Nick smirked, shaking his head.

"That's awesome." I said just as Jay pulled up behind Nick's car & motioned for Nick to come over.

Jay grabbed Nick's neck & looked into his eyes. "Good luck, little brother. Text me & let me know how it goes." Jay said then let go of Nick & drove off. 

Nick laughed, turning to look at me as he walked toward his car. "He was wishing me luck on telling my dad about the baby. So... you ready to go tell him?"

I sucked in my breath & stood up, rubbing my hands together. "I guess. You're doing the talking right?"

Nick nodded his head as he took my hand & chuckled. He pulled me into the gym & slowed to a stop when we got inside. Alvey was talking to a guy & the conversation looked somewhere between casual & serious. Nick & I watched the two men talk, then Alvey looked at us & his face lit up.

"Nick! My boy!" He held his arms out, smiling, proudly. "Come meet my buddy."

Nick walked toward his dad & the strange man, who was dressed in casual business attire. He looked very professional, but he had a few scars on his face, so I wondered if he was once a fighter. "Hi." Nick said, holding his hand out for the man to shake & he did, gripping it, tightly from what I could tell.

"This is my friend, Sean. We used to fight together back in the day. He lives in Washington now. This is my youngest. The King Beast champion... Nick fucking Jonas." Alvey boasted, making Nick smile & turn red.

"Good to meet ya. I heard you're quite the fighter." Sean said, then saw me over Nick's shoulder. "Is this your girl?" He asked & Nick turned around.

"Yea, this is Demi." Nick replied, putting his arm out as I walked a few steps toward him & shook Sean's hand. I felt Nick's hand on my lower back, then it slipped to my waist as I took my place next to him.

"Is this the one you were telling me about?" Sean asked Alvey, who nodded in response. "Patrick Lovato's daughter?" He said in a breath as he looked at me & chuckled. "I knew your dad. I met him a few times. Great guy & phenomenal fucking fighter. I hear you got it in your blood."

I glanced at Nick who was watching me, proudly, as he smiled. "Yea, I guess." I laughed, nervously.

"I'd love to watch you fight sometime. The female matches are amazing to watch. You gonna train under Alvey?" Sean asked, his expression full of excitement.

"Uh... I don't know. I might be done fighting."

"What? You can't stop. You got a talent." Sean's eyes were wide as Alvey nodded his head in agreement.

I smiled, slightly, feeling my face get warm. "Thank you. I guess we will see what happens."

"Dad, we need to talk to you about something, if you have some time." Nick said, quickly, taking the attention away from me, thankfully.

Alvey looked at Nick, a little surprised & confused by what Nick said, then he nodded. "Okay. I'm gonna walk Sean out, so you two go in my office & I'll be right there."

Nick nodded then put his hand on the small of my back. "Nice meeting you, Sean." Nick said as he turned. We walked to Alvey's office & I sat down, once inside. Nick started pacing, then he leaned on a table & sighed. "You nervous?" I asked him.

"I'm feeling a few different things." Nick replied, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at his hands. When he looked back up at me, he looked almost cocky.

"He's not my father & I'm insanely nervous."

"Why are you nervous?"

"I think he's going to think I did this on purpose... like I'm trying to trap you. Or that I'm ruining your life."

Nick stood up & came to kneel in front of me, taking my hands in his. "You aren't ruining my life & if he thinks that I will punch his lights out." Nick smirked but he looked like he might be serious. "I don't think my dad would think that anyway. He knows better than anyone that babies can be accidents."

I smiled in response, reaching up to touch Nick's face, then the office door opened & Nick stood up, quickly, standing by my chair as his dad came in. "Before I forget, I got a fight for you in a few weeks." Alvey was pointing at Nick as he made his way to sit at his desk. My stomach turned hearing Nick had a fight, even though I supported him, I still got nervous when he fought.

"Yea? Who am I fighting?" Nick asked, sounding excited.

"Oscar Hernandez." Alvey answered, looking at some papers on his desk. He looked up at me & smiled. "So, did you want to talk to me about training you?"

I smiled, nervously, then looked up at Nick who cleared his throat. "Well, Dad, training for Demi will have to wait. First of all, we're moving in together." Nick said as he sat on a stool.

"Wow. You moving in with her?"

Nick nodded, grinning down at me. "Yep, I'm going to start moving in this week. And that's not all." Nick stopped to take a deep breath, then he let it out & looked at the ceiling. "Dad..." Nick looked at his dad, who leaned forward to give Nick his full attention. "Demi's pregnant."

Alvey blinked, rapidly, staring at Nick, then brought his hand up to his chin. He ran his hands along his face as he sighed, then he looked at me. I felt scared for a moment, then Alvey leaned back in his chair, keeping his eyes focused on me as his fingers rubbed his scruff. "How far along are you?" He asked, his voice low.

"I'll be seven weeks this week." I answered, trying not to sound too fearful. 

Alvey continued to stare at my face, making me feel uncomfortable. He looked pissed & annoyed & when I glanced at Nick, his face showed confusion, but it also looked like he was ready to stand up & defend me. Alvey cleared his throat then stood up, abruptly & turned around with his hands clasped behind his head. "That son of a bitch." He mumbled, then turned around to face me & Nick, his hands on his hips. "Chuck knew, didn't he?" Nick & I both nodded & Alvey started breathing heavy. "He forced you to fight, didn't he?" I nodded & he started shaking his head, his jaw flexing in anger. "He put my grandchild at risk. You could have lost the baby." He turned to pace, but then turned back around to come lean on the chair. "Okay, I need to calm down before I go find him & kill him. Anyway, congratulations. When are you two getting married?"

Nick laughed, nervously, as he stood up, putting his hands out in front of him. "Whoah, Dad. We're not getting married. We haven't even been together for a year."

"Nick, you're going to be a dad. You need to be there for your child. You need to give that baby stability. Make an honest woman out of its mother."

"Dad, I know you're old school when it comes to that stuff. You married Mom when she got pregnant with Jay, but that's not what we're going to do. We're not going to get married because she's pregnant. We're moving in together. That's it for now."  

Alvey pushed himself up off the back of the chair & walked toward Nick. "Son, I know you haven't been together that long, but you're going to be a dad. You need to be a husband first."

"Dad. We are not getting married. Drop it, please."

Alvey bit his bottom lip & nodded. "This wasn't planned was it?" He asked, looking over at me, making me feel more nervous.

"No. God no. I've been on birth control, for years, so this was a definite surprise & a big shock to me." I said, almost laughing.

"Well, I doubt your dad would be thrilled about this, but I know he'll be looking down on you & he will be proud of the mother you'll be." Alvey smiled, slightly as he came around & sat on the edge of his desk.

"Thank you. That means a lot." I stumbled over the words, since I felt myself getting emotional.

Alvey nodded, looking back at Nick. "I'm glad you're, at least, moving in together. That means Demi will be safe, with you living there."

"Of course she'll be safe." Nick replied.

"Good. And before I forget, my friend, Sean, might be asking you guys some questions. He's investigating Chuck. Has been for awhile, but I didn't realize."

"Someone should be." Nick said with his teeth together.

"I gotta run some errands, so is there anything else you guys need to tell me?" Alvey asked, standing up. 

"Nope. That was it."

Alvey hugged Nick, tightly & seeing this made me emotional. This damn pregnancy was making me emotional about everything. "I'm proud of you. I know you're going to keep making me proud son & I'm here for you, always. I love you." He said, looking at Nick's face. "Babies aren't always planned, but they are always blessings. Even if they turn out like your brother Jay."

I busted out laughing & Alvey looked over at me & grinned. "Sorry." I said, biting my lip.

"You don't have to be sorry. Jay wasn't always an obnoxious smart ass. He used to be this sweet little kid... so just let that be a warning to you being someone who is about to be a mother." Alvey came toward me, then hugged me. "I'm glad my son has you." He murmured as he let me go. 

I smiled, trying not to cry, then saw Nick was holding his hand out for me to take. I took it then we walked out of the office & Alvey followed us to the parking lot. When Nick walked to his new car, Alvey whistled. "Who's ride?" He asked, looking around the car.

"Mine." Nick declared, proudly.

"Yours? How did that happen? You knock her up & she buys you a car?" Alvey asked with a smirk.

Nick chuckled, shaking his head. "No. Charlie had a friend who was selling it for a really insanely good price so he bought it for me & I'm going to make payments to him."

"Charlie? He bought this for you?" Alvey looked annoyed & hurt as Nick nodded his head, smiling, having no idea that his father was hurt by this. "How much was it?"

"Three grand."

Alvey's eyes were wide. "Well, I will give Charlie three grand & you won't owe anyone anything." Alvey said, looking off, his tone sounding so definite.

"Dad, you don't have to do that. I can make payments. I don't need charity."

Alvey looked sharply at Nick, then put his hand on his shoulder. "Listen to me. I am your dad. I should be the one doing things like buying you a car or helping buy you a car. I didn't do a whole lot besides pay my child support, while you were growing up, so at least let me do this for you." Alvey's voice cracked & I felt for him. It had to be hard watching another man do things for your son & I was kind of understanding where Nick got his sense of responsibility. He wanted to take care of his child, just as his dad had always taken care of him & I couldn't fault him for it. In fact, it made me love Nick even more. Alvey might not have been the best father when it came to emotional needs, but he took care of his sons. He loved his boys & they knew it, even if they weren't sure he loved them all the time. I got a feeling, Alvey was starting to see the errors of his ways & he was trying to make up for it. I hoped it wasn't too late for Nick to realize that his dad did, indeed, love him unconditionally, even when he wasn't the best at something.

"Okay." Was all Nick could respond with as his dad smiled at him, then Alvey pat Nick on the side of the face & turned to walk to his car, not saying another word. Nick watched him leave, seeming as if he was fighting tears. I walked to touch his arm & he looked down at me. "That was cool of him." He said, then opened his car door. "You heading home?" He asked me before he got in the car.

"Yea, I gotta shower. You coming over?"

Nick shook his head. "I think I'm gonna go home & pack a little, then Ryan & I were going to go hang out at the Knock Out since Jay's working."

"Oh. Okay. What time will you be home?"

Nick shrugged, reaching for my hand. "You can come hang out if you want. Lisa is coming later, I think. Maybe you can call Michelle & we can make it a triple date." He grinned, his eyebrows shooting up.

"I don't know. I gotta work & I'm so tired. Plus I can't drink."

"You can hang out with me. Lisa can't drink either."

"I'll see how I feel later. I might just get in my jammies & watch TV until I get sleepy."

"I won't be out real late." He pulled me toward him so he could kiss me, then touched my jaw as he pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun. I'll see you later." I smiled before I turned & got in my car. I saw him watching me until I got in safely & started it, then he got in his car. I drove myself home, thankful that telling one parent was out of the way. I just hoped it went as smooth with our moms.

Several hours later, I was curled up on my couch, watching some crime show, with a cup of hot tea, when my phone rang. I had texted Nick earlier, to tell him I wasn't going to the bar, so I was surprised it was Michelle calling & not Nick. I saw it was almost nine when I picked up my phone to answer it. "What are you doing?" Michelle asked, sounding like she was talking with her hand around the speaker of the phone. I could make out some background noise, but it was muffled.

"I'm watching TV. Where are you?"

"I'm at the Knock Out. You need to get down here like now."

"Why?" I asked, laughing at her tone of voice. She sounded so frantic, it made me laugh.

"I got here about twenty minutes ago & I was just planning on popping in to see my man... maybe give him a kiss & then I was gonna go. But I decided to stay when I saw your boyfriend sitting at a table with four pretty women. He was looking pretty chummy with this red head at first, then he was flirting with a brunette, who he gave his phone number to. Now I know he's been drinking, but uh... dude should not be giving his number to girls."

I felt my breath hitch as my mouth opened, wanting to speak, but I couldn't since I was shocked at what Michelle was telling me. I swallowed, shook my head then cleared my throat. There had to be an explanation for this. "How do you know he was giving a girl his phone number?" I asked, my voice shaking as I sat up & put my mug on the coffee table.

"Demi, I know what it looks like. He took the girl's phone, punched something into it then gave it back to her. What the fuck else would it be?"

"Uh... I don't know..." I stuttered, my forehead creasing with confusion. "I'm sure there's a logical explanation. I'm not worried." I lied, feeling my heart beat quicker in my chest.

"Demi. Your boyfriend gave his number to a hot brunette & is flirting with a redhead & you're okay with this? You have no issues with this at all?" Michelle's doubt was evident in her voice & she knew me well, too, so she knew I was bothered. 

"The brunette was hot?"

"She had a nice body. A hot body, actually. But she wasn't like drop dead gorgeous or anything. The redhead is pretty & kinda sexy in a subtle way. Then there's a blond who looks like a school teacher & another brunette who is older, but still an attractive woman." Michelle started whispering & I could hear a rustling noise on her end. "I'm trying to watch them now, while I'm just outside the bar. Are you coming down here or what?"

"Michelle, I'm in my pajamas & I am about to go to bed. I trust Nick. Even though he did say he was going with Ryan."

"Ryan & Lisa are here, but they're sitting at a different table."

"Then those girls, he's sitting with, are probably old friends or something."

Michelle didn't say anything for a second but I heard her click her tongue & I could almost hear her roll her eyes, since I knew my best friend so well. Then I heard her gasp & my blood ran cold. "He just took a selfie with one of them & now the bitch is lifting up her shirt & he's touching her stomach." Michelle hissed.

"I'm getting dressed. I'll be there in a few. You're not gonna leave are you?" I said as I jumped up from the couch & practically ran to my bedroom. I didn't know what Nick was doing, but I needed to see it for myself.

 "Fuck no. You can't kick their asses." Michelle muttered, then she chuckled. "Well, actually, maybe you could. Well, you'll need help since there's four of them."

"Michelle do not say anything to him. Don't talk to him or confront him at all, you hear me?"

"Yes. Hurry up. One of them just hugged him then kissed him on the cheek." Michelle said in a breath before she disconnected. I ran around my room getting clothes on & didn't even bother putting makeup on. I grabbed my purse, then ran out to my car. As I drove, I tried not to jump to conclusions.There had to be a good reason he was flirting & exchanging phone numbers with other women. At least there better be a good reason if he wanted to live to see our child come into this world.

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