Falling for the Bad Boy

By readingcliche

94 1 1

April Faye is Wilson High's good girl, she is upbeat, charismatic and purely herself. It really isn't rocket... More

Chapter One //

94 1 1
By readingcliche

"That is all for today" My professor finally said after the constant droning on about the useless equations and algebra.

Look, why do we even learn these things in Math? I mean I am never ever going to need that shit in my whole entire life. Like ever. It's not like I'm going to be buying groceries and think 'WAIT, I must do an equation before I buy an apple.'

All of a sudden I hear cough from the front of the class. I quickly snap out of my mini-daydream and glance towards the professor. "Miss Faye, at this rate you are going to be late for your next lesson"

I quickly glance round  the now empty classroom

''Shit.'' I quietly murmur under my breath.

I briskly gather up my several books and stuff them into my bag and sprint out the empty classroom. However fortunately once I reached the hallways I noticed that many of the students were still lingering around.

I began to slower my pace until a horrific thought popped into my head. I remembered the teacher I had. Ms Jeckinson. I personally think of her as a snotty little bitch and I hate her.

I quickly glance at my watch. 10 minutes to class.

Positive thoughts.

When I eventually reached my locker I noticed a small little post-it note stuck on it.

Hey Aprill, meet me at lunch on our usual table with Cali and Isla!
Gabbbbbyyyyyy xxxxxxx

I laugh slightly under my breathe. Gabby is such a twat sometimes but I love her.

Gabby. How do I explain her? She is the popular girl in my school, but not the bad girl kind of popular. She is a genuine genius, she can score straight A's in any subject any day. Everyone loves her because of her upbeat, joyful, and pure personality that she has, and to be utterly honest, there is not a flaw to be seen within her. Another thing which is so unique about Gabby is that she isn't one of those girl who just sleeps around with any guy, she never goes into a relationship without seeing a future. God knows why she is friends with me.

Then there is Cali. Well, Cali is a good girl with a bad reputation. She breaks every possible rule but aces every test known to man, she takes no shit and well, you don't want to get into any shit with her. She isn't a player but does have the odd fling, but once you get to know her she is an incredible person and just like Gabs, she is flawless.

And finally there is Isla, well, she is just unique. She is herself and doesn't take any notice of her haters, she is one of the few girls that isn't affected by society. One day she could walk in with a flowery dress and the next she could come in with a punky kind of style, and no one would even dare to snicker or laugh at her. If I ever find out the secret to her confidence - my life will be complete.

And then there is me.

I'm just one of those girl's who is liked but no one bothers to acknowledge. I get the odd 'hello' or 'long time no see' from some people but other than that, I'm invisible to the human race. My past isn't the best, I often hear people reminding their friends of what happened. I try my best to ignore all the remarks and to be honest, I've kind of become numb to all of the hate but it still hurts.

Well, I know if I didn't have those guys in my life, my life would have shriveled up into a billion pieces. Which isn't too good.

Yay life.

I still often wonder why the hell they are my friends, but they obviously found something about me they liked which is surprising, since they basically have all the girls in our school claiming to be their best friends and all the boys throwing themselves at them.

Suddenly I noticed the time and began to make my way to my lesson, which, by the way, was the worst lesson ever. Ms Jeckinson absolutely detested me and for absolutely no solid reason. I would turn up 5 minutes early - I'm too early, I turn up 5 seconds to late - I'm too late and even if I turned up dead on time, 'Don't invite yourself into my classroom'. Like, what the hell.

I walked up to the door of my class and I noticed my teacher staring down onto her desk, I quietly tip-toed towards my seat. I had somehow successfully placed my books down on my desk and my bag onto the floor


I lift my head towards my teacher and scrape my chair towards my desk.

That was too loud you idiot.

All of a sudden my teachers head snapped towards me and gave me a horrific glare. I quickly lower my head and begin to fiddle with my hair.

Think positive.


I enter the busy hallways, being shoved and pushed left and right. I absolutely hate the hallways at lunch, it is like a sea of people and you just hope you are going in the right direction.

I slowly but eventually make my way towards the lunch hall, I quickly see a glimpse of Gabby's shiny brunette hair glistening at our usual table. I quickly notice Luke hovering behind her and quietly laugh under my breathe.

"Hey stranger" I say taking a seat next to her.

"Hola Amigo" Gabs replied enthusiastically.

I laugh at her remark and take a quick glance at Luke - who was awkwardly hovering behind us and and then glanced back towards her. She rolled her eyes and discreetly shook her head.

"Does he not get the message?" I whispered quietly, leaning back on my chair.

I noticed her role her eyes once more and reply "Well, I told him I wasn't interested yesterday, and last week but I don't think he has got the message just yet. Give it maybe one more month"

I smile at her response and feel a sudden tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn my head to see Isla with a great big smile planted on her face.

"Please can April Faye and Reece Matthews go to the headmasters office"

The loud speaker bellowed throughout the lunch hall.

"Ohh, has the good girl been bad?" My best friends exclaimed excitably.

I heard ooo's and ahh's around the whole lunch hall. And all eyes were on me.

Oh yeah, did I mention I hate being the centre of attention.

I slowly scraped my chair away and stood on my feet,  I could feel all eyes on me. I gradually began walking towards the door, all of a sudden I felt a hand on my wrist,

"You will be fine, we will wait for you outside."


I nodded my head and proceeded to the headmasters office, once I reached the other side of the lunch door  I could hear the chitchat of everyone on the hall again.

Think positive.


''Ah hello Miss Faye, please take a seat here'' My headmaster said cheerfully, pointing to a chair next to Reece Matthews.

Reece Matthews. The bad boy in Wilson High. He breaks every rule possible, and doesn't take any shit from anyone. He seems to get poor innocent girls into bed, daily; and then break their heart the next day. I feel pretty sorry for all of them to be honest but I think it only happens because every girl that gets with him believes that they will be the first girl to get the bad boy go good.

I sit down on the seat next to him and politely cross my legs. "So miss Faye, I bet you are wondering why I've brought you here" My headmaster said simply.

Well done Einstein.

I nod my head slightly, leaning further back on my chair.

"I need your help" My headmaster  summarized, gesturing towards Reece.

"I need you to tutor him"

I sit there, speechless.

I try to ask the teacher 'why?' but instead it all comes out in a weird gibberish.


I quickly look down, feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks. I hear a soft chuckle from beside me, I discreetly look over to see Reece smirking at me. "Too much for you to handle babe".

I sigh loudly, and laugh slightly under my breathe "My name is April, not 'babe' and you?"

"Well, I think you already know my name nerd" He replies smugly,

An ego as high as the Empire State Building.

I hear a cough from the front of the room, "Well now you are acquainted you best be going".

 I smile sweetly towards my headmaster and begin to walk out of his office, once I had reached out of his office I felt relieved to see the familiar faces beaming from across the hall. I began to walk faster across the hallway until all of a sudden a hand wrapped around my wrist, I snapped my head across to the irresistible face of Reece smirking at me.

"See ya Saturday nerd"

And just like that, he was gone.

Why can I tell my life is about to be tipped upside down.

Positive thoughts.


A/N - this was such a hard chapter to write omg! I hate starting of chapters it is like so difficult omg omg omg omg! any constructive crit is welcome but no annoying crit please:) 

I'm new to all this so please don't be mean:)

if you acctually read all of this I LOVE YOU!  (You should comment on this if you have:)) 

You know the drill guys Comment Vote Share:)

Hey, maybe one day this might be a famous book on Wattpad:) Who knowssss.....


T xxxxo

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