Woadikk's Story -Chapter 1: T...

By pokinzgirl

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Woadikk's Story -Chapter 1: Traded-

24 0 0
By pokinzgirl

"Woadikk, I choose you!" the excited trainer shouted, throwing a Pokeball into the air. The Pokeball flashed a bright white light, and out came a shiny Psyduck.

The foe's Ponyta stomped the ground, eager to get this over with. Both teams looked at the other, sure that they would emerge victorious. The Ponyta had taken out Woadikk's trainer's last Pokemon, a Hoppip, but he had saved the best for last.

"Ponyta! Use Stomp!" the opponent trainer shouted, confident in his flaming horse Pokemon.

"Woadikk! Hydro Pump!" Jason, his trainer, called, equally confident.

The Ponyta attempted the Stomp attack, but as it reared up, a powerful torrent of water hit it in the chest and chin, knocking it down and out.

"Alright!" exclaimed Jason, beaming at his blue duck, glowing with pride. This was their 100th win, out of 150 battles.

"Jason! Jason!" yelled Sarah, a fellow trainer and childhood friend, as she appeared from seemingly thin air. "There's a Pokemon fair going on at home! Let's head over to Lavender Town!"

"Ok! Let's go, Woadikk!" Woadikk simply nodded as Jason held out his Pokeball and the bright beam of light recaptured the Psyduck.

Jason remembered the fairs from back when he was a child of maybe 6 or 7, where Pokemon trainers and coordinators would come and battle, or show off some of their ribbon winning strategies, and there was a huge trade booth, where you could drop off Pokemon and get one you wanted, if they had it.

He was really looking forward to getting a Dragonair from that booth. Every year he looked forward to getting one; he would do anything to get one. It was his dream, besides becoming the Pokemon Master.

"Jason, we're here," Sarah said for the fifth time, poking him to get his attention.

"Huh?" he asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

"We made it to the PokeFest!" she replied, excited. "Lemme guess, first we get to the trade booth?" She giggled.

The male trainer nodded, took her arm, and tugged her a little ways to the booth. Sarah pulled away and walked to a clown magician currently making balloon Pokemon.

Meanwhile, Jason was putting up his Charmeleon to be traded... Or so he thought.

"Thank you," the booth owner said kindly, "and we'll call your name on the intercom once your Pokemon has been swapped for the one you desire."

Jason thanked the old lady and went to enjoy the PokeFest.

Jason's name was called while he was on the Furret Wheel (a Furret-themed ferris wheel). When he got to the ground, the attendant stopped it for him to go to the trade booth.

He arrived to find Sarah standing there, accepting a Pokeball from her. Running up, he asked his friend, "Cool, yours got traded! What'd you get?"

"Hopefully a Fire type, but I'm fine if it's not," she said casually.

More excited than he could have ever imagined, he looked expectantly at the boothwoman, who smiled and gave him his new Pokemon.

"Alright!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. Just then, his cellphone rang. "Hello? ... Yeah! I'm on my way!" he chattered into the phone. "Thanks!" he said to Sarah and the boothmaster as he hung up. "Gotta run!" With that, he took off, new Pokeball in hand.

A little while after Jason left, Sarah departed as well. She went to train her new partner in the mountains. When she threw the Pokeball, a blue duck Pokemon came out. The two looked at each other for a moment in surprise, then a hiker came up.

"Care for a battle, miss?" he said in his scratchy voice. "Haven't had one in days."

"Sure," she replied.

The hiker called out his Geodude, while Sarah chose Woadikk. The hiker made the first move, telling his Geodude to use Tackle. In responce, Sarah told Woadikk to use Water Gun. The Psyduck just looked at her.

"Come on, Woadikk!" she urged. Still, he wouldn't budge.

"Hahaha! Either that Pokemon doesn't respect you yet, or somethin' ain't right," the hiker laughed. Woadikk chose then to use Water Gun... On his new trainer. An awkward silence and stillness followed this, then the Geodude's trainer said, "Well, I'll leave you to it then." And he left.

"... Alright, Woadikk, Jason traded you to me, but whether it was by accident or on purpose, you're my Pokemon now, and that means you have to obey me," Sarah told her newest teammate. To this, Woadikk used his Water Gun attack on her again. "That's it!" With that final yell, she released him and he waddled away.

A couple hours later, Sarah encountered Jason coming up the same trail.

"Sarah!" Jason exclaimed, relieved that he had caught up with her so easily. He had realized that he had royally screwed up and traded his prized Pokemon, and his new Dragonair knew his friend's name and had the collar she gave to all of her Pokemon.

"Oh..." she said, more than a little awkward.

"I accidentally traded Woadikk, and I think you have him, so can we maybe trade back?" he asked in a rush.

"Well... I don't exactly have him."


"... He wouldn't listen to me... So I released him..." she explained, embarrased that she really thought she'd never have to deal with this person and conversation.

"YOU WHAT?!" he exclaimed, angry that his best friend had let his best Pokemon go. He frantically searched for Woadikk, but to no avail. The Pokemon was already deep into the mountainous forest, with no way of being found easily by humans.

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