The Alpha's Babies


1.8M 53.1K 3.6K

*BOOK 1 of the WEREWOLF SERIES* "You're pregnant" Chace stated. My eyes widened. Oh shit. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Book 2 Announcement!
Second Book Is Up & Running!

Chapter 49

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Devils POV (Bates)

I laughed as Mason crumbled down as soon as one of my men struck a knife into his back.

"Let go of me!" I heard Lottie shout as the man grabbed Lottie's hair, pulling her roughly towards me.

"Mason!" She whimpers as he let's go of her hair, I watch as she tries to go towards Mason but it's no use as my men held her down.

"Stop!" I shouted at Lottie but fell on deaf ears.

I growled at the disrespect my daughter was giving me.

Stomping towards her, I grabbed her arm, dragging her towards the other side of the room.

"Let me go! Mason!" She cries trying to pull away from my grip.

"If you don't stop this madness I will kill the mutt that's growing inside you" I growl instantly shutting her up.

"You monster." She snarls as I grinned at her.

"We're all monsters here sweetheart. It's what we are." My grin widening after every word.

"I will kill you." She spats and I let out a laugh.

"Sure sweetheart. Whatever you say." I grin.

"Alpha. Masons pack has arrived. We are under attack." One of my men contacted me making me growl.

"You two, guard the doors. Don't let anyone come in unless it's me." I point to two men while I look at the others "You all come with me immediately."

"I'll deal with you later." I growl towards Lottie before slamming the door.

Shifting into my wolf, I sprinted towards Masons pack.

Let's get this over and done with so I can get my mate back.

Lottie's POV

I hear Bates laughing making, but I ignore it, I turn Mason over to see his eyes closed and I sob.

I let out a scream as I feel someone grabbing hair pulling me away from Mason. "Let me go!" I shout as my hair is roughly pulled.

I try and escape the rough hands of the men but it's no use, there's too many. But I don't give up.

"Stop!" I hear Bates shout at me but I ignore him wanting to be with my mate. I hear stomping and before I knew it  I'm being dragged to the other side of the room.

"Let me go! Mason!" I cry trying to pull away from his grasp.

"If you don't stop this madness I will kill the mutt that's growing inside of you" Bates growls and I immediately stop, putting my hands protectively over my stomach.

"You monster." I snarled glaring at Bates, all he does is grin down at me.

"We're all monsters here sweetheart. It's what we are." His grin widens with each word making me stare at him with disgust.

"I will kill you." I spit out, all he does is laugh at me.

"Sure sweetheart. Whatever you say." He merely says still grinning.

His eyes are suddenly glazed and I know he's gotten a message from someone. He growls instantly.

"You two, guard the doors. Don't let anyone in unless it's me." I watch as he points at the two random men while looking at the others. "You all come with me immediately."

"I'll deal with you later" Bates glares down at me as he makes his way over to the door everyone already leaving.

Bates slams the door shut and I look over at Mason lying on the floor.

A whimper escaped my lips as I made my way back to where Mason was.

"Mason" I whimpered tears still running down my face.

Just as I made my way towards him, Mason jumped up making me yelp, falling down in surprise.

"Mason?" I questioned in wonder.

"Fuck Lottie" He growled grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Lottie." He whispered huskily, kissing me all over my face making me giggle as it tickled.

"Mason, stop!" I giggled pulling away only for him to slam his lips against mine roughly.

My body sagged in relaxation as I kissed him back, hungrily.

A moan escaped me as I was reminded of the pure bliss of his kisses, a groan escaped him making me smile into the kiss.

Pulling away, we gasped for breath, or more like me as Mason rest his forehead on mine.

"What? How?" I breathed out breathlessly.

"We'll talk about this later, for now we need to move before he comes back." He states checking me over to see if I had any injuries.

"Your suppose to be stabbed Mason, it was silver I saw it, the blood. Oh god the blood Mason. You need to rest. There's no escape Mason it's useless." I protest, suddenly the door slams open and I growl as someone comes in.

"Lottie!" I hear a familiar voice cry out and I'm suddenly engulfed with a hug.

"C-Celeste?" I mumble out in surprise, my hands slowly wrapping it's way around her body.

"I'm so sorry." She sobs into my neck and I rub her back, a fresh set of tears running down my cheeks.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." I mumble into her neck, before letting go.

"How did you get in? There's suppose to be 2 guards outside?" I state confused.

The 2 guards step in and I growl ready to lunge before Celeste grabs my arm reassuringly.

"Wait! One of them is my mate and the other is my brother in law!" Celeste explains and I calm down a little. "They're here to help. They only do what Alpha Bates says because we have no other choice" Celeste replies sadly, tears ready to fall.

"Most of the people in our pack don't want to do this but we can't disobey the Alpha. We have no other choice, he's locked up our family. He's lost his mind ever since you left Lottie." Celeste says and I nod already knowing that Bates was a complete nut case.

"I'd love to stay and chit chat but if we don't start moving others will come down and we don't have much time." Celeste Brother in Law, stated tapping his imaginary watch.

Mason grabbed my hand dragging me out the door.

"Mason your hurt! We need to treat your wounds!" I shouted pulling my hand from his grasp but it was no use he was stronger than me.

"Smell your hand." Mason grunted as he checked down the corridor before hanging a left.

Raising my left eyebrow in confusion I slowly did as he asked, instantly I could smell pigs blood, my eyes widening in realisation.

Keeping my mouth shut, we hurriedly made our way outside, turning left Mason stopped abruptly making me slam into the back making an 'ooph' sound.

"Prisoners have escaped! Catch them!" Someone in front of us shouted and I could hear hurried footsteps coming towards us.

Mason growled lowly, letting go of my wrist before jolting towards whoever was in front of us.

I watched in pure fascination as Mason quickly killed his enemies with skill.

Not even heaving by the time he killed them all, he grabbed my hand again, pulling me forward as we started sprinting, my breathe came in hard puffs as it became hard to breathe.

I was weak.

"Get rid of that thought." Mason growled spinning around and grabbing my arms and shaking me.

"You're a survivor. You were chosen to be a Luna for a reason, something that isn't given to the weak. You've fought everything head on. So no, you aren't weak." Mason shook me one last time before lifting me up making me squeal suddenly.

"You're the love of my life." He grins down at me kissing my forehead making me close my eyes in bliss.

The sound of a siren made Mason stiffen.

His eyes began to darken and with that we all started sprinting.

Looking over Masons shoulder I see wolves running towards us, one stood out most of all, the one leading the pack towards us.


I could see it in his eyes, the hunger, the thirst, the greed, the want. Everything and I knew no matter what he would never stop coming for us.

"Mason, we need this to stop, we need to fight back." I breathed out.

"No I will not put you or our baby at risk." He argued continuing to run ahead and I sighed in agreement, placing a protective hand over my stomach. Celeste and them were in wolf form and I knew I was slowing Mason down.

"Mason you need to change into wolf form, by this rate Bates will be able to catch us soon enough."

Mason looked down at me, I could see he was contemplating if it was a good idea even though I already knew it was.

"Okay, but we need to be a bit more further away." Mason sighed in agreement.

Mason started to speed up, soaring past Celeste and them until we were further away.

Placing me on the ground gently, he quickly shifted, bones cracked and clothes tore apart until all I could see was Mason in wolf form.

Quickly, I got on top of Mason as he laid down for me to get on.

Sprinting off, we took off fast the wind blowing my hair back, crouching down into Masons fur I breathed in his scent, feeling at peace.

I closed my eyes as I pressed my face down against his back, I could hear his heart beating, unlike me I knew my heart was beating out of my chest but all I could hear from Mason's was a steady, calm heart beat.

I was too focused on Mason's heartbeat that my hands had un-tightened, it happened slowly.

One minute I was in the safety of Mason's protection and the next moment, my body went in a feral position protecting my child.

My body was flung backwards due to Mason jumping over what I assume was a log. I tumbled backwards causing me to yelp at the sudden pain.

I could hear Mason whine, but all I could focus on was Bates.

Who was about 10 steps away from me.

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't been updating I've been super swamped!

Thank you all who have stuck by and kept reading this book! And the new comers!

Not long now until this book ends 😭😭

Love you all xx


Until Next Time


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