The Bag

By SparklingNightmare

454 29 4

Everyone has something that they want no one to find out or find. Well, Ashlyn happens the have a bag full of... More

*The Bag: Chapter 1
*The Bag: Chapter 2
*The Bag: Chapter 3
*The Bag: Chapter 4
The Bag: Chapter 5
The Bag: Chapter 6
The Bag: Chapter 7
The Bag: Chapter 8
The Bag: Chapter 9
The Bag: Chapter 10 part 1
The Bag: Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
The Bag Chapter 12
The Bag Chapter 13
The Bag chapter 14
The Bag Epilouge

The Bag Chapter 15

23 1 1
By SparklingNightmare

Ashlyn POV

"I've heard that you've been, having some trouble finding your place in the world. I know how much that hurts. But if you need a friend, then please just say the word" A man sang on the subway while playing the guitar.

"You've come this far, you're all cleaned up, you've made a mess again. Their's no more trying to sort yourself out. Hold on tight, this ride is a wild one" I sang along to the song as it was one of my favorite songs by All Time Low.

The man grinned at me before continuing, "make no mistake the day will come when you can't cover up what you've done. Now don't lose your fight kid, it only takes a little fight to pull on through. With so much left to do, you'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you" he strummed as the train stopped and I got up.

I walked over to him and gave him some money before getting off the train.

I stepped off and walked up the stairs to the road. I noticed Brandon's friend Tristan looking around frantically. I decided to walk over and make sure he was okay.

"Hey, Tristan, you okay?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh my god, Ashlyn! You're alive! Brandon has been looking all over for you! Where have you been? It's been a week!" He said frantically while turning around.

"I'll explain it all later, can you just take me home?" I sighed. I was pretty tired from my day in Toronto even though I didn't do much.

"Yeah. Please just call Brandon" He said grabbing my hand and running to his car.

"I can't call him, I don't have my phone" I remember I put my phone in my bag before going to the warehouse with Brandon. So it's still at my house.

"Okay, he will find out when he sees you then" Tristan said getting into his car. I hopped in and he drove off to Brandons house.

I glanced over at Tristan who was fixated on the road.  It was quite cold in the car so I put my hands in my hoodie pocket. I could tell we were close to Brandons house because of the familiar street signs. I forgot how close he lived to the subway station. That could've been why I ran there to get away from him.

"Brandon!" Tristan rolled down his window and yelled to Brandon before we were even parked.

I glanced out his window and saw Brandon and his gang all sitting together. Brandon looked distraught, but when he noticed me in the car, he perked up.

I kept one hand in my pocket as Tristan parked the car and we both got out. Brandon ran over to me and hugged me.

"Oh my god I missed you" he said into my shoulder.

"It was only a week, chill" I rolled my eyes and backed away from him.

"So you're still mad at me?" He sighed.

I shrugged and fiddled with the folded piece of paper in my pocket with Tate's phone number on it.

"Let's go talk about it, please?" He stepped closer to me and I looked up at him.

"Whatever" I sighed and followed him into his house.

Before we reached the door, I stopped him, "wait"

"What?" He furrowed his brows.

"Can we go to my house? I need to text a-" I paused.

What do I consider Tate? A friend? A stranger? A potential rapist?

"A friend. My phone is at my house" I continued.

"Okay, my bag is at your place anyway" we got in Brandon's car and he drove me to my house while we sat in silence.

We arrived and I threw myself out of Brandons car and ran into my house not bothering to close the door.

"Ash wait!" Brandon yelled after me.

I ignored him and ran to my room. I searched under my bed for my bag, but it was gone.

"Ashlyn" Brandon caught up to me and stood in my doorway.

"Did you touch my secret bag?" I said throwing my pillow across the room.

"No, why would I?" Brandon said looking down at my brown carpeted floor.

"You're lying" I studied his face.

"How?" His gaze stayed fixated on the ground.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you did not take my bag" i marched over to him.

He wearily looked up at me, "I did" he paused and looked slightly above my eyes "not steal your bag" he finished.

"Liar! You stole it. What did you do with it? Oh god. Please don't tell me you looked in it" I paced around the room with my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry. You can have it back" Brandon said stopping me from pacing.

"No, it's to late now. You've probably looked in the bag by now and now you know all my secrets and you probably think I'm a freak. I bet this was all just your plan to get my bag in the first place. That's why you dated me, that's why you planned for me to join Travis gang, that's why you didn't say you chose me over your gang! You wanted to have the bag and get whatever you wanted out of it!" I yelled and pushed him away.

"That's not why I wanted it Ashlyn. Please listen to me, I didn't look inside. I didn't even open it" he put his hands up in defense as he tried to reason with me.

"Then why did you steal it?" I asked, tears threatening to fall.

"I- I can't tell you that" he stammered.

"And why not? Give me my bag right now and let's settle this" I stomped past him and down the stairs to my front door.

"Okay. It's at my house, I'll drive you" he took out his keys but I stopped him.

"Oh no no no. I'll be riding my bike. I'm never going anywhere with you again after this" I shook my head and opened my door.

"Okay, but I'm driving right beside you. It's getting dark out" he closed the door behind us and I hopped on my bike.

"Why protect me when you've already hurt me" I said more as a statement than a question.

"Because I love you" he said stopping at his car door.

"Save it, buddy" I hopped on my bike and pedaled as fast I could until I got to Brandons house.

I threw my bike down on his front lawn and ran into his house and past his parents.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Smity" I huffed as I ran upstairs to his room. I could hear Brandon running behind me.

I flung his door opens and saw my bag sitting on his bed. It looked untouched, but how do I know for sure?

I slowly walked over to it. I heard huffing behind me and figured it was Brandon.

I snatched the bag and looked inside of it. Everything was in there including my phone, but there was something I don't remember putting in there.

A folded note.

"What is this?" I took out the paper and held it up.

"Please don't open that" Brandons eyes enlarged as he tried to grab it from me.

"Why not? I know this isn't mine" I unfolded it while still looking at Brandon.

"Jordan put that in your bag that day you and Samy had that huge fight" Brandon confessed.

Memories of that day flashed in my head.

Someone putting something in my bag.

Brandon trying to steal my bag all the time.

"Why? What does it say?" I glanced down at it before looking back at him.

"I can't stop you from reading it, so just read it. But just remember, this was before I had feelings for you" he sighed and sat on his bed.

"Dear Beathany" I read aloud, "you told me to ask sweetly so this is as sweet as I could ask. You are a princess and I would love to be your prince. Please go out with me?" I finished reading it and a tear fell onto the paper.

I lost grip of the paper and Brandon grabbed it and tore it to shreds.

"She means nothing to me now" he said trying to hug me.

"You know" I sniffled, "this was barley two months ago. What if it was never put into my bag? You would be dating her right now and life would be great. You would've have had to pretend date me just to get it back. You should've just saved yourself the time and asked for it back" I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"I never want to see you again Brandon. Enjoy your life, I hope it wonderful" I ran down the stairs while wiping my eyes. I grabbed my bike and rode eastward to the train station.

I stopped at a small Dairy Queen, and went inside. I sat at a booth and took my phone out. I programmed Tate's number into it and sent him a text.

Can I come visit you? I need to escape from here -Park Bench Girl

The End

Okay so um. How would you feel if I told you...... This is the end?

*cough cough* anyone get the TøP reference?

*cough cough* sitting in silence *cough cough*

Yeah. Um. This is the end.


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