PrIncess and Soulmates

By delannasimatrex

169 4 1

An angel, a demon and an elf find their soulmates in the human world. Three girls will be the first humans in... More

PrIncess and Soulmates

Chapter Two

73 3 0
By delannasimatrex

A/N: The story might have very sudden change in viewpoints without much warning. you are warned. It also will be random and crack-like as I wrote it without much of a plot in my head. but now there is a plot and it comes in the next chapter.

In the afternoon of the same morning where Amber was maimed and June ALMOST maimed, the maim-er, May, was sitting in the living room, watching Naruto Shippuden. The episodes with her beloved Deidara inside, of course. God forbid she worship any other character from Naruto except Deidara.

June was busy reading like the intelligent and hardworking girl she was while Amber was browsing through random fanfiction on her computer. All three girls were bored out of their minds.

"Oh how I wish something interesting would happen," June muttered. Amber looked up from her laptop, raising an eyebrow.

"Careful," she warned in an absentminded tone, "These words usually end up with the person uttering them and her friends getting sucked into a new dimension and whatnot."

"Hahaha," May laughed at Amber's words, "You have been reading way too much fanfiction, my dear girl." Amber pouted but said nothing as that was the truth.

The doorbell rang and May paused the show before getting up from her comfortable seat reluctantly to answer the door.

She opened it to come face to face with a brown haired male with green eyes. She blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help you?" she asked in a polite tone.

"Yes. Yes you can. Are you living with two other girls?" the teen asked bluntly.

Blink. Blink. Deadpan.

"Yeah. You guys are stalkers?"

She watched smugly as the brunette spluttered incoherently. A sigh was heard behind them as a silver haired man pushed his way to the front.

"Young lady, you must be mistaken," he said politely, "We are not stalkers. We are only here to discuss an important thing with the three girls living here. Including you, of course. Besides, do we look like stalkers to you?"

May didn't answer him directly. She only turned back to looked into the house.

"Hey!" she shouted, "There's a few of stalkers that claim they aren't stalkers outside. They want to come in for whatever reason!"

Damien face-palmed. How were they going to get in now?

"Sure! Let them come in!"

Damien blinked. What?

May stepped aside and gestured for them to go in.

"Go on then," she said, "You heard her. Come in."

The two stared at her for a fraction of a second before removing their shoes and stepping inside, revealing another teen. One with purple hair.

Benjamin's eyes widened when he caught sight of her face. He could feel that this was her. The one he was destined to be with for the rest of his life. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was just too stunning.

May, on the other hand, was getting unnerved by the male's stare. After about two minutes of his staring she walked forth and snapped two fingers in front of his face. Benjamin jerked out of his trance and blushed profusely, looking away.

"I-I-I a-am t-terribly sorry! I didn't mean to stare! Really!" he stuttered. May rolled her eyes.

"Sure... And you don't call yourself stalkers..." she muttered to herself as she slowly walked away from the boy. Benjamin sighed, still embarrassed, and walked into the house, following May.

He couldn't believe that he just made a total fool of herself in front of his soulmate! He knew that since elves and faeries were more in tune with the spiritual and nature world and all that, they would receive the greatest blow when they saw their soulmate. Demons, angels and other races would merely know that the person is his or her soulmate but would rarely fall for the person on sight. However, they would fall for the person with time.

Humans were the worst. They were unable to identify their soulmate and may reject their soulmate at first. They really had to try hard if they wanted to win over the human girls. Very hard.

Right now, their chances weren't looking very good...

Benjamin sighed. People called him a pessimist but he liked to view himself as a realist.

"DIE YOU STUPID BASTARD!!" a female voice shouted in fury. Benjamin recognized it as the voice of the human who allowed his soulmate to invite them in. The shout was followed by a cry of pain, which definitely belonged to Damien.

Yup. Their chances weren't looking good indeed.

A few minutes prior to the shout:

Damien looked around and whistled. "Woah, impressive," he stated.

"No one asked for your input," a voice said from behind him. He turned to see a girl resting her head on her hand and staring dully at the papers in front of her. In her other hand was a pencil and she was twirling it.

With just once glimpse at her, he knew. He just knew that she was his soulmate. The one he was going to marry. He smirked. Getting her to go with him would be a piece of cake.

Walking towards her with an air of confidence around him, he put his arms on the table and leaned forward. The girl didn't seem to have noticed his intrusion into her personal bubble, continuing whatever she was doing and not caring about anything that was happening.

"Whatever you're selling, we aren't interested," she said without looking up. Damien smirked.

"Who said we were selling anything?" he asked. June sighed and looked up.

"Then what do you..." she trailed off upon noticing their closeness. Her eyes widened before they narrowed. "Get out before-" she never finished her sentence for she was cut off by a pair of lips.

That bastard was kissing her! The nerve of him...

He will pay...

Shoving Damien away, June glared at him. Damien was oblivious to her rising anger and smirked once again.

"How would you feel about being my girl?" he asked.


"DIE YOU STUPID BASTARD!!" she screamed and brought her closed fist down onto one of his hands that was resting in the table. Hard.

Though in normal circumstances, this would not have a huge effect on a demon, let us take into consideration a few factors.

Number one, June is a very strong girl. Number two, she was holding a pencil in said hand. Number three, the pencil wasn't mechanic. Number four, it was recently sharpened to a degree of sharpness that didn't seem physically possible. Number five, when June slammed her hand into Damien's, the tip of the pencil was facing down. AKA, facing Damien's hand.

And the conclusion is...


In Helde:

"Hm, someone is putting my son in his place using a very painful method..." the demon king mused before his face turned dark and stormy. "And I'm not there to witness it..."

Back with the girls:


June was busy hurling random object that may or may not be breakable at the dodging demon. Who was bleeding profusely from his hand. Amber was hidden under the table and behind tons and tons of pillows, watching the scene. She had dived to safety when she saw June get kissed. It was like she could predict the mass damage that would proceed.

Scratch that. Anyone who knew June well enough could predict what would happen next.

If you were wondering where May was, she had backtracked out of the house when she heard her friend shout and was currently sitting on the front steps, staring blankly at anyone who passed by. Just for fun.

Benjamin was watching May as well. For fun. So fortunate that she didn’t catch him in the act or she would be losing her soulmate.

However, Amber was watching everything. She may seem to be an idiot who can’t tell which side is the right side of a fork but in fact she is a rather intelligent individual, much like her friends.

“Hmm, two stalkers?” she muttered to herself, tilting her head to the side and leaning against the pillows, “I have a bad feeling that there’s one more for me... I hope I’m wrong.”

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of another teenage male in the room. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone, in particular. Amber sighed and seemed to withdraw into herself. She hugged her legs to her chest and rested her head on her knees.

“Some people have the worst luck,” she muttered, “Now I shall hide in here and prolong my awaiting fate, hoping that I can escape it altogether.”

Amber’s phone rang, alerting the people in the room that there was someone hiding under the tables. June didn’t really care, knowing that Amber was there. Damien couldn’t care, lest he dies. However, Raphael could afford to care. And he did.

Amber took out her phone and looked at the message on it. It was from May and it read, “Careful, Amber. I have a feeling that you are using words far too complicated for you. Careful not to make your brain explode.”

Amber stared at the message for a while. The pillows in front of her fell outwards, away from her, to reveal Raphael’s face. Amber looked up at him slowly form her phone.

“So...” she began. Raphael nodded at her, signalling for her to continue. “Whose stalker are you?”

Raphael almost face-faulted. But he didn't due to the fact that he was the heir to the throne. Unlike his counterparts, he wasn't willing to disgrace himself so readily.

Amber stared at the teen for a while, frowning. She felt that there was something different about this male. One that made him stand out from the other males that she had seen.

Raphael felt a little uncomfortable under Amber's analytical stare. It was like she was staring straight into his soul. On the other hand, he felt a little pleased with having Amber's attention on himself. He had felt a small course of power run through him when he set his eyes on her and when she returned his gaze, that small course of power increased a little bit. That meant that she was somewhat accepting him... But she hadn't accept him completely. Yet.

Amber blinked and stopped her analysis of the person in front of him. She grinned, putting on her childishly cheerful persona.

"Is June finished with maiming her perverted stalker yet?" she asked in her innocent tone. Her gaze went to her dear friend who was breathing heavily and glaring at something, most likely someone, out of her field of vision. June's side of the room was strangely empty.

"I wonder what happened to the tables, chairs, books, that insanely expensive antique vase and other things that were there," Amber mused. Then she froze up and her eyes widened.

Pushing Raphael out of the way, she scrambled out of the sanctuary and looked around frantically to see...

Her laptop resting on the table she was under. Safe. She gave a sigh of relief and grabbed the laptop, pig back under the table as June crossed over to the other side to continue her destruction of the poor demon.

At the first crash, Amber winced. Ducking her head out, she caught sight of Raphael in the way of destruction. Sighing and muttering about senseless males who didn't know how to escape from danger, she emerged from her hiding place to grab Raphael by his sleeve (she was far too short to grab his collar) and dragged him under the table along with her. She may be a heartless bitch but she's a heartless bitch to people who piss her off. At the moment, the teen hadn't done anything worthy of her wrath.

Raphael was surprised at the human's willingness to share her hiding spot with him. Granted it was rather large, or at least large enough for two, but weren't humans considered as selfish creatures?

Amber didn't really care about the silver haired angel with her at the moment. She was looking through the fanfiction archives of the anime Naruto, searching for worthy time-travel stories to read.

"So... What's your name?" Raphael asked Amber, trying to make small talk and also trying to get to know his soulmate better. Amber looked up from her laptop and smiled cheerfully.

"You sure fail as a stalker if you don't even know my name~" she said with a slight laugh. Raphael forced out a laugh that sounded rather real to the average person.

"Oh, no. I'm no stalker," Raphael smiled politely. Amber rolled her eyes.

"Sure you aren't..." she muttered to herself. She stared at him for a while before shrugging. "I'll tell you my name when we all introduce ourselves. I won't ask for yours either until then, if it makes you happier..." Yawning, she put her laptop down onto the ground and curled up into a catnap-like position on the ground.

Raphael frowned but didn't say anything more.

After a few hours... and much maiming...

"So you're telling us that you are our soulmates, you guys aren't human, and we're going with you back to your world... Or at least the world of your school," June stated. It was obvious that she was the leader of the girls' small group of three.

When the teens nodded, May sighed and rubbed her temples, trying to dispel the headache that was coming out. She was the person in the trio that was more grounded to earth. She tended not to believe what others said easily. "Prove it," she demanded.

The non-humans frowned before Benjamin stood up and snapped his fingers. Immediately, the air around him distorted and his elf ears were shown. Damien's eyes flashed as he grinned, showing his sharp canine teeth. A tail materialized behind him. Raphael closed his eyes and pure white angel wings burst out from behind him, making feathers rain down from the ceiling.

Amber glanced at her friends. Seeing her gaze, both nodded and Amber walked forward. First, she pinched Benjamin's ears and he yelped in pain. Amber shrugged and moved on to Damien. She yanked on his tail, causing him to hiss and also fall back. Finally, she grabbed a handful of Raphael's feathers and pulled them out. Apart from a slight wince, he held onto his stoic facade.

Amber was the fearless and most shameless one in the group. And that allowed her to do many things her friends couldn't. Usually the morally deprived pranks and punishments...

"Either what they said is true or they have very very very good acting and cosplaying skills," Amber said, walking back to the friends.

"This is not an act!" Damien hissed, apparently losing his temper. His eyes turned scarlet. This was getting to him. Was asking bunch of girls to follow them to another world because they were soulmates so out of the ordinary?

"Yes, yes it is," June said seriously, looking at Damien in the eye. May glanced at June, raising an eyebrow.

"He didn't say anything," May told her. June's eyes widened.

"But I heard..."

"A side effect of being soulmates. You may sometimes hear the thoughts of your other half if either the bond is strong or the thought is strong," Raphael recited.

"How can we be soulmates if you don't even know our names? And we only discovered yours a few minutes ago!" May snapped, eyes flashing with defiance.

"Then why don't you introduce yourselves? We've already told you our names and statutes," Benjamin offered.

"June L. A* Student in Music, Humanities and Maths."

"May W. A* Student in the Sciences and Art."

"Haha, I'll let you guess my name~ or my specialty. Three tries in total. If you guess correct, I'll follow you wherever you want me to go," Amber grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"And if we lose?" Raphael questioned, making sure of the stakes.

Amber looked up in thought. "Your firstborn child?" she asked with a playful smirk.

"I do not see any reason for you to have to make a bet for the child. Any child I have would belong to you," Raphael stated bluntly, as if it was obvious, though his eyes held a spark of teasing. Amber's eyes widened and a blush flared up on her face as she realized what he was implying.

"Shut up, I just asked because it's tradition," she hissed, embarrassed. Damien snorted.

"What tradition?" he sneered, "Are you related to Rumpelstiltskin or something?" Amber deadpanned.

"Yeah," she agreed, "He's my great-great-great-great.... whatever grandfather."

Benjamin's eyes widened at her proclamation."So you're an elf too?" he asked in a disbelieving tone, "What are you doing so far away from Fae?"

The girls looked at each other and burst out laughing. May walked towards Benjamin and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ah, you are so naive..." she managed to say between giggles. Benjamin was blushing furiously at May's touch. When she realized that he was not breathing, she sighed and removed her hand, crossing them over her chest.

"Breathing is most essential if you want to live," she informed him. He started to breathe once again and she walked back to her friends.

"Let me keep this simple. You don't have to guess my surname, my name is rather simple with only two syllables... My specialty doesn't really overlap with my friends'. Yeah. And I'm NOT related to Rumpelstiltskin... Geez... It was only a joke."

"With names like June and May, yours must definitely be April! A month!" Damien said triumphantly. Amber sighed.

"What made you think we had similar names? Our parents weren't friends," Amber rolled her eyes. People always made the same mistake with them. Yes, she had gotten used to it, but it didn't mean that it wasn't annoying.

"But you're kind of close, though. My name starts with an 'A'."

"Anna?" Benjamin offered. Amber shook her head.

"Last try~ Use it well."

"Annette," Raphael said although it was obvious that he was wrong.

"Haha! Three strikes, you're out. You have to give me your firstborn child now~" Amber laughed, "Seriously, I don't know why you didn't bother asking about my specialty. Anyway, the name's Amber T. A* Student in Home Economics and Languages. Rubbish in Literature though and I'll most likely stab you with a sharpened toothbrush if you ask me to decipher a poem."

"So... you won't go with us..." Benjamin muttered, looking down. May felt her heart give a twinge at his downcast form.

"Perhaps..." she started but was cut off by Amber.

"Perhaps you could stay here and get to know us. Go to school with us, whatever. Then you'll see if you still want us to go with you," Amber said bluntly. June gaped at her.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" she yelled.

"Yes, yes I am," Amber answered immediately without any hesitation whatsoever. June facepalmed.

"I should've known better than to ask that question," she muttered to herself. May frowned.

"Wait, how are they going to go to our school? Are they just going to transfer in like that without any paperwork?" she asked. Damien winked.

"We're able to do it."

"Let's hope you do it in a legal way," May muttered to herself.

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