Because I Love You (BTS Jimin...

By MinYoongi93_

745K 19.4K 8.4K

This is a story about a cold girl who was moved from Canada to Korea. The girl, Son Lenny, is her school's bi... More

Characters and Story Details
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 [END]
Author's Note!
New Book!
HAPPY 400K!!
Short Announcement!
Attention Pls!
Happy News!

Chapter 27

12.6K 369 214
By MinYoongi93_

" Oppa, I want to go to the ladies " I said as I suddenly wanted to pee.

" Arasso! Don't take too long " He reminded and I nodded before heading to the ladies.

I walked in hurry to the ladies and quickly enter one of the stall as soon as I enter the ladies.

Done with my business, I walked out calmly from the stall and wash my hand at the sink. I heard the door squeak open as someone stepped in but I choose to ignore it.

" Look who we have here " Someone said.

I quickly sighed as I recognise the voice, " May I help you? ".

She let out a sarcastic laugh before looking straight at me, " Back off ".

I look at her questioning but decided to tease her a bit, " Oh, you want to use the sink? Sure! ".

I back off from the sink letting her to use. I laughed silently as I saw her mad expression. Like I care!

" Don't play dumb with me! " She replied while gritting her teeth.

Another idea came up, " Who? You are a dumb? " I said that innocently.

" You don't know me yet, bitch. You might regret for picking on me " She smirked but I just gave her a lazy stare.

" Well, do you think you know me much? I bet, you are the one who going to regret for disturbing me " I replied and smile teasingly.

" You bitch! " She said and punched my face which send me a great shock.

My precious face!

Without any words, I grabbed her hair with my fist and dragged her to the corner of the toilet before slamming her hardly to the wall.

" Auch! " She winced in pain.

I grabbed her face making it looks at me before slap her face hard.

" Do you think you just punch my face LIKE THAT?! " I yelled at her.

" You are the one who pick fight with me! " She yelled back.

I scoffed before punch the wall right next to her making her jumped in shock, " Me? Picking fight with you? You know, you are just a waste of time ".

" You bi- "

I cut her, " What? Want to taste another slap? ".

" Like I said, you are messing with a wrong person this time " I replied and suddenly heard the door squeaked open harshly.

" Jagiya, are you okay? " Jimin asked worriedly but stop as he saw the situation.

" I'm fine. Just get a weak punch on my face " I said and give him a smile.

" She punch you? She punched you? " He asked madly and glared at her.

" You fucking bit- "

" It was all settled oppa " I said and winked at him.

He then smile and slung his arm around me, " I know I have a strong girl ".

" Mess with her again and you'll dead in my hand " He glared at her and we both walked out of the ladies happily.

" Wanna treat your cheek? " He asked me but I just smile.

" No thanks! It's fine. Her punch was so weak. Mine are more stronger " I said and he laughed.

" When I heard they said that both of you were in fight, I was so shocked until I forget that you are not weak " He said and laughed.

" Don't worry! I can handle myself " I smile.


I walked by myself through the hallway relaxing my mind. I told my teacher that I want to go to the ladies, but actually I am here walking around.

As I was walking past an old store room, suddenly..

" AH! WHA- mm! Mm! " I wanted to shout but my mouth was covered with a black cloth.

' Help me! ' - My heart pleaded.

But before I knew, I was then collapse in the store.

" No one will be on my way to kill you now! " Someone said happily and laughed before dragging her body somewhere.

Jimin's P.O.V

" Where is Lenny? " I ask Taehyung as soon as the class dismissed.

" How do I know? " He replied irritatedly and I rolled my eyes annoyed.

" I'm just kidding. But really, I don't know " He stated and I let out a sigh.

Suddenly, there is a beeping sound from my phone. I looked at the text I received and saw it was from Lenny.

" She text you? " Taehyung asked and I nodded.

" See? You don't have to worry much! " He exclaimed but I frowned.

" But I feel like something is wrong here " I said and quickly open the text.

To: Jimin

Looking for your little bae?

From: Lenny

What does this mean?

" Taehyung! Read this " I exclaimed and quickly show him the text.

" What does this mean? " He asked me but I shook my head.

" Yah pabo! What are you guys still waiting here! " Namjoon hyung said as he enter our class with the other.

" Where is Lenny? " Wendy noona asked but I shook my head.

" Have you call her? " She asked again and I shook my head again.

" Where have she been? " Another question.

" I don't know. 15 minutes before the class end, she said she wanted to go to the ladies. But until now, she didn't show up " I said worriedly.

" And he got a weird text from Lenny " Taehyung said.

" Weird? " Namjoon hyung asked and I quickly show them the text.

" Oh my, this doesn't sound right " Namjoon hyung gasped.

" Why? What do you mean? " Noona asked him.

" What do you mean, hyung? Something happen to her? " I panicking.

" It sounds like she was kidnapped by someone. But in school time? " He stated making us all gasped.

" Maybe the person is someone from this school too " Jungkook exclaimed giving me a hint.

" Do you think this is Mina's doing? " I frowned again as I suddenly feel so mad.

" Maybe. Let's find her now! " Hoseok hyung exclaimed.

" But how? " I asked them.

" By tracking her phone " Namjoon hyung said and nodded.

" Call Jin hyung and Suga hyung, palli! " Namjoon hyung ask Jungkook and he nodded understand.

" Okay found her. Let's go! "


Lenny's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes a couple of time before open it fully. Where am I? My head hurts a lot and I can't move.

" Where am I? " I ask out before realising that I am tied up on a chair.

" What the? Yah! Who did this?! " I yelled while struggling to set myself free.

" Finally, you're awake! " Someone exclaimed with a smirk.

" What the fuck do you want, Mina? " I asked angrily.

Yep, it's Mina the bitch!

" Like I say before, you are messing with the wrong person " She said and laughed evilly.

" It's not funny, okay? Your laugh sounds awful " I exclaimed.

" Shut up, bitch! " She yelled.

" Sorry, but the bitch is you " I decided to tease her, wasting her time.

" Silent! " She yelled before slapping my cheek.

My cheek sting painfully as it was slapped by her. I think it was bruised as she is wearing a ring which is quiet sharp.

" Aw, does it hurt? " She teased while faking a pout while caressing my cheek.

" Not at all " I exclaimed.

Okay, that is a big lie!

" Another big fat lie " She rolled her eyes, annoyed before walking away.

" Shut up, elephant " I yelled.

She stop on her track and look at me back, " What did you call me? ".

" Elephant. I mean, an ugly and fat elephant. Yep, that's you " I spit.

She scoffed and took out a knife from her pocket before saying, " Do you think that is funny? You see this? ".

Okay, that one is not a joke.

" What are you gonna do with that? " I asked her bravely.

" What do you think? " She asked with a smirk.

She place the blunt part of the knife on her neck and dragged it along her neck.

" Kill. You " She said before laugh evilly again.

" Seriously? I don't think you have to laugh like that " I reply annoyed.

Actually, I was SO SCARED with that! But I have to act like I don't. Waste her time, yes!

" Quiet! " She shot me a glare.

" It's so hot in here, don't you think? " I ask her as I was sweating now.

" It is. So I think I have to kill you fast and get out from here " She exclaimed.

" Whatever " I muttered lazily.

" Don't you scare of me? " She asked me.


" No I don't. Why would I? I know you wouldn't dare to kill me " I said confidently.

" Says who? " She said and place the knife on my neck.

" You know what will happen if I push this knife right? " She asked and I nodded afraid.

" Stop doing this. What do you get from this? " I pleaded.

" I get my Jimin! My precious little Jimin. I'll get to live with him, happily ever after.. Without you! "

She sounds crazy.

" Now, I'm gonna kill you! " She yelled.

" Ahh! "

" STOP! "


Hello my lovely readers!

I'm so so so so so so sorry for not updating for almost one month I think. I'm sorry!

I am so busy this past few weeks with my netball training and games, exams and more. I don't have time to type a new chapter.

So, a cliffhanger for ya! Don't hate me! xx

Actually, I've lost idea for this but I still manage to write some things! If this chapter is insane or boring, I'm sorry!

Anyway, please enjoy yourself reading this chapter! Hope you guys like it!

Don't forget to vote and feel free to write you comment! :)

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