Lost Boy 2: Return To Neverla...

By aussie_direction

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❝Come back... Come back to Neverland❞ ❝What's Neverland?❞ More

1. Love
2. Be Our Guest
3. Almost There
4. True Love's Kiss (M)
5. Someone's Waiting For You
6. Son of Man
7. Endless Night
8. Looking For Romance
9. I'm Still Here
10. He Mele No Lilo
11. Upendi
12. I Wanna Be Like You
13. Forget About Love
14. I'll Try
16. Look Through My Eyes
17. Little Patch Of Heaven
18. So Close
19. You've Got A Friend In Me
20. Here Beside Me
21. Be Prepared
22. Candle on the Water
23. Poor Unfortunate Souls
24. You Can Fly
The End.

15. Little Black Rain Cloud

3.8K 282 54
By aussie_direction

15. Little Black Rain Cloud (From "The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh")

I'm just a little black raincloud, hovering under the honey tree, I'm only a little black rain cloud, pay no attention to me


The first thing Harry smelt, was the sea. He could smell the salty water, the fresh air. He was momentarily confused, before he remembered that no, last night wasn't a dream. Peter Pan was real, and evidently so was Neverland. Harry was there, in some imaginary land that wasn't actually imaginary. Great.

He scrunched his eyes, as he roused, beginning to feel the world around him. He was laying in a bed, but it was scratchy and harsh, not like a quilt or mattress he'd ever used before. It was like a bed of thick vines woven together, and a leafy pillow beneath his head.

His hands squeezed into fists, stretching his fingers before bringing them up to rest on his stomach. His stomach where his baby was growing. Even a month on, it was still surreal to him that he was actually pregnant.

He didn't have a bump, which disappointed him a little. He honestly couldn't wait until the baby started to show. He loved being pregnant. Even if the father was... well he didn't even know what Louis was anymore. It had been a month of nothing, so really, they should probably talk.

A warm smile spread over his face as he thought about his baby, then it faded as he thought about what he was supposed to say to Louis when he saw him. Pushing it all from his mind, he let out a long breath, before he gathered the strength to open his eyes, and finally face this crazy new world he'd supposedly come to.

Pan had flown them into Neverland late at night, so the entire Lost Boy camp had been deserted, not a soul in sight while they all slept soundly. Harry had been given a room to himself for the night, and went straight to sleep, so that he could rest up and face everything tomorrow.

Except now it was tomorrow and Harry wanted to go back to sleep.

He didn't want to face it all. The night before while Pan was flying with him to the island, he'd spent hours completely in awe of the fact that Neverland exists. It was real. Real. And Harry was there.

Everything Pan had said, was true, and Harry was an equal mixture of excited and terrified.

Supposedly, Louis was also on the island. Harry was sceptical at first, but soon came to believe the blonde haired leader. Louis was here. Louis wasn't missing or avoiding him or any of the other theories Niall had come up with. Louis was in Neverland, which meant Harry was going to have to speak to him.

He was beyond happy to know that the love of his life was on the island with him and hadn't, in fact, left him and the baby like everyone back in London had thought. But what was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to act like nothing had happened? Was he supposed to be upset that Louis had left him for a month? Or was he supposed to be understanding, even though he still felt hurt by his unexplained absence? Was he supposed to tell him about the pregnancy right away, or was he supposed to wait? Harry had no idea.

He had so many questions swirling around his head, not to mention the fact that he was supposed to 'saving the island', according to Pan. He still had no idea what that meant, but he supposed he would find out.

It was a lot, Harry had to admit, and he didn't quite know how he was going to handle it all.

After another few minutes of overthinking and minorly freaking out, Harry dragged himself out of bed. He went over to a pile of clothes Pan had left him in the corner, and got dressed, using a bowl of water to clean his face, his mind on a repeat of LouisLouisLouis.

God he missed Louis so much. More than anything, he wished he could just run up to him and kiss him and hold him and love him. But for the first time he could remember, he didn't know where the two of them stood.

Just as he was finished, the door to the small room opened soundlessly, allowing a person to stand in the light, and watch him without the younger boy knowing.

He smiled, his arms crossed over his chest as his fond eyes followed Harry around the room. He'd missed just being near him, feeling him, knowing he was always nearby. He'd missed him more than anything.

Louis grinned as he realised that yeah, Harry was there in front of him. Then he wondered why he was dumb enough to just stand there, instead of greeting his boy.

"Harry." He said softly, and he watched Harry's body freeze.

As soon as he heard the soft voice, Harry knew who it was. He kept his eyes glued to the bowl of water in front of him, as he processed the fact that Louis, was right behind him. Louis' loving, warm, safe, voice filtered in through his ears, and it completely paralysed him.

Harry gulped, and tried to blink, but still, he frowned and couldn't bring himself to say anything. He could barely think. He thought he'd have more time to formulate a speech or something before he faced him. But there he was, standing in the doorway with a grin on his face, waiting for his answer.

He tried to breath evenly, but Harry really couldn't. Louis was there. He was back. And he was standing right there. His boy. The love of his life, who he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime ago.

"H-Haz." Louis tried again, this time his voice cracking in the middle as Harry blinked again, and slowly stood up, turning to look at him.

Blue met green, and the sight took his breath away.

He looked the same as the last time he'd last seen him. He looked the same as when he'd seen Louis come in from work that night. He looked the same as when he held him in the lift while Louis cried. He looked the same as when Harry kissed him while he broke down over his family. He looked the same as when Harry told him that it was going to be alright.

Louis hadn't changed, yet everything felt different.

Harry bit his bottom lip as he felt tears forming in his eyes. One whole month, Louis had been gone. No contact, no nothing. And all of a sudden, there he was. He knew it wasn't his fault, really. He knew the truth about Neverland, but that didn't take away a whole month of heartache.

He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came. Harry was completely speechless. He had no idea what he was supposed to say.

"You're hair's longer." Louis commented, smiling as he tried to break the tension, but Harry only tilted his head to the side.

"Um, y-yeah." He stammered, flashing a brief smile before scratching the back of his head as his frown returned.

Again, they were plunged back into an overbearing silence. Harry frowned a little, nervous and confused, while Louis was still smiling, overwhelmingly happy because he was back with Harry.

"I-I," Harry stuttered. "Can we not to this, um, now?" He asked awkwardly. "I mean, can we like, talk later, or something?"

After that, Louis' happiness was short-lived.

Louis frowned, confused as to why Harry wasn't happy to see him. It wasn't as if Louis meant to leave without an explanation, and it had only been a couple of days, hadn't it? He slowly nodded as his smile disappeared, and instead he turned sour.

The relief and joy he had just felt faded, into something defensive. Harry could almost physically see the boy's walls going up, guarding himself.

"Uh, yeah sure." Louis deadpanned, looking away before he cleared his throat, stepping back a little as he looked away. He had really hoped their reunion would be something beautiful, amazing, not awkward like it had been.

"We're having a meeting soon. You'll need to come." He said quickly, before rushing away.

And Harry was alone again. He frowned, unable to shake the feeling that he'd upset the boy.

He didn't mean to, he just didn't know what he was supposed to say. He needed time to get his thoughts in order before he tried to talk to Louis about the past month.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, before leaving the room. He closed the door, and headed out of the room, following the crowd he assumed were going the same place he was supposed to be.


A little while later, Harry found himself in a tree-top office, overlooking almost the whole east coast of the island. There were a number of other Lost Boys, as well as Peter Pan, sitting around a circle table with him, discussing the issue at hand.

So far, he had gathered that the island had some kind of infection, a sickness that needed a cure. And apparently there was a cure on the island somewhere, that he and some other boys were supposed to set out to find.

Although, he'd stopped listening a while ago, instead tracing patterns on the table while he gazed outside.

"Harry and Louis," Pan said, snapping Harry back to reality. "You'll be searching for the antidote, along with Zayn, Liam and Niall, who should be here tomorrow or the day after."

Harry nodded, looking over at Louis who had already been watching him. Harry quickly broke their eye contact and looked away, back down at the table as Pan continued talking.

"We also have the issue of the sickness." Pan sighed. "Tink is overworked in the infirmary trying to help the ill."

"Maybe Harry and I should leave earlier." Louis suggested, and Harry's head shot up. "I mean, if we need the antidote that badly, then why are we waiting 2 more days to leave? We should go now."

"It's too dangerous." Pan shook his head, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "You'll need all of you to protect each other. We don't know who caused this sickness, but there's no doubt they're out there somewhere. They're attacking Lost Boys and Girls, so you need to stay safe. No leaving the campsite unless I've specifically told you that you can."

Louis nodded sadly, and Harry watched him deflate a little. He really wanted time alone with him, and Harry had to admit, he really did want to talk to Louis too.

Maybe he should just do it. Get it out of the way so they can stop fighting and go back to being adorably in love.

After the meeting was over, Pan pulled Harry aside.

"You probably don't remember them, but you've got friends here who want to see you." He smiled. "You can stay with them in their room too."

Harry smiled back and nodded as Louis approached them with a timid smile.

"Louis can take you down to them." Pan added. "Louis, I'm sure make Harry feel welcome."

"Of course." Louis flashed him a warm smile, and tugged his sleeve until the two of them were walking away, towards the dining hall where they could meet their friends.

"So, how are you?" Louis asked, and Harry shrugged.

"I've been better," He replied, scuffing his feet. "You?"

"Yeah, same." Louis agreed, and again they went quiet, neither knowing what to say.

"How are you liking the island?" Louis asked again.

"It's different." Harry commented, chuckling a little which made Louis' eyes light up. "It's nice though. I didn't believe Pan when he said it was real."

"Neither did I." Louis added, and Harry glanced at him sideways, before returning his eyes to the ground.

Before either of them could speak again, they had arrived at their destination.

Zayn and the girls were so happy to see Harry again, and definitely made him feel missed. They talked all through lunch, and as they did, Louis watched as Harry laughed and smiled, and he wondered how he was lucky enough to find a guy like Harry.

Harry was literal perfection, and even though they were fighting, he was smart enough to know that he wasn't the kind of person you let walk away. Besides, he loved him far too much to ever let Harry go.

Now all he needed to do was explain himself, so that Harry could forgive him and everything could go back to normal. He missed his boy, and even though he was ignoring him, he knew Harry missed him too.




I'm  a bad person, feel free to hurl abuse at me. I can't believe I've left it this long again. I'm so sorry omfg.




even though I'm a horrible human, vote/comment? <3

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