The Bag

By SparklingNightmare

454 29 4

Everyone has something that they want no one to find out or find. Well, Ashlyn happens the have a bag full of... More

*The Bag: Chapter 1
*The Bag: Chapter 2
*The Bag: Chapter 3
*The Bag: Chapter 4
The Bag: Chapter 5
The Bag: Chapter 6
The Bag: Chapter 7
The Bag: Chapter 8
The Bag: Chapter 9
The Bag: Chapter 10 part 1
The Bag: Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11
The Bag Chapter 12
The Bag Chapter 13
The Bag Chapter 15
The Bag Epilouge

The Bag chapter 14

22 1 0
By SparklingNightmare

Edited/ Sunday 28th @3:56
Ashlyn POV

I woke up in the room I was in before. I lifted my head to look around, but there was a pain in my neck stopping me.

"Ow" I flinched as I felt the area, but felt nothing.

I got up and looked in the mirror. There was a small hole in my neck almost the size of a needle.

Someone drugged me! Great! I have no idea where Brandon is, or if he is still even alive. I don't know how long the fight has been going on or if it's still going on!

I jumped up and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I began to yell and bang on the door. After a few minutes, the door was opened.

"Ash" Brandon grabbed my hands to prevent me from banging on the door any longer.

"What happened? I was drugged" I asked frantically.

"I drugged you" he sighed and shut the door.

"What!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry! If you didn't realize, Travis was going to shoot you. So to get you out of the way of any danger, I drugged you and Max drug you up here for me while I dealt with Travis" He explained.

"So is it over?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, it's over. Travis and Samy are dead" he said pulling me into a hug.

"What about the rest of his gang?" I asked pulling away.

"Since one of my members is the one who took them down, they are now under my command" He said.

"Wait" I stepped back "so you're still in the gang?" I questioned.

"Yes" he replied slowly.

"Why? I thought you were going to drop out or something?" I threw my hands up, getting frustrated.

"Ash, I can't just leave" he sighed and walked closer to me.

"No, don't pull that on me. You're the leader, just appoint someone else, and leave! Simple!" I spat at him.

"Ash I can't do that, these guys are my family" he rubbed his face sighing again.

"Whatever, it's either me, or them" I said pushing him out of my way as I walked out of the door.

I walked over the house items littered the floors to get to the door.

"Wait!" Brandon yelled making me stop.

"Call me when you decide" I say before opening and slamming the door behind me.

I don't know where I am, or where I'm going, but I just start running away from here.

I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw a guy around my age studying me.

"Hey" he said, his voice was deep and I didn't recognize it.

"Hi, where am I?" I rubbed my head and sat up, looking around.

"You, are in Toronto" he said sitting down next to me.

"What! Why am I in Toronto?!" I screeched.

"Don't ask me, I'm just an innocent bystander" he put his hands up in defense.

"I don't appreciate your sly comments" I huffed, "I don't even know your name"

"Tate" he said sticking his hand out.

"Tate" I nodded and shook his head.

He stared at me for a couple of minutes before speaking, "and your name...?" He drug out.

"Oh, Ashlyn" I said quickly. Why am I so stupid?

"Nice, so Ashlyn, why are you here?" He asked moving closer to me.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"How don't you know why you're in a different country?" He rose a brow.

"How do you know I don't live here?" Squinted at him skeptically.

"I don't, I'm just assuming since you don't know why you're here. You are sleeping on a park bench, and since you look like you haven't brushed your hair in two weeks" he motioned to the bench, then to my hair.

"Well thanks" I rolled my eyes, "for your information, all I remember is running away from my boyfriend" I sighed.

Boyfriend. Brandon! He must be so worried! Wait, no, he's probably with his gang right now, he doesn't care about me.

"Boyfriend huh?" Tate smirked, "why would you be running away from your boyfriend, and end up in a foreign country?"

"Good question. But, I don't exactly know the answer to that question" I confessed.


Brandons POV

"Come on guys! We have to keep looking" I groaned I tried to encourage the guys to keep looking for Ashlyn.

She's been missing for a week now and her parents are blaming it on me. It really is my fault though, if I would've chose her right then and there, she would still be here.

"Let's search around the subway stations and train stations guys, maybe she is leaving the country" I sighed and rubbed my head.

I need to find her and tell her I chose her over the gang.

Ashlyn POV(A/N: btw, i don't know much about Toronto so if I'm wrong about something here, please tell me)

"So, how old are you?" I asked Tate while sipping my milkshake.

We were sitting at a small cafe on a street corner just asking each other questions, and hoping to find out why I'm here in Toronto.

"I'm 22" he said and I nearly spit my drink out all over him.

"You're 22?! You look 18!" I coughed from swallowing my drink wrong.

"Yep, shocking isn't it?" He nodded, "people often say I look like I'm 18, anyway, how old are you?"

"I'm 18" I took another sip and leaned back in my chair.

"Lovley, so are you still in school, or college?" He asked leaning back as well.

"Still in high school"

"Oh nice, well, let's cut to the chase, shall we?" He put his hands on the table, "why do you think you're here?"

"Sitting here with you? Or why I'm here in Toronto?" I asked mocking his seating style.

"Both, I am a total stranger who is four years older than you" he shrugged.

"Well, I think I'm sitting here because I don't feel threatened by you, and I was very thirsty" I chuckled, "and I think I'm in Toronto because I wanted to get far away from my boyfriend" I concluded.

"Ah, there is that word again!" He moved back in his seat again, "boyfriend" he smirked.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

Why does he care about my love life?

"Hmm" he hummed while looking up to the sky, deep in thought.

After a few moments he spoke," here is my theory: you and your boyfriend got into a fight about something you were overacting about. Which is nothing new, you've fought a lot in the past and possibly broke up before. You said it was that thing you were arguing about, or you. Then, he didn't answer you, so you decided to leave until he made up his mind. You were so infuriated that you basically blacked out while you got on the subway to get here. Then voila! You ended up here. Am I right?" he smirked and put his hands behind his head leaning back on the chair.

I was so stunned, I didn't answer him for what seemed like an hour.

"H-how did you know?" I stammered, still shocked.

"Ah, well I just happen to be in college for FBI profiling" he took a drink of his water.

"Wow, well you pegged me" I sighed and shook my milkshake around in the cup.

"Damn I'm good" he smiled.

"Yes, but, Mr. I-am-going-to-be-a-bomb-ass-profiler-when-I-get-out-of-college-and-stop-serial-killers" I paused, "how am I going to get home?" I asked in a 'duh' tone.

"Well Mrs. I-give-really-long-nicknames-to-people-I-don't-know, I'm not expert but" He breathed out and threw his hands up"I would say just get back on the subway and go back home the way you came. But I'm not expert!" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up" I blushed at my stupidity while chuckling.

"But I'm not an expert so" he put his hands back down on the table and chuckled as well.

"So, I guess I should go to the subway now then" I pursed my lips.

"I guess so" Tate stood up as I did too.

As he stood up I noticed his shirt, it said "FHS Football" on it. FHS is the school that I go to- Faryway High School.

"Oh, did you go to school in Pennsylvania?" I motioned to his shirt as I stood up.

"Oh, no" he rubbed the back of his neck, "it's my cousins shirt" he started walking back to the bench where I was sleeping earlier and I followed.

"So I guess this is goodbye" he said turning around once we got to the subway stairs.

"I guess" I sighed and turned to walk down the stairs.

"Oh hey!" I turned around, "let me know when you make it home" he handed me a folded piece of paper and smiled before waving goodbye.

"Oh wait!" He yelled again before I was able to turn around.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Call me if you ever want to escape from the mayhem at your place when you get back" he smiled once more before waving a final goodbye and turning around.

"Goodbye" I said softly before walking to the subway and waiting for my train.


I think I'm going to start wrapping things up a bit with the story so I can start another one. Well, finish it. It's already started, but I stopped it to write this one. It's called The Badboy & I's Deal. Check it out, it's better than this story in my opinion :)

I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA FOR THE ENDING OF THIS STORY TOO! Well, 2 good endings. Idk which I'll chose but : stay tuned for a dramatic ending ;)

Um so yeah when I was halfway through I realizeD that I can end this in the next few chapters... So that's what I'm going to do.

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